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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Hi, I´m online at this time as i´m in the office. The only problem could be that i might be busy. By the way one question. If both players are in the League is this game also valid as League-Game? In other leagues it is also used when playing tournaments it counts also for the league. [ September 15, 2003, 09:26 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  2. May i express my condolence... It´s unbelievable that such things happen in a democratic country.... If such things happen in africa...but in sweden??!! She was a popular foreign minister no idea what could be the reason for such a horrific action.
  3. Althoug searching in the forum i found no answers to these questions... - under which conditions the allies can buy units in Bagdad (previously conquered)and egypt? .. as i noticed that it is sometimes possible - does moving the gibraltar corp affect italian warreadyness? -moving a corps from outside the med into the med doesnt affect the italians isnt´t it? Many thanks in advance for your assistance [ September 08, 2003, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  4. Hi all, I´m new to this game, read a lot of treads and AAR´s to understand what is going on. I understand the risk of all the gambits as Allied. My question is why it´s a common move for the allied player to DOW irland early? As far i understand the DOW of irland brings the USA 3-4 turns later into war that means 540-720 points loss for the allied player. Is the early cash of arround 250 points and the training lessions for the carriers really that important and worth it? On the other hand you have to land at least 2 corps to get dublin together with heavy shore bombardment. (isn´t it?) These corps can never leave the island so they are more or less lost. Another slight disadvantage is that the axis player will get earnings for irland. (don´t know how much) Do the axis player reinforce the unit in dublin or is it a lost case like poland? Your thoughs please. Cheers Dragonheart
  5. Tku for your info As i have so many games suitable for SP,MP via Email or TCIP at the moment (CMBB,EU2,HOI..) i was looking for a game which i can play also during my computer-sessions together with my friend.
  6. Hi, Just wondering if SC is also playable in hotseat modus. :confused:
  7. My spies are everywhere. :cool: I will leave this late afternoon for the countryside. (fishing) If it is possible to leave the office earlier i could send you my turn today before i leave. Bye Mike
  8. Hi Alex, I´m happy to see you again looking for some assistance from more experienced players. As i´m a really nice opponent i tell you how i would handle the situation. "Never waste a shoot on infantry when you are expecting enemy tanks approaching" The possible loss of a tank is not worth it...only to pin or cause a loss of 1 or 2 inf. On the other hand i have to tell you i´m a genious in killing tanks with inf. In another game i knocked out two elephants with molokovs and grenates....and some mouses **lol** So please let them getting killed by my PZIVH´s. Although covered Arc and only about 350m is to your favour..... So let´s wait and see Cheers Mike
  9. Hi Alex, I´m really sorry for your bunker but i don´t think that is was my 158mm rocket attack which knocked out your bunker. I think that my well positioned five tanks + 105mm field gun were responsible for the bailout of your men. In fact neither of these units had a chance to penetrate your bunker they only fled because of the simultanous fire also known as "hail fire". But maybe you are talking about another bunker not visible for me ehhhh? :cool:
  10. Do you grant the attacker in a QB additional points? The preset ratio is 1,5:1 What´s a fair ratio in your opinion? Is it also a matter of time period and map-features? Sorry for bothering but i couldn´t find anything about that in the forum.
  11. Is it gamey to use arty in the setupzone of the attacker? (1st turn) I think it´s more realistic if the attacker tries to soften the enemy positions in that manner. Your opinion please. Cheers Dragonheart
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