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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. I have the BFC version, and it is pointing to the right file in the right folder. I've gone through and made sure that everythimg is pointing in the right direction according to the guides. This is just bizarre. It has been working perfectly well for a year, and then it just refuses to start CM, even after a complete reinstall.
  2. I have all those files except CMBO.VBS. Don't know how important this is because I don't play CMBO (though I know that different games make use of the same files). Perhaps useless information: The size of the CMBB.VBS file is 45kb, while the other INI files are only 1kb each. But all these files should be okay because I did a complete reinstall of the game. Very puzzling. Cheers
  3. I have four ongoing games and the same thing happens. I even tried sending myself a new game to see if it was something to do with sequencing, but same result. Have run virus checks, used spybot and reinstalled vbscripts (scripten.exe). But nothing helps. At least I can still send files, this does not seem to have been affected. Just 'play' for some reason.
  4. Gah! Tried to avoid the problem by restoring the system to an earlier point. When I tried it again it would at least start CM when I tried to play a PBEM file, but it would not look into the directory to find the file. I downloaded the latest PBEM Helper file again and installed over the top, but when I tried again I got the same result as before: nothing happens when I press play. This is driving me knuts.
  5. I've had PBEM Helper working without fault for almost s year now, and without consciously doing anything different it has ceased to work when I press 'play'. I tried reinstalling, but this had no effect. The game does have all the correct locations because "open directory" works and the directory for the game is fine. I can even get it to run CM from PBEM, just not when I press 'play'. Even tried the ol' fixit of restarting the computer but alas, to no avail. Frustrating. Anybody have any idea about what is going on?
  6. Ohhhhhhh... ohhh... oh oh. Yeah, that's one great link. Can we get this guy interested in CM? George - well put. Those two books will be on my shopping list.
  7. Cheers guys, Well, the pennies are not that tight, but I'd hesitate to spend 94 dollars on any book. Thanks, George, for the word about Nipe's book. I'm a bit concerned about things I've read about Nipe, doesn't he come down on the German apologist's side a bit? <being careful not to take finger off lid of box of very angry bees> John: Restayn's an illustrator? No wonder its a big book. At this point (and not trying to hijack a thread) I'm more interested in good written histories with a preference for those that make use of soviet sources. Cheers
  8. Hi John, Can't comment on the Kursk book as I only have CofT, which is dry enough. Unfortunate, but it seems to be a characteristic of their work (most of the reviews on Amazon make passing references to it). The good thing about CofT is that it gives you an indication of where interesting things happened. It's made me interested in the Battles of Kharkov as there was a lot of maneuvre. I see George Mc listed Restayn's book: anybody know how if its more readable than Glantz & House? Does it give more tactical CM level detail? Edited to answer my own question: checked Amazon to find its a photo book at 94 clams. Arrrgg! Not the kind of book I'm after. Anybody know of good books about the Kharkov battles? Cheers
  9. I've just been reading 'Clash of Titans' by Glantz and House. It's very good at an operational level, especially since it was one of the first to use Russian sources extensively. Doesn't get down to the dirt though, don't buy it if you want eye-witness accounts. Also makes a couple of niggly errors like "new Mark V Panther and Mark VI Tiger tanks both armed with the deadly 88mm gun" and I think the section on Kursk is a little dated in the light of more current accounts of it (but am not sure on this point). I'm also looking for history books on a lower level than "on March 7 the two tank armies approached Proskurov, where they were halted by redeploying German III and XXXXVIII Panzer Corps", so I'll be following this thread with interest.
  10. I came across 'magnanimity' in high school english studying Shaker's Antony and Cleopatra. "Antony is Magnanimous" - now deal with it. If nothing else it taught us one more word. Now waht the hlle was the subject of this discussion?
  11. My worst moment was one of carelessness. I always play with landmarks turned on, but it just so happened that the scenario I selected was so busy with little white names - totally unnecessary as well - that I got sick of them and turned them off. My next game was the St Naz scenario, and if you've played that game you'll realize how necessary landmarks are. Much of the scenario is contrived to represent things in RL, for example HMS Campbeltown is represented by a bridge stuck in the middle of nowhere. I thought it was strange, but I thought to myself "must be the drydock" and completely screwed up the setup because I didn't realise where the crack commandos would come pouring forth from. A couple of moves into the game I only cotton on to my mistake after an e-mail exchange with the organizer. Oh the embarrassment!
  12. Have just finished the Waldam beach scenario as the axis. Lovely game to play, thanks for all your efforts on this scenarios. Beaches was particularly good for me: ended in a major victory. Now I am trying to report this game on the club ladder and want to give details as to number of points and type of game (probe, assault, ME etc), make up of forces and so on. Is there a list of these details for all the scenarios somewhere? Have searched without luck so far. [ February 03, 2006, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: Sivodsi ]
  13. Sure, I have no problems consigning the hts to the rear until the end, and I love the ht morter, but what about the more heavily armed hts? Surely a more active role was expected of the upgunned hts. Has anybody ever used a ft ht successfully in CM? And how on earth was it used in RL? I can imagine that it would have been difficult to get people to crew them.
  14. Excellent work with the AAR. I wonder if you have played the same scenario using the same techniques after winning it. I won on my fourth try or so and was really chuffed. I was so confident I'd cracked it that I tried it 3X after that, and failed each time.
  15. "I actually found 112 to be the easiest of the three" Yeah, but I guess you didn't try to advance up the far left. When I tried a right/centre approach it was much easier. On to the 200 series.
  16. 111 I did without breaking a sweat. Didn't even notice there were two mgs until the end. Did it by approaching up the far left flank. 112 though, theres a beast. I've been trying the left flank advance. spoiler follows right into the teeth of the platoon there. Get decimated pretty rapidly. Tried using the spotter on the flag and on the trees, but I figure it would be better to go up the right and neutralize the mgs before taking on the platoon. Will let you know how it goes.
  17. Okay, I did it! Once. The mg pinned early and I was able to advance in good order. The mg panicked and I won after 18 moves or so. I thought "great, now I am a hero of the soviet union" and tried to prove it was no fluke by doing it again... 4 tries later I am willing to admit that the time I did it was a fluke. You need all four squads approaching in good order. Three is not enough "To learn from this sceanrio, you don't have to necessarily pass. Just trying it teaches you important skills" This I will take to heart. I am totally sick of this scenario. On to the next!
  18. Hey Cuirassier, you're my hero. I'm still stuck on JasonC's version. I'd love to see the pictures. Best way to do it is throught he imageshack http://www.imageshack.us/ and post links here. If you're sophisticated you'll use hyperlinks, but I don't care. Thanks
  19. GRRRRR. Much gnashing of teeth. I'm trying to advance through the village. I keep proper intervals, but then a squad decides to advance towards a crater where the other guys are and then breaks, causing the other guys to get their heads down... units break and run away, and don't rally until they are far away and time running out. This is murder! I have managed to get pins on the mg, but it don't last long. What sort of timing are you chaps getting? I don't get a spot until turn 10 (with two panicked squads). At what point do you get a spot? Do you keep advancing all units after getting the spot? Do you keep some just firing from cover?
  20. Er, Cuirassier, how did you do it? What was different in the successful attempt that was not there in your other attempts? Pray do tell!
  21. I can testify that PBEM Helper makes life easier even when using a hotmail account. Yskonyn tested his excellent PBEMH primer on me, and Diesel coached me through trusted mode, so if anyone is having problems feel free e-mail me.
  22. Nice post! Not qualified to comment myself, since I haven't passed the default 110 setting yet. Still, good luck!
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