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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Rambo defeats Dragonheart in Group D ah you were the bad boy iron ranger...i cry for revenge for the draw...for the game for everything :mad: Big boys group tztz....im so feeble and smart
  2. Iron Ranger defeats Dragonheart Group D Who did the draw and sent me into this terrible group...Rambo,Sand Castle,Iron Ranger....only top 5 players !!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  3. posted by Edwin I second the call for hiding US war readiness with FOW on. In this case declaring war on minors should increase warreadiness of USA randomly otherwise every play would know it anyway... as the numbers are well known.
  4. What about no warentry level? They join historical whatever happened before. [ October 08, 2003, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  5. In a certain way SC is similar to chess. Like in chess you have to anticipate your opponents move and there are a couple of standard moves. All pieces are dependent from each other and must be covered. And every unit has it´s own task. Here we go..... Your headquarters are the King - if you loose them all you have lost Your fighters are like the Queen - Good Range and fighting capilities The bombers are your bishops - weak in close combat but great range Your armies are comparable to the horses - not a great range but strong and good for cover. The corps are the pawn - They can be canonfooder but sometimes decinsive for the game. The navy can be considered as the towers - great power but they can´t be everywhere. I wonder how many of you can also play chess... I think that at least 75% of all SC players are also good chess players. Isnt´t it? bye Dragonheart [ October 08, 2003, 04:34 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  6. In my future games i will call for his assistance So beware yourselfe in future in games ag me and my small genius.
  7. I hate it too as in 2/3 of my games my oppenents have obviously more luck than me... Even when i play with my 9years old son i´m technically outperformed So winning against me counts nothing...better you play with my son... ROFL
  8. I would like to see no research at all but fixed dates where countries improve their current tech levls. (starting levls would be fine as jersey stated) This would kill the "Chitusingluckfaktor" (nice word isnt´t it? ) in MP games.
  9. Just tested it...maximum raid in the north atlantic is 40 MPP regardless how many subs,regardless how expierenced,regardless which level and regardless if different nations are involved. So 4-5 subs should be enough to do max damage on GB MPP´s. (for the north atlantic)
  10. I like the idea giving every player the possiblity to decide what he really needs for his strategy. ..much more fun is guaranted
  11. Blashy .....subs are not only good for raiding but also for destructing of the royal navy..and furthermore for a preperation of a operation sealion. An axis player never builts subs only with the only purpose to raid. So its a more or less a decision to finish off russia when producing armies or to finish off GB when producing CA,Subs. (or sometimes at least a try to finish off )
  12. Dalmatian Partisan I don´t think so as such a high raiding rate would weaken GB to much. Every mod and every rule like the bidding system is to improve the chance for the allied player....such a high raiding rate would ruin the game. Maybe if one implement additional MPP income from indian colonies of roughly 30-50 MPP for GB this would be justified. [ October 06, 2003, 06:54 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  13. Good info in that Clash of Steel topic. I´m not 100 % sure but i saw already more than 40 points. I will playtest this as soon i have some time beside my ongoing games.
  14. Does anybody know the maximum MPP damage subs can cause in the med. and north atlantic? IMO there is a max. amt regardless how many subs raid. Maybe the presence of subs from different nations increase that max. amount? In my games the max. amt. i noticed was 8MPP in the med and 46MPP in the atlantic.
  15. ROFL The only thing i m wondering about is that this tread is still alive...not closed by some nice moderators because it´s slipping more and more into offtopic and non-SC-related areas. Maybe the title is misleading some spys and who is grazy enough to read trough meanwhile 118 posts? Bye Dragonheart
  16. Hey Jersey my grandmom was Baronesse so i´m titelt too at least to 25% ....say Baron Dragonheart to me ROFL ...there are guys here wanted to be called sir only because their duty in the army. No i will not change it as it was the original spirit of this tread...bringing many Deathbelieved out of their graves and finally this tread rocketed to 117 posts. ..and nobody heart my call that it´s closed.
  17. This tread is closed....not by moderators but by initiator :cool:
  18. The main reason that i came here was that i was looking for Combat Mission opponents and i was wondering what SC is and why there are so many opponent finder requests. So i was lurking arround the SC forum found out where to download the demo and voila....now i´m atticted SC-Player :eek: Hearts of Iron and many of the games mentioned by Les i played too...but this one is really the first one where MP doesn´t suck.
  19. No it was the same person....he was banned as Lucky Zorba...coming back as Lucky Elephant taking revenge...the others will confirm you that. Hey that was post 100 in this tread
  20. Jordy my first impression of him wasn´t bad too, just thought he was a little bit mishandled by some rude guys (just kidding C.T.) But then he goes grazy and was showing his real face...spawning this forum full of silly treads.
  21. Brief but true.... After reading all answers and seeing all the dead ones rising from their graves i believe it... The SC community is not dying...only sleeping sometimes
  22. The obvious decreasing interest for many old core SC-players and some disputes occured in the past time made me think about how one can improve the current situation...making eventually rejoin lost cracks and providing more fun for new members. I like the idea of having a league. But the result there is distorted because of several reasons. A fair solution where we dont´t need any challenge system, where inactive (for the moment) players not loosing their current positions, where you dont jump 10 places when you have a lucky win against a top player......would be a system like in the soccer league. Why we don´t create a league similar to a soccer league? - we start the season on one certain date - duration is one year - 2 or more leagues (premier league, 1st division) - possibiltiy to promote - 3 points for win, 1 point for draw - at least 2 games against every opponent - masterplayoff system ? - additional Cup-games (like the current one) - predefined houserules - TCIP and PBEM playability ...only to state some of the major points. This league can be played beside to the already existing Zappleague and PBEM League. To mention again some of the advantages maybe there are even more... - everybody has to play ag all other participants - no challenge system - no time pressure (one year is enough time) - the winner of the championship is the real and the only one champion - TCIP and PBEM playability - people will not loose interest when loosing their first one or two games - houserules will deny the use of bugs - interesting game statistics for everyone - heavy fights also in the lower league (s) due to the possiblity to promote Hopefully everyone can follow my ideas and especially my bad english . I know this league would mean a lot of work for the people running it. I´m not a computer guru and my sparetime is not unlimited but i would be happy to participate into this project. Your Opinion? Cheers Dragonheart
  23. Bill Ok let´s say it´s a cycle..but a cycle consists of up and downs and now it´s down with expierenced players leaving and atticted players loosing their attiction. But you are rite when you say that´s normal. So now it´s time for the new generation to keep things running. Your suggestions concerning gameplay are good. I on myself tried meanwhile out all things you mentioned additonal i never use more than 2 chits per category in my MPgames. At the point when you have played all AI variations +1,+2 more units and so on your final destiny is Multiplayer....and when this sucks too...then ... "game over". But these are only my 2cents. Comrade Trap Loosing core members is another reason for a dying SC Community...i agree with you...whatever the reason is [ October 01, 2003, 10:42 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  24. I noticed that in the past days more players were leaving than new players joined. In these days it´s getting more and more difficult to find opponents as many players are burnt out. Seems the SC-Community is damned to die.
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