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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. Reading "Thunder Run" at the moment - I would have liked to build some maps of Highway interchanges with roads over roads for some ambush style scenarios. [ August 01, 2007, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  2. Why can't you use the Hunt command refined with a target arc if necessary? [ August 01, 2007, 03:32 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  3. Explain how you think the command should work. Exactly like in CMX1? If so this discussion is pointless as you are asking for a broken command to be replicated. If you would like a working Hulldown command perhaps you could explain how you would like the mechanics of the command to work. Hulldown to what?
  4. It's not a question of like or dislike. The command did NOT work at all well in CMX1 - simple as that. Search the CMX1 forums for many discussions on why it did not work.
  5. The command did not work very well in CMBB at all. Most players I know never used it as far better results were gained by manually doing it. Not everything worked in CMX1 as well as you guys seem to make out. Why replicate a command that never worked in the first place? If you put some thought into what you are asking for a hulldown command you may be enlightened. Hulldown to what? A hill on the horizon - or the valley on the horizon. Or are you advocating being able to select a specific spot that you want to be hull down to?
  6. Final tutorial campaign game - at work at the moment so no screenshots
  7. When you put a waypoint in building it asks you what floor it should go on. Upon reaching a waypoint infantry reorganise - if the waypint is next to a bulding this may mean some of them "reorganising" into it I guess - or they needed to use the bathroom.
  8. lol...there is quite a lot of looking back at CMX1 with rose tinted spectacles going on at the moment.
  9. It looks like a bug to me - well spotted.
  10. IMHO the CM1 Hulldown command was flawed anyway - Better results were always achieved by judging it manually. I never used it. Shoot and scoot, however, is a loss.
  11. Interesting point Cid250. I know Combat Flight Sim 3's AI was better the more powerful your PC was. I'd not thought of the the new one minute processing for WEGO as a downside before - but I guess it could be seen as a limit to the possible AI calculations.
  12. Agree completely sgtgoody - I ran through the tutorial campaign without any manual and found the cameras and UI OK. That was WEGO though - maybe that makes a difference.
  13. I think you see that on the lowest level of hardness - it is the covered arc that they have been setup - ifyou move up to Vet or Elite you don't see it - I think!
  14. Are you willing to let us know the scenario names? I've not tried any yet.
  15. According to the manual (page 54) - infantry will halt at each waypoint for a short time and regroup. I suspect cancelling a move is the same as a final waypoint - they are regrouping.
  16. Stop it - my ribs can't take much more of this punishment.
  17. I have a spare sense of humour boxed up in my garage if you need it.
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