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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. One pill makes you smaller, and one pill makes you tall. And the ones that Mother gives you, Don't do anything at all....... DavidI
  2. Is there an easily printable BMP list for CMBB AFV's (one like Junk2drive did for CMAK)? Where can I find it? DavidI
  3. Modders or BFC, What are the BMP #'s for Allied AT guns? DavidI
  4. Guys, How about a straight forward, winterized, whitewashed, mod for the late model Marders? I have them in CMBB (I own CMBB special edition with the easy to use COMMOS) but the BMP numbers aren't the same for CMAK. All the ones in CMMODs CMBB are grey models. Believe me I have tried. :mad: All we need are the ones for Winter 44, what Marder III, maybe Late Marder II? And if you feel wild and woolly how about the SPW 251/16 the flamethrower edition. The Marders are much more common and much more important. Please..... DavidI
  5. Pat, Good enough for you to start tackling the late war armored cars! David
  6. Mikey, So how about spraying some camo on the beautiful Panzer III M? (Second request, 1st was torpidly ignored). DavidI
  7. Sivodsi, Try the Dirty white 251's at CMMODS CMAK. DavidI
  8. Martyr, They are the same as non-winter only they have gloves on. Or maybe I added the gloves? Do you want something more in a white smock look? If so just use the Russian Company commander body, sides and arms BMP's and you are there. If you do not ken BMP's, send me an email and I'll try to help. DavidI
  9. Cliff, Welcome to the Best Wargame on the Market and the best forum on the net. Here you will be able to learn every thing you ever wanted to know about whether the Russian 100mm gun performed better in the rain than the German 88. You be posed questions like "If the Germans had lazer beams in 1943 could they have won the war?" And so, so much more. Welcome to the community. DavidI
  10. Aristoteles, "Joe, say it ain't so!" You have been a major contributor to this game, thank you for all your mods. Hope you're not giving it all up for some boozy broad you found in the men's room of that sleezy bar that one Friday night! Don't do it man! Oh well, "Good luck, and thanks for all the Fish."* DavidI *Last words of the Dolphins as they left the Earth - "A Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy"
  11. Lascar, Try playing the Germans in CMAK's "Panic at Gela" against a human. The Yanks have tons of 105 and 150mm arty, bunches of TRP's, good fields of LOS, and enough infantry & AT to hold you in the killing zone. I can attest that 150's will flatten Pz III's & IV's. DavidI
  12. Sergie, Yep, show-nuf you can't go from 1 heavy Bldg. directly into another. But it DOES NOT show you that it is not a valid move (ie the Move plot indicator does not turn red). Now that I know that I can play a better game. You can't experiment when playing a IP game. Thanks for the pointer, it got me in the right direction. Now I've got to go, got a lot of letters to write all those Russian mothers. DavidI
  13. Sergei, That seems to make sense. I was using primarily the "E" command to advance to contact, it doesn't turn red. The pavement does turn red from my squads getting cut down, however. I'll try your theory out when I get home and let you know. Thanks. David
  14. I was recently playing an IP game, the scenario was set in Berlin 1945. Very heavy built up area. As the Russians I plotted a platoon of SMG squads to advance inside a very large building compartmentalized into smaller "rooms" (for lack of a better word). During the action phase a number of squads and leaders moved outside the building to get into the next "room" :eek: , much to the amusement of the German Machine Gunners who made about half of my guys KIA. I think I said "What the f....?" :confused: and my opponent sent me a thank you message. The odd thing was that some of my squads did move through the walls into the next "room" and some dashed out into the street to be cut up into chutney. This happened a number of times to me and then to my opponent. I can understand having to move out into the street to get into the next room. I can understand being able to move through walls (doors, blasted holes) into the next room. What I don't understand is why some of my squads do the one, and some, the other. What I want to know is what is the rule on this? Can only one squad at a time move through walls? How can you tell that your guys are going to move outside during the plot phase? How can you tell that your guys are going to succesfully move through the walls during the plot phase? If I know my guys are going to take the scenic route I can plan accordingly (smoke, suppression fire on known targets, pinning the names of the squad members on their backs for better post mortum ID). Boys, help me out here! :confused: DavidI
  15. Parabellum, You're so cruel, You probably think this song is about you. You're so cruel, You probably think this song is about you. Don't you, Don't you, Don't you? DavidI
  16. BFC: My two bits: 1. WWII 1939 to 1945 Europe & Asia 2. Horses 3. No shared BMP's!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if the sun/stars/clouds move in the sky. I am concerned that Mod sluts may be left out. My name is David and I am a Mod Slut. DavidI
  17. Mikey, While we're waiting for the patched, patch to come out, why don't you while away your time by applying camo to your wonderfull PzIII M? Hint, hint. DavidI
  18. George, If I got you right you are looking for a mid war Waffen SS Officer in a Cammo Smock? Send me an e-mail and I'll send you one. David I
  19. Thanks for the Patch BFC. Now back to work on CMX2! Swish! Crack! You aren't working hard enough until I see blood on your keyboards. Swish! Crack! I'll have the hides off your backs, you lazy scum! Swish! Crack! DavidI
  20. MikeyD, Got home downloaded and love it. But.... can you please make a open turret shield without the numbers? I don't like all my tanks numbered the same (worse yet the mirror numbers on the left side), yet I love the open shield. Picky, picky, picky. DavidI
  21. MikeyD, Got home downloaded and love it. But.... can you please make a open turret shield without the numbers? I don't like all my tanks numbered the same (worse yet the mirror numbers on the left side), yet I love the open shield. Picky, picky, picky. DavidI
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