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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Paradox also announced that the Theatre of War release date would be Late Nov 06. If the pattern holds at least we'll see CMSF before Christmas 07.
  2. Speaking of Battleships, didn't the Turks use the ex WWI Goeben to shell Cyprus in the 70's?
  3. I don't know, being able to run over the enemy makes the game more arcade like and thus less realistic to me. It reminds me of when I played with my Marx toy soldiers when I was a kid.
  4. Besides then you'd have nastiness like purposely running over wounded enemy. I don't think Battlefront would go for it (though we may have shooting at wounded enemy).
  5. I think we'll have to wait for Combat Mission-Chariot Lords and even then there is much debate as to whether Chariots actually ran down infantry.
  6. I would think most enemy infantry would have sense enough to get out of your way.
  7. Opps he gave a spoiler for the first scenario. Now you'll have to change it.
  8. 15 months later: So can we get an official word of how many Stryker variants will be in the game? Hell, how about an vehicle list while I'm asking (one can always hope :cool: )?
  9. Battlefront has said absolutely no modding of 3-D models as the work involved wouldn't be worth it. Some of these objects would be cool however. We'll have to wait and see what we get. I'm hoping for at least abandoned civilian vehicles.
  10. First I'd like to say that my intention in posting about the New Jersey shelling the Syrian command post was not to glorify in the Syrian deaths but to make note that the U.S. and Syria had already once engaged in a conflict not so long ago but already overlooked by many. Isn't there a forum rule against celebrating deaths of others? If so then Lee's post does break that rule. Second I suspect Severins post may come across in a way he did not intend. For instance #3. Is there any one besides Lone Syrian who does like seeing US soldiers die in any setting? And #4 the forum is already full of those including Steve. Thanks.
  11. Yeah CMSF Planet of the Apes module! "Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty Ape!"
  12. The last word I remember is that there are no airmobile operations planned for CMSF.
  13. More from Wiki. It was the Iowa. "On 19 April 1989, an explosion ripped through the Number Two 16 inch gun turret, killing 47 crewmen. Sailors quickly flooded the #2 powder magazine, likely preventing catastrophic damage to the ship. At first, the NCIS investigators theorized that one of the dead crewman, Clayton Hartwig, had detonated an explosive device in a suicide attempt after the end of an alleged homosexual affair with another sailor. This theory was later abandoned and Hartwig cleared. The cause of the explosion, though never determined with certainty, is generally believed to have been static electricity igniting loose powder. The captain of the Iowa, Fred Moosally, was severely criticized for his handling of the matter, and the Navy changed the powder-handling procedures. Iowa deployed to Europe and the Mediterranean Sea in mid-year. Turret Two remained unrepaired when she decommissioned in Norfolk for the last time, 26 October 1990."
  14. Here's an interesting tidbit from Wikipedia. "On 8 February 1984, New Jersey fired almost 300 shells at Druze and Syrian positions in the Bekaa valley east of Beirut. Some 30 of these massive projectiles rained down on a Syrian command post, killing the general commanding Syrian forces in Lebanon and several other senior officers. This was the heaviest shore bombardment since the Korean War."
  15. I think it was the New Jersey and they tried to blame some sailor for sabotage but as I recall the evidence was less than conclusive. I could be remembering wrong though.
  16. Steve, will you at least consider consider such a technical for the USMC module?
  17. Try this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=52;t=000682#000000 It should answer most of your questions. Welcome to the forums.
  18. I've posted a Mod for Fall Weiss Polish Infantry. It's not really my work but a renumbering of the "Fading Hopes" Polish infantry for CMBO by Mike T and crew. All thanks to Mike if he is still around.
  19. What about the giant camel spiders?
  20. Since folks used CMAK to make Viet Nam and Arab-Israeli war scenarios I'm sure eventually some one will do it. It sometimes takes a bit of imagination when playing but it works.
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