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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. This is frickin insane. If you are so keen to have the damn thing hours sooner, why don't you just shut up and pay the money. If you _really_ don't want the physical media, just put a wrong postal address, someone else will get a coaster! FFS, people are so wierd!!! GaJ
  2. A while back I complained about how guns would position themselves in trenches, and the answer from BFC was "don't try to use fortifications to protect guns". I'm pretty sure that's what they said. Since I was talking, at the time, about trenches, maybe it doesn't apply to sandbags ... but I'm guessing maybe it does? GaJ
  3. There have been pages and page about whether we should be able to fire AT from inside a building, yet this all misses the point... all misses the terrible flaw in CMBN for urban: you can't peek around a corner and fire. The problem is nothing to do with firing from within a building. Solving one unrealistic problem with an unrealistic solution isn't the answer. Making the troops able to fire around the corner... just like Hilts is asking for... _that_ is the missing "realism". GaJ
  4. Oh.... man.... it is sooooo tempting to start a "hey, will the patch have covered arcs?" thread GaJ
  5. I was meaning the idea that because the 7 key wasn't working he said "forget it" to his friend... GaJ
  6. I haven't heard anything as dumb as that for quite a while...
  7. Rankorian: it's useful to be clear. This is about difficulty levels below Elite, where you expect to see all the enemy info if you have no unit selected. I've always expected selecting a unit to cause _less_ information to be available, not more (since with the unit selected you should see only what it knows about). However, I'd be happy if someone said "select the unit to see what it is firing at". What I'm hearing is "your unit may be firing and something, and no matter what you do, the game will not show it to you yet". GaJ
  8. I wonder if this applies to AFVs? Aren't they usually in C&C, much more likely, due to radios etc? Any other annecdotes I've read about this are to do with Inf. GaJ
  9. It's definitely the case that units keep firing at a target after it goes to ground (and therefore you, and maybe them too, can't see the target). I have no problem with that. It's opening fire on something I can't see, or cowering from something I can't see, that is the thing that this thread is about... GaJ
  10. I totally agree with you Vanir. This is how it feels to me too. I don't recall ever seeing troops firing at something I can't see (except in the case where troops keep firing after their target disappears). Howver, I often see behaviour that is hard to understand, and would be explained if the soldiers could see a threat that I can't... GaJ
  11. I have an example right now. I have some scouts, who I sent to a place where the briefing told me to expect enemy reinforcements. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, they cowered and the only thing I see is sound contacts. Then the enemy tanks started firing at them - I see the explosions, but still no spotting of what's shooting (this could be attributed to no LOS due to cowering). Then running away. Still only the initial sound contacts visible. This feels so broken to me. If it's due to the reason above, at least I can understand the mechanics of it (your guys spotted the tanks, cowered, but you don't see them due to out of C2). If this isn't the reason, what is?? GaJ
  12. Deep in another thread, I recently read "On all levels (except maybe Basic?) troops who are out of C2 will experience and respond to things and you may not be shown them". I was gobsmacked by this. I have since seen that it is true, and it explains a chunk of frustrations I've had with the game. Men suddenly cowering for no reason is the main one. Or, to put it another way: apparent failure to spot stuff.... ...it's not that your units didn't spot it, it's that the game isn't showing you! It makes the idea of scouting a much more dubious proposition. I haven't figured out whether I should get over being gobsmacked and learn to like this, or rail against it Either way, worth being aware of. GaJ
  13. My soldiers can see something, and start shooting it it, but the game doesn't show me what it is? I'm sorry, but that still seems nuts, apart from some "crazy" setting where you want to be as confused as the headquarters unit (aka Elite). But in a game where the soldiers don't have a smart AI, nor does the PL, etc, I just don't see how this makes sense... GaJ
  14. Good photographic evidence! Sounds like a line of code missing which says "if I'm aiming at something, and there is something else in the way, and I haven't yet spotted that something, then now would be a good time to spot it" GaJ
  15. To return to the original topic for a moment, I agree with the suggestion to turn on foliage. Any attempt to understand LOS without foliage on is doomed. I've experience this myself: done the same thing, posted screenies, only to find it all makes sense with foliage on. You're kidding!? Where does it say this? Is there some confirmation? This sounds so crazy, for anything other than Elite, that I'm not sure if I think it's a good idea or a bad idea, I'd just like to be sure it's true... GaJ
  16. A commander up the line can offer C2 to lower units. So for example, if you split a squad and have the platoon leader go with one half, and that platoon leader's boss go with the other half, both halves with show as "in command". GaJ
  17. It makes sense to me that snow will be like white piled up water that soldiers and vehicles wade through. Leaving tracks sounds like a challenge, I imagine we can expect something like foxholes in terms of visuals... I mean, some sort of comprimise. It's gotta be a hard one? GaJ
  18. Nice one! I've previously thought "how ridiculous" when I've bumped into bocage lined roads in maps that a truck can't go along. Now I will stop thinking that : GaJ
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