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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. ... not that I think Charles can't make a good graphics engine, I bet he could make a killer 3d engine, I just think it might be more economical to license one instead of bearing the cost of engineering one from scratch...?
  2. Do you really think BFC would need to spend years just to adapt a licensed engine to their own needs? More importantly, which engine would they license? I don't know of any that use the same game mechanics or that would be even remotely adaptable. </font>
  3. I agree and disagree. I haven't spoken up in detail on this before and so I am going to honour you all with my personal vision of the ideal unit list for CMX2... But first, IMHO the problem with not having a unit list of any kind: A company commander knows his unit inside and out. For example: he knows he has 4 infantry platoons and a couple of 60mm mortars per platoon, he knows he has been provided with a platoon of armour to assist him in his attack. A wargamer takes control of German Mountain troops this game, Russian Guards that game, Canadian Armour another game. Each scenario is slightly different, and if not historically correct, (ie a quick battle) you can really end up with a mish mash of troops. I would think that a company commander would keep track of what is going on in a FMP for example (with the assistance of his HQ officers). It might not be complete, but he would know who is supposed to be where when and why. ------- So in the context of a company level strategy game, I wouldn't expect (or want) a God's list with every single detail of every single unit. I would hope to have a list of all my units that I started the battle with, knowledge that a company commander should have in his mellon (for example their quality rating green - veteran - crack etc...) and selected reported information. As far as reported information goes, if a unit is out of command (radio out, no radio - no LOS, totally routed, destroyed) then I would expect to see 'Out of Contact'. If a unit is under heavy fire, then I would expect to see 'Under Heavy Fire'. Other reports could include 'Enemy spotted', 'Enemy Armour spotted', 'Nothing to report' etc... Incidentally the Companies, Platoons and Sections would need to be identified by Number and Letter so that the report made sense. The main argument against this is that company commanders wouldn't likely receive status reports every friggin minute. Maybe - just maybe - there could be a command for a 'requst sitrep'. This would generate a report for any units that 'can' report in. If abused by the player, units would eventually stop reporting in, maybe lose Morale etc...? Maybe it can only be called every 5 turns or something? I agree that a God's list takes a lot of the fun out of playing a strategy game, but I also think having to keep track of my units on pen and paper is best left to a table top wargame, where I get to paint the whites of the Russian SMG platoons eyes and the slogans on my t34's by hand. Is there no solution that can improve the game?
  4. I could be wrong, but I bet the Star Chart modelling is a licensed product from another developer. Much like I bet they aren't writing a new engine, but have licensed an engine from one of the big 4 (5?) engine designers. In fact I'd wager that the Star Chart modelling is part of the leased engine. Of course I could be wrong, in which case I am in total awe and for once am dumbfounded...
  5. My point is, there is a level of realism that we're probably better off not reaching. Individual soldiers running around screaming and panicing, or holding their heads in their hands, rocking and sobbing incontrollably, or shooting themselves in the head - I don't really want to see any of that happening - it puts the disturbing side of war into the game, if you go that far, you might as well model NKVD blocking units mowing down routed troops - it is pretty tame in comparison.
  6. I thought Steve addressed this a few weeks back but I can't find the thread. I think the short answer was no.
  7. Maybe this is available in CMX1 and I'm too blind/stupid to figure it out, but I wonder how hard it would be to include burning/burned out hulks of vehicles etc... in the scenario editor? Last night I was working on a scenario where a German Unit has consolidated after a previous repulsed allied assault, and is preparing for the counterattack and I'd like to litter the battlefield with knocked out tanks, guns etc.. Why did I post this in this thread? Because I agree that seeing the planes instead of the shadows would be cool and I'd also like to have static downed aircraft & airport scenery in the scenario editor as well. (Towers, runways hangers etc...) I suspect that having planes that scramble may be tough, but I just want some more terrain to play with... call me a terrain junky... I know as far as gameplay, the destroyed vehicles are all just eye candy, false targets and possibly cover but I think if it isn't too tough to implement it would be really cool to have and would add some serious pop to the wow factor. (hows that for marketing BS bingo lingo?) (plus you could do a blackhawk down type scenario, because we all know the first release is going to be Soumalia, don't we...)
  8. OK - I've had a day off work, consumed one Stella, one Grolsch and a shot o' belvedere. (Not quite John Lee Hooker / George Thorogood material is it..?) In short, I'm feeling much more agreeable this evening... I may even convert to sesspoolism, who knows? in fact i'm feeling soooo agreeable that you can keep yer damned screen shot, I'm headed back to the freezer to uncork that belvedere for another round or two... ppplt!
  9. We weren't going to mention it but now that you've brought it up...I can see where you might think just that. BDH </font>
  10. If you are going to model individuals breaking and running, I want NKVD blocking units in behind them. (assuming CM2 - East Front is ever released)
  11. Do you see, CM team?! A relative NEWB like myself, completely disrespecting mrPeng and his band of merry men??? It's like Das Experiment in here..! Give us a screenie soon or it's going to be 1642 all over again!!!!
  12. Scientologists, Moonies, Pengthreadians are all fair game as far as I'm concerned. If you think you've seen Heretics in the past, you ain't seen nothing yet! Jim President Heretics International "PengThreadians give us the weird willies"
  13. ok - my bad... in the future i will leave references to mrPeng and his mob of bidetwaterfountaindrinkers out of the publicthreads
  14. Well it's like this, I was sitting here trying to find a suitable substitution for the F word. As I still had no clue what you Peng followers are smoking, I figured it was appropriate to use the great lardarse's [Edit - Skinnybutt's? - nice hat Peng ] name in vain. Thank you I've never visited Coventry, I have been to the Grognard Holy Grail though, aka Bovington. It was before Digital Cameras didn't suck and I only had one 36 roll of film in the ole nikon... [Edit - You see - as a non-believer you can send me to Detroit if you want, I don't really care if you include me with GF and TTE in your COVENTRY] I see. Assuming the persona of a non existing entity is very sane and completely rational behavior. Oh wait. I understand now, only it's too late, isn't it. cio Jim President Heretics International "Peng Sucks" [Edit - OK - maybe mrPeng doesn't suck, but his thread followers give me the weird willies] [ September 23, 2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  15. Yup - the tac ai will make units sneak around if under fire. The command is best used for moving troops when they are not spotted, not under fire etc... "Hey Joe, you and your section see if you can sneak over to that house over there."
  16. geez.. seriously guys... this is getting sick... I know you guys like watching us unwashed masses bash our heads against the wall and find useless polls to post on your forum and all but I think it has gone to far... people are starting to seriously lose it... The suffering has to end! Give us a fecking screenie already!
  17. I know on the battlefield there has been many reports of lack of Morals, you know rape cattle, steal the buildings and burn the .... (er - do I have that right?) I think maybe you mean Morale?
  18. You too eh? I remember running my poor (unexpanded) vic20 out of memory writing stupid adventure games in CBM Basic.... Those were the days...
  19. Although huge in size, I think the orders still might have filtered down to the platoon commander level. In an era before 'platoons' or 'sections' existed, orders would have gone directly from the company commander (or his 2IC) or even higher directly to the men. (Front Rank Ready... Fire! Second Rank Ready... Fire... etc...)
  20. If there isn't a space lobster easter egg in there somewhere I am going to be frigging disappointed.
  21. You can get Unibroue beers in the States? Fin du Monde once made me think I was a lumberjack. I eventually got better, but not after insulting three spruce trees and a maple. (Those trees think their so tough!)
  22. Well in CMX1 they could abstract down to the Platoon or company level instead of section/squad. CMX2? I don't know. If they are going to do any 19th century or earlier historical titles I suspect they'd better figure it out. I'd think that maybe the organizational level for orders (movement, attack, formation etc...) would have to be modelled at the company level instead of section/squad. But CMX2 is a Company level game...? I guess it takes a lot of tactics out of the game if you only have one unit to give orders to...
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