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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. There should be Upgrading but only to a limited degree. like replacing a tank barrel on a tank from whatever to whatever for example. When you have New-Technology as in a new line of Tanks... generally most everything is Upgraded...or Replaced or replacing the Older Variant with an entirely New-Line or model of Tank. This may include heavier armour thickness...heavier more powerful engines,better-larger tank barrel for higher velocity and greater range ...wider tank tracks to better support the heavier weight...which also results in decreased speed. So i personally disagree with upgrading an existing tank-type into an entirely new tank type as this Never really happened. What did happen was that an older variant could be upgraded to a limited degree with the new advancements...new barrel, skirts,etc...but,you would not for example be able to take a Pzkpfwagen IV and convert it into a Tiger-I.
  2. i don't know what a level-5 bomber is in SC2...but, before war broke out in Europe a German Luftwaffe General wanted to build long-Range bombers...he died in an airplane crash shortly after trying to push his idea. Had Germany had these long-Range Bombers...the Russians would have had greater difficulty in relocating their factories out of German Bombing range early in operation Barbarossa. I figure that not having these long-range-bombers was just another mistake in a long list of mistakes that the 3rd-Reich made.
  3. The V-1 flying bombs were intercepted or shot down by flak. I dont remember the figures... it was either 1/3rd or 2/3rds of the V1's were intercepted and blown out of the sky or their wingtips tipped to send them to mother earth short of their planned targets. The V-2's...no-one could stop unless the Launching crew was interdicted while they were setting up the V-2 for launch. So my conclusion on the matter is that essentially rockets were very difficult if not neary impossible to stop or intercept or interdict!.
  4. Without Air-Supremacy...any land force will be sumarily defeated...period!. The Germans had on the drawing-boards...plans for tank-busting aircraft...such as Jet-Dive Bombers and Jets with Armour Piercing Cannons...so you-Betcha!...if they could gain control of the skies...Russian Armour would have been converted into tinfoil!. So if it was me...i would devote everything i could to gain Air-Superiorty first..while only maintaining enough Land forces to hold the enemy at bay...long enough to gain control superiority in the air...then concentrate on upgrading and expanding the land elements!. "Quality & Quantity".
  5. http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar.html This site has some of the better civil war music...try... DIXIE: http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar/cws04.mid THE BONNIE BLUE FLAG: http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar/cws01.mid BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC: http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar/cws02.mid
  6. Yes Night that would seem to be the case...i personally think that it will take another 3-4 months to wrap it up!. In the meantime...for something different to play ... im toying with Civil War Generals 2 from http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=4336 (Download the game at this site). ...then, goto http://groups.msn.com/CWG2/downloadcivilwargenerals2.msnw for patches and instructions to get the game to work. You will need to register for some MSN...account first to be able to access the web-site...no big deal!...then you're on your way!. ----------------------------------------------- INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS ***http://groups.msn.com/CWG2/terrfxfilemissingfromdownloadedgame.msnw If you have DOWNLOADED Civil War Generals 2 from the-underdogs and cannot get it to work because of the error message, TERRFX FILE MISSING, then here is your solution. Simply overwrite the CIVILWAR.INI file (notepad file) and install the NO-CD REQUIRED patch and the game will start for you. These patches are available on this site, click where it reads, "PATCHES NEEDED TO PLAY CWG2". *****HOW TO CONFIGURE THE GAME***** 1. Double-click on, MY COMPUTER. 2. Double-click on, (C:) <YOUR hard-drive> 3. Double-click on the folder/file named, SIERRA. 4. Double-click on the folder/file named, CWG2. 5. Look for a NOTEPAD document that is named, CIVIL WAR (civilwar) 6. Double-click on the document named CIVIL WAR (civilwar) 7. You must change the directories listed there for the game to start. You can do this by either typing in the commands or OVERWRITING the file with the one available in the patches section. If you use the patch you can ignore step 8 as the patch will do it for you. 8. After downloading you have to to alter the civilwar.ini file (the WORDPAD file named civilwar). Make sure to use the directory path you installed the game into. If you installed it into c:\sierra then this is what you would change it to: Before: ~~~~~~~ [main] TablePath=c:\release\spread\ SaveGamePath=c:\release\savegame\ ScenarioPath=c:\release\scenario\ CampaignPath=c:\release\campaign\ CDRootPath=c:\release\ GamePath=c:\release\ After: ~~~~~~ [main] TablePath=c:\sierra\cwg2\spread\ SaveGamePath=c:\sierra\cwg2\savegame\ ScenarioPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\scenario\ CampaignPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\campaign\ CDRootPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\ GamePath=c:\sierra\cwg2\ 9. After making these changes, go to FILE, then SAVE AS….and then save the changes you made. Make sure you copy the above EXACTLY or the game will not start. If you miss a : or \ then it will not work ! *****DOWNLOAD THE GAME PATCH & NO-CD FILES***** 1. Go to, http://pettigrew100.tripod.com and download the GAME PATCH and save it to your DESKTOP. 2. Double-click on the GAME PATCH and it will upgrade your CWG2 to the latest version. 3. The NO-CD PATCH is a ZIP FILE. There are 2 files under this ZIP FILE (gcg.nfo & credit0.lbm). This patch is available in the patches section on this site. You must have WINZIP to extract / unzip these files. 4. HIGHLIGHT both of these files (gcg.nfo & credit0.lbm) by clicking on one, depressing the CTRL KEY on the Keyboard, then clicking on the other. Both files should turn BLUE in color. 5. Once both files have turned blue in color, EXTRACT them to this directory; C:\sierra\cwg2\pics 6.The computer may tell you that these files already exist & do you wish to over-write. If it asks, tell it YES. 7. If you have followed the instructions then the game should start when you double-click on the orange & yellow icon that reads, CWG2. 8. Once the game is working properly you can DRAG the orange CWG2 icon to your DESKTOP for easier start. ---------------------- -***The game Sound-Effects work fine...but since the Music Doesn't...goto... http://www.fortnet.org/~meh/scouts/bugle/ http://home.att.net/~dmercado/music.htm http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar2.html http://www.pdmusic.org/civilwar.html ...and download whatever music you like...Make a Civil War Music File and have it play on WinAmp or what-ever for 'atmosphere music' as you run the game. The game 'Music' doesn't work with my sound card...so i had to shut it off...as it gave off annoying popping sounds. -***http://groups.msn.com/CWG2/smack32error.msnw If you have downloaded your CWG2 game and are getting a SMACK 32 error then go to your GAME OPTIONS and make sure the VIDEO CLIPS are turned-off. The downloaded game is not capable of playing video or sound clips. ***http://groups.msn.com/CWG2/wing32dllerror.msnw WING32.DLL error :(I just downloaded WING32.DLL and put it into my WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folder.) If you are getting the WING32.DLL error then you need to install WINGDING to make Civil War Generals 2 work correctly. WINGDING is available on this site under the PATCHES section. Download the WINGDING zipfile and save it to your desktop. Make a new folder on your desktop and UNZIP the downloaded file into the new folder. Open the new folder and click on the setup icon for wingding (SETUPWIG). The wingding will install itself to the correct directory once you click on it. With these few additions and adjustments the game works just fine...and this old game is a challenge to play...even on the easy level...which i consider -'even gameplay'-. The higher levels are too-much in favor of the AI player. ***The Bottom of the Game Screen is partially cut off...so just click the most right box at the bottom of the screen to bring up the game tool-bar...and check the headings there to assist in understanding what the lower click boxes represent. ------ REMINDER--- Look for a NOTEPAD document in the game 'Main Directory' that is named, CIVIL WAR (civilwar.ini). Before: ~~~~~~~ [main] TablePath=c:\release\spread\ SaveGamePath=c:\release\savegame\ ScenarioPath=c:\release\scenario\ CampaignPath=c:\release\campaign\ CDRootPath=c:\release\ GamePath=c:\release\ In this example below...since my game is on 'H'-Drive ...i substituted the 'c' for 'h'. After: ~~~~~~ [main] TablePath=c:\sierra\cwg2\spread\ SaveGamePath=c:\sierra\cwg2\savegame\ ScenarioPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\scenario\ CampaignPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\campaign\ CDRootPath=c:\sierra\cwg2\ GamePath=c:\sierra\cwg ----------- To better move units and setup for various functions use ' Change Formation for Column & Line and for Limber & Unlimber... . Use Dig-in to Fortify & Entrench. Rest & Resupply to revitalize your tired and decimated troops!. Now...when your all done installing and have checked the tool-bar for unit actions...it's time to go after those Damn Yankee's !!!.
  7. The new American Bomber i believe was called or named as the 'DOMINATOR'. Von Braun was already working on a 2-Stage rocket...basically a large booster rocket that would lift the V-2 to a higher altitude where it would then lose the booster and carry on itself to its target. This was for his version of the 'Amerika Bomber'...that would then land like the Space-Shuttle...but, could also have been used to deliver weapon payloads to New York or Chicago...as an intercontinetal ballistic missile.
  8. Comment's to Jersy John's write-up: Really Good commentary John...i enjoyed it!,...now i just would like to add some additional/other information... I watched on the 'History Channel'...a show on Japanese Secret Weapons...it stated that the Japanese had up to 20,000 advanced Jets at the ready and or nearly ready, hiding inside caves (Basing & Production Areas) in the mountains on the Japanese Mainland,...they were going to use them to stop the big American Invasion of the Homeland. By 1945 American Jet Technology would have been nearly on-par or on-par to German Jet Technology...i posted the jet/jet's in the "Something i hope happens in SC2" topic. You're right-on with the Logistical Problem...about 200 American Divisions!. We all know that in the Movie--"A Bridge Too Far"(Operation Market Garden),...that the Allies did not have the capability to supply fuel to support both Montgomery and Patton at the same time,...never mind 200 American Divisions!. Hitler did indeed stick his finger's into the ME-262 Jet programme'...had he not, the U.S. Strategic Bombing effort may have been severly disrupted...there-by extending or losing the war. The miracle at 'Midway' was an "ULTRA-Miracle",...and even so...just luckily at that,...things could have gone far different for the Japanese...just as you say. Do you know how rough the weather was in Russia in the old days?(-40F to -44F for many weeks on end...and 4-8ft of snow with blowing icy cold cutting winds was common...especially up north,...i used to live in Canada as a kid...we had severe winters like you have never/rarely seen in the states or maybey even Europe...other than Russia. Winter's were Winter's back then...not these pussy-cat winters we see now. I doubt very much that American Forces could function very effectively in that climate (Very short summers--6-8 weeks and rain/mud inbetween Real-Winter),...by the time they did...the German's would most likely have had enough time to deal with the massed landing force build-up from the Eastern Coast of Russia. As you say...they would have needed to build all that support infrastructure to get into the heart of Eastern Europe And Lastly...yes, the cruelty of the German's greatly worked against their effectiveness,...had they just simply conquered territory...and enlisted support from discontented populations,...they may have won Russia sooner and at much less cost!.
  9. Will a Reinforcement & Withdrawl Schedule...be available in the game for 'Scenario Construction'?.
  10. Some of us are thinking about that for what you have in mind as well as for other areas of the theatre.
  11. Well...a simple fix is to have a bank of 12 or so pictures that randomly select for that event... . Now, there's no boring repeatus-uninterruptus.
  12. Thank's for the information pzgndr ...that will do just fine. The Sid Meier method is very good too...i really like it.
  13. I wanted to ask about the possibility of having a ZOOM button feature...to enlarge the graphics on the screen. Sid Meier's 'ALIEN CROSSFIRE' has that feature...where you can press the 'Z' key and the graphics will enlarge..above the regular mode-size...and also conversely press the 'X' button to shrink the graphics considerably to better see your over-all situation. Sometimes i like to sit back 4 1/2 to 5 feet back from the monitor...and so this would be a nice feature to have so that one doesn't need to press their face against the screen to see what you have there.
  14. All in all...all of us here, are in one way or another, are really part of a "Special Elite Group". Judging by the comments posted throughout this forum...i'd say that everyone here has had considerable experience as a wargamer...and as a military historian...and if you don't think-so...try making a mistake in your line of reasoning or argument!
  15. At 1024X768 not only is the Bottom of the screen inaccessable...but the right side of the screen is extended onto my 2nd monitor...its too long. I have already tried several screen displays. Eventually i can get the whole length of the screen in from left to right by changing the display...but, the bottom is irretrevable.
  16. I downloaded the game...look's interesting. I can't play it because i can't seem to find the correct display settings for it. Also the bottom of the Game-Display-Screen is cut-off...i am unable to bring it into view!.
  17. Pro's and Con's i see...but as far as im concerned...the A-Bomb was REAL in WW2 and it should not be excluded out of the game,...this 'IS-NO-UFO'!. If a player does not want it in their game...and i myself may not want it either...then i-can-turn-it-off!...thereby eliminating it out of my game!. To be a true as possible simulation...anything that happend, or was in WW2 as far as possible should not be eliminated from the game unless...it renders the game unviable. Edwin P. has explained very well...as to how it doesn't necessarily need to be a game-breaker!. Thanks!.. Edwin P. !...for your logical answer.
  18. I completely disagree with you Shaka Of Carthage you are completely wrong!. ... as i said in my previous posting...IF YOU DONT WANT IT ... TURN IT OFF!!!!!!!. You only want in the game what is convient for you!.
  19. I agree Edwin P ...'Atomic Bomb Tech' should be included...as this game is for up to 1945 and beyond. In a game like this, a player should be able to turn off the extra's if they do not wish to use them...but, they should not be excluded in any case!.
  20. One more thing!...the Germans should suffer a combat-penalty(approx 30%-40%)...as their Tanks froze-up,...some of their guns (artillery and otherwise) would not work and thier soldiers did not have the proper winter clothing. The Russians should suffer none of these penalties!...as they are already indeginiously pre-adapted for this weather!. As each subsequent winter occurs...the German combat penalty should decrease...as they too are now learning how to work/operate and survive in this harsh climate. ------------------- http://www-cgsc.army.mil/carl/resources/csi/Chew/CHEW.asp Fighting the Russians in Winter: Three Case Studies ... Dr. Allen F. Chew Pertinent Aspects of Nazi-Soviet Warfare During the Winter of 1941-42 Weather In 1941 winter weather arrived in Russia earlier* than usual.2 Initially, that was not entirely detrimental to German operations, because it cut short the autumn rasputitsa, the period of heavy rains which twice a year turns the unpaved roads of central and northern Russia into an impassable morass of mud. The temperature dropped sharply at the beginning of November, causing the roads to freeze, thus allowing the movement of trucks and tanks.3 *In normal years, snows begin in central European Russia about mid-November and severe cold sets in during the latter half of December. This snow cover greatly restricted German mobility,14 but it also hampered the Red Army. One German source frankly states that the fate of the overextended Army Group Center would have been even worse had there been less snow, concluding that "complete collapse [of the German units] was prevented ... especially by the deep snow, which constituted a major obstacle [to the Soviet counteroffensive]."15 Weather-Related Casualties On 30 November von Bock informed Field Marshal von Brauchitsch, the Chief of Staff of the German Army, that his men still had not received winter coats, although the temperature was -45°C (-49°F).18 Nearly three weeks later the angry General Heinz Guderian, commander of the Second Panzer Army, confronted Hitler with the stark facts that none of the winter clothing had yet arrived in the forward areas and that he had lost twice as many men from frost as from enemy action. That conversation led to the Nazi Party's Christmas drive among German civilians to collect winter clothes and skis,19 few of which reached the front before February 1942. The freezing German troops were reduced to removing clothes from enemy corpses,20 improvising straw boots, and taking other emergency measures.21 It is no wonder that thousands of Germans froze to death that winter.22 By the turn of the year they had suffered about 100,000 cases of frostbite, more than 14,000 of which required amputations.23 By the end of that terrible winter the number of frostbite victims exceeded a quarter of a million, and more than 90 percent were second- and third-degree cases.24 To these must be added thousands of cases of pneumonia, influenza, and trenchfoot.25 The impact of those non-battle casualties was tremendous. Although the Red Army had lost millions in dead, wounded, and captured by December 1941, Russia was able to muster replacements from its vast manpower resources. In contrast, by 26 November German losses of about 375,000 dead, missing, and permanently disabled were virtually irreplaceable. By April 1942 the German deficiency on the Russian front had reached 625,000 men.26 In the words of a German officer who survived that grueling winter, those casualties meant that "the actual loss of the war in the East merely had been postponed."27 Logistics and Mobility The ubiquitous, shaggy, hardy Russian ponies once more proved indispensable for transport in bad weather. Many of the larger horses that the Germans had brought from western Europe died from the cold, but the native breed could survive in the open at almost any temperature if merely sheltered from the wind.34 The Germans called those small, patient animals panje horses, a term they also applied to the native carts and sleighs.35 General Rendulic wrote: I cannot imagine how the German Army could have fought and lived through four years of war against Russia if it had not made use of these carts, sleighs, and horses.36 By early 1942 some panzer divisions employed as many as two thousand panje horses, while hardly any of their motor vehicles remained serviceable. Those panzer units were given the ironic nickname panje divisions. Even the Luftwaffe had to resort to panje transport in Russia.38 Naturally, the Russians relied upon the same horse-drawn transport, but they also employed cavalry in combat. A German source even reported a quixotic mounted cavalry attack against a German tank company in January 1942.39 For security and reconnaissance missions, the Soviets used cavalry units extensively. At times these troops fought dismounted. They also cooperated with armor in major offensive operations.40 Russian tanks, especially the T34, KV1, and KV2, were effective even in deep snow because of their wide tracks and good ground clearance. These features gave them a marked advantage over the tanks that the Germans employed during the first winter, tanks which became stuck because of their narrow tracks and limited ground clearance. The Soviets frequently used T34s to break paths through the snow for the infantry.41 Another advantage the Russians enjoyed was the number of ski troops. Profiting from the lessons of the Winter War against the Finns, both Soviet military and civilian authorities emphasized skiing during the peacetime winter of 1940-41. Special ski units, trained in Siberia and committed on the Finnish front during the new war, proved almost as skillful as the Finns.42 The Soviets employed ski troops in units up to brigade size.4 Weather-Related Failures of Arms and Machines It could only have been in total ignorance of the Arkhangelsk campaign more than twenty-two years earlier that the German Army in 1941 could be "surprised" (as General Rendulic expressed it) that because of the extreme cold the mechanisms of rifles and machine guns, and even the breech blocks of artillery, became absolutely rigid.53 The recoil liquid in artillery pieces also froze stiff,54and tempered steel parts cracked.55 Strikers and striker springs broke like glass.56 One can only conjecture the number of tactical defeats such surprises caused. Even General Halder took notice of an encounter near Tikhvin when the temperature was -35°C (-31°F) and only one of the five German tanks could fire.57 Sentries in the German 196th Infantry Regiment discovered at the inopportune moment of a Soviet night attack in January 1942 that their machine guns were too frozen to function.58 Soviet weapons were designed for winter, and they used appropriate lubricants. The Germans preferred the Soviet submachine gun to the model originally issued to them.59 During the first winter the Germans had to improvise by lighting fires under their artillery, and by either wiping off all the lubricants from weapons or experimenting with substitutes. Kerosene worked, but it was not durable and thus had to be renewed frequently.60 Sunflower oil proved quite effective, but it was available only in southern Russia.61 (By the second winter of the war the Germans had suitable lubricants on hand.62) Deep snow greatly reduced the effectiveness of mortar shells, and even of artillery smaller than 150-mm. caliber. The best antitank weapon was the gun of a heavy tank, for regular antitank artillery could not be used in deep snow.63Mines proved unreliable under heavy snow or ice, especially when there was some thawing, because their pressure fuses would not function when cushioned by deep snow or covered with an ice crust.64 As noted, the oversnow capabilities of Soviet tanks were superior to those of the German models employed in 1941. The Germans also encountered constant problems with most of their motor vehicles. At first they tried to start frozen machines by towing, which badly damaged motors and ripped differentials to pieces. It proved necessary to apply heat for up to two hours before moving.65 During alerts motors were frequently kept running for hours.66 (Only the panje horse started without a warming up period!) Deep snow hampered movement on foot. In one instance a unit of the 52d Infantry Division required nine hours to advance two and one-half miles-unopposed-through five feet of snow. Consequently, trampling lateral and rearward paths assumed tactical significance. For example, the German commander of Company G, 464th Infantry, realized on 15 January 1942 that his positions would soon become untenable. He therefore detailed a few men with minor wounds to trample a path from the village held by the company towards a nearby forest. During the ensuing Soviet offensive, that path prevented his unit from being trapped by the enemy.75 Conclusion The attacking Finns enjoyed concealment and warm shelter in the woods, whereas the Russians were defending a hopeless position, an exposed roadway without sheltering villages. Most of the weather-related casualties of 1941-42 need not have occurred had the commanders fully appreciated the experiences of 1918-19. Most of those lessons will probably be valid as long as Russian winters remain frigid. Surely "General Winter" will always be a formidable foe to an unwary army fighting in Russia. [ September 20, 2004, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  21. As long as the Cliche'..."Lipstick On A Pig"...doesnt apply!. :eek:
  22. Yes...Interesting idea...would work if the Russians don't give up ground too near the 'Sea Of Okhotsk' or 'The Bering Sea'. If they do...then by then, the Russians may have been too badly beaten to be worth saving and/or any Allied invasion may become much more dangerous/difficult!. It may also mean that the invasion of Normandy or Main-Land Europe would need to be postponed or forces slated for that theatre to be re-assigned in another manner. Also the Americans---like the Germans might also have great difficulty dealing with the Russian climate. You will need to send the Canuck's there...as they are mostly already acclimated for this type of weather!. Back in the old days when i lived in Canada...winter temperatures would commonly go down to -40F( for 2-3 weeks or more) or sometimes even colder,...not just anyone can work or operate in that environment . The weather in Canada during the last 2 decades or more has since eased up considerably...it's much more milder these days.
  23. As ive read in many other postings...'Micromanagement' is not much tolerated for SC2. So there will most likely be "NO"-Engineer units as such...but, these Engineer units might instead, be auto-incorporated like 'Artillery' and most everything else. Your unit might just have to stop for one turn to build a level-1 fortification or build that bridge.
  24. Certain countries like Germany should NOT be able to produce any naval vessels other than 'Submarines'...until they have gained complete control over the continent and their airspace. Otherwise the Allies will just bomb any ship production that they might attempt. It would not be realistic for Germany to spend 2-3 years constructing a Battleship...when the Allies can simply send in 1-Bomb run and destroy the project!.
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