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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. There's been a Module on vassalengine for a while. I downloaded it but never tried it out. To be frank, I'm not sure who built it or if it is any good and I never really got hot and heavy over the whole VASL, VASSAL, Cyberboard etc thing. Call me crazy but I figure if I'm going to send a division to it's death I think that at the very least I should have to risk the paper cuts and falling stacks... not to mention trying to find the baggie that has this turn's reinforcements...
  2. By definition any revolutionary force could be considered a terrorist organization. I wonder what Sam Adams and John Hancock would think about that? </font>
  3. By definition any revolutionary force could be considered a terrorist organization. I wonder what Sam Adams and John Hancock would think about that?
  4. What's your point and how does it pertain to CMSF?
  5. My name is Jim and I like cardboard. As an example, ooking at 'The Gamers' products, I see that MMP has published ~20 WWII games, 2WWI, 2 Korea and 1 1973 conflict. A better representation of the wargame market (which, though a smaller market, likely has quite a bit of audience overlap with BF's CM series) can bee seen by the top 50 'wargames' on Boardgamegeek. http://boardgamegeek.com/browser.php?itemtype=wargame&sortby=rank 23 out of 50 top ranked (by BGG members) are WWII based. The remaining 27 games are a mish mash of everything from Ancient to Sci Fi. If my money was at risk, I'd stick to what sells.
  6. It's better than that bloody twitch I developed from playing the full campaign of MMP's OCS Tunisia... :mad:
  7. Point taken Steve! That, plus Gits don't publish games. (Well, *good* game anyways...) Jim
  8. Maybe it is a dice-rolling sim. I mean, a computer version of TOBRUK in which all the dice rolls are the focus of the gameplay. With the ability to mod the 3D dice, of course, both graphically and with sound mods - dice cup, palms, felt table, tile floor, etc. </font>
  9. hmm.. trolling... "angler"... coincidence? I don't know if Wade_troller is trying to be funny or sound clever. Either way, I don't think he'll be angling around here for much longer if he keeps it up... come on Steve, be a man! B7 the bugger would ya...!
  10. Panzerblitz didn't have any US tanks in it, did it? I say a desert tank sim: Kasserine all the way baby! Lees and Grants vs PzIVs and Tigers what more could you ask for? (Besides Shermans, Hellcats, Fireflys, Panthers, T34/85s, IS1s etc...)
  11. You are absolutely correct, Steve. I am a git when it comes to middle eastern tactics & equipment and I have no clue whether the Merkavas were destroyed or not. I believe that they are one hell-of-a vehicle, very practical for a defence force, but a little heavy for air deployment. In fact I'd love to see them in CMSF! One thing that will never be removed from an account of a situation is a lack of objectivity. It is rare case when two people who witness an event document the identical details of said event. Even eye witness accounts to an air crash usually disagree with each other. The FAA can take months, even years to determine exactly what happened and that is only because they are mandated to do so. In this situation, you have someone who obviously has concerns for the safety of himself or his family, who also *may or may not * have prejudged the situation based on information from his peers and government. I personally would be just a little cynical before accepting it as the absolute truth. I mean no offence to anyone, I just like to see independent documentation or some other proof before accepting any data. I'm not picking on Oren, I don't fully trust articles in TIME magazine, CNN or the BBC either. I hope we can all leave politics at home where it belongs. If there's one thing we can all disagree about, it is politics...!
  12. This is part of the reason that so many of us gave a groan when we heard it was Syria. If the game is going to be based in reality, guerilla warfare will need to be modelled. These small scale actions will continue to happen and they're all going to be shadows of a Vietnam type conflict. I hope this release does well enough to allow these folks to put together a Tunisia '43 or Falaise Gap or Low Countries 44/45 or Drive on Staligrad or Drive on Berlin or 'Mercuns in Europe or Waterloo or Space Lobsters ... :mad:
  13. Kind of like Nascar fans who repeatedly vote in a leader who can't pronounce Nuclear or Cavalry? Listen, bubba, we may have 1/10th of your population but can still out drink you, ya filthy trailer park dwelling, republican loving, Jeebus embracing, global dictator of a union of hap-hazard altered states of mind consisting entirely of descendants of hairless monkeys who happened to be kicked out of the old country for reasons of personal hygiene and severe gingivitis of the amygdala... Enjoy the 'non-global warming spawned' severe tornadoes along your bible belt and the repeated hurricane kicks between the legs, ya SUV loving, coal burning asylum of potty-heads. May God have mercy on your souls, cause when Oil hits $200 a barrel, "ya'all's gonna be walkin' evurywares, yuk, yuk yuk!" Canuckopia > USA (30,000 escaped slaves can't be wrong)
  14. Sorry I'm late, I forgot my password. What was the question again?
  15. For top quality free image editing - get the gimp. http://www.gimp.org/ It isn't the most intuitive but it is free and very powerful... (Usual disclaimer - I am in no way affiliated with the entire opensource movement.. )
  16. lol - eek! I told them to do 1940 West Front first, but would they listen?! God I hate being right...
  17. Hey BF folks. I'm not saying you are even contimplating using Steam as a distribution channel, but jeebus, I've been plagued by their junk d'ohftware since buying Red Orchestra last week and frankly I can't stand it! Please, if the thought of distribution by Steam does enter your mind, do the honorable thing and cut it off. jr
  18. I have the Vista Beta - it is ok - a bit of a hog - a bit buggy, but what's new... Not sure where this backwards compatibility rumour came from - maybe some things will stop working, like old DOS games or 16 Bit Win 3.1 apps but I've seen no real problems with the few apps that I've tested...
  19. Gawd I'm sick of the T word. I don't know if anyone here will agree with me when I say that "Terrorist" has to be one of the most overused words of the 21st century. terrorism: (The American Heritage Dictionary) The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. In theory the bombing of civilian populations by the Germans, British and Americans in WWII was an act of state-sponsored terrorism. I'm specifically thinking of Berlin, the London blitz, Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. My point is that we need to be careful that we aren't being manipulated by the media and elected officials. It seems that we are far less likely to care what our governments do to a captive 'terrorist' than we are a 'freedom fighter' or 'guerrilla'. Remember that by the new modern standard, any revolutionary force could be considered a terrorist organization. I wonder what Sam Adams and John Hancock would think about that?
  20. Hey _Axe_! The setup has been sent. I don't know if ye got it yet, I had to send it by dogsled! :mad: I lived (or should I say survived) in the thriving megopolis of Barrie a while back for about a year, but I played bumper cars with my 82 rabbit one too many times and got out come the spring thaw! :mad: (Plus the 5 corners thing was just weird) :confused: Is Sam still running that Kickboxing club? Alas those were the (have-not) days, I was lucky to eat brand name KD and not the no-name junk, let alone maintain a p.o.s. rabbit. :mad: IMNSHO Lets keep the name of 'The One Known as Doris' out of here, lest we bring onto us a plague of Albertan Hillbilly Nut-Bars! (Grog Dorosh et al.)
  21. Hey - rumours of the demise of the Cheery TNT Waffle thread have been greatly exagerated! :mad: It may just be the horrible company I've been keeping but I've completely gone off of CMX1. :mad: Now I've been almost exclusively ho-ing it up on COD2 multiplayer and feeding my tactical/strategic appetite with hex & counter games. I'll explain so that even you maggots can understand it better, I've been killing my COD2 buddies with my own two hands through the week and sending entire Divisions to their deaths on the weekends har har har! :mad: With gaming, an active 18 mo old, full time job and a wife who doesn't understand why I spend so much time playing 'silly games' I've got no time for CM right now. I might be convinced send Kiwi's & Limey's to their maker in CMAK, but I'm so sick of BB that the thought of ordering my conscripted comrades to their certain death doesn't even make me giggle anymore. :mad: (Must be this mild winter melting my medulla oblonga or something... :confused: ) meh - when will these BFC yokels get their Syria game done and start work on the WWII BotB :mad: bloodfest :mad: ?
  22. Thanks for the bones. waiting :mad: patiently :mad: for :mad: release :mad:
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