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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. I thinks 50 posts promotes you to member status. At your current rate 2010 is your year
  2. I suspect your forum handle is frightening off prospective opponents.
  3. In this case I suspect you are incorrect. However, I agree it can't be a big job to set up a new sub forum.
  4. I don't know where you got this from, but this is total bull****. </font>
  5. Design tips and new scenario\map links in their own forum would be very pleasing.
  6. Why would they bother - all the potential hassle is just not worth it IMHO. I suspect they would need a team of full-time forum moderators!
  7. The map looks good - nice work on the bunkers - thanks for sharing that.
  8. Reading "Ambush Alley" at the moment and the descriptions of the A-10 sounds make me miss them even more.
  9. I miss the sound - shadows I can live without.
  10. I've played that mission 3 times and had absolutely no problems with path finding regarding the berm. There are other path finding issues that I have encountered (moving through gaps in walls seems a lottery at times). However, the more I play the more my commands seem to alleviate them. For instance I now leave more space between vehicles and plot turns with more waypoints than I started with. I'm sure that future patches and increased awareness of the best way to plot commands will improve things but it's not unplayable as it is.
  11. IIRC Steve has said they are open to offers for the CMX1 source code. That's the only way I see something like this happening - by a third party. Make them an offer!
  12. No it does not. Depends on the resources of the particular system - works OK on mine.
  13. So unless we have praise we are to be silent? -dale </font>
  14. Well if not complaining about the "number" of click consider the "quality" of such clicks: I've to wait a lot of second before the first click makes its work... as I said in other threads some optimization should be done on the editor for this matter.. </font>
  15. IF you hold down Shift and click to expand the map it increase in jumps of 160m - seeing as the max is 4km wide\deep it cannot take "hundreds and hundreds" of clicks to get the map size you need.
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