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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. I just play my first fall blau..in the PL...it´s a really balanced game. If you are in a lack of ppl i´m in otherwise others shall play.
  2. Kurt, If i were you i would take some french lessions to answer some newbs questions which will arise soon. Your spanish and italian was quite well but the french are very hard to please. Vive la france arghh i forgot you are belgian so you can speak french anyway. Je n´ai parlez pas le francais depuis l école. Monsigneur Dragonheart
  3. Rambo, forget about the Forum in the PL as ppl hardly use it. I told you to post in the opponent finder section. (Gegnersuche) If you want i will post for you. Just tell me. Are you already member there?
  4. JJ i hate snakes....remove that awefull pictures iehhhhh Hmmm 100 posts in this tread soon obviously we need the help of some lurkers coming out of their graves So we will have to wait for midnight ROFL
  5. Hm i´m one of the guys left for the Panzerliga, although i´m member there since 3 years...so left for... isn´t correct. One can play competitive SC there since 2mth. There are already 20 acitve players there but i think there are even more as only players which already finsihed one game are shown in the league. As 2/3 of the games in the PL are via PBEM there will be a lot of ongoing games. But i have good news for you ..the "panzerliga" will soon provide it´s site also in english....so there is no problem for ppl speaking other languages than german. If you wanna have more info... Iron just ICQ me ...arghh just forgot you have problems with it... hehe....but your email works. I don´t say goodbye but on the other hand there is hardly a reason to stay. I need the kick of competitive SC which i can´t have here anymore.
  6. Time of agonie is coming....JJ does that he can best...writing ....posting nice pictures but what are doing all others till the outcome of SC 2? Ok Les is doing some poetic and Boninza giving some german lessions in nice words , Rambo is still complaining that ppl cheated ag him although he never lost a game ag them ; zapp is playing Railroad Tycoon 3 now, Kuni is now moderator of his own fanpage, Iron Ranger still is trying to get his ICQ working, Comrade Trap is monitoring the donwloadstatistic of the SC trainer, most german ppl left this forum for the Panzerliga except one gay errrr guy , some others are still trying to built the ultimate fair solution for Fall Weiss.... I could state alot more things.....but remember on my topic "Is the SC community dying?" Ok not the community is dying but the gameplaying itsself.....i wish you a lot of fun till SC2
  7. Rambo, Have you ever played a person using that tools against you? So far all my opponents were clean. Ok i have only about 40 games with 15 different opponents so far ...maybe you have made some more bad expierence.
  8. Well, it´s all over now....the game ended on 1st September 1946 with my defeat. The gaming time came near the 50 hours. It was a very enjoying game...but let´s come to the facts. As expected russia started it´s offensive on 3 fronts. The targets were - Suez....Africa - Schweden - Southern Russia Ag his africa operation i had no means to stop it as i needed all my air for sealion. So it was a battle with tanks, HQ, lvl 5 fighters ag corps. A funny thing in the med was our transport war. My greatest success was the elimination of a tank near Tripoli. In Sweden several corps landed and cut my supply and took the mines. But just rite in time when Stockholm was surrounded my reinforcements arrived and got rid of the reds. His main attack was i southern russia which began very slowly but with arrival of additonal fighters from the african taskforce it gained momentum. As i had no armies and no HQ there he could train his untis without a counter from me. Only later when i saw it´s getting critical i send rundstet to southrussia. Ok let´s switch to the west now... My 9 fighters there did the trick i got london and the italians under gariboldi moved slowly towards manchester. Manstein and von Bock were responsible for air cover. The english and americans threw all into the battle they had. In the battle for each bloody hex i had to face many counters where he used new built tanks and armies (maybe sold research??) But finally i got london with a high tech italian taskforce (lvl 13).. Meanwhile in the east... Rundstet could not hold the russians and ordered retreat...which his forces performed perfectly hex for hex. Later Manstein was assigend to help in the east and also the first two airunits were moved to the east. But anyway with the fall of manchester to russians stood 3 hex from Warsaw. Some italians corps under Balbo took positions in the mountains south. Soon i had to realize that the russians are to strong now. Even full entrenched armies were no problem for them. Therefore i stopped building armies and built only corps. The air war was also a lost case as all my air from the west had only 3-4 strengh points although the were 3 and 4 star unis. I was always on defence and this interception battles costed to much MPP for me. Meanwhile i had MPP disadvantage despite the capture of GBP. During this main operation Terif put pressure everywhere... in the med lots of corps transports were looking for a save heaven. again landing operation in Sweden etc.... Lots of americans joined the russians in the east. Some were the remaining forces from the british island and some came via Suez?.. My italian special forces taskforce took position arround Berlin. As the russian took no unit losses he had just to reinforce and this for at least 20-30 rounds....he used his MPP to built a trementous airfleet. He shoot on everything he doesnt like . Gariboldi escaped with strengh 2 after 10 airstrikes. The front bordering rumania broke and the reds flooted into the back. I established the next defence line behind the next river. Meanwhile this heroic italians could hold Berlin for many rounds. This army in berlin survived at least 50 airattacks in sum. It was awarded with the "iron cross". But finally Berlin fell in July 46 and the italians took positions in all major cities to get the MPP in case of a german surrender. The best units retreated to rome. Germany didn´t surrender immediately, so i built another defence line from Hamburg down to italy, some units evacuated to england under command of von leeb my last surviving HQ. To conquer italy there was obviously not enough time left...therefore Terif placed his hole airflottilia near italy and one transport beside rome. He hit this army in rome with 16 or 17 airfleets!!!! and i think it was the last one which killed my unit. Italy immediately surrendered but germany still not. Vokssturmuntits guarded all important cities...but on September 1st 1946 it was over. It was the first time a saw this victory screen Glossary: It was really the hell of a game. I had a good start, the fall of Paris in Aug was ok for me. Minors picking i did in a personal record time and the plunder i received was above average. I invested my chits in the following order... 1) 2 tech 2) 1 anti air 3) 2 jet 4) 1 LR 5) 1 tank 6) 2 jet 7) 1 jet When reaching levl 5 jet i put 1 chit in antitank. I reached the following levls Germany Inf 1 AA 2 Tank 2 LR 1 Jet 5 tech 2 Italy Inf 3 tech 1 It was my best game so far. But it was not perfect and ag Terf you have to be perfect. I did some minor mistakes but they would not have changed to outcome of the game. One of my major mistakes was the attempt to turn an already lost airwar....to much MPP spent into this project. Maybe more groundunits would have given me the couple of turns which were needed to win. But the most decinsive fault was the following.... I preparation for the coup in yougoslavia i moved units from sweden to former poland. I always have 4 units in poland... On arrival of this two armies i moved two of my corps out of this 3 hex range (4 hex away). so i had now again 4 units but something was wrong with the positioning. So far i can remember i had two units in the cities and this two armies were 2 and 3 hex from the border. This mistake increased russian warreadyness from 57 to 70% ....so they entered the war 2-3 rounds earlier. I´m not the one who says ..what were if....but i think Terif will admit without this mistake i would have propably won. The difference were 1000-1500 russian MPP, 1000-1500 german points for prepartion. None of the bordering units would have survived..and i have stopped my advance at minsk not before... Ok that´s it Thank you very much for this great game Terif...i enjoyed all 180.000 seconds of this game equal if it was my turn or yours. We will have to do another game as it´s only one part of our 2nd mirror game isnt´t it? But now i need a short break ....as i ´m sooooooooo frustrated.
  9. Well, it´s a long way to Berlin or maybe to Rome...as long as the way to manchester will be. The german high command will have to divide its taskforces properly. From some brithsh scientist they got some invading plans of the russians. - take Suez and poor into the med..with a couple of landing operations - Capture of Istanbul and attack from the south - Landing Operation behind the front line in the Black sea - Landing operation in Sweden - Frontal assault on the main front Unfortunately the british scientist was killed by an russian KGB agent....so the high command will not know which plan will be excecuted. But before he died he let us know the secret of LR1 Soon everything will be in our range. One expect the attack of the red army will be soon ...causing at least two further fronts. The british defence will be a multinational force consisting only of corps.....well not only this bloody canadian army escaped from france with strengh 1...and maybe a french one is also still alive....but only still New messerschmitt´s are built and even the legend Baron von Richthofen joined our ideas.. So hopefully we can soon provide Hitler with some good news.. to be continued
  10. back again... After moving all my air to the west churchhill realized its a hopless case and ordered dünkirchen no2 .... meanwhile the russian border where i decided to hold a very strange line...Königsberg ..arround the marsh hexes in the middle...then down to the black sea, was quiet to quiet. Terif was planning something evil..and i was right he attacked the kebap people (turkey) . The only thing i could do was to save Istanbul from communisme. Also Irak felt into russian hands as i had to less units there. In a counterattack with my air i lost another airfleet. Both were at levl 5 now...Only the poor english were still on lvl 2. Now it´s sealion time... My problem is that i never did sealion before and so i failed to capture london with my first wave. Now it´s getting difficult as the allies have loads of units. Now everything depends on my air...which i raised to 9 units in the west. Now i have to be quick as i lost alot of MPP loosing Irak. When i loose this game i throw it into the waste basket....i think the only options should be a draw or a win. But maybe i m that stupid . The English have only their 3 carriers and 3 crippeld vessels left. The russian bear is very strong...earings of arround 500-520 MPP now. My problem this time was that i cant concentrate as i was a bit tired from yesterday and i had no patience...but if you wanna win ag Terif you need both....full concentration and to be very very patient. To be contiunued
  11. Tku for flowers Terif I enjoy the game too, 2 weeks online abstinence was a long time for me. Well when i move my air back to the east i will face again my carrier and air problem in the west. The carriers took some damage but i fear not much. I think they are are between 2 and 3 stars. More or less i can choose were i loose my ground units. The US is producing corps like a madman, every turn one is arriving. Therefore giving Irak to italy was a good solution, as they are responsible for the defence in the west. At the mom i m quite unsure what to do with my southern russian front....i dont wanna sustain Stalingrad....3 Options there...attack and fall into the back of russian main force, stay and hold, or withdraw to a Königsberg - Black Sea line.. I have currently 6 operating Hq´s and in the east they are already requesting reinforcments due to lack of units :eek: Currently axis get 830-840 MPP, i think allies will get the same. Beside that game.... For those who believe Terif only play to win and are talking other smack about him. There were several situations in the game were i was asking for a hint.......and he helped me although it´s a competition game..... one example....russian readyness was on 86 % and i was unsure if i could save another round MPP´s or not.....i asked him ...and he told me i dont need to worry before 87%..... no more words about that matter but it´s worth thinking about....istn´t it? [ November 28, 2003, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  12. Well, as i m the only one here playing ag the "unbeatable" Terif i will provide you with some front-reports. I can´t say AAR as we started 3 weeks ago, interrupted by my TCIP failture lasting for two weeks. So most of the infos are not exactly as its difficult to remember all details happened so far, but maybe Terif is also writing his view here. Terif gave me axis this time with 200/1600, as a result he crushed me two times with him playing axis (300/2400). I had a good start conquering poland,LC in round 2, denmark in round 3. My subs were running into a trap as Terif moved his bomber to the north and spotted them. But the early defeat of my subs had also it´s bright sight as this encouraged him to move almost the hole royal navy and french into the baltic. Expecting such a thing i sent one of my fighters to denmark for spotting purpose. In France he used his usual hordes of engl. corps defence as i denied him to buy a french HQ in the first round when bombing the french mine. As i had almost no losses and got very good plunder i could afford 6 fighters during the french campaign. Whilst he were hunting my navy in the baltic i established a trap, using 4 fighters to put a revenge for my destroyed sub and one cruiser. During the French campagne he lost 4 ships and 1 was damaged, me loosing two blocking corps. In the land battle i lost 1 army and finally finished off france in aug ´40. I know it´s a bit late but i was really satisfied..decimated the royal navy and had a good experience with all HQ and units. To make up for the lost time i rushed over the minors, conquered Norway 2, Vichy 3, Schweden 5 rounds after the fall of france. (norway i prepared during the last french turn). As i expected heavy air near Brest i did´t try to take Brest .. and this for the entire game so far. My allies joined early so i could attack spain early. I had to do that with a minimum force as i had no time to reinforce and the italians were engaged in egypt facing 2 britsh fighters there. I conquered spain in round 4 as they refused to surrender in round 3. On a counterattack were all carriers and one battleship were involved i lost one italian battleship pinging on the rock. My fighters arrived to late to take revenge for that unholy action. The load all their frustration later on the rock which was mine 2 rounds later. With the help of Bock 4 Star and two fighters strengh 8 and 5 with two stars each the italians could conquer egypt and suez just in time to prepare for irak. In preperation for the allied coup in yogoslavia i did a grave mistake. I landed two armies from sweden near the russian border. In order not to have 6 armies on the border i moved two coprs out of 3 hex range. But despite having only 4 units on the border (two in cities,two 2 hex away) the russian readyness inbreased from 58% to /70%. This never happened to me before and i was very disappointed that this happens ag Terif, making russia entering 2 turns earlier. I gave him 960 points as present. :mad: Ok, i had to live with it, so the bid was 200/1600+960 now But not only the waste of MPP also the loss of important time was a desaster. Barbarossa kicked off in september ´41 ? and i did not do perfectly but quite well if one consider i had lost two rounds. Terif established his first defence arround all border cities. The first rounds i spent to bit through hordes of corps. I managed to get 3 of the 4 border cities (except Riga) Whilst i got Greece, Irak, Potugal he grabbed finland. Meanwhile a combined force launched D-Day with heavy air support. As i was going to loose the air battle i moved all air the the east. I lost 3 AF whilst he lost just one. (5 left) Just when his units reached the outskirts of paris the italians finished off the swiss and rushed to Paris to support their friends. The yanks already lvl 2 moved slowly forward and the many italians died under combined air and infantry attacks. But my 2 italian hq and one german managed to hold the paris line. As my air catched up from 1 levl behind him to +1 i decided to give the airbattle in the west another chance. I tried a snake attack over spain but unfortuately i moved one of his carrier in sight so i could only kill one further battleship. By the way battleship.... when trying to reach a save port in france my italian fleet was intercepted by his vessels and was completely anhilated...but he had no usefull ships too. Ok back to the airbattle. For that purpose i ordered manstein back from the east and bought two additional AF (now 7) and he did quite well. the british lost their second air and all other untis retreated. The funny thing is that now i kill americans in the west and his russians got free hand in killing germans in the east. My northern front completely broke and i lost minsk? (not sure, its the city in the middle) I had to withrdrew to Königsberg area. My south flank under command of rundstet is still holding as he counters only in the north supported by his air (lvl 3 now) Overview of known or expected tech levls. germany italy gbp usa russia inf 0 2 0 2 1 tank 1 0 0 0 1 anti air 1 0 1-2? 0 ? jet 3 0 2 1 3 LR 0 0 1-2? 1 ? tech 2 0 ? ? 2 For all those interested.....how is the game since the AAR bug......i can say it´s the same game like before.....i invested 1 chit in AAR not because of the AAR bug but i always invest one chit there in order to avoid carrier training on my ports and cities. I think Terif did the same...maximum 1 chit here...but maybe i´m wrong. As you can see SC is still alive and if one want you can have a lot of fun like me and terif. I dont´t really bother if i win or not although its a panzerliga league game. If reach a draw ..it would be the best thing ever for me.....a draw against the king..... lol and the odds for a draw are quite good at the mom.....but let´s see what is going on in the future. We are currently somewhere 1943 ..don´t know exactly. To be continued.......
  13. Hubert, Tku vm for your great tip.......the autosave was really write protected.....but dont ask me why this happened ...
  14. Tku for your response ..i will try this in the evening... i found another thing in the manual which could be the reason. Direkt X can cause a problem when one have an old Windows 98 version....as the DCOM programm is missing .....for that purpose i downloaded DCOM 1.3....so more or less it´s D-Day for SC this evening
  15. Hi Iron, Already tried that way....SC works ag AI, SC works PBEM, SC manages to connct other people, SC crashes when sending file or moving unit. Either i throw it into the waste-basket or i play PBEM to my life end or i try another setup of my complete system At the moment i wanna trow both out of the window :mad:
  16. Again me I wrote the same post already in the general forum...but nobody could help me. I have a serious problem to play TCIP games as i get always I/O errors. The facts I can connect with my opponent, both can also chat but as soon as one is sending his turn i get I/O error and the other one the message connection terminated. When i try to move a unit i have the same problem.The odd thing is when i host and try to sent the turn every other options but to finish game are greyed out as usual but.."I CAN STILL CHAT WITH MY OPPONENT". So fact is i dont have a problem establishing connection but to send or receive the data file. What did i change since the last time it worked fine? - i made a new setup of my computer - i loaded the same programms on my computer which i had before - i uploaded upgrades for my WINDOWS 98 - i use now 2004 version of Norton Systemworks (instead of 2002version) (This is a Symatec Product which includes Firewall, Internetproduction and other usefull items) - i downloaded the latest direkt X from microsoft Solutions i tried so far - i reinstalled SC with 1.07g patch - i forwarded port 6530 (Terif read this in another tread) - i disabled the firewall...meanwhile i removed it completely from my PC - i tried also with another player - i checked my internet connection which is ok (i can visit all sites and my mailprogramm is working as well) - i can even sent and receive files via ICQ But always the same problem Any idea? [ November 25, 2003, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  17. Still no solution Meanwhile i have no firewall on my PC anymore. (Completely removed). I have tried all possible solutions. Fact is that i did not change my software after the setup...the only changes were some new windows patches (security patches for Win98 SE) and the newest direkt X from windows.....all other things are like they were before when playing SC via TCIP was working fine. I have no idea anymore.... To spend another hole day for a new setup and than to face maybe the same problem?? :mad:
  18. Kurt is our multilingual talent...he can also speak italian vamos a la SC-fiesta kurt hehe [ November 23, 2003, 01:47 PM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  19. Kurt This was one of the niciest things Jersey ever did...remember what he did with me Honestly said jj is only a veteran in writing post IMHO i think he is a newbie player ROFL
  20. Man this would be great if you could have a multi-mulitplayer session. This remembers me to good old times when up to 12 players could play Panzer General 1 online on the platform multiplayer.com. Best thing was 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3.......man that was fun.
  21. Why you waste your time playing the AI?? The AI isnt´t that stupid like in other games but if you have won with all settings and all variations, and all kind of editing units,mpps it´s time to move on. Play some of the guys here and you will see how hard life is in real world.
  22. When my italians have some sparetime until the allies perform D-Day i always attack switzerland, this gives them some training and plunder as all all other plunder is sacked by the germans. But most of the times i have nasty opponents not giving me enough time.
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