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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Repeatus Uninterruptus Ad Infinitum Ad Nauseum: CHECK OUT: 'The German Flag". http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=34;t=000202
  2. We will also need a means of translating our new digital images into the proper format so that the sprites can be used,...also needed will be a method to transpose those new units onto the circular Bases i see in the screenshots... . The creation of 'new units'...'new campaigns'...and 'new maps'...will give SC2 or any-game...a long/longer-life...and increase the likely-hood of the so-said series continuing on into the future with new-sequel's...that will incorporate more advanced concepts and improvements. Perhaps the 'Master-Icon-Mechanic' that create's the ICONS for SC2 can be persuaded to give assistance to the present and future campaign/scenario creators. Im interested in creating units for my own scenarios...but, have never done it before...so i would, as well as others be very interested in knowing how to do it. -------- From my searchings on the internet...Icon's are mainly items for accessing other functions or for a means to execute. Sprites can be backdrop images (Like Hex-Terrain) or moving or action images. So what are the units in the game called???. Im trying to find software programs to create units for games...but, i dont seem to have the proper terminology to be able to search it!. [ July 16, 2004, 12:52 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  3. I again agree with the aformentioned argument as i have agreed with a similiar argument a couple of months ago!.
  4. I would say what is needed is an auto-locater that will show you which units have not moved yet...then you could decide whether to move those units or not one by one until they have all been cycled through!.
  5. Anyone know of any way to create units for SC2?. For instance...can one use a Digital Camera to take say for example whatever number of the required Angled-Shots of a Military Minitature ... then use these Digitized as Units in SC2?. Is there specific software that would be suitable for this type of effort?. Can the Camera Digitized Image...be converted into the required format for a BitMap Image/s?. Are there any other Software programs that would be suitable for designing game units(Sprites)?.
  6. I prefer using a Waypoint System Myself...so that i can get to where i want by avoiding enemy contact if that is what i wish!.
  7. This is not a SQUAD LEVEL or a TACTICAL GAME...this is a STRATEGIC-GAME which involves Millions of troops. This game is nothing like Panzer General...it is definitely deeper...though not that deep. If you want deep games try the TOAW (The Operational Art Of War) series or Matrix Games...or HPS games or HEARTS OF IRON ...HEARTS OF IRON2 WILL COME OUT IN EARLY 2005... and so on!. [MOON: Links removed, no commercial links allowed] [ July 14, 2004, 03:55 AM: Message edited by: Moon ]
  8. There are WW1 MODS available , but you will need to download and install the Graphics for WW1 before you can play them!. http://ww2n.com/schq/
  9. Some of the links are Buggered-Up!...i didnt check them...just copied them from the web-page...if you want to research the subject more just type in TR-3B into your search engine. I use 'Copernic Agent Basic' myself!. It mentions in the readings that the ship can change color...so it doesn't necessarily have to be purple...it could be black or some other color. [ July 13, 2004, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  10. USAF Top Secret Nuclear Powered Flying Triangle - The TR-3B http://www.seekers.100megs6.com/UFOManTR-3B.htm NOTE: This machine is 600ft (182m) across and is already over 10 years old (Based on the first mentioned known flight of this craft...it might even been much more than 10 years from its first flight)...and there is much more going on with new technologies which i will not cover here...why do you think that the Soviet Union has backed off from expanding their empire and their counterance to U.S. power!. ----------------------------------------------- The F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter was in service for 6 to 8 years before the public was informed. Inside secret military leaks tell us the TR- 3B has been in service since 1994. Sources say witnessing this craft will do one of two things to you. Either make you think you really are just some wayward experiment or turn you against the governments. It's un-earthly technology and sight will literally blow your mind. Welcome to the TR-3B: It has been rumored for years that the military's black operations has perfected incredibly advanced gravity-defying triangular super-secret aerial platforms at least partially derived from ET technology. (Prior to and after WW2...or so they claim...i do not believe in ET's myself!) Tonight, the world's most exotic and classified aerospace vehicle could be stealthily hovering somewhere over Phoenix, Arizona, Gulf Breeze, Florida, the country of Belgium, or your city. It is known as the TR-3B. Science fiction or fact, you ask? High rank military officers detail the astounding government cover-up effected by the MJ-12 committee and reveal for the first time ultra top secret information about alien technology and reverse engineered technology we have developed as a result of the recovered alien artifacts. The TR-3B is NOT fiction and was built with technology available in the mid- 1980s or earlier. The triangular shaped nuclear powered aerospace platform was developed under the Aurora Program with SDI and black budget monies. The Aurora Program is a top secret development program for advanced aerospace vehicles and has been responsible for development of the hypersonic strategic reconnaissance SR-75 Penetrator which replaced the SR-71 spy plane, and the SR-74 Scramp, which rides piggy-back the SR- 75. The tactical reconnaissance TR-3B's first operational flight was in the early 90s. Technology assuredly developed from reverse engineering of recovered alien artifacts and programs such as the SR-74 and SR-75 was used in the TR-3B. At least three of the billion dollar plus TR-3Bs were flying by 1994. The TR-3B vehicle's outer coating is reactive to electrical stimulation and can change color, reflectiveness, and radar absorptiveness, thus making the vehicle look like a small aircraft or a flying cylinder--or even tricking radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft at various locations. A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the "Magnetic Field Disrupter" surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology. Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The government will go to any lengths to protect this technology. The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field that disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity by 89 percent. This is not antigravity. Anti-gravity provides a repulsive force that can be used for propulsion. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth's gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator, and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by almost 90%. This causes the effect of making a vehicle extremely light and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed--except, of course, those UFOs we did not build. The TR-3 is a reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. "Indefinite" because it uses a nuclear reactor for power!. Many sightings of triangular UFOs are not alien vehicles but the ultra top secret TR-3B. The NSA, NRO, CIA, and USAF have been playing a shell game with aircraft nomenclature - creating the TR-3, modified to the TR-3A, the TR-3B, and the Teir 2, 3, and 4, with suffixes like 'Plus' or 'Minus' added on to further confuse the fact that each of these designators is a different aircraft and not the same aerospace vehicle. A TR-3B is as different from a Teir 3B as a banana is from a grape. Some of these vehicles are manned and others are unmanned. The TR-3B's propulsion is provided by three multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above 100,000 feet--then God knows how fast it can go! -------------------------- Edgar Fouche'....the man who revealed this information...and how he did it!. http://www.seekers.100megs6.com/UFOMANSecretFouche.htm Some more reading by other authors... http://www.seekers.100megs6.com/TriangleMystery.htm http://robocat.users.btopenworld.com/tr3b.htm -------------- If you have ' MS Flight Simulator'...you can download this ship and a patch to go with the program and fly it at home!. Flight Simulator : TR-3B http://www.startfinish.biz/wise/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=10 ------------------------------ http://www.rense.com/general30/yrb3.htm TR-3B Antigravity Physics Explained By John Kooiman 10-16-2 To be correct, I probably should say, "TR-3B Antigravity Physics Explained, insofar as General Relativity can be considered an explanation for gravity." Many readers of this list are probably already familiar with Edgart. If not, read about it here: http://fouchemedia.com/arap/speech.htm. Mr. Fouche describes the TR-3B's propulsion system as follows: "A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field Disrupter, surrounds the rotatable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology... The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption. The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent... The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet ...My sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%. The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to 40Gs... Reduced by 89%, the occupants would feel about 4.2 Gs. The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet - then who knows how fast it can go!..." I was skeptical of Mr. Fouche's claims when I first read them, as I' m sure that many of you are, but I was interested enough to do further research on what happens when you spin a plasma at high speeds in a ring (toroidal) configuration. I came across a physics article (sorry, I can't seem to locate the source right now) that described this exact configuration. The article said that, surprisingly, the charged particles of the plasma don't just spin uniformly around the ring, but they tend to take up a synchronized, tightly pitched, helical (screw thread) motion as they move around the ring. This can be understood in a general way as follows: the charged particles moving around the ring act as a current that in turn sets up a magnetic field around the ring. It is a well-known fact that electrons (or ions) tend to move in a helical fashion around magnetic field lines. Although it is a highly complex interaction, it only requires a small leap of faith to believe that the end result of these interactions between the moving charged particles (current) and associated magnetic fields results in the helical motion described above. In other words, the charged particles end up moving in very much the same pattern as the current on a wire tightly wound around a toroidal core. I thought that this was an interesting fact, but didn't see how it could possibly relate to antigravity, until I ran across the following article: "Guidelines to Antigravity" by Dr. Robert Forward, written in 1962 (available at: http://www.whidbey.com/forward/pdf/tp007.pdf). Dr. Forward's article describes several little known aspects of Einstein's General Relativity Theory that indicate how moving matter can create unusual gravitational effects. When I saw Figure 5 in Dr. Forward's article, the pieces of the puzzle all fell together. I instantly saw how the moving matter pattern that Dr. Forward describes as necessary to generate a gravitational dipole was exactly the same as the plasma ring pattern described in the physics article discussed above! If Fouche's description is even close to correct, then the TR-3B utilizes this little known loophole in General Relativity Theory to create it's antigravity effects! Even though the TR-3B can only supposedly cancel 89% of gravity (and inertia) today, there is no reason why the technology can't be improved to exceed 100% and achieve true antigravity capability! In theory, this same moving matter pattern could be mechanically reproduced by mounting a bunch of small gyroscopes all around the larger ring, with their axis on the larger ring, and then spinning both the gyroscopes and the ring at high speeds. However, as Dr. Forward points out any such mechanical system would probably fly apart before any significant antigravity effects could be generated. However, as Dr. Forward states, "By using electromagnetic forces to contain rotating systems, it would be possible for the masses to reach relativistic velocities; thus a comparatively small amount of matter, if dense enough and moving fast enough, could produce usable gravitational effects." The requirement for a dense material moving at relativistic speeds would explain the use of Mercury plasma (heavy ions). If the plasma really spins at 50,000 RPM and the Mercury ions are also moving in a tight pitched spiral, then the individual ions would be moving probably hundreds, perhaps thousands of times faster than the bulk plasma spin, in order to execute their "screw thread" motions. It is quite conceivable that the ions could be accelerated to relativistic speeds in this manner. I am guessing that you would probably want to strip the free electrons from the plasma, making a positively charged plasma, since the free electrons would tend to counter rotate and reduce the efficiency of the antigravity device. One of Einstein's postulates of GR says that gravitational mass and inertial mass are equivalent. This is consistent with Mr. Fouche's claim that inertial mass within the plasma ring is also reduced by 89%. This would also explain why the vehicle is triangular shaped. Since it still requires conventional thrusters for propulsion, the thrusters would need to be located outside of the "mass reduction zone" or else the mass of the thruster's reaction material would also be reduced, making them terribly inefficient. Since it requires a minimum of 3 legs to have a stable stool, it follows that they would need a minimum of 3 thrusters to have a stable aerospace platform. Three thrusters, located outside of the plasma ring, plus appropriate structural support, would naturally lead to a triangular shape for the vehicle. I was extremely skeptical of Mr. Fouche's claimed size for the TR-3B, of 600 feet across. At first, I thought that this must be a typo. Why would anyone in their right mind build a "Tactical Reconnaissance" vehicle 2 football fields long? They must be nuts! However, the answer to this may also be found in Dr. Forward's paper. As Dr. Forward's puts it, "...even the most optimistic calculations indicate that very large devices will be required to create usable gravitational forces. Antigravity...like all modern sciences, will require special projects involving large sums of money, men, and energy." http://www.mufonla.com/tr3b.htm [ July 13, 2004, 12:32 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  11. Your right SoDak ...its got nothing to do with an INHERENT SUPERIOR GENETIC TRAIT...it has to do more with Location-Timing-and other events and circumstances that make one nation or another rise above the others. There is less than 1% or something like that between us and Apes in Genetic Make-up...so all human beings are closer to being exact images of each other than some might believe!.
  12. Vortex Science - Implosion Forces --These points below are to illustrate...that levitating a vehicle by an Anti(Against)Gravity against our own Earths natural Gravity-Force is not some wild-eyed hypothesis. In other words...those NAZI-UFO's may have been for real...and there is much more on the subject than i will post here. I am posting information on NAZI-UFO's because according to the evidence it did take place before and during WW2. I will later post some current information on this same subject regarding efforts in area 51...where apparently the U.S. now has perfected this technology and has constructed these ships which fly like flying-saucers or UFO's. The problem with these levitating machines is that you need inertialess weapons...like LASERS because remember...with this AG(Anti-Gravity) force making your ship light as a feather...if you now let loose with with an armour-piercing cannon weapon...the force required to propel that ammunition will result in an opposite force that would force your ship backwards...you would not be able to stay in a stationary spot and fire at will with conventinal weapons. Perhaps that might be one reason if there are any reasons as to why this particular levitating machine was never used in a combat situation. These machines as far as i can see may not have been a practical weapons platform (But, what do i know)...however, with this article i just wanted to show that technology accelerated at tremedous leaps and bounds in WW2...more than we would normally expect it to...so advanced Trans-Atlantic Jet-Bombers and Jets with advanced range and capabilities and other weapons ... advanced subs, ships mounted with Rockets for continental land bombardement instead of BattleShip shell-shot... etc...can be kept in mind for possible sceniarios. If non of this is practical for SC2 ... then perhaps someone will use these ideas for a future creation. If someone decides to do a scenario/s particularily regarding the time period near the end of the war and into an extended campaign into 1945 and beyond...which could include an invasion of North-America...perhaps some of the ideas on/in this posting starting from the 1st-one can be used as frame-work for such!. http://www.vortexscience.com/pages/free.html ------------------------------------------ http://www.frank.germano.com/water_power.htm Viktor Schauberger's thoeries on vortex movement THE VORTEX The centrifugal effect in a vortex throws heavy liquid/air out to the perimeter whilst lighter air/ liquid is pushed to the center. Electrically, the air polarized with negative ions or as electrons will be pushed to the center and down, the air with positive ion content will move upward and outward. With mass weights for an electron at 9.109x10-31 kg. and a positive ion of air at around 2.656x10-26 kg it can be seen that the negative electron can be only one thirty-thousandth of the positive ion, and of course much more agile. Latent Powers at Molecular Level Professor J.H.Jeans1 writing about electrons, particularly of the innate strength of their negative charge wrote: "According to the best recent determinations, the amount of this charge is 4.774 x 10 10 electrostatic units, while the mass of each electron is 9.00 x 10 28 grammes. These determinations, which are due to Millikan and Bucherer, are probably accurate to about one part in a thousand. To a lower degree of accuracy the radius of the electron is probably about 2 x 10 13 cms. We can form some conception of the intense concentration of mass and electrification in the electron by noticing that a gramme of electrons, crammed together in cubical piling, would occupy only 7 x 10 11 cubic centimeters, while two such grammes of electrons placed at a distance of a meter apart would repel one another with a force equal to the weight of 3 x 10 22 tons. The electric force of repulsion outweighs the gravitational force of attraction in the ratio of 4.2 x 10 42 to one." Similar to how Viktor Schauberger's aerodynes utilized levitation thrust the ufo-type expulsion energy is a created reaction to the comprehensive densation of the air that is continually being sucked in through the vortex and therefore making the air below the craft more dense than the air above the craft. In other words the vortex is to create a higher-pressure area below the craft and a lower-pressure area above the craft. But in this case, in the center of the accumulator reactor there are various constrictive devices in operation that are preventing the highly turbulent implosion cycloid, or vortex, from outflowing. Expulsion, then, cannot occur unless by force. Once it does expulse, when it reaches a certain threshold and the repulsion force takes over, the release would be sudden and very powerful - the highly compressed energy will immediately expand, once it has passed through the hole, or the circumferential duct, into the surrounding atmospheric air to regain its normalized state. The usual hue of the energy around an electro-aerodyne is blue, which of course is the atoms / electrons accelerating and decelerating and then normalizing. The 8Hz (or 8 times per second) frequency that sometimes accompanies the whirling sound some observers have heard around these electro-aerodynes when just hovering may be one of the low-speed strobing cycles for that mode of energy output, the main pulses of which would be radiated at a much higher frequency (a strobed energy cycle occurs when two or more higher frequency pulses are propagated in close proximity. A vortex has centripetal (as well as centrifugal) force that can compress its fluid to such a degree as to result in a 350,000-fold increase in pressure or a powerful implosive suction force.2 A vortex can be considered as a wave of ever-diminishing amplitude. And as a type of black hole, where energy is drawn in and by extreme compression is polarized electrically, so that particles sucked in split into electron/positron pairs, and where, as according to Hawking's Theoretical Physics 3 there is an emission - even from black holes in space - of both positive and neutral charges. Correspondingly, there is at the mouth of a vortex a relative centrifugal force which is positively charged with respect to its central (negative) throat. Viktor Schauberger, the Austrian physicist, and Patrick Flanagan ("Secrets of the Soil" p99-115), have both found that water when revolved at high revolutions creates a substantial potential-difference in electrical energies in its structure. According to the research of T.J.J. See in his Wave Theory: Discovery of the Cause of Gravitation (1938-52) the molecular structure of air or water (or indeed any fluid) changes quite dramatically at a critical point of inter-atomic-spacing where the normal forces of attraction transpose to an opposing force of repulsion... Between the atoms and molecules that make up liquids and air a balance is maintained where electrons orbit a nucleus of an atom in precisely defined shells. Electron shells of one atom cannot mesh with those of other atoms - if they could the whole world would collapse into a very tiny ball ! Obviously there has to exist an all-powerful mechanism that can dramatically, if needs be, get the atomic and molecular structures out of a tight corner. So when the inter-atomic spacing between orbit shells is too tightly compressed a repulsion occurs to force things back toward normality. As the chart shows, when atoms get to a certain closeness, between d1 and d0 they undergo an attraction to each other - but further compression beyond d0 is met proportionally with repulsion. If there were a situation where the atomic structures were forced momentarily through a constriction that resulted in an ultra-high compression d1- then the repulsive forces would be very powerful indeed. [ July 13, 2004, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  13. http://www.geocities.com/unicraftmodels/germ/frad3/frad3.htm BMW Flugelrad III [Reconnaissance & Possibly a Bombing Platform as well] A considerable interest in using a disc as a wing led to the idea of building the autogiro with the blades mounted so close to each other that they almost formed a disc. The BMW engineering team led by Dr. Miethe located near Prague studied several projects of such aircraft during WW II. All of them utilized the same construction layout: a disc of blades strengthened by the external ring was driven by the BMW jet engine(s). The main idea of this propulsion principle was the deflection of the exhaust gases upwards on the take-off to initiate the disc spin. After achieving 1650 to 1800 r.p.m. the pilot redirected the exhaust flow back- words and simultaneuosly changed the blades' pitch from -3 to +3 degrees and the machine jumped upwards. When reaching cruising height the blades were positioned in negative angle and the aircraft flew like a autorotating kite with a small angle of attack. The BMW "Flügelrad III" would have been the final production version of the series of experimental machines. Its propulsion system consisted of two second- generation turbojets, HeS.011 or BMW.018 with respective thrusts of 1,300 and 3,400 kg. The engines were located one above the other, seperated by the rotor plate. The nozzles diverted into two "Strahlrohr" pipes fitted with valves which allowed any kind of flight manoeuvering. The machine had two cockpits, each one for four crew members. The landing gear had four legs and was fully retractable into the lower fuselage portion. There is no technical data about armament, although the machine was capable enough of carrying biggest bombs or missiles in existance or being designed at the time, as well as impressive battery of reconnaissance cameras. "Flügelrad III" data: T/O weight.................40,000 kg | Rotor diameter..............24m | Height.........................11.2m | Top speed.............around 1,000km/h * The information above is based upon the Dossier No.10 by Justo Miranda, C/Tutor 53 Bj-C, 28008, Madrid, Spain. http://www.x-plane.org/Detailed/2112.shtml BMW Flügelrad 3 (kludged) The Flugelrads were a series of experimental craft that worked on the gyrocopter principle. A circle of blades are mounted on a ring around the body of the craft. The thrust from the Jet engine is directed up into the disk to start it rotating. In X-plane I used the pre-rotate switch to get the main rotor spining. The rotor blades can change pitch from -10 to +10 degrees and you can take advantage of autorotation to slow the decent of this craft. The original problems revolved, pun, around the problem of flight control. Ultimately they used fins and flaps in this version to control the thrust of the engines to change direction while in the air. The exhaust thrust from each jet engine was split, left and right. Direction control uses valves to alter the balance of thrust to steer left and right as well as altering the climb or dive of the craft by change the power balance between the top and bottom engines. Planned as a high altitude recon plane, but was never built. 8 crew, 4 upper deck/4 lower deck . Body dia: 18.5m, Rotor dia: 24m, weight: 40,000kg (XP version is lighter to enable flight). 2 x BMW 018 jets with 3,400kg thrust. The outer ring in this version is made up of wing sections to allow X-Plane to better calculate weight distribution etc. I have kludged a few things to get a controllable model flying, so don't be surprised when/if it breaks in future versions. Some Great MODEL-PICTURES Of The 'FLUGELRAD III'. 1.- Goto - http://www.geocities.com/unicraftmodels/uniphot2.htm 2.- Then scroll down a bit until you see 'Flugelrad III' click the picture to see larger pictures of this craft!. Image will not send.... ------- Some Interesting Reading For The Curious!. SS Projects. Hitler's UFO Projects SS http://www.burlingtonnews.net/hitlersufo.html http://laesieworks.com/ifo/libNEW/WW2/Haunebu.html Discussion Site: 'Above Top Secret' http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread59491/pg1 Gazrok: posted on 16-6-2004 "The story goes, a UFO crashed in Germany in 1936, basically the German Roswell... Anyhoo, they (like us later) tried to reverse engineer it, resulting in NUMEROUS saucer shaped designs.... Hitler had a real hard on for the project. None ever really saw mass production though, as it was simply too advanced for them. After the fall of Germany, Russia and the US were quick to snatch up the German scientists (ref project paperclip), and the rest is history. " The_Squid: posted on 16-6-2004 "no its not actually that advanced! They had them before the 1940's as well! The only REAL problem was that they found it a bit hard to control them... however they did have a fair amount of them, and were planning a mass attack with them on New York. However the russians shut them down about 3 months before they were to launch the attack. Anyway the way they flew was that they put an engine in the middle of the 'Flying Saucer' that sucked air around the 'Flying Saucer' to the underside of it and created a vacum above the 'Flying Saucer' and that made it rise and levitate." ------------- MY OWN INTERPRETATION OF WHAT I HAVE READ...its probably not totally correct...but, hopefully will assist in understanding what is going on here: " Actually it was just a little more complicated than that as will be explained in the next posting or two--'THE VORTEX'." Basically there was an engine in the Vortex-Chamber that Swirled and vastly accelerated the Air-Medium...at a high enough revolution rate that it stripped the electrons out of the swirling air and sucked them down to the exhaust arpeture underneath the ship,...the light and rapidly accelerating negative-ions caused the air medium to rapidly accelerate very quickly to the exhaust port(Arpeture),...the positive electrons would reside on the outer circumference of this spinning vortex...in the Vortex Chamber...as they are much heavier and slower. Also as the air was ejecting under high-compression through an aperture below the craft...it would now be much heavier than the air above the craft...the heavy air under the craft would now rapidy expand to reach normalization and as it did...it also created a powerful repulsive force that caused the craft to levitate. Thats how i understand it so far!...right or wrong!...also i don't know if the negative-ions had any repulse effect on Earths magnetic field or not...if it did...it might have helped as well to assist in levitation.">From 'Latent Powers at Molecular Level'> "The electric force of repulsion outweighs the gravitational force of attraction in the ratio of 4.2 x 10 42 to one." --------------------------- Haunebu II, II-DoStra_Do-Stra = DOrnier-STRAtosphärenflugzeug ------------ http://www.burlingtonnews.net/cigar.html Another Bizarre Concept :called 'THE ANDROMEDA GERAT-'Flying Cigar'. Main page of the 'German Saucers index'. http://laesieworks.com/ifo/libNEW/WW2/index.html#index "ANDROMEDA GERAT: The Andromeda was a craft with a Length of 139m (458ft) that was meant to transport troops, up to 5 saucers, and equipment. Could this plan have been used to create the cigar shaped ufos we see in the skies today?". -HEY!....The 'Andromeda Craft' could be used to invade North Amerika...in conjunction with regular amphibious assaults!. - Instead of it transporting Troops & Saucers...it could transport Troops & Heavy-Tanks instead!. - This brings to mind the need for a 'UNIT- EDITOR"...the type where you could use a Digital Camera and take a picture of some Model with a black background (i think)...and shoot this Model from a certain number of specific views ...and then transfer these images from your Hard-Drive into the Unit Editor (where they could be colored/touched up/camouflaged etc...to be used in your own Icon inventory for your own games...like for an extension of SC2...'Conflict 1945 to 1955' or something like that!. This way specific units like the Andromeda Craft and other Icon's could be created for use in Scenario or Campaign construction. Reference: www.violations.dabsol.co.uk/ind2.htm ] Secrets of the Third [ July 14, 2004, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  14. http://www.geocities.com/unicraftmodels/on/guvrd/guvrd.htm GUDKOV Gu-VRD, Soviet WWII Jet Fighter Project History In early 1943 when not only there were no captured examples of jet engines and aircraft, but even there was no information at all about German and British turbojet-powered aircraft in the Soviet Union, the designer M.I.Goudkov has completed a prototype design study of the Gu-VRD turbojet-powered fighter. The project documentation was submitted on March 10, 1943. The Gu-VRD project was reviewed at NII VVS (Scientific Research Institute of the Air Force). A resolution of the leadership of the institute dated April 10, 1943 ordered: "Prepare urgently an evaluation review of the superfast fighter-interceptor of M.I.Goudkov design powered by Lyulka engine". Department chief I.I.Safronov wrote in his memo of 17 April 1943: "... Apparently, the aircraft would fly with the claimed speed, but the problem is that as of today there is no engine, just the name of its designer. Hence, the emphasis is to be on the engine". Gu-VRD was a monoplane with the engine placed in the bottom of the fuselage aft of the nose section. The side view of the aircraft had a step behind the engine's nozzle after which the fuselage had a much lesser cross section. Later this layout was named "stepped" and was used in the first Russian jet fighters MiG-9, Yak-15, La-150 and others. Some sources claimed that the stepped layout originated from German design studies of 1944- 1945. It is evident now that the stepped layout appeared in the USSR in 1943 without any foreign influence. The tipped nose of the aircraft had four segmented air intakes. The wing had trapezoid plane with curved tips. The horizontal and vertical tail design was standard. The retractable landing gear had two main legs and a small tail wheel. In the meantime Goudkov in his explanatory memo to the project wrote that by that time a combustion chamber of Lyulka engine had been tested, a two-stage axial compressor had been built and tested, achieving 1.25 compression ratio in each stage with 0.75 energy efficiency ratio, both figures rendered quite successful. An engine prototype rated at 750kg of static thrust had been designed and built to 70% readiness. Goudkov noted that the engine itself and majority of Lyulka design team were in Moscow. Lyulka planned to begin developing an engine rated at 1,500kg thrust. The engine had 700kg weight, 0.9m diameter and 2.1m length. Due to the Lyulka engine release delays the Gu-VRD was never completed, staying however one of the world's first JET FIGHTER projects. ________________________________ Technical data Crew 1 Engines 1500kg Lyulka...? turbojet Wing Area 11m2 Max.Weight 2,250kg Speed (sea level) 870km/h (calculated) Speed (6000 m) 900-1000km/h (calculated) Climb to 5000m 1.39min Range 700km Endurance 1h Landing Speed 141km/h Take-off Run 222 m, later considered to be too optimistic Armament 1x20mm ShVAK cannon 200rpg 1x12.7mm BS gun 200rpg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on "Samolyotostroyenie v SSSR (1917- 1945)" [Aircraft Development in the USSR], Vol 2, published by TsAGI in 1994. Prepared by Alexander Velovich. GOLOVIN "IVS", Soviet WWII Tiny Rocket Interceptor HISTORY. One of the most radical rocket aircraft projects was the Soviet "IVS/ISF" ("Army Escort Fighter"/"Navy Escort Fighter") design. It was proposed by military engineer Lev Golovin in 1941. Evidently, the world's smallest fighter was designed as a part of mobile launcher complex comprising a truck carrier, 5-8 meter launcher, fuel and ammunition stock, a winch and the fighter itself. A crew of three (pilot, mechanic, driver) was to operate this complex. The IVS specifications were: Length - 3m, span - 1.75m, height - 1.05m, T/O weight - 250-300kg, Top speed - 1,060km/h Ceiling - 7,500m Engine - one Dushkin liquid-fuel rocket (300kg thrust), assisted during take-off by solid fuel rocket booster(s) (1,000kg thrust). Armament - single 20-mm ShVAK cannon Landing equipment comprised the 76 m² parachute and a belly skid absent on the Navy version. Pilot occupied prone position that reduced the g-load and enabled the climb rate of 250m/sec. The project was offered for series production but the VVS authorities rejected the idea of a mobile small interceptor in favor of anti-aircraft artillery.
  15. Another thing...the menu in SC1 takes up way too much of the screen. The menus for game playing could have been reduced by about 75% at least to free up more monitor room for viewing the map!. I hope this will be improved upon in SC2!. INFACT!!!... the menu should not show on the screen at all...to get the menu for game playing one would just need to move the mouse pointer outside of the the scrolling border perimeter to call up the Menu-Screen. Please, if you can, implement this feature!. ---------------- A Harbour should not prevent a Cruiser or BattleShip from being able to bombard a land-hex...this too need's to be corrected. In SC1 you cannot Bombard a land unit that hides behind an Anchor-Symbol!. Historically...Shore-Bombardment for all intent's and purposes did not destroy Armies or Corp's...so they should not be too powerful for that purpose. What it should do instead is to destabalize or disrupt the Bombarded-Land-Unit...so that when an attacking air-unit attacks or when the Amphibious forces land ashore,...assaulting or attacking the enemy land unit will not be as costly. So if a Land Unit is Entrenched...then some of it's Entrenchment will be reduced...and perhap's its ability to offer Returning Fire would also be reduced for a turn!. ------ Replacements When units are reduced to as for example from a strength of 8 to a strength of 1...it should not be able to recover back to 8 in a 2-week period of time...unless there is a direct line of communication back to the home country or Capital!. For example...in the game im playing the Italians are pounding a British unit down to 1...and the Mediterranean is sealed off from a direct line of communication to Britain...yet, this British Unit is manufacturing replacement troops out of thin-air...and recovering to 100% strength turn by turn by turn...this is rediculous!. [ July 11, 2004, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  16. Whynot go one step farther and have Turkey go on it's own Campaign to regain territories it lost in WW1...the same as Germany was doing?. Im not up on Turkish History...but from watching Lawrence Of Arabia...i believe that they suffered territorial reverses during the time period of WW1. This way we can have an Independent AI player doing its own thing for its own interest's. It can still be persuaded to join a Major Player as the game goes on...especially if Threatened by Russia or some other some other major force. At the point of joining or Allying with a Major Player...it would work in-lock-step [Meaning that now YOU Control Turkey's Forces] with the Controlling countries wishes. If the Turks take or already own an important Oil-Field / Resource Territory...the Major Power who is allied with them could get Half of the MPP's or whatever %....through negotiation or by passing on new-technology to the new partner...so that having Turkey In control of that territory wouldn't be such a loss!. Also likewise for Spain...Spain could expand its territories in North Africa...and down the continent or wherever in Afrika. Italy could do the same except that it would more closely follow what it actually did historically. I would like to see some indepent action from AI players...it would make for a most interesting game!. [ July 11, 2004, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  17. This is all Higly Amusing...Im Laughing My Gut's Out...Please Don't Stop!. SoDak... Have you ever listened to the Original 'Panzerleid' ...it's absolutely horrible...it's worse than listening to Scottish-Bagpipes!. Infact all of that WW2 German stormtrooper music is torture to the ears!...so, i don't think i-will be listening to it!...no thank-you!. I did mention the German Army of WW2 NOT WW1 as being of an unusual higher cadre'/professionalism & calibre reminiscent of the Roman Legions...now to add to that ... as well as Napoleons Armee, Alexander the Great's Army, the Spanish Conquistadore's , The Mongol's, the Hun's and in the present day the Israeli Armed forces. All of these particular time-period units had something very-special going for them that is not usually noticeable with a normal regular army. That was my point...and not because im some Nazi-Lover!. [ July 11, 2004, 05:04 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  18. Hear!... Hear!...Nice Disertation!. Yes...this game will be vastly improved over SC1...and yes most of our suggestions will end up in the tank!. But!...the day may come...that some or most of them will be utilized in some fashion in some other creation!. To me...that is worth something!.
  19. 1945 & BEYOND-WAR TAKEN TO AMERIKA? http://www.geocities.com/unicraftmodels/
  20. "Virus House" German Nuclear Weapon Circa 1944-45 by Pat F. http://www.luft46.com/armament/abomb.html This device was to use a total of 10 layers of semi-refined U-235/238, alternating with Neutron absorbing kerosene. On impact, plungers would crush "Präparat", releasing neutrons, as shear pins broke, allowing the Uranium plates to come together via inertia and make a supercritical mass. The device would then detonate, or at least melt down, causing massive contamination. The target was to be midtown Manhattan. Two prototypes MAY have been built in 1945. ---------- Leipzeig Sphere L-IV Plutonium Generator (Circa June 1942) by Pat F. http://www.luft46.com/armament/abomb-2.html
  21. Hitler should never have assumed that the U.S. would not come for justice... . That is as SeaMonkey said "The USA has been underestimated many times in the past, but Hitler's conclusion that the softy Americans were not up to the fight has to go down in history as one of the biggest diplomatic blunders of all time" ...and that is the POINT i was trying to make!. Thankyou for helping to clarify that point SeaMonkey ... you said it in a way i couldn't. [ July 10, 2004, 02:56 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  22. Well im myself no fan of German Nazism...but aside that...i am personally very impressed with the high calibre of the German Armed Forces in WW2...i would associate their calibre and professionalism to that of the Roman Legions.
  23. yes...well i took it off the top of my head...thanks for the corrections!.
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