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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Find a nice safe spot on the map, move them there, and have your "Out of ammo" 50mm mortar team baby sit them. They can share cigaretts and make fun of each others languages. If you use Painfbat's technique, don't forget the lime. DavidI
  2. David, I read this thread, but I think there is something to keep in mind: A German 1944 Infantry Division had a total of 12 20mm AA guns in it's TOE. Panzer Divisions had consideralbly more, but many of them were on trucks or Half-Tracks. I'm not sure what the Russian TOE called for as far as AA but I bet it wasn't much more. There were plenty of independent AA battalions in all the armies, but guess what? Their primary job was shooting at...wait for it... Airplanes! Exploring gamey tactics is not my cup of tea. DavidI
  3. 37mm That movie is called "A Midnight Clear", very quirky and also very good. DavidI
  4. Alright! That's it! All of you, up to your rooms and take a nap! Get! DavidI
  5. Mikey, I got home from work, downloaded both. A major improvement for both vehicles! Look even better on the battlefield. DavidI PS. It was I that informed you about the "D". DI
  6. Mikey, How did I miss that? Ah ****, I'm still at work! Byb the bye, do you realize that your Sceenshot identifies that Tank as a PzIIID (yep that's right D as in Dog). You might want to look into that. David I
  7. Mikey, Badly needed. Great to see it. ****, I'm at work again! David I PS. How about a PzIII N? The one in the game is butt ugly. DI
  8. Tarkus, Are you going to make an interface for CMAK? I recently downloaded your one for CMBB and I love it. DavidI
  9. Sergei, I can't remember that many hetrosexual scenes in Saving Private Ryan (great movie). The problem Hollywood has is that they try to go for that "formula" that will get everybody's interest, by doing so they create artificial situations in order to fit in some romance, or that tender moment, or that product promently displayed. When they do they lose their audiance, the ones they are so desperately aiming at, because it feels fake. Compare "Saving Private Ryan" (or better yet "Band of Brothers") and "The Gates of Stalingrad" (or as I call it "Lust in the Rubble"). The one made millions and it's DVD is owned by millions, "Gates.." on the other hand is dead. Kursk done the right way, don't tell the whole story, but tell enough so that the audiance feels the scope of it, could be a winner. Unfortunately in the Robber Baron situation in Russia, it is unlikely to happen. To bad. DavidI
  10. Lets see - I want Gurra to do the SPW 250/8 and SPW 250/9 in his bitchin dirty Winter Camo. I want anybody to do winterized Marders for CMAK. DavidI
  11. Philippe, That's the ticket. I'd like to be able to put M-43 caps on my German Late war officers, berets on all by Brit airborne, digger hats on my aussies, etc. etc. The list is a long one. DavidI
  12. Let me see, how should I put this? No. Yeah, I think that covers it. DavidI
  13. Raw Recruit, Shouldn't that be "133 Infantry Regiment" not 133 Infantry Division in your last panel. DavidI
  14. I'm a little puzzled by Rommel's comment "If we can give the German Infantry Divisions 200 75mm PAKs...". 200 AT guns would be about 1 per division, so this can't be his meaning. I can only conclude that he was suggesting 200 AT guns per division (that would be 3 times the authorized amount, using 36 AT Guns in the Panzerjager Battalion + the dozen or so in the Regimental AT units). In CM terms say a 75mm PAK costs 75 points in 1944 (I'm using 75 points as a hypothetical), but using the Rommel plan now costs 20 points, how many would you field? Alot I bet. Let's compare that to Guderian's planned and implimented ideas for the '44 Infantry Division. He added 12 Stugs to the PzJager Battalion, but reduced the number of 75mm PAKs to 14 (and added 12 20mm AA Guns). This allowed some mobility (read added offensive capability) but relied heavily on PanzerFaust armed Infantry to stop Russian Tanks. This, as history proved, did not work very well. Rommel, with no advantage of hindsight, was suggesting a Strategic and Tactical Defense in the East. His '44 Inf. Division would have no armour, but 200 AT guns. Deployed in depth and supported by enough Panzer Divisions to seal off any penetrations, it might, might, have had better results. In CM terms this might mean that 135 point Stug III's now cost 200 points, 168 point Pz IV's 210 points, and 240 point Pz V's 290 points. Interesting thought though. DavidI
  15. You know, I've been reading the "what mods I should get" columns for a while. I paid little attention to them. So finally, over the last couple of days I downloaded Tarkus' interface, Undaunted's skies, and some of the T-34 mods by Mikey D (I intend to get the rest). THAT IS SOME F.....G DIFFERENCE! :eek: All the blood ran to my nether regions and I had to go get a towel! My keyboard is ruined and I intend to sue! Pay no attention to the guys that say uniform mods are unimportant, they just don't know any better. DavidI
  16. Andrew & Dey, Thank you for your info. I have given due credit to Fernando and Gorden on my CMMOD's post. DavidI
  17. Andrew & Dey, Thank you for your info. I have given due credit to Fernando and Gorden on my CMMOD's post. DavidI
  18. Dey, Thanks. I will revise my CMMODS entry to so indicate. David
  19. Raw Recruit, Get back to the story, it's the 14th of December and I need to know what happens next! Get with it. DavidI PS. Thanks Big Dork for directing me to the real author. DI
  20. Andrew, Might be, no clue. First game I bought was CMBB Special Edition (with the mod disk). The winterized 250/9 was badly needed. Not as bad as Marders but...... DavidI
  21. SPW 250/9 White Washed This is a 250/9 white washed for numbered for CMBB. I got it on my Mod disk for CMBB so I do not know who the original artist is, but I thank you whoever you are.* I noticed that neither CMAK or CMBB on CMMODs lists it and I did see a request in the forum. So here you go. David I At CMMODS of course. *If you are out there let me know so that I can credit you by name. If you don't like what I have done let me know and I will remove it from CMMODs. DI
  22. SPW 250/9 White Washed This is a 250/9 white washed for renumbered for CMAK. I got it on my Mod disk for CMBB so I do not know who the original artist is, but I thank you whoever you are.* I noticed that neither CMAK or CMBB on CMMODs lists it and I did see a request in the forum. So here you go. David I *If you are out there let me know so that I can credit you by name. If you don't like what I have done let me know and I will remove it from CMMODs. DI
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