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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. For anyone who's interested... some more screenshots of Operation Störfang in development... This is an impression of how the mountains will look like... This is work in progress... the final result can look diferent
  2. What's that ? Don't tell me you're learning the Dutch language now heh ??? Is that the way to show seanarchizm ? I don't think that hating others will help you be to be the most hated person of this forum. It's clear you can't stand it that somebody else may be hated to. We can observe again, that your sister-mounts-anything-but-me syndrome comes floating on the surface of your incestual childish mind. I insist that you get some treatment for that. I didn't sent any nickel yet to the 'Save Seanachai' fund because there wasn't any good purpose for that money given. But now I can see one. I'm willing to make a contribution to the doctor's bill. Laat je behandelen ! (Dutch) Godverdamme tering tyfus takkezooi :mad: :mad:
  3. BFC Team, Congratulations with the anniversary of your excellent product !!! I'm anxious to celebrate the birthdays of more children in the future. Great job ! Nils
  4. Well thanks YD. You really made my day with your post. Very nice that you're having fun with Störfang. That's the reason I'm putting in all of my spare time into this project. I do have a fulltime job at the largest printing company in Europe (Océ Technologies). Wealthy ? No, not at all. If so, I would be in Crimea right now, taking pictures and bring back a woman out of the Ukraine Take your time with the old scenario's. The new one's aren't finished yet...
  5. The one's I have found are from Pakfan. They look very nice and almost similar to mine. But they are made of stone while the shacks in CM stay very vulnerable. The ones I have made are heavy buildings. I'm almost done with the mods. Just finished with bringing in Crimean rocks. [ September 17, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  6. A preview from an other replacement of a brick building. I keep most textures lo-res because of the scale of Operation Störfang's scenario's. (Pictures have been downsampled to 50% for preview) Grass and the lime stone building textures are low-res. [ September 15, 2003, 07:05 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  7. I'm also replacing all the brick buildings since they are very rare in the Crimea. The pic shows one example (front and back side).
  8. With a few clicks you can apply the Storfang bitmaps and with a few more you can bring it back to the original state. Players don't have to manage all the files them selves.
  9. This is a shot from the mods that will be supplied for Operation Störfang (2nd version). Some terrain changes are necessary to make it look like the surroundings of the Crimea. In every level (following scenario) the backgrounds will be adapted to the real surroundings on that particular site. [ September 15, 2003, 07:34 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  10. Thanks Micheal. I'm glad you have some fun with those scenario's
  11. Yes. We're working very hard on Op.Storfang. How many of you did finish A2 already ?
  12. The Malaxa carrier does looked a bit different then the 3d model in CM ...
  13. <HR><table width="80%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"><tr><td><div align="center"> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox11" value="checkbox"></div></td><td>Close Air Support with Forward Observers / Preplanning</td></tr><tr> <td width="10%"><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox" disabled></div></td><td width="90%"><s>Horses (with or without wagons)</s></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" value="checkbox" disabled></div></td><td><s>Motorcycles</s></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox3" value="checkbox" disabled></div></td><td><s>Bicycles</s></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox43" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>Antitank objects (Concrete Pillars, Steel Crosses etc..)</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox42" value="checkbox" disabled></div></td><td><s>Bulldozers</s></td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox4" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>Closed trucks (with canvas)</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox5" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>Train Station</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox6" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>2 meters tall stone walls</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox7" value="checkbox"></div></td><td>Telephone poles</td></tr><tr> <td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox8" value="checkbox"></div></td><td>Stairs for slopes</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox9" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>Dirt tiles</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox102" value="checkbox" checked></div></td><td>Abby's / Cloisters</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox103" value="checkbox"></div></td><td>A Real dropping of paratroopers (falling out of the sky)</td></tr><tr><td><div align="center"> <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox10" value="checkbox"></div></td><td>On map artillery (for use with target referention points)</td></tr></table><HR><DIV align="right"><input type="checkbox" name="checkbox12" value="checkbox" checked> : Most agree | <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox13" value="checkbox"> : Most disagree | <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox14" value="checkbox" disabled> : <s>Off the list</s></FONT></DIV> [ September 10, 2003, 05:38 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  14. Should post this on the General Discussion Forum [ September 08, 2003, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  15. OK, Andreas & Cabron66, that's enough. The previous version of this topic ended in a war. Nobody is waiting for a 2nd. please keep your posts to the original subject of this topic. Thank you. Eichenbaum
  16. All our time will end up in the development of the new interface and missions. I'll not be able to keep this topic bumping. Got the impression that some weren't that happy with this topic flashing in their eyes anyway. Some asked me who Maj Soshtokovich is. I don't know! He's not with Eichenbaum.org. Greetings from The Netherlands ! Met vriendelijke groet, Nils
  17. Read the mission briefings carefully. You'll find your answer there : Access code : ____________ On a certain point in this battle you may have captured enough ground to receive the access code. This access code can only be seen if you have the landmarks turned 'ON'. Showing or hiding landmarks can be done with the keys : [sHIFT]+[L] This access code gives you the possibility to move to an other grid (area). Most of the access codes can be found on main roads or open spaces on the edges of areas. You can abort the mission at once and move to another area, or you finish the battle you have started. Leaving the area while forces are still fighting does not mean that a ceasefire request is given. An other commanding officer will take over your mission. You will be transported to an other area (of choice) an start a new mission there. Aborting a mission can be done with the keys [ALT]+[A]. IMPORTANT : Before you take any actions after receiving the access code we advise you to 'save' your game. Write your access code down, losing it can cost you a lot of time playing the battle again. Objectives : ____________ Objectives are pointed with landmarks. Turn landmarks 'ON' or 'OFF' with [sHIFT]+[L] or if you lost it : mail to : forgottencode@eichenbaum.org [ September 04, 2003, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  18. No, that's not what I meant. The Rusky really put AA guns in bunkers like 76 mm Flak „Lender" L/30 and used them as field guns. This was only done where the Navy was the main supplier like in the Crimea. I also meant other Russian guns like : - PTRD/PTRS-41 14.5 mm - PTP-1930 37 mm - PTP-1932 47 mm - L/52 B-24 100 mm - L/60 102 mm - L/50 B-13 130 mm
  19. I agree. It would be nice if you could pick your own type of gun for those. I'm Working on coastal artillery battery's for Storfang scenario's but there's only the choice between a MG or a 76.2mm gun, while I need a variety of AA guns.
  20. About the <font color="purple">purple</font> smoke in the movie "A bridge too far"... If you watched the movie beyond that point you'll see a scene where they drop supplies in enemy territory despite all the signals that the allies gave to their aeroplanes. Pilots had the order to ignore signals on the ground. This was necessary to prevent the abuse of these signals by the enemy. For what I know about sorties by bombers is that they fly between predefined waypoints. The predefined objectives consist of large constructions such as buildings, radar stations, ships etc.. How many of these sorties were that close to the frontline ? CM does not go beyond 4000 meters in size. And with tactical sorties you'd fly over the battlefield and search for targets? I could be wrong about that :confused:
  21. A2 Intelligence Report <HR> A Romanian Cavalry company tried to advanced from the Airfield in A1 to the North. They got under heavy artillery fire. We believe that there's a forward observer nearby who has access to the coastal battery Gorki II. These guns are huge, Herr Oberst. A single grenade can wipe out a complete company in the field. That's why you're advised to spread out your forces and stay out of sight as long as possible. Your Blitzkrieg attack must be carried out in 4 waves. First, you scout the area with your Spah* and Aufklärungs Truppen. Clear objective A from all enemy resistance. Objective A has already been soften up with artillery attacks carried out by Romanian mortars and howitzers. Second, you launch an attack on soft Russian targets like infantry and artillery with your Aufklärungs Truppen and a PanzerGrenadieren Company. Try to advance to the North but be careful not to get involved into tank battles. In the 3rd wave you can launch the full scale attack and take out the tanks on your path. You'll be supported by an Artillery and Anti Tank section. A Pioniere Company will be supplied to support the PanzerGrenadieren. The 4th wave will have to start with a massive artillery bombardment on the Harbor to break the spirit of the Russian troops who will be certainly be reinforced as soon as you break the first lines of defense. By the time you'll be able to make the last wave it will be dark. Our Pioniere Truppen will be certainly very successful in clearing the Harbor after the bombardments. 3 Stuka's are on the way to support your attack. We still haven't managed to take out the Xepcohec Airfield. So you have to be careful for counter air attacks. <HR>
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