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J Ruddy

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Everything posted by J Ruddy

  1. *meh* I've been wading in the xizzpool too long. I'm starting to *think* that The Hoff can sing... God nimmit!!! :mad:
  2. All I need is TNT, molten lead and someone to chuck it at!!! :mad: har har har *blech*
  3. :mad: A cracking response from spunky, but anyone worth the spit they're made of knows HMS Pinafore is the genetalia pièce de jour. :mad: </font>
  4. We shall be well armed and well trained and we shall wield the killing word: </font>
  5. And ruin his mint condition pattern '40 BD, are you nuts? :mad: First we'll pull out the big guns. :mad: Then follow up with the only ground forces that we haven't sent to Afghanistan. :mad:
  6. :mad: Canuckopia is just waiting for the Yew Ess of Dubbya to send all their troops overseas, then when they least expect it, *BAM*, it's 1812 all over again baby! :mad:
  7. Well... those guys are always using *gamey* tactics anyways...
  8. The last time I uttered the name you mentioned, he whom I will not mention showed up in a flowing white gown with an empty bottle of 1948 Mouton Rothschild in his hands.
  9. IIRK these things aren't ever individually attached to units, but used together in battaries 20-30 miles behind the lines. If you wanted to call one up for a specific direct fire mission (assuming it was OK'd) it would probably take them an hour or more to get there. I believe the role you are referring to is to be handled by the MGS.
  10. :mad: A cracking response from spunky, but anyone worth the spit they're made of knows HMS Pinafore is the genetalia pièce de jour. :mad:
  11. More info on CDN LAV's here: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lf/English/2_display.asp?product=64
  12. Probably irrelevant, definitely a little out of date, but for intrests/comparisons sake, here are some official DND pics of us Canuckians in Afghanistan... (from www.forces.gc.ca)
  13. The first sentence is quite childish in many ways, even if true. (hint: it's not) The purpose of your post is good, but arguments require more attention. </font>
  14. I'm sorry, I assumed the term rag-head would insult all head gear wearing peoples, not just the ones you hate. (!) [ August 22, 2006, 12:21 PM: Message edited by: J Ruddy ]
  15. Who exactly is them? The Sikhs? Those damned peace loving Indians! Those bastards bombed the WTC you know!!! Oh what? It was a group of fundementalist Muslim militants? Damned Muslims! All they do is kill people. Not like the peace loving Jews and Christians. And there's only 1.4 Billion of them in the world! Such a small group is easy to generalise about! (You know they are all terrorists, they want to destory the west and put a Burka on my wife!) ...reality check... When Iraq invaded Kuwait and George Bush (the smart one) sent American troops to secure the Oil in Saudi Arabia, it pissed off Osama Bin Laden (who wanted to be the saviour of Saudi Arabia with his Mujahideen) so badly that he said a bunch of things that he shouldn't have and got himself kicked out of Saudi Arabia. The continuing presence of the US military on sacred soil is a big problem for Osama and other extremists in the region. Oh there are a billion other factors behind the current mess we're in, but this is a biggie. I don't know how many people wear headgear in the world. I would think it would be in the region of 1 to 2 Billion. That's an awfully broad paintbrush to use. Either that or a really flucking narrow mind. So kindly piss off with the ignorance and hate. And read a book for Chirst's sake!
  16. Where would the US be attacking from? Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey or Iraq? </font>
  17. Best free software of the 21st century (so far)... Google Earth! Those mountains in the south east look nasty for an invading force to try and take. Where would the US be attacking from? Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey or Iraq?
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