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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. Good man - thanks for the link.
  2. I could not play a flightsim without my TrackIR.
  3. Good article - looks like this might be fun.
  4. You might want to try the Opponent Finder Forum on this very board.
  5. - [ March 04, 2007, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  6. Russ - how do you rate the Jason Marks books? I've just started the Leaping Horseman and ordered the new Island of Fire (for my birthday ) They are expensive but do contain a lot of detail and some great photos.
  7. I like that last photo - best I've seen. Small..but sweet: and a modern one - showing height difference from factories: and town centre: [ February 15, 2007, 05:53 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  8. My instincts tell me that is the forum the "insiders" use to laugh at us and plan new methods of playing with our minds.
  9. Anybody read Japanese! The linked map (nice map!) has a comment and pointer to the Barrikady Oil tanks - could say anything! http://www.fireonthevolga.com/phase003.jpg
  10. It's almost as if there was a battle raging which could have caused some of the confusion.
  11. I can find no preorder button on that site :mad: just Canadian porn :mad: :mad: Looks like it has been hacked.
  12. "By September 24 the Germans occupied most of central Stalingrad. One week later, Chuikov’s H.Q. was moved to a dugout near the Barricades Plant which was close to several oil tanks. These tanks were set ablaze by German bombers. Burning oil poured around the dugout, trapping Chuikov and his men inside it. Although encircled by flames, Chuikov had no choice but to continue his work. He kept up radio communication with his troops, despite being dazed and overwhelmed by the smoke and flames. When asked where he was, Chuikov, unsure of his own position, said “We’re where the most flames and smoke are.” 36 The fire continued for several days. Chuikov and other generals had to carry on in dugouts, holes, and trenches, often under enemy fire. They did not sleep for several days, narrowly surviving the flames and enemy fire around the dugout." http://www.lourdes.edu/Online_Narrative_History/ONH/Stalingrad.PDF. The map on the following link depicts the fueltanks in relation the Commissars house at the Barrikady: http://www.leapinghorseman.com/iof_sample3.html [ February 09, 2007, 03:22 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  13. Sketch of the positions of the trapped 389. Infanterie Division on 20 January 1943 in the factory district north of Stalingrad. This sketch was made by Oberstleutnant i.G. August Dangelmaier who was Ia Officer of the 389. Infanterie Division. 1) Tractor Factory 2) Volga River 3) Red Baricade Factory 4) Infanterie Regiment 545 5) Infanterie Regiment 544 6) Infanterie Regiment 546 7) XI. Army Corps headquarters. The Corps was under command of General Strecker. 8) Chuikov’s headquarters (Red Army and defender of Stalingrad) 9) 389. Infanterie Division H.Q. Which depicts Chuikov’s HQ on the Volga by the Barrikady!
  14. Agreed - South of Red October makes more sense. As you say there were oil tanks just to the south west of that. And also the main oil facility even further south which would be East of the Kurgan\South East of the Tennis Racquet. German artillery or bombers hit the oil storage tanks near Chuikov's HQ and set the oil alight 2 Oct 1942 - wherever that actually was!
  15. 17th September 1942 During the night Chuikov moved his HQ from the Tsaritsa gully to a position on the Volga river bank, 800 m north of the Red October Factory (Beevor, 1999; Chuikov, 1963). This was an unprotect site just under some giant oil-storage tanks. The latter were assumed to be empty but subsequently this was found to be incorrect. The Tsaritsa gully was the major balka, which separated the southern third of Stalingrad from the northern two-thirds of the city - it was not related to the Kurgan. [ February 09, 2007, 01:08 AM: Message edited by: Melnibone ]
  16. Depends - shortly after the battle started there was no vegetation left at all - according to my reading - it was a blasted moonscape.
  17. After 14 months development it's going to be pimped up beyond belief surely.
  18. High altitude panoramic photo about north Industrial part of Stalingrad. Photo taken 28.10.1942. 1. Tractor factory. 2."Barrikady" gun factory. 3."Red October" metal factory. 4. "Tennis racket" area. 5. Mamaev Hill 6. Airfield. http://www.stalingrad-info.com/Stalingrad281042.jpg
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