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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. hey Zapp, I just noticed that you signed in to the PL. If you need some assistance concerning this league or german don´t hesitate to ask me. Unfortunately you signed in now and not some days before...so my victory against you does not improve my PL statistics
  2. Hi Rambo, I dont´t have holiday like you. I have only free on 24,25,26 th Dec and 1 st Jan and these days i have to spent with my family. All other days i have to work and with 8 hours time diff impossible to play. But the weekend 27/28 is looking good for me.... But obviously you dont need me as you are looking for russians and germans...and i m neither of them By the way ...if you are the best of the world you should have a better statistic.
  3. Not easy for me to find some time for SC in this period but if you beat Zapp i will find a time to play you.
  4. Les you should better read the posts.....i mentioned the opponent finder forum.....but maybe i did not mention that it is almost dead for SC now compared to some month ago.
  5. By the way interceptions... I wonder about this for a long time but have never asked so far. Why do the russians fighters not intercept in the first turn of Barbarossa in Fall Weiss? Are they set to inactive to prevent further losses to russia?
  6. Welcome... Here is a link to the Pbem-league of Curry http://www.myleague.com/scpbem/ If you can german you can also join www.panzerliga.de If you are looking for games look into the opponent finder forum....but a better chance you will have if you have ICQ and some numbers of possible opponents. Here the link to the tread http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002882 Cya Dragonheart [ December 15, 2003, 04:47 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  7. Kauf dir doch ganz einfach ein anderes Spiel. HOI mit Mod da kannst spielen bis dir graue Haare wachsen und angreifen wenn du willst. Außerdem solltest du nicht die Leute hier beschuldigen die haben das Spiel ja nicht gemacht. Comrade and JJ would say "Damn newby"
  8. ok so let´s go on. In Russia i was slowly moving forward..i had no chance to take minsk as zapp had a full entrenched tank there and a couple of units for a counter. Therefore i dedided to go arround. I captured Riga with heavy air support and in the north i was moving towards the mine near smolensk. But also there was hardly a chance to break through as zapp was blocking with two tanks. I put all my eastern air to the north and advanced hex and hex. Finland did not join for a very long time but when they joined my army stood near Leningrad and one army was ready to disembark. Leningrad fell within 2 rounds. In all other front parts i just trained my armies and hit his tanks as i had meanwhile AT 3...and caused him losses where i could. In the west zapp trained his carriers to monsters he killed several corps,tanks there. There was no way to hold bruessels....later he landed with his combined army in Brest. But my italians were ready with 2 HQ a couple of armies and good AT (advanced also to 3). The hole game i tried to avoid intertiction battles as i knew that zapp use this AA Bug. (he had levl 4 AA me just lvl 2) When the pressure was to much in the west i moved all fighters below 5 strengh to the west munich, berlin area and repaired them all in the same round. For that reason i collected more than 2500 points. Zapp didnt expect this so i had the first strike costing him alot....but he stroke back and i lost a lot of air in the west. But these airbattles, despite of his favour, bleed the british dry and also the americans were struggling they cant even afford the losses caused from the italians. Meanwhile in the east his line broke at 3 different spots.. this time also in the south. With no chance anymore in the west and with my well trained army in the east (3starunits) zapp had no other choice but to surrender. He lost also the sea battle due to some luck of my 6 subs....the main ships were levl 12 like his ones......at the end he had two capital ships left and the italians still 5. This was a very enjoying fun game....and i think this was a game like as it should be....not to give up after a couple of rounds. Over and out Dragonheart
  9. Mini-AAR??????????? I´m writing more than rambo in 5 games!! ROFL
  10. Hi again folks, Due to lack of opponents i started a game with another big name ->>>>>>>>>>>> Zappsweden Bid is 260/2600 me playing axis. The poker for the side was his first victory as i wanted him to play axis...as i think he is just an allied specialist ...but he seems the be the better poker player. Poland I started with a poor attack ignoring the north hitting the poles in the south. After hitting just 2 with my first attack i was near to surrender The army in the north had 1 strengh left and i was even more close to surrender again. In round 3 i captured warsaw but the poles fight on...if this is not a reason to surrender what else? But finally in round 4 they had pitty with me and left the game forever. Denmark I started with the usual pinging session but no hit in the second round...whining...close to surrender again. In round 4 with airsupport copenhagen was captured. LC I attacked LC with an army, corps and 3 fighters. A bit risky but i did not want to loose a tank in a counter. First full sucess....no problems this time. France After the fall of LC Zapp did not counter..maybe due to lack of a HQ which i denied him by bombing the mine in the first round but he occopied the wood northeast of the ardennen as i left it free. (most units were engaged in poland) With no real chance to pull this unit out in the first round i finished off Denmark and did some training lessions on the mine. When Manstein, a 4th airfleet and my troops from the east joined the efforts in the west i killed the army in the first blood hex just after killing this corps in sherwood forest. I moved a tank into the gap ...zapp tried to counter but after the first battle result (5:3) he decided to play the save side and didnt risk the live of his armies. He tried also to use his AA advantage the bleed try my air but as i forced him to intercept too he retreated his air after a couple of rounds. I ignored the ardennen wood hex and drove my units arround...to avoid encirclement zapp drove his units back close to paris. My northern taskforce under the command of von Back eeer Bock suffered a bad counter...all armies were down to 3-4 strenth but fresh forces under rundstedt launched an attack in the south running over the maginot line and killing 2 corps. Now i concentrated all my efforts to the south, the north just stood tight facing the french armies. After buying my 6 th airfleet my attack gained momentum and finally in July ´40 i got paris. Some of the french armies were rescued, his Hq has just a 25 % chance to survive as on transport. Minors Two rounds after the fall of Paris i conquered norway, 4 rounds later Vichy France and Sweden. When my minors Hungary and romania joined in Dec ´40 i attacked spain which held out for a couple of rounds despite the fall of madrid. Yugoslavia couped in May ´40 and was saved from allied ideas. Portugal i did not need to conquer as Zapp declared war on them before Barbarossa. Gibraltar was also mine before Barbarossa. Egypt & Suez This time i did something unusual selling a corps in the first round of the entry of italy in order the move one army immediately towards suez. Together with the italian cruiser the french corps was forced to withdraw to avoid destruction. Suez was mine and egypt was now just a cakewalk with no reinforces from the motherland. Counterattacks & other stuff Like ag Terif i did not attack Brest as i used my air elsewhere. Zapp heavily defended Bergen landed one additional corps and later two armies doing some damage on my corps. But after using 4 AF there he had no chance and lost some usefull MPP in that way. A couple of rounds before barbarossa zapp got lvl 4 jet (me still lvl 2). So he sent his fighters to some training lessions to Brussels destroying my port there..my mine is covered by a tank. In that time i avoided forced intereptions. Just before Barbarossa i catched up also to lvl 4 jet. Barbarossa This time i did no mistake on the border so i started Barbarossa to the latest possible moment. I killed all border armies except one army and one tank, also the russian cruisers in the north are gone after the clash with the germany navy (2cr+sub) In a attempt to cut off a couple of corps arround Riga i risked the life of one tank and one landing army (2nd round). It seems that Zapp want to esablish his first defence line very early. Some units are out of supply so i have to wait a little bit for a descent attack. Greece will fall next round and in Irak i had bad dice rolls....but will fall soon as its encircled. I hope you enjoyed this....it s a bit different to all turkey-shoot-outs and super-duper-bout and duels...at least it will last longer To be continued.....
  11. No comment..... except that this W A S a fun tread.
  12. A Bump is a good idea....because yesterday i was searching for this link ..grrrrrr But if you bump than provide also the actual email-list...as this one is not complete. One is missing.....dumdidumdidum....
  13. I won´t participate as i have to much ongoing games now...but i will post this event in the panzerliga forum.
  14. Curry, Sorry for your quick defeat, but i told you for Fall Blau you need some training....hmmm seems that i have to take Currys part now with one game down....but i will do for sure.... For all my opponents feel free to contact me. Basically i´m available almost every day starting from 20.00 CET until 02.00.
  15. Good idea if it works IMHO. But to avoid this discussion try to take England before france. LOL
  16. As founder of this noble thread I must give the award to the best AAR to Dragon for this classic replay of Dragon verses Dragon, or was it Konigstiger verses konisgstiger? A classic Dragon! [/QB]
  17. Another one SuperDuperBout #5 Rematch between Dragonheart aka Königstiger ag Königstiger aka Dragonheart..... Best of 5 Game#1 Dragonheart (axis) surrenderd in round one as his first unit did only 2 damage on the polish army... :eek: Game#2 Königstiger (axis) surrendered in round one as his cruisers did not damage on the danish corps Game#3 Königstiger (allied) surrendered in round one as he did not find the subs in round one Game#4 Dragonheart (allied) surrendered in round 2 as Königstiger got LC without loosing one airstrenghpoint Game#5 Dragonheart (axis) surrendered in round 1 as Königstiger declared war on Irland :confused: 3:2 for Königstiger ROFL New record set....five games within 1 hour.... :eek:
  18. 2005 isnt´t that long for a wargamer like you....be patient les....close your eyes open it again and SC2 is out....
  19. Superboot #4 Dragonheart (former Zappleagueplayer) aka Königstiger (Panzerliga) ag Königstiger aka Dragonheart......no bid, no rules, battle for honor.... two generations clash..... Game is suspended after 5 turns as Dragonheart accused Königstiger as cheater using MPP creator module......enabled him to buy 10 axis carrier within 5 rounds.... But the odd thing for Königstiger is...how could Dragonheart find out that he has bought 10 carriers??? The simple answer is Dragonheart was using his FOG-Sniffer tool..... Well both parties agreed that it is a draw. ROFL
  20. Hey Curry seems to me you need some training lessions before you start otherwise you will get your ass kicked.... Fall Blau is very difficult to play especially on the german side....
  21. My mighty experience in Fall Blau, i just playing my first game, is that it is very time consuming because there are a lot of possiblities and you have to consider alot of different strategies. IMO i would seperate ppl willing to play only PBEM from ppl playing TCIP....in that manner at least one group is going trough their games fast. Maybe you should also seed some stronger guys. In case you need me now as 8 th player i will sign in.. in your pbem league as this games will also be valid for the league if both players are members istn´t it? Please provide me with the link where i can join in case. Klingonswarrior Dragonheart ...ah you are already 8 now....so don´t worry..i will play against the winner....this is a faster way to win this tourney [ December 06, 2003, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  22. The mighty Dragon announces the only worthy champion KUNIWORTHY to be in..in this tourney.
  23. Hmm 126 posts?? You wanna make this tread to a super nova?? By the way what´s the record posting for a tread in the SC forum so far? As i said we need some death ones coming out of their graves...now more death are arround than living ones. ROFL ...but i don´t now where i have to count me in... Most of us just life because the hope to SC2 is giving hope and breath....but how many will survive till 2005?? Darkness will soon hide the sun Daaaaaarghhhhhhhness LOL
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