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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Go to Resources (above) then to CMBB web links and then to CMMODs and CMHQ, you'll find tons of stuff. DavidI Edit: Oh yeah and "www.Zimordok.org" di [ June 22, 2006, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: David I ]
  2. theike, Just got them, way cool. Thanks. DavidI
  3. "Soldiers of Destruction" was a good read. Can't recall how detailed the maps and OB were though. DavidI
  4. Part of my "Normandy" Series: Tiger I - Tiger I (late) - Done on MikeyD's awesome Tiger mods with modified BFC camo textures. Available at CMMODs on the CMAK side. Tiger I will work for CMAK and CMBB, Tiger I (late) is recommended for CMAK only. Enjoy, DavidI
  5. Well I wish I could have done this on some bitchin MikeyD mod, but no... They look like this: M3A1 - M4A1 Mortar Carrier- I may return to do the Hellcat, but for now it's off to Limeyland. DavidI
  6. MikeyD, Are you going to do a plain yellow as well? DavidI
  7. Snow Covered Tiger I and US M8 HMC. The snow covered Tiger I already has the missing bmp from MikeyD's initial release. Wait a minute...in a way I did put out the snow covered MikeyD mod before MikeyD did...well if that don't beat all. :eek: Anyway they look like this: Something big: Something small: All at CMMODS. Enjoy, DavidI
  8. MikeyD, The same bmp is missing in your late Tiger which causes the lid, but not the sides of the box to appear. DavidI
  9. MikeyD, Are you missing bmp 14675? That would be the top of the box and jack on the back of the tank. DavidI
  10. Whoa! :eek: Yet another beauty. Must get now! Thanks MikeyD.
  11. These are Panzertruppen's excellent mods from CMBO. I renumbered them, modded some, increased how many their are to do all the buildings in CMAK/CMETO and made damaged buildings. These may not be up to the state of the art, but they have great character. Anyway they look like this: ETO: Snow ETO: Undamged: Damaged: Again all the artwork is Panzertruppen's, I mearly cut and paste. Enjoy, DavidI
  12. el T, I played this game for a year before I figured that one out. Found out how it works on this forum. JasonC knows what he is talking about. DavidI
  13. John, I don't know, this guy sounds like a hack. Drawing unrelated events into some kind of consperacy theory, combined with total Allied incompetence/murderous intent/overwelming superiority/etc smells like an axe to grind to me. Both the Russians and the Western Allies fought this war with no hindsight. Both of them suffered at the hands of the German Military Machine. What is the best strategy? What are the best tactics? What is an adequate reserve? Can Airpower win it alone? What are the Strategic and Political ramifications? All unknown at the time. But I know the same thing most of the German General Staff knew by 1943 - the Nazi's got Germany into a war it could not win. DavidI
  14. Here you go. Priest M7B1- and the M-20- Both are found at CMMODs of course. However the M-20, like my previous Greyhound, are found in Country=All, Other, Other as they are mysteriously not listed under armor. Enjoy, DavidI
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