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Everything posted by Dragonheart

  1. Dalmatia Partisan surrendered....we both were not happy with the time limit. It was a good game so far with only a slight advantage for me. I will try to start the game with Condor today and to finish next weekend when i come home from my holiday, in case of a long game the deadline of monday 9.Feb will be difficult to match as we have at least 8 hours time difference. Cheers Dragonheart
  2. Hi, I just wanna announce my holiday which is from Jan 30 - Feb 7 Cheers Dragonheart
  3. [ January 28, 2004, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  4. I fear we cant finish this game until the deadline of 2nd Feb, despite we are both in the same time zone we cant find a common time window for gameplay. For the Worldleague we could finish this game after my holiday. Cya Dragonheart
  5. Hi all, Pls note that i´m on holiday from 30. jan - 7. Feb. So however has to play ag me....be patient...."i will be back"
  6. Congratulations Zapp....i´m glad to see that such things happen not only to me......it´s the typical way of Kuni to say goodbye and have a nice day. The truth is he means *%$§"´`'###><@ .....ROFL
  7. CT what happend to your keyboard? Did they finally get you :confused: Pah respect to lower numbers....you have to see that relative to the no. of posts. I doenst help you if you are no.1 posting once a year.. Active members like JJ and CT have to be respected.
  8. From where you know that i hit add reply over and over again :confused: So your posts were refusing mine to appear..but at least i destroyed one of yours. The only thing you would have to arrange with your PL opponents is to play without time limit. This ensures that a game which is really hopeless will be surrendered and not be fought to the last unit. Another good thing is to play both sides with an equal bid because with no bid you will loose also ag less experienced players with the allies. Another thing i noticed is that all battlefront guys are just playing me in the PL. Note that there are also other former Zappleagueplayers like Oliva,Dalmatia Partisan,Lucky Zebra,Zapp,Rambo,Noxxe and also some other players which have a mixed flag (english/german) and TCIP in their profile would be happy to play every player. [ January 26, 2004, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  9. ****ing server problems [ January 26, 2004, 04:55 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  10. [ January 26, 2004, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]
  11. Hey you posted a victory for me too? Man you had 80/20 % winning chance due to my terrible France campagne. But if so i have to post win also in PL as it was our 2nd game. Hope for a rambo3 soon. Take care. Dragonheart
  12. Action before Barbarossa Hungary joined very late and the Yugocoup never occured therefore Spain and Yugoslavia were attacked when barbarossa had already begun. A raiding force captured Bremen and left Germany with 1 strengh left via port of Hamburg, cutting the supply to the North. My carriers finally found their training grounds in Bergen, axis sent two AF´s for interceptions but i had two more attacks with my fighters. Later i moved my carriers to Brest to prepare the landing of the US-Armies. We had heavy airbattles there, and the axis lost two AF´s as i had jet advantage lvl 3 ag lvl 2 at this time. Barbarossa time After first round of Barbarossa 3 border armies, 2 tanks and 1 AF could be saved. Germans took only Odessa and withdrew. Russians tryed to grap finland but heavy reinforements+cruisers+AF with jetadvantage made it impossible to make a breakthrough. Therefore russians moved all their power to the south and started a counterattack. Germans hold a Königsberg - Odessa line. Meanwhile the axis got all minors so they should have a slight mpp Advantage. Amis landed in Brest but in few numbers...therefore they still sit in Brest and drink beer. As the italian navy has passed Gibraltar my carriers now train in savetity on Bruessels. The tech is quite equal, no luck for both of us... Jet Gb 3 us 3 ger 3 ru 2 LR Gb 1 us 1 ger 1 rus 0 GB got gunlaying radar lvl 1 AT for all nothing!!!! AA nothing!!!! HT nothing!!!! So we are both unlucky....
  13. In a short session yesterday axis took egypt and beirut. My armies had no chance there as the italian landing forces were heavily supported by axis air and italian navy which found a superiour training ground there. I tryed to take some practice with my carriers in Brest but it was guarded by two LR 1 and meanwhile Jet 1 AF´s. So i withdrew them after additional axis reinforcments arrived and i took another losses on my already weak navy. Meanwhile i catched up with tech and preparing for another raiding action. The axis are supposed to have heavy forces on the spanish border as soon their ally hungary will join. The late entry of hungary will delay the fall of Gibralatar a little bit, in that way axis will losse some MPP, but this will be no problem as axis forces already prepare for Irak which will compensate this MPP loss. Yugocoup is also expected every moment as it´s already July? 1941... To be continued today 20.00 CET.
  14. Hi, Welcome to this forum Gul. I played alot PG 1 games on Multiplayer.com in former days. It was alot of fun as you could play not only 1vs1 but also 2vs2 and even more players. One Scenario also allowed to compete ag 12 opponents. Unfortunately Multiplayer.com cears to exist and Arcade games did not take PG1 in their programm. I´m happy to hear that at least Allied General is back to life. Is there any league too or do you play only fungames? If there is no league i would rather suggest you to join here. We have a couple of leagues running. www.myleague.com/strategic , www.myleague.com/scpbem , www.panzerliga.de are some examples. Opponents are best found by ICQ...in one of this treads here is a full list of interested players. Greetings Dragonheart
  15. rambo i dont like the huge luck factor concerning the tech advances too, this really sucks sometimes... but its like real life sometimes you are the lucky one sometimes the other...during the course of time it should be equal. I can remember to one of my rooky-games ag you where you had lvl 5 tanks and lvl 4 jet and the hell knows the other advances with russia after a couple of turns. You can use the tech advantage of your opponent to get advances with far less chits...the disadvantage is clear...you will never lead the race and you can do nothing during this period.
  16. I know that many guys start a tech race with germany in the early stages of their games as allied. But have you haver noticed that this could be the reason to loose the game? If you pump 5 chits into jet or LR or whatever germany will have a huge tech advantage when barbarossa begins. Russia is weak first and need time and is strenghening slowly but steadily. In my games i try to keep my tech lvl low until barbarossa....this sounds odd but it isnt. I try to divide the chits...but never pumped 5 chits into one technology. Any thoughts?
  17. @ Curry When you go skiing is seldom very warm . Maybe when you make a break to have some tea with rum or something like that. Nah Curry i go into the mountains and and up to -15 degree are guaranteed.
  18. This was really a tough game but at a certian point not very amazing as we fought 7 hours air-battles only. German had jetadvantage early and used this to hammer us+gb air in the west. IMO Zapp played to defensive in the east he completely ignored to attack me in the north and in the south there is hardly a chance for a breaktrough because of natural defence lines. I never had the feeling he wants to win the game in russia like i usally do. Most of his airposwer was in the west if he would have used it in the east he would probably won. I got Finland easily but he declined any further advance to sweden for me...therefore i swifted my air back into the south of russia and used my airsuperiority to my advatage causes him losses and kept him busy. In the west a was unable to do a decent landing GB and US were dead due to his AA and jet advantage. By the way i did not research AA tech with GB this time!!!...but i did with Russia...where i got lvl3 in the late stages of the game. In a short timeframe i was 3 lvl behing in jettech in the west therefore i saved money and kept all my air below 4 strenghpoints....another reason was that zapp killed monty and hat lvl 3 LR which i nevered had with all my allies. To give Italy all the plunder was really a huge mistake because italy is only good for ground- and seawar. Germany needs all the cash as it has to fight so many battles. Another mistake is to divide his air. The air should be there where you wanna attack and kill your opponent... and with AT lvl 3 this should be the east. To cause only losses in the west is not enough to win the game. This was the first time that one of us won with the allied side ag axis....it was a very close game and IMO Jetadvantage did not play a main role in this game...you just missed the chance to fight it out when the time was good for you...and you can´t claim that you had no luck with tech. Looking forward to our next game.
  19. It´s better to ignore some things rambo is saying. He likes to offend ppl and to say straight his opinion also if its generalized. I think he knows best the difference but he would never say it. @rambo play more games and do not smack ppl....meanwhile i know you well, so i dont care what you are saying, i just care your gameplay. By the way if Austria would have been on the map it would be pro Axis for sure trough the Anschluss, but ppl were 75/25 pro allied. I know this is a thing you wont believe but it´s the truth.
  20. ...because of this 3 point thing in Group a you can either - throw a coin - the highest ranked in the league makes it - all 3 are out and i dont need to play my semifinal ........hmmmmm or i play a handicap system....i play all 3 :eek: and kill them all :cool:
  21. 3 rd session At the begin of this sessions i was shocked as i tought i had forgotten to invade Irak. But i was not the only one as zapp patrols the irak-russian border ROFL Ok here we go. The allies continued to hammer the french soil and other strategic targets with their AF´s an carriers. They were incredible strong. Therefore i left france with my Af´s and also Manstein decided to change to a more friendly part of the front. So finally 6 Hq were fighting for the command of units in the east. The lonesome Van Bock was hiding in the french mountains. With LR 4 Zapp had not problems to spot and destroy almost my hole fleet. Battleresult were 4 italian subs and one cruiser and one battleship sunk. He just lost 1 cruiser and 2 Battleships. Later i could destroy another battleship with my two survived ships...but he was the winner of the seabattle and ruler over the atlantic. Meanwhile most of the italian groundforce which had already lvl 2 showed also up in east. ----> 7 Hq now With the italians and heavy airsupport i achieved several breakthroughs and the nazis flooded into the motherland. In front of Minsk they halted to take a breath for 3 rounds. ----> The truth is that i wanted to prepare for the arrival of the sibirians. Whilst GB and US were occupied to complete their training in the west i started my planed spearhead attack. Within one round my tanks stood at the gates of Moskau, near Rostov and Stalingrad. One round later Moskov was taken and the russians prepared to defend sevastopol, Rostov, Stalingrad and the Ural. But i did not finish the russians off because i hate to loose airbattles ... i wanted revenge for the defeat in the west So i decided to train my AF´s in the east despite the first yankees arrived in france. Whilst i sent some groundforces back to the west i increased my airforce from 7 to 13 AF´s and let them train. A couple of rounds later...the allies had captured meanwhile Paris and Brussels too i prepared for the largest Airbattle of my SC-Life. :eek: Tech situation was LF 4 for him 3 for me. Jet both 4. I just got AA 3 in time...and i think he must have 5. The first strike came from me but just from my carrier....to weaken his t 4star elefant in london port. Then he countered and half of my planes were heavily damaged. I countered only with half of the full-strengh units repaired some others and advanced to my border cities. Annother counter of him...again heavily damaged (one from 14 to 1!!!) In the 3 rd round i hit hard and he had to withdraw. I sold all my chits to repair as many units as possible. Finally all his AF´s were also heavyly damaged and the once proud lvl4 star carriers were either dead or had to repair. Also may ground forces advanced now... Zapp finally surrenered. It was again a fantastic game ag zapp ...we had both a lot of fun. We both are unable to beat the axis player.....so when i play allies he wins and vice versa
  22. Iron ....wrong tourney .... i´m sure you wanted to withdraw from Fall-Blau-Tourney
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