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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Alexoscar (the Grand and Artfull) is my New Hero. He attained Heroic Status by putting out a snow covered Marder II for CMAK at CMMODs. THANK YOU Alexoscar! DavidI [ January 03, 2005, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  2. Alexoscar (the Grand and Artfull) is my New Hero. He attained Heroic Status by putting out a snow covered Marder II for CMAK at CMMODs. THANK YOU Alexoscar! DavidI [ January 03, 2005, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  3. Alexoscar, Thank you for the Wespe & Grille. Renumbered from CMBB, yes? I couldn't get them to work for me. Well done. Are you going to tackle some Marders' next? David
  4. Wicky, Well done! Badly needed. I've got two winter PBEM games going and these have greatly enhanced the look of the games. Thanks alot. DavidI
  5. And I agree 100% with Zveroboy and Sirocco. I think Stiener's tag would be better appreciated on another forum, say for the White Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, or the White Aryan Resistance. DavidI
  6. Conan, CMMODs is the best out there. I visit it almost daily, incase someone posts without announcing it here. DavidI
  7. Enigma, According to Mitcham's "Hitlers Legions" the 98th Infantry Division was redesignated the 98th Volksgrenadier Division in January 1945 and served in the Alpennines and Po River Valley Campaigns of that year. I capitulated in Italy with the end of the war. DavidI
  8. Stiener, If my tag insulted or anoyed a single person on this forum I would change it in a heartbeat. DavidI
  9. Stiener, Be a good boy and change your sig before BFC brings out the hook. DavidI
  10. Tooz, I agree, go Wicky, go! And throw some snow on those Marders while your at it. That Panther looks pretty cool. And I agree that Bulge Series is pretty cool, whoever the author is. Dey, No ****, who would 'ave thunk it. Beyond my skill, I know that. This is a great forum, with a great bunch of guys and gals. DavidI
  11. It's even worse than I thought. Taking Dey's advice I got the winterized Marder BMPs from my CMBB files and put them into a folder. Then I got my non winterized Marder BMPs from my CMAK files and put them into the same folder, and guess what? They are different. The Marder in CMBB has a side view where the side of the vehicle includes the running gear, in CMAK the upper body of the Marder is a seperate BMP from the running gear BMP (so in CMBB 1 BMP for the side, in CMAK two BMPs for the side). They are fundamentally different. None of the top views match, etc. etc. No way that renumbering the CMBB Marders will work in CMAK. The only way I can see winterized Marders is if a real Modder (not me) takes a nonwinterized CMAK Marder and spraypaints it (or whatever it is that you guys do). Oh well, I tried and I tried and I failed. DavidI
  12. Dey, I appreciate all the help you have attempted to make. But if you re-read my posts you will note that it is CMMODS that has mainly Grey Marders, in my copy of CMBB I have both. I just can't figure out what is what for translating CMBB BMP numbers into CMAK BMP numbers. If you look at the Vehicle lists that various people have done they give a Marder III in CMBB a starting BMP number of 104130 (winterized would be 154130) if I go into my CMBB bmp file to 104130 there are only 2 BMPs for that vehicle, the other BMPs are scattered throughout other vehicles that share BMPs with with Marder III. Total pain in the behind. But you are right, if you don't have CMAK you probably can't help me out. Again I apprecitate your help in this and other matters. Just venting. With all due respect, DavidI
  13. Wait a minute! :eek: Those are the very ones that I am trying to transfer from my CMBB files to CMAK! :mad: The BMP's are scattered between three different type vehicles. The BMP numbers are different between CMBB and CMAK, very different. And to Top it off they are named different things in the two games, CMBB there are Marder III early, Marder III and Marder III late. In CMAK there are Marder III ®, Marder III H and Marder III M's. Do they corrilate? Hell if I know. :mad: What is the point of downloading some more CMBB Marders that I can't translate into CMAK! :confused: If you can figure it out how to renumber them for CMAK, please do so and post them at CMMOD's CMAK mods. Anyone! Make me look stupid, I don't care. Are White washed Marders for this game too much to ask for? I ask you. I bet I'm not alone in this. AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH! DavidI
  14. Dey, Beautifull! Just what I'm looking for. Now where can I get Gordon's CMMOS Packs? DavidI
  15. Dey, Sorry I wasn't clear enough, The Marders in CMMOD's CMBB listing are mainly Grau/Grey or are snow sprinkled, have non CMAK cammo patterns, and have shared BMP numbers with other vehicles. :confused: I dinna ken CMMOS! I got the one in my CMBB Special Edition to work, but only those ones. My eyes glazed over when I started to read how to use sets, etc. My attempts, to date, to directly transfer CMBB's Whitewashed Marders to CMAK have met with no success, changed BMP numbers, shared BMP's betweeen vehicles etc seem to be my stumbling block. :mad: Funny but you are just the guy I was refering to. DavidI
  16. Back to Marders, I got a chance to do some homework and now I remmember the problem. 1. All of the whitewashed Marders are Grey. 2. The winterized (some snow covering) by Astro Cat shares BMPs with the Grille and you have to use both. I'm not too keen on the snow cover vehicles, especially when their camo pattern doesn't look like anything in CMAK. So therefore - WE NEED SOME MODDER THAT KNOWS HIS **** TO WHITEWASH SOME CMAK MARDERS! I'm strickly a cut and paste kinda guy and don't think I can do it. DavidI
  17. Stikkypixie, Yeah, Read the book. Read the book. Everybody, Thanks alot. I was wondering why the elite guy wouldn't do what Regular Snipers had done for me plenty of times. Must not have gotten a sniper in that close undetected before. Happy New Year All, DavidI
  19. I'm playing as the Fallschirmjagers in "Hunters in the Orchard". One of my units is an "Elite" rated sniper. So far the sorry SOB hasn't fired a single shot. He has a Aussie squad 74 meters away and when I target them it shows that they are 41% exposed. For three turns I targeted them and he wouldn't shoot, so I targeted a Bofors gun at 90 meters with 0% exposure, still wouldn't shoot. I retargeted the original squad and two more turns went by without hime firing a shot. What am I doing wrong? I'm about to have him fix bayonet and do a solo banzai charge on the Bofors! Elite my butt. Do I have the only conscientious objector in the German Army? DavidI
  20. For moving men in buildings try going to the first overhead view. You can then acurately plot your move. David I
  21. Junk & Dey, Maybe that was my problem, will try another one over the long weekend. DavidI
  22. Everyone, The SPW 251/9 and 16 are available at CMMODs CMBB under the artist "Crizwit". They are quite good and have the same BMP numbers as CMAK. (I double checked). David
  23. Jagcommander, Having re-read your previous comments, it is apparent that you know all about how the mod thing is done. Oh well, maybe all that verbage will be usefull to some newbie. DavidI
  24. Jagcommander, Wait a Minute! I don't know how much experiance you have at downloading mods, but this thought just went through my head - I assume you are downloading the files from CMMODS into a "download folder" somewhere in your computer. Then you are extracting the Zipped folder into your CMAK BMP Folder? Well sometimes mod file do exactly that, extract the BMPs directly into your BMP folder, and SOMETIMES they create their own little folder inside your BMP Folder. You would see that the files extracted OK, but the new vehicle/whatever mod would not show up in the game. Fix - Go to your CMAK BMP Folder, open it, go to the top and click "View" from there click "Arrange Icons By Name". When you did that did a bunch of Sub-Folders appear at the Top of your BMP List? Sub-folders with names like "Pz IVG WW - Dey"? If so, you will need to open them and cut/copy those files into your BMP files. Just a thought. The trickiest mod I downloaded was AndrewTF's (THE GREAT AND POWERFULL) Commonwealth Winter Uniforms. For some mysterious reason he (THE GREAT AND POWERFULL) added his initials behind each BMP number. :confused: Took me awhile to figure that one out, I can tell ya. DavidI
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