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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I speculated in the river thread that by the time the German/Dutch/Canadian module is scheduled for release for CMSF they'll have CMx2 France 44 done and we may see water added for the G/D/C module. Maybe we'll see additions of this sort.
  2. Finns not fighting. Isn't that like Finns not drinking?
  3. If we don't get Russians until the first module, who are the Finns fighting in the initial release? :eek:
  4. World War II Western front June 44 to May 45 is coolest campaign ever to most Battlefront customers because (and some of these points have already been mentioned): -Most Combat Mission sales were from the US, UK, and Canada all three of which participated in the campaign. People identify with their own countries. -It was as Studs Terkel put it “The Good War” with clear good guys and nasty bad guys. -Best selection of cool toys ever. A wide variety of armored vehicles on both sides. The German tanks seem to be especially cool to many people. Nice selection of uniforms too, especially for the bad guys. -Tactics used were interesting. No line up and walk to the slaughter as WWI is perceived. Here we get combined Arms and fire and movement. -Eastern Front had cool toys too, but the general conception is that the Soviets won by overwhelming the Germans with numbers and not by tactics. After all didn't Enemy at the Gates have the Russians attacking with a mob of which only one in two had a rifle? -Lots of people feel that Stalins’ USSR was little better than Nazi Germany and can’t identify with the East Front. -Pacific Front tank battles were rare and Japanese tanks were not a match for the best Allied tanks. Terrain was interesting and could be identified with by North Americans as well as Europeans of course. Wide variety of action. Normandy, race across France, Market Garden, Huertgen, Bulge, crossing the Rhine. Everybody gets to be attacker and defender.
  5. And the AI will probably have the same problems with it. But we'll find out soon enough (hopefully) </font>
  6. Gentlemen, please don't take the June release date as being a sure thing. Paradox originally announced the release date of Theatre of War as being late November '06.
  7. Steve has said there will be no amphibious landings in CMSF or even CM2 France 1944 so no D-day landings either. For amphibious fans you'll have to wait and see if they do a CM2 Pacific and then once amphibious capabilities are programmed, see if it will be added as a module to other games. Likewise it is possible that once running water is programmed for CMX2 France 1944, it can be added as a module to the Dutch/German/Canadian module, if it appears, as the plan is CMX2 France 1944 will be out by then. I hope my speculations aren't too off the mark. I'm sure Battlefront hasn't even decided many of things yet.
  8. I agree there's been a glut of WWII FPS and RTS games but no one else did WWII the way Battlefront did it, and WWII with the CMX2 engine will be even better. With the adaptability of the new engine hopefully we'll see campaigns Combat Mission hasn't done before such as the Pacific and 1940. Whether we’ll see more Modern settings depends on how well CMSF sells I’m sure. I’m confident we’ll see a pre-twentieth century game eventually too.
  9. So do we get rivers in the first game or do we have to wait until WWII Europe? There is the Upper Euphrates. Any running water at all?
  10. If you've been patient enough to wait for the release you should be patient enough to play the game.
  11. Seriously though, welcome to the Forum. You'll find that Finns have a special place in this Forum's heart. Steve </font>
  12. A bit of searching uncovered this pdf from the Lexington Institute which has a table on page 6 giving some vehicle losses. Numbers listed include 20 lost M1 Abrams tanks, 50 Bradlies, 20 Strykers, 20 M113s and 250 Humvees. Not to mention >500 other vehicles and 85 helicopters ! They also make the very valid point that increased heavy usage is just 'wearing out' a lot of kit years before it was anticipated that it would need to be replaced. </font>
  13. I can't remember ever reading if it was ever stated if vehicle fuel was tracked. My hunch is that it's not a feature in the game. Maybe they'll add it for WWII where it was a real concern for the Germans at times. Hey, Advanced Squad Leader has vehicles running out of gas and its scale is the same as Combat Mission.
  14. Every thing they've said about the second game is that it'll be France Summer 44 starting with US vs Wehrmacht. No D-day landings though.
  15. But the dune buggies would be so much easier to add than helicopters and amphibious ops, both of which Steve has said we won't see. In truth I don't expect to see the dune buggies either, but I think they would help sales as people think they're cool. That's why the Navy has a picture of them in it's recruiting ads. Maybe if they do decide to do a Special Forces add on we'll see them.
  16. Not that I doubt you but can you name a few?
  17. So what are the chances, you think, of seeing these in the USMC module? http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/dpv.htm
  18. The long range plan was that only two of the first 5 series would be WWII. Most expect the 3rd series to be pre-twentieth century.
  19. Not you too Mikey. First WWII series will be France 1944.
  20. Hi all. I thought I'd revive this topic to see if Battlefront had any comment. Hopefully it won't provoke another appearance from Lone Syrian like it did last time.
  21. Mikey, I don't think they should put you, me and Dorosh in the game.
  22. Ah heck, that's how Microsoft does it!
  23. CMX 2 seems to me to be more than just better graphics. I think the scenario programable AI will make a huge difference as well as non-borg spotting. I think 1 to 1 man scale at a brigade level would be a chore, not pleasurable. Once CMC comes out for CMBB I think much of the work could be adapted for CMSF and later games for those seeking larger battles.
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