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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Hi, I'm looking for a mod that will put woodland green vests and gear on regular Army and Marine uniforms. Are there options in the "Ragtag" mods that will allow this? I'm guessing this mix wasn't too unusual in real life.
  2. It's just like in Austin Powers. Al-Queda wanted to be super villians when they could have made tons more money being good capitalists.
  3. Well I'd bet good money on Russia since you already have a (apparently) good relationship with Snowball and I'd bet they'd be just as interested as the people on this board. Alternatively you could make Belorussia the bad guys and have the Russians join in on a gang tackle as you did with everybody against Syria.
  4. See here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90436&highlight=best+mods
  5. Sure all of this can occur, but it shouldn't happen in a scenario where the scenario maker knows what the hell he's doing. The possibility of someone now being able to create dumb scenarios is worth the trade off in giving us the Shilka and Red Air in Red vs Red scenarios. I bet in the NATO module they don't give the blue side any helicopters in any scenario where the Syrians have a Shilka.
  6. I don't think it's even hard to pronounce myself. Somehow everyone is able to pronounce Jaegermeister correctly. Mike maybe you can make a mod where the Gebirgsjaeger vehicles are carrying a case of Jaegermeister like you did for the British with a case of beer. -just kidding.
  7. I'm curious. I'm pretty sure we're getting German Fallschirmjaegers as well as Panzergrenadier. Is their kit very different?
  8. I am really looking forward to having the 10th Panzer engaged in a modern setting.
  9. So at the end of a campaign, can it be revealed that our commanding officer is actually a hot babe and the amount of clothes she takes off will be dependent on how well we did in the fighting?
  10. What patch did you apply after installing the Marines and British Modules?
  11. He probably just means Theater of War and Strategic Command.
  12. I believe you'll get your wish on that one eventually once Battlefront Returns to Modern Warfare with CMSF II which will be set in a temperate climate. I have to believe that North Korea will be one of the Modules.
  13. I asked if the Canadians will have their own voice files in the stock release and the answer was no they use the American voices but the file names are different so it can be easily modded. One question was WHICH Canadian accent to use.
  14. As I recall, the Marines Module got dinged pretty bad on Gamespot because the Campaign had issues, so I imagine they want to avoid that. To my knowledge, however, the British Forces module never got reviewed on Gamespot.
  15. I think they left out the unit details in CMSF as a lot of it was unverifiable as it's still classified. It may return with WWII. I miss the kill counts too.
  16. You told us the British Forces Module sold much better than expected. Does this mean Non- Russian sales of Afghanistan are better than expected so far too?
  17. Reposition your guys at setup so they have good fields of fire on where you now know the enemy will be coming from. Hide your guys on the hill until the shelling stops. Keep the grenade launchers hidden until you have a big concentration of the enemy. Then let them fire for a turn then rehide. After the shelling stops roll your BTR with the 3 guys inside to the other town and have then acquire lots of ammo and have them take up position near the Mosque. It worked well for me.
  18. My prediction is 2011. I don't think they'll release it this year for the same reasons Steve gives below in Oct 2009 for not releasing it that year, except this time they realistically could do it I bet.
  19. Download only will be $25 and of course you won't have to pay any shipping which you would have if you went with the $25 download and hardcopy.
  20. I know Mord will ask so I'll ask for him. Is there anything that can be done to make the Ural 475 and Kamaz 4310 trucks loadable?
  21. I know it's a minor point, but part of my reason for posting is I'm wondering if Snowball actually went to the trouble of hiring Afghan voice actors. They could have, for instance have hired a local Khazak to do the voices and very few people would ever notice the difference. I imagine it would have been much more difficult than it was for Battlefront to find Arabic speakers for CMSF.
  22. Unfortunately the OOB choices were made by the Snowball team and not Battlefront so we may not be able to get a reply from the people who made the actual decision.
  23. So now that the games out any one know what the Afghans are speaking?
  24. Here's hoping it is a big success, as that certainly will give Snowball incentive to develop another game. As I mentioned in another thread, I recall they might be the ones developing the Bagration game from the CM:Normandy code, but perhaps other development houses will see what Snowball has done with Afghanistan and be inspired to take a crack at their own project.
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