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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. The terraces appear to have returned although the tennis racquet is no longer complete! http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&om=1&z=16&ll=48.742875,44.537544&spn=0.011348,0.020084&t=k
  2. Look for the heighest terrain...that's the Mamayev Kurgan. It was the highest ground in Stalingrad - which is why the fighting for it was so bitter. In the 3-D images it is the largest hill whose sides are cut by balkas (ravines). It gave panoramic views of the city and the Volga: http://mamayevhill.volgadmin.ru/00_n.htm [ February 08, 2007, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  3. "We are almost done with the website, but other things have taken priority. Only so much we can do at once, unfortunately!" - Battlefront.com 10th November 2005 Great things come to those who wait
  4. "There will be a formal website set up in about a week" Battlefront.com 8th October 2005 Must be a hell of a website
  5. Hmmm...it appears BigDuke6 keeps his model on the lawn - maybe it frightens off the neighbours big cats
  6. This game was announced in 2005...makes me feel old :confused:
  7. It's been in a lake for over 60 years and still looks in better nick than my car.
  8. There's the rub. The smaller the niche - the higher the price surely?
  9. <splutter>coffee all over monitor</splutter>
  10. FYI Last post on page is interesting. "According to a report by the Scientific Institute for Armored Equipment (NIBT) to Ya. N. Fedorenko, the chief of the Red Army’s Auto-Armored Directorate, the average distance a T-34 travelled before requiring overhaul (capital repairs) did not exceed 200 kilometers."
  11. Must have been hell for the last 13 months
  12. I understand it's an Alpha build - the point is not lost on me at all. If something looks odd to me then why should I not say it looks odd? Surely feedback is more useful to the developers than unconditional back slapping. Apart from the odd rotations (and lack of TNT :mad: ) I think it looks great.
  13. If we all used our real names would we all be friends? Let's all have a virtual *hug* - which is far nicer than a dismissive *shrug*.
  14. Agreed - there is something odd about the rotations - especially close up.
  15. "and clouds cast shadows depending on the time of day and season" Arrival of cloud grogs is imminent.
  16. Don't worry that wears off after approx. 18 years.
  17. I use PBEM Helper trusted mode quite a bit and it certainly speeds games up. One downside though is knowing I'm going to need at least a 30 minute slot to run the turn - with normal CM PBEM files I can often fit turns in a lot easier.
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