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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. I think CM should get the Noble Prize for best wargame! DavidI
  2. Andrew, Didn't a lot of these poor SOB's wear a single button version of the M-43 cap? It might add a nice touch. DavidI
  3. Andrew, Awesome! As Always. When are you posting? DavidI
  4. Mord, My approach to this game and forum was from a different angle than yours. I had been a lifetime wargamer (AH's Afrika Korps late 60's), I got my degree in History (I work in the construction industry), and knew quite a bit about WWII. I had been an active Squad Leader player until they came out with Advanced Squad Leader and made all the previous games I had bought worthless. When I was introduced to computer wargaming I went for it hard, bought and played virtually everything SSI put out (I still haven't seen anything near as good for Napoleonics as "Battles of Napoleon" (hint, hint BFC - why don't you modernize that one!), and played a lot of Steel Panthers. Some years ago I downloaded the demo for CMBO, but for some reason didn't get into it. Then the relevation! I picked up a copy of CMBB Delux Edition at a store. Brought it home booted it up and became a complete and total junkie. I appreciated how accurate the TOE's were. I loved the line of sight. I loved the you plot, I plot, action sequence (the best). Then I discovered the mods on the 2nd disk, and became one of your mod sluts. Then I discovered this forum which has been educational (both for WWII and for CM play), helpful (I have put out "I need help doing ______" and have always got a helpful response), and entertaining. Most of the long timers are patient with newbees and the newbees are entertaining (What if the Germans had Robo-Cop Infantry, could they have won WWII?). Then it was e-mail play! Then it was TCI play (my favorite)! Then it was CMAK! Then, when I got a better computer, I discovered that I could do my own mods and now I am in CM heaven! CM is, without a doubt the most accurate, fun, and versatile war game I have ever played. So we are here not just to play CM, but to praise it. (hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar) Play on. DavidI
  5. WW2 or Bust! 1939 - 1945, Europe, North Africa & Pacific! And no shared BMP's! :mad: DavidI
  6. There were plans for invading France in '43, thank God we didn't do it. The plan was to land a dozen divisions in Brittany and hold on to the pennisula. Without undisputed control of the air, it could have be a disaster of huge porportions. Read D'Estes' book on the planning for Overlord. It covers the planning for 2 different invasions for '43 and for Overlord. The planning for Overlord changed over time, indeed the way it played out was not the way it was planned. DavidI
  7. Theike, Got'em. I looked at 4 or 5 of them, and they're beautiful. When I get a chance I will sit down and indicate whether they are best for '43 (Sicily/Southern Italy) or '44 (mid and northern Italy) or Normandy. Thank you very much. DavidI
  8. Geez, This forum is too much. A guy asks a question about celery at 2:55am (which might be an indicator as to why he would ask such a question) and within hours he has two guys send him pictures of celery fields of the world! Then he gets a celery recipe. Then someone quesses what part of the world he has in mind. He says yep and then gets a tourist's guide to that region. I don't know whether to laugh, or cry, or be very, very afraid. DavidI
  9. Planning for Russia, When OKH first Kreigspeiled a campaign into Russia in 1940, the officer players found that the German Army ran out of steam, supplies, ammo and fuel around Smolinsk. They wrote their after action report and submitted it. The General Staff and AH handed it back and said "Try again". Guess what? The second time they wargamed it they made it to both Leningrad and Moscow! The "don't tell me what I don't want to hear" syndrome is not limited to our current administration. Once AH set the course of Germany eastwards, nothing short of his assasination would have stopped the invasion of Russia.
  10. Theike, Am I too late to get on the "send it to me" list? Please send to "Bydandhq@cox.net" DavidI
  11. By win, do you mean "Win" as in "Win the Nuclear Sweepstakes?". Berlin or the Ruhr, Berlin or the Ruhr? :confused: Guess we'll have to nuke both. DavidI
  12. If you want a very good and painless history of Vichy France and how it fit in with French/German/Allied politics and war, watch the documentary "The Sorrow & the Pity". Nominated for(won?) the Academy award for best foriegn movie & best documentary back in '70 something. Awesome movie. Deals with the surrender in 40 the forming of the Vichy government, the gradual fascistization (if that's a word) of the Gov., British sinking of the French Fleet, Resistance, Collaberation,etc, etc. One of my favorite scenes is in a German Propaganda filmed in '42 showing happy Frenchmen going off to do "Voluntary" work in Germany. The German "Corrispondent" askes one of the Frenchmen "And how long have you been unemployed?". The Frenchman looks up and says "Two Years", but his face says "Ever since you invaded my country you kraut bastard". Again that's "The Sorrow & the Pity" by Marcel Ophuls. Available at a good library or for purchase from BELLE & BLADE. David I
  13. I fixed the SS Panzer arm switch thing! I am so embarassed! Sorry for any inconvience any of you may have suffered. David I
  14. :eek: Eeeekkk! I just looked at my picture for my SS Panzer crew and I think I switched the arms. The eagle and cuff title should be on the left arm! I will fix tonight! David
  15. I have finished and posted all my German Bulge and Gothic Line Winter series. They are available a CMMODS. The series includes: Fallschirmjagers (DI FJ Late War Winter) Heer Infantry (DI Heer Inf Bulge) Heer Panzer Grenadiers (DI Heer Mech Bulge) SS Panzer Grenadiers (DI SS Mech Bulge) Heer Panzer Crews (DI Heer Panzer Bulge) SS Panzer Crews (DI SS Panzer Bulge) Luftwaffe Stug Crews (DI LW Stug Bulge) I think they have a different look, and I hope that you enjoy them. Again my thanks to AndrewTF who did all the original artwork and allowed me to modify them. His artistic skills are only exceeded by his generosity. David I
  16. MikeyD, I think your right about Winter 43/44 (rain & mud, rain, rain & more mud). Winter of 44/45 I think alot of the Italian mountains where the Gothic line was drawn were snow covered Dec through early Feb. DavidI
  17. Tooz, Thanks. That's Zimorodok's Whitewashed Stug IV from CMBB listing in CMMODS. He also did a nice Stug IV (late). David I "I'm addicted to Mod, Oh Baby I'm addicted to Mod..."* *Sung to the tune of "Addicted to Love" by what's his name.
  18. Holien, Go for it. Love to see them. God I love this forum. DavidI
  19. German Heer Infantry Battle of the Bulge/Gothic Line. White camo with collar patches showing, wool pants, painted helmets, sweaters, etc. Options include Squad Leaders in white camo, white camo pants for squads & non-painted helmets. All original artwork is AndrewTF's (except the Bronze Close Combat Clasp - which on close examination you will recognize my mediocre art work). He's a genius. Where? Where else? CMMOD's! Thanks to Junk2Drive I have posted a picture to go along with. Next: Heer Mech, SS Mech, Panzer Crews. DavidI
  20. Willbell, The GrossDuetchland site (go to BF "Resources) has a complete listing for all German, Russian, Italian, etc. uniforms for CMBB. The vast majority of the German uniform BMP's are the same in CMAK (except North Africa). Absolutely priceless. DavidI
  21. Junk, Hey it worked! From now on all my mods will have pictures (my HG Pz Crews -CMBB- at CMMODS now has a picture). When I get home tonight I will post a picture and some improvements for my late war FJ winter uniforms. Get ready for what I call my Bulge/Gothic Line Winter series for Heer Inf & Mech, SS Mech and all services Panzer uniforms! Along the same lines as my FJ. Thanks again. David I
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