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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. You're designing a campaign? Very interesting This link might be useful if you didn't check it out before : http://www.feldgrau.com you can search on this site with http://www.feldgrau.com/search.html
  2. Macnab, You have requested to receive scenario's by e-mail, but the reply's sent by us keep bouncing back. Sorry If you can't get to our website you should try to get Flash player 6 (or higher) first, in case you don't have it.
  3. One good reason CMBB won't die : There are no Russians in CMBO and CMAK !
  4. Thanks Benpark. The 2nd version will be much...much better then the 1st
  5. I'm developing a installation package for a campaign system for CMBB. It needs to check the path where the game is installed on a system. The easiest way is to look for the executable : "CombatMission2.exe". However, I only have the European version (CDV) to verify. Does the main executable of the US version has the same filename ? If not, can anybody tell me the name of this file ? --- edit/ PS. For a Windows enviroment only. [ October 13, 2003, 02:48 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  6. Yes...you're right... that's very anoying :mad: !!! <hr> 1. Set the Battle Window Size : 2. Place the units : 3. Decrease the Battle Window Size : 4. See the units relocated by the editor : These units aren't cut-off in the space that has been taken off the map by changing the Window Size.
  7. Version 2 In Development After a few mission releases for Operation Störfang we began to develop a 2nd version. However successful, was the 1st release not according to our needs and it did not represent the true scale of Sevastopol. The 2nd release will show a most realistic virtual battle where even a block of houses or a small street will be there as it was in 1942. With the new campaign system (Interface) you can plan the Operation like you are General von Manstein him self. With the interface of Operation Störfang you can change the textures in the CM to show the Sevastopol surroundings. The standard CMBB textures do not give you that look and feel of the Crimea. Click on the pic for more previews... We are doing our best we can to release the 2nd version as soon as possible. If you want to get an impression of how Operation Störfang works you can check out our 1st release on our website : www.eichenbaum.org. But you'll only be able to play 3 missions (A1, A2, and B1). Nils (webmaster eichenbaum.org)
  8. I'll stay away from the BFC for a while. If you want to discus Störfang or other issues : http://www.eichenbaum.org/cgi-bin/cutecast/cutecast.pl
  9. 50 mm mortar against a KV ? I think it's useless... unless you have some smoke grenades... You could better use it against infantry or AT guns.
  10. Wooowwww... The site is up again. My host did everything to get it running again (new sever, recovering the HD, lawyers for the servers hosting company etc.) First they told me it would take a week to get things done... Seems to me they have managed it to do it in 2 days. Thanks for the support you all !!!! Now I can continue with Störfang without the high bloodpresure... I'm hoping that CMMODS.com can be up as quickly as eichenbaum.org ! Thanks again.
  11. Dankjewel Theike ! Ok... I'll try to let those sigarillos out of it. Get drunk tonight... maybe that will suppress tha stress a bit. Nogmaals bedankt
  12. The eichenbaum.org website is down. The HD has crashed and been damaged. It will take days before it's up again. Sorry for the inconvenience this might cause. I've started smoking again :mad: For questions/requests about Operation Störfang; you can reach me at my 2nd e-mail address : eikelenboom@home.nl Nils [ October 04, 2003, 12:29 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  13. It's spreading like a desease... first CMMODS goes down, now eichenbaum.org... :mad: Site has been down almost the whole day now (or morning in the US or CA). I'm hoping that the dynamic content (CGI) stays intact... I do hope that the curse stops here ! Nils
  14. It's spreading like a desease... first CMMODS goes down, now eichenbaum.org... :mad: Site has been down almost the whole day now (or morning in the US or CA). I'm hoping that the dynamic content (CGI) stays intact... I do hope that the curse stops here ! Nils
  15. Well thanks for the cheering... I hope it's true about the 'hard-core' Eastern-front fans...
  16. :eek: Oh, my... It sounds bad. I'll pray for ya (even I'm not religious) My thoughts are with you! Nils [ October 02, 2003, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  17. Aah yes... the old days. Did you played "Hidden and Dangerous" to ? I remember playing it with LAN, together with my brother. One of the few (cool) games where you can play 'with' each other instead of 'against' each other. Sniping was crucial in the game to succeed. But that was always my brother's job. After firing one shot with his German Sniper Rifle I had to back 'm up many times with a Browning Machine Gun (Cal .30) because the Krauts were alarmed and rushed in large numbers towards us... ---- Anyway, I don't know if we manage it to release Operation Störfang (v2) before CMAK comes out. If CMAK does come out I guess most of the CM players won't be that anxious for Störfang anyway. We'll see... we'll see... Of coarse you can offer your self as a tester for Störfang, then you'll have the BMP's much sooner then others, but you said it your self, you don't have the time...
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