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Ships but not the Ocean

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  1. Wow. All I can say is... Wow. I just came across this thread today and... Wow. BOOM$LANG, you're a real piece of work. You can take that with or without humor.
  2. I was playing an MOUT mission when one of my squads got stuck on a wall. Nothing I could do to move them. One of the soldiers just kept leaping back and forth over the wall like a ballerina. No injuries or anything like that. Similar thing happened to another squad with one man in the yellow, but nothing else that should have blocked them. A few minutes later the game locked up and crashed. Nice job guys, this was really worth $50 CDN.
  3. I think I'm having this problem with regular save files...
  4. Every time I try to load a saved game it freezes at 55% loading. I have to alt-tab out and shut down the game from task manager. Specs: T2500 @ 2GHZ + 1.99 GHZ, 1GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600, Windows XP SP2
  5. I've been using the editor alot lately, and I notice that whenever I add a terrain feature, river etc, my free memory drops steadily. It gets to the point where I have to minimize and let the memory climb back up or risk severe thrashing and lags. Seems to be worse the bigger the map. Any ideas?
  6. You should be able to set their activation at 0%, and then remove all the activation event scripts for them (which give % increases to activation for certain events, ie attacking spain). They should not activate on their own that way.
  7. Good news. The bug went away once I started up the actual game (not just the editor) must have been a conflict between the patched graphics.
  8. Thanks! I'm working on making it more true to life though. Hope to release it soon...
  9. I have a question for Hubert. Forgive me if this is stated somewhere in the manual, but what is the Maximum allowed number of units on the map at any one time? Can I expect slowdown with lots and lots of units?
  10. Here is what I've been using for my PTO campaign. It's the Indian National Army Flag circa 1941
  11. Sure thing. Also, the glitch doesn't seem to happen with mirrored carriers (ie USSR).
  12. When I placed an aircraft carrier in the editor it produced a sprite that was half carrier, half bomber. It must be reading the bitmap wrong. I am not using a custom bitmap. I am using the latest update.
  13. Wow thanks for all the info so quickly. I have found some good OOB's online, but the more detail the better. That's an interesting idea about the fortresses. I know how to increase the number of garrisons in the editor, my problem is more one of scale. In Europe the armies moved as Corps (about 60,000 men) or Army Groups (about 120,000), but in the pacific islands they moved as divisions (about 15,000) or smaller. Japan had almost 200 divisions, China over 170, and the USA 28 (incl. marines), which would crowd the map pretty quick. I guess it's just a matter of balance...
  14. I am having a couple of problems with my mod so far. I am having trouble finding out exactly how many divisions the UK used in India (Indian Corps plus others). I want to set up supply on the small islands, but it seems wrong to put a dock at both ends of every single one. I could edit the bitmaps for docks to make them less out of place (beaches maybe) but then you would still be able to repair a ship almost anywhere... The other problem I am having is army sizes. In the East it seems the individual army sizes were smaller than in the west (for instance, Japan had only 460,000 troops in China / Manchuria in 1941, but in over 50 divisions. Their armies were only 1 or 2 divisions) by the end of the war, they had 12 times this number. The US only committed 28 divisions the the theatre. Chinese armies (4 divisions+) were equal to japanese divisions in manpower, so its very confusing... The other problem is that it was rare for entire divisions, let alone corps, to fight as one in the island battles. If the smallest unit I can use is corps, assigning troops to all the islands is going to be nearly impossible... Any ideas? I could use divisions sized corps, but that might become too much for the player...
  15. I fixed the perspective on the planes. I'm still not sure in which order they should go (more or less chronological now). I don't know about putting in the J2M (4th Japanese fighter) as it was an interceptor mainly. Also added American carrier planes: F4U, F6F, FM-2 and SBD. Thank qy, those look great! Now to find a bamboo forest...
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