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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Myself, I'd rather see AA guns and on screen AA fire before flamethrowers/fire but to each his own.
  2. As I recall this is nothing new as there was one version of the PZ III in the original release of CMAK that was deliberetly removed in a patch as it was believed it never saw action in North Africa then reintroduced in a subsequent patch as further research indicated it might have been.
  3. Thanks for your answer. I appreciate where you're coming from, though I encourage you to take another look at it when you do the Bulge game as in my admittedly limited knowledge of that battle, I believe howitzers played an important part in the US roadblocks, and I assume you'll have less on your plate by then. Since I assume vehicles are even more work to add than artillery pieces, I interpret this to mean we're unlikely to see the Wespe and Hummel even in the third "Battlepack" module.
  4. Mike, those are infantry guns. What I'm refering to are the German and US 75mm and 105mm howitzers. But that does remind me you once mentioned that use of the US 90 mm aa gun in an anti-tank role was a myth. I'd like to hear more about that.
  5. I thought I read somewhere the plan is to have a Russian developer (Snowball) take on the Eastfront but I can find the post. Does anyone else recall this? It would make it possible to get all these games done before the end of the world unless of course that is happening in 2012 and it's already too late. Ps Nevermind I found it!
  6. #1 . Do you think we'll eventually get on board howitzers in the CMBN family? #2 In CMBO the Germans had 50 mm on board mortars but they didn't make the initial CMBN release. Will we be seeing them later? Thanks
  7. As I indicated, the numbers are from an old post by Battlefront artist Dan Olding mostly taken from the book "Panzers in Normandy", but it is quite an old post and the staff's "official" numbers may have changed since that time. If you like the Puma you're in luck because it's on the list for the initial release.
  8. I think this is true in the USMC, at least that was how it was in the movie "Tribes" but when I did basic training in 1977 only officers were sirs and Drill Sgts were alway addressed as Drill Sergeant and woe unto you should you reverse the two. Besides always wearing a hat outside and never inside, one would never stick thier hands in their pockets unless retrieving something from the pocket and unbloused trowsers were a major sin. p.s. it was also against regulations to use an umbrella while in uniform.
  9. I think I found the rarest of all WWII vehicles that actually saw combat yesterday while reading. It's the Canadian Skink 20mm quad AA tank. Only one saw action.
  10. You have that dream too! But even so it will only have to be a '40 dream as they say adding Poland '39 would be too much of a change even from the German side of things. We have to demand the Dutch and Belgians though! Some have suggested 1940 would never sell as the only interesting campaign would be from the German side. I don't believe that's really a problem for Combat Mission players, and besides I bet a good French and British campaign could be done.
  11. This is like the third time I have re-posted this post from Battlefront artist Dan "Kwazydog" Olding: "Originally Posted by Kwazydog Hey guys. Just for comparison I did some research on this myself based on a couple of sources, primarily the book Panzers in Normandy. Below is a summary of the info, though of course accuracy of these numbers is debatable. Pz-IV - 422 Panther - 374 Stug - 205 Jpz-IV - 30 H-35 Assault gun - 24 Sdkfz 7/1 - 14 Flakpanzer 38t - 12 Pz-III - 12 Renault B-1 - 5 Lorraine Assault Gun - 3 (AT variety) Tiger - 3 Befehlspanzer III - 3 Somuas S-35 - 3 Sdkfz 10/4 - 2 Tiger II - 0 JagdPanther - 0 These numbers represent the vehicles in Panzer units contacted by the US before they reached Failse. Of the IVs it seems that almost all were H and J models, though a few Gs were still around (and we will be including). Of the Panthers is seems that most were As and early Gs, though probably some later Ds around. There were very few IIIs left on the western front by the invasions. Of the handful that were available most were actually older models being used for training, etc (same as most of the french stuff). And yup, keep in mind that these numbers were units which engaged US troops before Failse. Total numbers of panzers available on the day of the invasion are listed below...according to the sources i referenced. Panzers Available in Normandy (1st June) Pz-IV - 680 Panther - 304 Stug - 243 Tiger - 68 H-35 Assault gun - 67 Lorraine Assault gun - 48 (105mm and 75mm AT versions) Jpz-IV - 40 (should be 60 in total, 20 missing?) Somuas S-35 - 26 Tiger II - 24 Sdkfz 7/1 - 23 Pz-III - 18 JagdPanther - 12 Flakpanzer 38t - 12 Sdkfz 10/4 - 15 Befehlspanzer III - 6 Renault B-1 - 5"
  12. Wikipedia says August '44 but no citation is given. I have spreadsheets of vehicle availability for CMBB and CMAK from the Grossdeutchland website. I think there was one for CMBO somewhere too. Does any one know? Anyway the CMAK spreadsheet does not have the Sherman Jumbo but it only applies to Italy anyway for the late war.
  13. And the rest were cast from the Battlefront Weasel, so no, your rumor is not true.
  14. And just to verify what I said, can someone confirm that there were no Volksgrenadier divisions actively engaged on the Western front in Sept. '44? I believe they were just beginning to form at that time, thus we won't see Volksgrenadier units until the Bulge game.
  15. Right, the same thing confused Ghostrider. There will be two Commonwealth modules. One for the Normandy game and one for the Bulge game. I can see why they would want to start a new family with the Bulge. All new winter terrain, unit re-organizations and new types of units such as Volksgrenadier divisions. Then there's new features we'll probably get. The whole thing would become rather top heavy if they kept it all in one family.
  16. Hi, You misunderstood him. There will be a Commonwealth module for the Normandy game as well. It will be the first module in fact. When the Bulge Game comes out there will be a Commonwealth module for it too.
  17. It is rather ironic that with all the unrest in the Middle-east of late I don't think I've heard of any in Syria, so in reality unlike the games premise, Syria is one of the most stable regimes in the area. But anyway, it does make sense if Syrian radicals set off dirty bombs in Europe, as NATO rallied world opinion against them in support of the invasion, NATO would ask Israel to stay out just as they did in the first Gulf War even though Iraq fired Scud missles at them.
  18. I think that's the sound of champaign bottles popping among the Battlefront team as pre-orders pour in.
  19. Given the new information i.e. the opening of pre-orders it's obvious CMBN will be released on VE day May 8th 2011. Don't look for it to be released on April 20th.
  20. The final battle from the Battle of the Bulge movie was already done in CMBO but no one could actually play it. I really doubt there were M-60s in the movie however. Lots of Chaffees though.
  21. There are lots of cat lovers on this forum. Panther, Tiger, King Tiger. There's even been discussion of Big Cat Envy.
  22. See the latest postings in the Russian Front thread for an explanation.
  23. E-100. See folks. I was not making it up last time I mentioned it (well actually it was the Maus I mentioned). I'd be happy with just the Sturmmoeser Tiger, and the Jadgtiger too of course. Maybe add the Centurion for the Allies just for fun.
  24. As there have been several questions about this lately I thought I'd re-do a thread I did in Dec '09 and post a summary of known Battlefront projects. Combat Mission: Shock Force Base Game Released July 07 US Marines Module Released Sept 08 British Forces Module Released July 09 NATO module Released Oct 2010 Combat Mission :Afghanistan” Base game (only one announced) Released:Sept 2010 Combat Mission :Battle for Normandy Base Game Release first half 2011 “Commonwealth” Module Release ? “Market-Garden Sept ’44 ” Will include new terrain. Module Release ? “Battlepack" Even more ’44 stuff” Module Release ? Combat Mission “Battle of the Bulge” (unofficial name) Base Game Release ? Possible modules not mentioned yet ( probably at least Commonwealth, and Spring ’45) Combat Mission “Operation Bagration” June '44 (unofficial name) Base Game Release ? Possible Modules not mentioned yet (Finns hinted at, plus follow ons to end of war.) Also mentioned was a desire to do Eastfront games for 1943,1942 and 1941 in that order. Combat Mission Shock Force II (unofficial name) Modern Combat between major powers in a temperate setting. Base Game Release? Possible modules not mentioned yet. __________________
  25. Well it is the present plan to do 4 Ostfront games: 1st Bagration June '44 to war's end 2nd Kursk July '43 to May '44 or about. 3rd May '42 though Stalingrad and June '43 or about. 4th June' 41 to April '42 or about. Note this is really only very early planning on Battlefront's part. I seem to recall the plan is also to have much of the development will be done by a Russian team (Snowball?) but I won't swear to that.
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