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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Enigma, If I may be so bold as to translate Philippe's 32 line response to your question? It translates into: "Don't worry about 'CMMOS compliant', it doesn't mean a thing". Download away my friend, download away. DavidI
  2. Jagcommander, Concentrait on the vehicles most likely to show up in the winter of 1944/45. The winter of 43/44 was spent, by both sides, south of Rome and is best reflected by using mud, rain, mud, rain/fog and more mud. That way you don't have to worry too much about Pz III L's & J's, Pz II's, Stug F's, etc. I'll try to send off a SPW 251/9 Stummel in the next couple of days. DavidI
  3. I saw this movie once called "Zombie Lake" it had dead Nazi's come back to life in that too. David I PS. Oh, the movie had about the same effect on me as your Zombie Tank Hunter Team had on you; 1. Disbelief 2. Shock 3. Nausea.
  4. Kind of a PS: Should I send the ones that I have successfully renumbered and/or have from CMBB to CMMODs like I did with the SPW 250/8 & 9? David I
  5. Especially Marders! I found that all the Panthers, Pz IV's, Stugs III & IV, SPW 222 & 231, AA tanks and Lynx work fine (just make sure the CMBB one is a late (yellow) vehicle). Hetzers were renumbered but I found that with a little homework I could do those as well. It's those damned Marders that got me stumped. David I
  6. Give me West Europe, East Europe, North Africa, Asia & Pacific 1939 to 1945. Horses & Motorcycles. Korea, Middle East, Vietnam should be later release type games. DavidI
  7. Dey, I just went through and winterized all my Hungarian armor. I just want to say, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And finally, Thank you. DavidI
  8. Tooz, It feel strange answering questions that a year ago I was asking, but here goes; You add 50000 to winterize stuff. Most BMPs transfer directly from CMBB to CMAK with notable exceptions. The guns got renumbered as did the Marders. The Best German uniform BMP List is at the Grossdeutchland for CM site. I wish someone would do a comprehensive list for all CMAK armies like the one GD did for CMBB. German Mountain Troops in CMAK have seperate arms and helmets from your Heer types: Mid War: Head Body Side LArm RArm Legs 9028 9006 9128 9134 9172 9039 Co.L. 9028 9013 9161 9165 9172 9039 Sq.L. 9027 9004 9142 9047 9043 9039 Squad 9027 9005 9142 9047 9043 9039 Crew Now here's the one you really want: Mountain Late War: 9034 9011 9129 9135 9138 9041 Co.L. 9034 9014 9162 9166 9173 9041 Sq.L. 9033 9009 9143 9048 9044 9041 Squad 9033 9010 9143 9048 9044 9041 Crew Hope that helps. DavidI
  9. Moon must still be drinking rum spiked eggnog for breakfast. He said more about CMX2 in one entry than all his others combined! The next thing you know he'll start a forum entry with the words "See the preview pictures below...." DavidI
  10. Cyborg, Search for the CMX2 Thread(s) you'll get tons of gassing on about what should, should not, be in the next Game. Mostly complete speculation. My usual entry runs like this: Europe, North Africa, Pacific, Asia 1939 to 1945. Horses. Motorcycles. No Shared BMPs! DavidI
  11. Tooz, Thanks again, and I intend to keep them coming. The only problem with expanding the Volkssturm is that any quick game they will end up with bo ku panzershrecks, fine for the VS but not for most of the others you mention. The end game of WWII was not pretty, plenty of guys with nothing left to lose, scores to settle, forced conscription,and pure bad luck ended up on both sides (or just fighting for their own, difficult to discribe sides). When the reserve pool gets low enough.... DavidI
  12. Merry Christmas to all the Staff at BFC, all Forum Members and all those magnificent Modders. I posted two mods for your Holiday enjoyment; 1. Winterized Early War Partisans wearing a mix of cold weather clothing and some German Equipment. 2. Winterized Volksstrum. It won't be the cold that makes their hands shake when they aim that Panzerfaust at the oncoming JS-II. All original artwork is from the Great AndrewTF, I meerly cut and paste. Enjoy, DavidI PS. Where? At CMMODs, of course!
  13. Merry Christmas to BFC and all Forum Members. This is a SPW 250/8 winterized by Fernando (back in CMBO I understand). I got it from my CMBB Special Edition, CMMOS disk. All that I have done is renumber it for CMAK. A badly needed mod. DavidI Where to find it, CMMODs of course.
  14. Patboy, Beautiful, and badly needed! Oh boy my 1st Chrismas present of the year. Goody, Goody. DavidI
  15. Philippe, Ah curses, foiled again! (twirl of mustache, snear, cape held up to face level, exit stage right) DavidI
  16. I'm playing a PBEM game with a chap in Switzerland and he has never done any mods to his games (Gasp, blasphemy!) I thought I would send him one of my winterized German Infantry mods to him for his first taste. Are there any compatability issues that I should be aware of as far as the US/European versions of the game? DavidI
  17. What if the Aztecs had 500 modern hand grenades and were taught to use them? They would certainly disrupt the Spanish musket & pike formations and crush any cavalry charge! The history of Europe and the Americas would be totally different! :eek: Sorry, the gin is speaking. Maybe I should try the Peng Thread. DavidI [ December 22, 2004, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  18. Bannon DC, I think the easiest, and surest answer is: No. CMAK, CMBO & CMBB do not cross over, they are stand alone games. A shame because I always fancied an Austrailians vs Fins scenario myself. DavidI
  19. Raw Recruit, That was simply ****ing awesome! Thank you ever so much. I would check daily for the continuing Battle for Cecina. And I'm totally impressed with how well the Yanks did, I always get my ass kicked in that scenario. :mad: Happy Happy Joy Joy. DavidI
  20. My two bits: Give me Europe/North Africa/Russia/China/Pacific (including Burma) 1939-1945. Maybe horses, motorcycles and wagons. Aside from that my true wet dream is a really good Battalion Level, Black Powder, build your own, 1750 to 1890 Game. An updating of the old SSI Napoleon at War would send shivers up my spine and my ...... DavidI
  21. Junk, You bet I did. Big help. Thanks again. DavidI
  22. Tom, I could cry, it's so beautiful. When I first glanced at the building I thought it was a photo that you had retouched with a CMAK Stug. Terrific! I love the idea of "Beyond the Siegfried Line". DavidI
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