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General Jack Ripper

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Everything posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. If I know these guys at all, they have a thousand page document with every single idea ever posited on the forums floating around somewhere.
  2. Buddy Aid makes me feel better, so the fact it doesn't actually make a difference to the game score is irrelevant. At least, in my opinion...
  3. >Place large IED inside building. >Place triggerman in same building. >Activate IED. >Wait for enemy infantry to walk in. >Observe. >Laugh.
  4. I've read the "Survivability" Field Manual (FM 5-103), and that sounds exactly right. Be advised, trenches in CM do not model overhead cover. Welcome to the thread. Have you ever had so many books in your room you find them in your dirty laundry?
  5. Sorry, didn't catch it. Haven't had anything to drink yet. I installed that mod so long ago I often forget it's there. I've just convinced myself the vanilla game sounds like that.
  6. I have forgotten more than I will ever remember. That's how you know you're an oldbie.
  7. I remember you from my subscriber list, or something. I too, am very much looking forward to the CMFI module, I'm saving it to do my "Ye Olde Grande Tank Lecture" on, given it takes CMFI from 1943 to 1945.
  8. I have two voices: "Monotone Script Reading" and, "I've just had a few drinks, so f*ck it! We'll do it live!"
  9. Correct. The boundaries of the exercise were the street, and any doors facing the street.
  10. If everything that SHOULD be stickied was stickied, you'd have to go to page 12 in order to see the new threads. The alternative solution however, is to RTFM.
  11. Hunnicutt's Sherman book does talk about a few batches of Shermans being shipped, and what types and to where, but it's not a very detailed breakdown. Unfortunately, that's the best source I have my hands on. You'd probably be best served by searching the national archives: https://www.archives.gov/ Or, maybe a Unit Battle History could work.
  12. Thank you. Work on the next lecture video is slowly trickling in. Not as fast as I'd like, but it's not at a dead stop either, so I can't complain.
  13. Merry Early Christmas everyone! I've hosted as many of the Colonel Alphin lectures I could find, in the best quality available. They are posted here in a playlist for easy viewing, with 14 videos in total. I still cannot find a few selected examples, such as Crossbow versus Longbow, Custer's Last Stand, and the ones about Tanks. Anyway, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, etc.
  14. My real digs are buried on my profile page. We were lucky, we only lost power for about an hour, and my workplace didn't lose it at all. (Darn it!) We still hadn't gotten the pool drained out again after all the rain before it froze over. I guess we'll need some new fittings in springtime. So much for procrastination, nature doesn't wait for anything.
  15. As I understand it, going back to the old rag-tag mod, the game actually assigns everything in a cycle or something, depending on the number appended to the file name. I suppose, one could simply make a hundred or so unique .bmp's then you'd have one for every tank? Talk about working for your hobby though... EDIT: Here it is: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=665
  16. New Hampshire raised, been back for the last six years. That's lake Winnisquam in the picture. Holding off the window insulation 'til the last minute, eh? We've already had to turn on the heat.
  17. Welcome back to the New England side, Mord. That view is available five minutes from my driveway. I saw some snowflakes this morning on the drive into work. Winter is Coming.
  18. What was the world like when everything was in black and white? Did food taste differently? How did traffic lights work?
  19. I'm not clicking on that. I already saw someone get a botfly dug out of their skull. Once is enough.
  20. Looks like the link is broken. Judging by Sgt. Squarehead's reaction, perhaps that's a good thing? EDIT: Oh god, I think I'm going to vomit...
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