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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Cowabunga!! Thank's Radley! I really need to be blowing stuff up about now.
  2. Keep the Python nonsense in the Peng thread where it belongs. We like ants, mold, maggots, Dave H, TNT and waffle here. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  3. Ah..a true warrior's heart and soul! I can only hope to be worthy of the maw shoving you have in mind. I will be online tonite by 8PM(edt) awaiting your e-mail!
  4. Sadly, I am forced to bump this Thread, as the consensus I had thought was given has been challenged by some who claim not to have posted their thoughts in this thread. Very well then: Have at it!
  5. Boo (spelt correctly in an unemotional display of cold, hard, will) We are NOT even playing a game!!!! HOWEVER: to the Dear Lady Morraine Despite the fact that you are evil and must be stopped, there would appear to be a loud and emotional outpouring of support on your behalf in regards playing 50 Turns. As you are a Lady and my upbringing calls for me to accede to requests made by the gentler gender, I will revise our epic struggle. Or, if you wish, I will abdicate the responsibilty of the set-up and request that you do the honors. Now what could be fairer than that? Okay with you too, Boo?
  6. Oh how I have missed the whining and gnashing of teeth of PBEM games. Your reply is truly sweet music to my long deafened ears. I can actually feel the hate! Still though, it's not as vitrolic as the good Boo, but then we all are aware of his...ahem, hardware issue.
  7. I would suggest you stop firing at every squirrel, tree, and rock that you encounter before you even reach your opponent's position. See above HA!! This happens before we even start, Pillock! -10 points for run-on sentence Yeah, that therapy at the sanitarium does seem to be working Your good wishes are hereby acknowledged. Now then, when are you gonna get your hardware problem fixed, so that I may demonstrate the correct way to attack with infantry to you, oh great non-believer?
  8. I will have you two Brigands realize that I posted the question regarding 50 turns and the verdict was overwhelmingly in my favor. Thank you very much. Boo As I recall you voiced these same concerns on that thread only to be rebuked as a non-tactical, trigger-happy, gun-moll who apparently has never heard of the term Reserves Nidan1 Nice try big guy, however, I have recently installed a drool shield which fits snugly over the keyboard and is guaranteed to prevent any bodily fluids from seeping into the inner workings. You are clearly working your way up the potential loser list that I will be following on the Jim Boggs Return to Glory Tour.
  9. Alas my Dear Lady, I was in the process of rushing to the local market to obtain a resupply of beverages and had to quickly throw something together (50 turns) in which the outcome might conceivably be in doubt (50 turns). It wasn't easy believe me (50 turns), but I think I was able to satisfy the requirements of fair play (50 turns). Your mission is to replace the cowardly (but cunning) Captain Seanachovich in holding a critical size portion of the front against the Fascist Hordes. You have a company of Mother Russia's finest, and have time to fortify your position. I hope this will help satisfy your concerns. Did I mention it would be 50 Turns?
  10. :mad: :mad: :mad: But if you must know, I didn't get a bean Toodle pip, Teddy</font>
  11. I may have neglected to inform you of the extension to 50 turns. It was certainly my hope that you would run out of ammo before you noticed. Not that this would be considered gamey or anything.
  12. You shoot the Colonel, don't you, and try and make it look like a suicide? Daft bugger for letting you get your hands on a gun. Then, in the ensuing confusion and emergency, you take control of the HQ in the tradition of 'restoring order and quelling disaffection', and hang on there to keep things going until 'a suitable replacement arrives', having destroyed all copies of the orders saying you should be elsewhere. </font>
  13. Captain Ivan Seanachovich wiped his brow of the sweat that had collected under the hot July sun. He was now seated outside the office of Colonel Murasev. Events had transpired swiftly since the Fascists had invaded the Motherland. Having served valiantly in the last war with Germany and well past retirement age, he had been surprised by his recall to service, but had faithfully reported. He thought back to recent good times in which he had been able to spend time with his grandchildren recalling tales of a mythical polar bear. "Colonel Murasev will see you now, sir", spoke up the orderly who indicated the colonel's door with a sweep on the arm. Seanachovich stood and briskly crossed into the Colonel's office. Reporting sharply, he was put at ease and offered a chair by the smiling Colonel. "We need your services Captain", the Colonel began. "The Fascists are attacking all along our lines in an effort to breakthrough and complete the encirclement of Smolensk". He paused and gazed into Seanachovich's eyes, then looking away, continued. "You will report immediately to the field to take command of a company of infantry that is guarding the most vital stretch of our lines. You will have time to prepare foxholes, set up barbed wire and minefields before the expected enemy assault" Seanachovich spoke up, "But sir, I am old and terribly out of shape, I don't think I can do this." The Colonel's eyes narrowed, then relaxed. "Ah yes, I understand. I argued the same point with High Command, but they recall your service in the last war and insisted. They offer you two choices". Seanachovich looked relieved at this, "And the choices would be....?" The Colonel smiled broadly, "Choice one is to do your duty Captain, and choice two is..." With that the Colonel stood up, unsnapped his holster and laid his service revolver in front of Seanachovich. "Choice two would be the only other honorable thing to do. I will return in five minutes. You must choose by the time I return" Seanachovich stared at the revolver, his mind racing. What would he do?
  14. Okay I ran this phrase thru a Web-Translator set on Australian and this is what it says: Charming gentlemen: One who wears a shirt and shoes when going out to clubs entertaining conversationalist: One who has been known to say "Wanna Beer?" well read: One who has more than three comic books in his bathroom (located outback, of course) Funny, the Web-Translator just spewed oil all over the floor and collapsed in a pool of it's own fluids. You figure!
  15. Thanks to all the respondees. I don't feel gamey anymore My wish list for QB's would be the ability to see the map before purchasing units, especially for the defender. This may have already been discussed, so pardon my redundancy if that's the case.
  16. Ahem... Here's my impression of the Cheery Waffle Thread on Sunday: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Thank you! PS-You're not real gamers if you have a life!
  17. My Liege lenakonrad Don't you owe me a set-up or something? 500 point QB? If it pleases you. Your faithful Squire
  18. CVM You!!!!! I didn't have a clue that someone had done this. As a part time participant in this Forum, I have obvioulsy missed out on something big. I would ask for a link to your 1962 Scenario. To CVM- *doffs hat*, *bows gracefully* You, sir, are amazing! My compliments! [ July 20, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  19. Narayan .............[speechless]................ .............[awestruck]................. BRAVO!!! Incredible piece of work, you are to be congratulated. Hubert's masterpiece is amazingly adaptable, especially by such creative individuals such as yourself. WOW! Thanks for taking the time and making the effort!!! [ July 20, 2003, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. Your graciousness is exceeded only by your boundless misfortune. As my Alzheimer's recedes, bathed in the morning glow of the brilliant Florida sun (It's 90 deg already), I now recall that you got lost trying to find the border and ended up in Kentucky or somesuch. Twas indeed a travesty...uh.. tragedy. Regardless: You may expect the first bit of stategy in your inbox momentarily.
  21. Kindly inform your WAC that when he returns to his loft apartment (as in hay loft) that there might be a present for him in his in-box. [edit to add] If he survives the Biker Bar! [ July 19, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  22. It seems to me that trying to win a QB that is infantry oriented as the attacker in 30 turns is very difficult. Figuring 5-10 turns to contact, another 5-10 turns to identify and overrun the defenders outpost line, then another 3-6 turns to recon the enemy's main defense line. Then the obligatory prepfire before moving up to make the final assault. This really puts the pressure on the attacker to cut corners, take unnecessary chances, and prohibits any revision to the initial assault plan as the enemy position becomes discernable. I can understand in an armoured or mobile encounter, where movement is much faster, that 30 turns would be reasonable, but for an infantry battle, I believe the attacker needs a little bit more time to properly move and execute his plan. Any opinions?
  23. For my second game (second, as in less worthy) I would offer the following challenge: Gnomenclature In days of Olde When Knights were Bold Seanachai played the game. But now he's tired The fire's expired From the burden of the name So draw the line Don't let him whine He needs to feel the shame He's lost his skill And lacks the will To renew his long-lost fame So now I taunt The Gnome to haunt With a Challenge for a game
  24. *Sniff* Well now, your descriptive talents are certainly, shall we say adequate? As I have never addressed you directly oh Dear Lady of the Pool, it still warms my..uh...heart that you would step up to torment those that would seek to annoy the goodly Hiram. For this noble deed you shall benefit by being the first victim in the Jim Boggs Return to Glory Tour. Yes that is correct, I have been granted a limited return to the Field of Honor, with the clear understanding that I not become obsessive(?). Therefore I will be attempting to spark some interest in a couple of 500 point QB's in which to, shall we say, Test the Waters? My dear Lady Moraine, it would be an honor, nay a blessing, if you would condescend to engage in one of these tests? What say you Dear Lady?
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