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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. I dont know how long the last games will still last but i wanna let you know that i´m on holiday from jan 31 until Feb 7. I´m ready for the playoffs beginning with Feb 8. Greetings Dragonheart
  2. First Session Dalmatia got Axis with a relative low bid of 190, 1:5:20 System. Although i´m a better axis player i didn´t want them this time because i played my last 10 games axis. Another reason was that Dalmaia is a better allied player and probably he will do more mistakes with axis. Facts - Poland conquered in round 3 - Denmark conquered in round 6 - irland is allied; no training for carriers as he declined to repair the irish - LC failed in turn 2 but was conquered in round 3 - i had no HQ to make a decent counterattack in round 2 - quite good performance of dalmatia in France, France surrendered 11. Aug ´40 but suffered only slighly losses despite i used armies for landing bonus. - I lost 3 ships and two armys in France. Another weak game in France of my side - all french cities left 1 round after fall of France - Norway failed in round 1 and Sweden was delayed another 2 rounds because HQ could not land; Bergen is allied.immedeately as port was bombed down to ground. - Vichy France also took 2 turns - Malta is italian after axis air showed up - Egypt and Suez still allied; all italian ships are there for training mission, allied force consits of 1 Army in Alexandria, two corps guarding Suez and on corps in former Vichy city. - No allied tech so far, germans got LR 1 Conclusion Nothing special so far. He was a bit late in France but lost only 1 Corps, with me loosing 3 ships, 2 Armies and another 2 Corps. Carriers had hardly training so far. On the other hand he was delayed in picking the minors. In all of my games against him i did not win the game in the west but in russia; i hope to do the same also this time. But it will be a hard job.
  3. Get well JJ......i was missing your daily posts and didn´t know what happend. Can anybody tell me what happend with him?
  4. Ok let´s go for it. My available times are - today (21.1) 20.00 - 03.00 - Friday (23.1) 20.00 - unlimited :cool: - Sunday (25.1) 16.00 - 03.00 (maybe even a bit earlier) - Tuesday-Thursday (27.1 - 29.1) 20.00 - 03.00 each day. Pls note that i leave for holiday on Saturday (31.1) very early in the morning, so Thursday (29.1) is the last day i can play. In case you host pls dont forget to rename our old Panzerliga-Game which we have to postpone as WST has first priority now. See you on the battlefield
  5. Solutions 1) The opponent finder Section in the Battlefront-Forum (heavily used in former days but meanwhile a bit dead) 2) Join Currys-League (PBEM+TCIP) http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=002882 Under this link you will find Emailadresses of possible opponents. 3) Join Worldleague (TCIP only) www.myleague.com/strategic and find opponents worldwide per ICQ ICQ No. of possible opponents you will find under that link... http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=003268 4) Join Panzerliga (german site soon also in english) and find opponents in the opponent finder section. www.panzerliga.de Many ppl playing fun games can also be found within this 4 possiblities. To find opponents. it´s no obligation to join any league. Hope this helps Cya Dragonheart [ January 20, 2004, 08:42 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  6. Barbarossa kicked off ...all border ground units destroyed, the AF could escape the slugfest. Some turns later 3 of the 4 border cities taken, breakthrough arround Riga and working towards Leningrad. Tank losses on both sides. He hides his AF as long they got Lvl 4 jet in this way i was cought into a trap and lost one AF in the east. My carrier working from Riga has very low supply and sails back to Königsberg to regain its full strengh. The south is very quiet only some skirmishes in the marshes. Due to the irak rule i conquered only portugal, Greece, Switzerland...so i got all minors except irak. In the west we have heavy airbattles in Norway and France. He is taking full advantage of his AA advantage and is forcing several interceptions. But all my AF stand fast and fight brave to prevent free carrier training....if he looses at least 1-3 srenghpoints it´s a win for me. Since reaching Lvl 1 AA, and Lvl 2 LR i force him also to intercept. I lost one 1 AF in the west so far. But i´m guarding Brest with one AF so he can forget D-Day at the moment. GB and US is engaged to repair their air, so i dont think he has much left for ground forces. Overall situation I´m gaining arround 810 MPP each round, he gains arround 730 MPP. Whilst he looses more Mpp worth in ground forces (russia), i loose more mpp in the air. I loose more MPP but my advantage is that i have more or less only one front to fight, so i consider to move my italian force to the east... in this way the germans can concentrate on air whilst the italians will be responsible for the groundbattle. I have to be very patient in this game and are not allowed to do any mistakes anymore as this game is very close. I think that this game will decided in the east although i have also some options now in the west. Known and expected Tech Lvl. (air) Jet Ami 4 GB 3 Rus 4 Ger 4 LR Ami 3-4? GB 3-4? Rus ? Ger 2 To be continued....
  7. I like this joke.... we all know that Kuni is banned hmmmm?
  8. Dont worry you will get your second chance against me. See you on the battlefield. Tell me when you are available. greetings Dragonheart
  9. As this game is valid for both leagues we made a fixed bid of 200. So each player will get 200/1000/4000 for playing allies. (Irak Neutral) As i need my full concentration to the gameplay and i´m not one of the fastest players i prefer to write AAR´s after the gaming sessions. In the first game i got axis. Brief Summary After full breaktrough in the south (destroyed army and corps) i got poland in round 2. Dispite this fact my subs were discovered early by the polish AF in Canada. The Allied hunt them down and 2 rounds later they were done without damage for the british navy. For LC i used my usual Dragonheart-Lite version (3AF+1A+1C)and was lucky to get a kill with my last attacking corps. (3hit) In round 3 i tried to kill the french army in the ardennen forest but after 3 attacks i realized that it will fail and used the remaining AF´s to finish off Denmark. Also in the 2nd round of the french campagne i could not make a breaktrough, so i trained my AF on the mine. In round 3 the ardennen forest was taken, another army damaged and my sub damaged one of his ships. The following rounds i got between 1-2 kills per round and my armies poored into the south of france. Additional i could damage another 2 ships with my cruisers. I avoided the coast and his two armies there. I used my full power on the south and finally in June ´40 france surrendered. My losses in france were moderate...just 1 army and 1 corps, all my ships could escape heavily damaged. The following action was usual standart. I got Norway 3 rounds, Vichy 4 rounds, and Sweden 6 rounds after the fall of france. Sweden declined to surrender one round after fall of its capital. Also Malta, Egypt, Spain, yugoslavia and Gibraltar is mine. Malta was abandomed,Gibraltar i took before Spain was abandomed too !!!?? This time i also took Brest as i had a couple of rounds before my spain campagne. Maybe important as i can delay D-Day for a couple of rounds. In Yugoslavia i did a bad mistake and the partisans took Sofia but fortunately i recaptured it immediately. In this game there was no quiet time as zapp used his complete airpower (well trained carriers with lvl 2 jet and LR 3 or 4!!!!) on his private training camp in norway. Manstein with 2 and later 3 supporting AF´s had a hard time. But Van Bock used the trementous range of the brithish airforce to his advantage and forced several interceptions from france. So Zapp ended the terror in norway. I dont worry to repair my AF´s because levl 2 jets with lvl 2 in production is nothing for the mighty germany, despite of much heavier losses. To repair LR 3 or 4 AF´s with jet 2 must be very expensive huhhhhh. Now we are one round from Barbarossa. All is in position although i have to admit that i did one mistake in positioning which causes that i had to sell two research chits and maybe i can´t kill all border armies,tanks and the AF in the first round. Another big problem will be his carriers and his good sighting. Tech Levl so far Jet 2 LR 1 Production 2 all others still nothing Zapp your comments pls.... Ps: I visit my friend today and will come home arround 0.30. If you want we could continue for a couple of rounds at this time. Let me know. Cya Dragonheart [ January 19, 2004, 06:23 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  10. Did not see Nimitz (Lucky) for a while. Played him end of Dec. Since that time he wasn´t online anymore. Not a reason to withdraw for you rambo...... I just realized that you withdrew also from the WL!!! First you convinced me to join and now you leave??? Say that that´s a joke. But anyway this would be understandable for me as you played roughly 50+ games since starting Turkey Shoothout. Waiting for Rambo 2 [ January 19, 2004, 03:50 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  11. After 100+ requests i reconsidered my opinion and joined now the W-League. There are at least 20 players minus one with which i can have lot of fun. Looking forward to battle with the best of the world. Cya Dragonheart
  12. @LIAM IMHO Italy must have something like a tech advantage in AT...i reach everytime lvl 12-13 with one chit also with russia at lvl 0.
  13. It was both a fighter in a city doesnt count and then it was end of 1941. As i did already my mailturn i loaded later again and could solve the problem. End of year did not matter in this case. But for my game it´s to late. Let´s say it´s a kind of present and handicapsystem for me ag Curry
  14. In a PBEM game ag Curry in happened that russia declared war immedeately without preparing for war. This never happend to me. Russian warreadyness one round before was 85% and the last round 89 %. Normally when reaching 86% you have another round for built up. This was in all of my games so far. Is there a certain date when russia declares war anyway?...because it was already Dez. 41??? As Hungary did not join until October 41 i could not invade spain in this case war normally begins in Oct. 41.......
  15. Jul, maybe we can start today...tomorrow i have holiday. I will come home from my friend arround 00.30 am (Gmt+1) +/- 30 min. I will check my ICQ then. I think (hope) i have your ICQ No. If you cant play today or miss this message tell me your available times maybe we find a common time to play. cya Dragonheart
  16. If you ask me in the middle of the night to start a "new" game i expect you to have a certain time window and not to quit after 1h. When i m tired i either dont begin a game or i tell my opponent that i can´t play for long. So...you were tired ? then explain me why you were still online and could tell rambo your response at 4.52 am :confused: It´s your personal thing what you are doing in your personal life but you should ppl let know that in case of a call you have to leave. I was everytime happy having found an opponent for the evening, i told other ppl that i cant play them, becaue i play you and you left me 2 times after less 1 hour playing time. You can imagine that i was :mad: :mad: :mad: This ****ing rabbit thing was not to personal insult you....this was really just a joke...ok maybe it was a bad one. I dont wanna sink this new league i just explained why i will not join because several ppl will ask me for that. One can not join a league when one refuse playing another person. And i´m fed up with your 1 hour sessions...thats my point. Anyway this league will soon have 20+ members so you will soon have enough good opponents willing to play you dispite your peculiarity. Good luck with your league Dragonheart PS: i cant read your icq messages as i blocked your account [ January 04, 2004, 07:48 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  17. Hey Iron, Dont forget that the axis has also to manage in the first turn not to have partisans. If the German player doesnt manage that problem he will be dead. Most of my opponents failed with this problem together with a decent attack of russia i managed to cut off the hole german army.....something like a big big Stalingrad happended First i have to win ag Kurt and maybe some other players before i face you. As you said ..bad luck and any minor mistake in this game and you are dead ag a good player..and Kurt is a good player. We should play both sides ag each other....but i dont really care which side i get in this scenario..so you could choose too ag me.
  18. Well ppl will ask me why i dont join this league despite i was talking about this topic before. In order not to explain in 100 times i explain it here. I was asked to play a game with Kuni to a very late time (02.00 am). After he convinced me to play i bidded 175 in this new system.(1:5:20) As he bidded 176 !! and i let him axis he went grazy and found several reasons not to play...he told he just started to bid with rambo, then he wanted to play 1:10, then he told me i should go to bed etc..... But i insisted to play. So finally we started and after less an hour playing he wanted to quit for the day!!! I thought he was kidding and told him to play at least until the fall of france, but he was not kidding and left without a word.... Afterwards he told me that i play to slow!!! Nice isnt´t it?? I had the feeling that he did´t want to play axis ........therefore the odd bid of 176. This was now the third time he left playing within 1 hour playing time..so i told him not to play him anymore. I had a good relationship with him so far but meanwhile there is no other way but to think that he is grazy. It´s not my way to accuse ppl....but this my reason not to join this league. He is admin there and i will only play reliable ppl. Over and out ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dragonheart [ January 17, 2004, 04:01 PM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  19. Kurt have you not noticed that is not banned anymore? I saw him posting here.
  20. Kurt, you can still choose the axis if this is your opinion. I have no prob to play allies. In my opinion allies are stronger here. See you tomorrow.
  21. Hehe, Let´s give CT another chance. I will play Kuni in order that CT must not restart SC HQ and this game will count also as Winterstorm Tourney. I will send this SC HQ to the hell. and with it Kuni
  22. My ICQ No is 172400835. [ November 29, 2004, 06:07 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  23. Hi folks, I just realized that our community is growing and more active players are showing up, also formerly resgning players and players who said they will not play anymore are back to action...and this despite lots of bugs. (attention sarcastic ) Maybe we should consider to reestablish a league? Zapp what do you say?? Is it worth it? Wanna give it another try. Or do you wanna play just Panzerliga until the outcome of SC2? What about if all current acitve players make a vote here if they are interested in a new league here? zapp,rambo,iron,kuni,kurt,curry,CT,JJ and all others old or new players not mentioned let me know your opinion. @JJ i have to admit you were rite....you know what i mean?
  24. I dont know what it was before but currently it is an insane ****ing rabbit playing SC just between his sex-sessions :eek:
  25. I dont know what it was before but currently it is an insane ****ing rabbit playing SC just between his sex-sessions :eek:
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