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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Well it could be: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Archer_Evermonde
  2. My notes from the old CM Afrika Korps game did not have the Archer listed. CMAK was pretty inclusive but not as much as the CMX 2 games have been when you add everything together, but I doubt CMAK would have passed on the Archer if it was in theater. That's not too surprising as there were no Cromwells in Italy either.
  3. Jon, no I don't think it was him. I wasn't on the forums in 2002. The guy I remember never claimed to be a researcher .
  4. I definitely think RT should be at least 2 more modules. There's so many things that could be added. Just for the current campaign one needs Luftwaffe Land forces and Allied Lend-lease vehicles and Partisans to make it complete. Later in the campaign there's SS and the Herman Goering division. SS security troops fought around Minsk. Hungarians and Axis Cossacks were involved. The East Front Poles can make an appearance, and you can have the Polish uprising in Warsaw of Resistance fighters against the worst of the SS. Beyond that there's the Soviet offensive against the Finns, the Winter Campaign in Poland, Hungary and Budapest: the Ost Front is just SO HUGE!
  5. There was once maybe 10-12 years ago a guy on the forum who said he was a WWII vet but some one questioned his authenticity because he got a fact wrong and he said that's why he never goes on forums because there's always some one who doesn't believe him and he was never heard from again.
  6. I used to have a world map in my office and once had a co-worked come in and say "North America, what kind of people live there?"
  7. Arjuna, my experience with Battlefront's representation of forces in the new games is when they decide to do something they almost always do it accurately, though I can't guarantee Gurkhas but it looks as if they will certainly be including Sikhs. I'm hoping we'll hear more soon.
  8. Hey Christopher Nolan is making a Dunkirk movie right!
  9. I've looked at possible vehicles for a second vehicle pack and while I can't answer with 100 % certainty for every vehicle on you list, I can say I found no evidence for most of them being in any operational fighting vehicle inventory in France in 1944. Many were converted into other vehicles (Marders, Wespe, Flak Pz 38 etc). or recovery tanks or, as has been mentioned, used for training. One possible German AFV present in Normandy we don't have yet there is the Brumbar. Also as you have mentioned there are additional captured French vehicles. I'll come up with other suggestions if people are interested.
  10. Somewhat on the same track, would the inclusion of an occasional unauthorized by TO&E weapon be desirable? It certainly was historical. I'm thinking of things such as a tank crew having a grease gun or a squad with an extra Thompson or BAR. The tank crew thing might tempt players to be ever more willing to treat their crews as scouts after losing a vehicle I suppose though ( I wish there were some way to discourage that in gameplay).
  11. I'm curious if they're still going to release the Battlepack before the new web site. It's been over a week since Chris said "any day now". Still I think Jon wants it released more than any of us :).
  12. One more question. What would Aufstellung BdE for Juni here stand for? This is for the 50th infantry division. 1944 DatumArmeekorpsArmeeHeeresgruppeOrtJanuarXXXXIX17. ArmeeAKrimAprilXXXXIX17. ArmeeSüdukraineSewastopolMai (Reste)z. Vfg. SüdukraineRumänienJuniAufstellung BdE PerlebergJuliVI4. ArmeeMitteOstpreußen
  13. We'll get Valentines with a Red Thunder Lend Lease module so they will be pre- made. Well get '43 German stuff with a Kursk family. That would probably come out before North Africa I would think but this is so far down the road who knows.
  14. Market-Garden also adds Fallschirmjaegers, Henschel King Tigers, Holland terrain including some great master maps of actual locations fought over in Market-Garden and other goodies so there's many bonuses.
  15. Hi all, I'm researching a complete Order of Battle for Bagration. I found a German site that is quite helpful. I can understand everything below except by what is meant by "z. Vfg" under May 44 Armeekorp. This is for the German 95th Infantrie Division by the way. Thanks 1944 DatumArmeekorpsArmeeHeeresgruppeOrtJanuarXXIII4. ArmeeMitteBobruiskFebruarXII4. ArmeeMitteBobruiskMärzLIII3. PanzerarmeeMitteWitebskAprilVI3. PanzerarmeeMitteWitebskMaiz. Vfg.3. PanzerarmeeMitteWitebsk
  16. I'm pretty sure Mirekm is right. You have to have the Market Garden module in order to have any anti aircraft weapons as the code was added to the CMBN family with Market-Garden.
  17. I know the Moroccan Goumiers have unique uniforms. I'm guessing we'll have French nationals too, but if so would they already be in American uniforms or the "1940" issue? P.S. by this I mean before June '44. As I remember much of the French forces in Italy were withdrawn for the invasion of South France after that.
  18. If the mountains are too high, if I remember right, there is a half height horizon mod by MikeyD in the repository.
  19. I'm not a fan of including E-100s or the Maus either as in reality they weren't practical. I'd rather see rare stuff that was actually used historically or perhaps at the most a vehicle like the Ram.
  20. That's actually not a bad idea. I volunteer to do a mod if there's real interest. Any one have other suggestions for some sound/phrase replace that wav besides birds/crickets?
  21. I'm curious if there were other Soviet aircraft that may have been available in the game timeframe. It's a little surprising there's only two. No Yaks or SUs ? I tried to look it up on Wikipedia but the info there was limited as far as exact timeframes for the ground attack variants.
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