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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. I'd be interested on any feedback on the "Mod Set" option. It's really an "alpha" feature: IE I thought it would be useful and coded it, but didn't have a lot of "user input" to go by. Note that you can have the zips of related mods independently of having the "Mod Set Description" file for them. You can tell people "download these zips to get all the related mods, and download this modset description file to get best use of McMMM". GaJ
  2. Sounds like you might have had a LOS blockage right at the critical time. In CM there's a critical moment (either 60 or 30 secs before firing) when the spotter must have LOS. If it is blocked for a moment at that time you miss. If it is not, you hit. That's the only reason I'm aware of that contibutes to FO's missing. GaJ
  3. What Sergei said! I'm suprise BTS haven't jumped in and said that as well. Surely this whole issue of "I can't see the contours" will be gone with CMx2 graphics!? (PS: if you want high-contrast Mods for CMx1, there are a whole set at CMMODS) GaJ
  4. Better than I did in ROW IV I didn't make it into the final round of ROW V (which is not suprising, since only truly top players are going to achieve that) but I did end up mid-field in the first round, which I was happy with. The big question you left unanswered: what did you think of the AARS? You said "actually read" is if it was a big chore I hope not too much! Cheers, GaJ
  5. I enjoyed Royal Opponent, though it probably favours the Axis a little too much (very skilled players will find it balanced, maybe, but less skilled players will find the Allies difficult to win with). Others, mostly pretty will balanced: Po Valley Pershotraveneve Ridge Moltke Bridge St Eduard's Sanitorium The Library Murphy's Law Tiger Valley GaJ [ September 18, 2005, 10:26 PM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  6. I think the way CMMODS does ads is to be applauded. If you can get ads turned off by giving a donation, what more can you ask for? Anyone who says "I don't want to donate but I don't want ads" I would advise politely to go elsewhere!! (I agree that if intrusive popups or porn appeared, it would be a completely different story: please don't let that happen) GaJ
  7. Right, but the cornfields things still isn't going to work ... at least not by deforming the terrain. The concealment/cover properties of cornfields aren't conferred by the shape of the terrain, they're a property of the terrain, right? You won't be able make cornfields give less cover by "deforming them downwards due to fire". Either units are standing in a cornfield or they aren't based on their position. If they are, they get cover, if they are not then they don't. To have sustained fire change the properties of cornfield, you need mutable terrain properties rather than deformable terrain of the same property... GaJ
  8. Let us know when you finish playing all the scenarios you find at CMMODS. We'll write you some more. I reckon we'll hear from you ... oh .. say 2010? GaJ
  9. Whenever I request that dead units be able to be switched off someone chimes in with a comment like this. It's my assumption that dead units will remain on the battlefield because that's what happens today, and they haven't said they are changing it. OF COURSE we want that possibility. What I'm asking for is IN ADDITION to please have a hotkey to turn them off, so I can actually look at the overview of the battlefield and say "now, geez, what have I actually got to work with here?". It's a playability aid that I'm asking for. Anyone who has tackled "Loaded for Bear" as the Allies will know what I mean... GaJ
  10. In that case, I can't resist this quote: Wey-hey WWII & Space Lobsters of DOOOM!!!
  11. I agree with mrp. After the game (realistic as it is) I want to be able to learn what really happened...
  12. If they are dead (no longer useful in any way) can we PLEASE PLEASE have a way of turning them off? This especially goes for AFVs as well. From a playability point of view, if they're no use, I don't want to see them. GaJ
  13. Hey, this is the "its not for me thread" not the "make it Cold War" thread. If you don't want to bash CMx2 or eichenbaum, go find your own thread
  14. At least I recognised early that I wasn't gonna make it with Bear and gave time to find someone! GaJ
  15. I thought it worth commenting (given my general opinion on this topic previously on record) that again I find myself entirely sympathetic with Steve's response in this case. Mobear dude: if you can't understand the difference between the TacAI and the StratAI in player terms you better do some learnin' or somefink. GaJ.
  16. Yep - I too can empathise with eich and GJK (especially for that quote!!). I'm sure that BTS don't know who GaJ is or what McMMM is either. The attitude of BTS towards the community support for their game used to irk me, but then I realised that a pat on the back from BTS is not (or should not be) the reason that anyone does something for CM. As GJK says, it's for the community and the feedback that comes from there. Or beyond that, you do it for the pleasure of seeing it done. So there's no point in being shirty about BTS's sad attitude... they make a good game, and that's their job. If you like making stuff for the community then get pleasure from there by all means, but don't expect thanks from BTS. BTS will come down on you for making silly whinges whether you are CoG, GJK, Dorosh or Seanachai. GaJ
  17. Well, that guy had really already decided he'd had a gutful, hadn't he? I don't usually like the way Steve deals with customers here, but in this case I was actually entirely sympathetic. I can't understand why you'd start a thread in teh CMx2 forum hrsaying that you think you _won't_ like CMx2 while demonstrating that you really know little about what it's going to be. Even if a person had read and absorbed everything about CMx2 (which was demonstrably not the case), that's just asking for an argument that you can't win, and asking for derision. When you ask for derision and get it, the next thing that happens is a foregone conclusion: you get derided, suprise suprise, you get offended and you pack up your stumps and go home. That was gonna happen the moment the first post was made. Oh well - he needs to go take up jogging or somefink else healthy.. GaJ
  18. Nice poem, Phillipe. I think we're on the same page in what this is all about, even if we don't agree about the finer points of registration. (I don't understand Sergei's response to it at all, but "eh - who cares!") GaJ
  19. That's not true: some people were definitely talking about area firing with zooks, to make sure they fire. Take another look...
  20. The Scenario Balance Indication Lists at WeBandOfBrothers have been updated with the most recent game data. GaJ
  21. GJK - you know that you can't please everyone, and so do we all. Heck, you'll do somethings I don't like, probably. At least if you asked and listened before making the decision then no-one can complain. Indeed - I hope we all also enthusiastically support your taking on this project and any decision you make in the process. - For every decision you make there will be someone who doesn't like it... but there will be many who do. - Having the TSD built by you with whatever decisions you make is better than not having it at all. We'll all give you our strong opinions strongly - just like Phillipe & I are now, but we'll all also back up whatever decision you make and use the resource you provide gratefully. Or at least, I will and most of us will... there will inevitably be someone who'll bitch & moan beyond what's reasonable, but just ignore them GaJ ( 25 / 30 people in this poll said GJK should just GO FOR IT ... whatever he thinks we'll love!) [ September 07, 2005, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: GreenAsJade ]
  22. Rubbish. Registration is good, knowing who downloaded is good, and especially knowing who submitted a rating/review is mandatory. If you can't be bothered registering, get your scenarios somewhere else. GaJ
  23. I think you mean "incredible". However, if you had taken the time to read the extensive discussion of this issue, you would be less incredulous. The basic fact put before us is that despite long threads of people here saying that they won't buy CM if it doesn't have PBEM (I'm one of them) ... despite that, BTS have stated that their biggest market by far is people playing against the AI. IF this is true, then it's obvious why PBEM doesn't have #1 priority for them. And you would think they would be the ones who know how their game is being played, wouldn't you? You mean pointless for you, right? Do you think anyone cares that much? Do you think BTS care that much? If you do, then you are wrong: they have said they care about the AI players most, because there's the most of those out there. Hard to argue with that, no matter how disappointing it is. And it's not even at the point of being disappointing yet, because they haven't said they aren't doing it yet!!! GaJ
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