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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. This is specious logic. I am, except during times of family crisis, as happy as a lark.</font>
  2. There can be only one Boo_Radley. I can almost guarantee that nobody would ever try to take that from you. But enough about you, what about me? 1) I tried to start a game of CMBO v1.12 with somebody as dumb as a Russian in New Zealand (if you know what I mean) and after finishing the set-up and into move #1, he tells me that "oops, I don't really have v1.12, so I better go download the patch so we can Start Over" 2) I begin a game with a Noble Lady only to have some whippersnapper come in raising the devil about having 50 turns and how the ammo wouldn't last and the players would call each other names and stuff, so, guess what, we Start Over 3) I am on Turn 35 of a 50 turn game and by mutual agreeement, we decided to finish the game over the weekend, as we are getting into the final close combat phase. 4) Some drunken English chap accuses me of posting large volumes of tripe and thus a challenge was accepted. After acceding to his incredibly one-sided demands, I was kind enough to give him the game he wanted so desparately. Well I sent the set-up 2 1/2 hours ago. Last I saw of him he was discussing (and chugging) cheap wine. I'm sure he is still conscious. So here I am, mortgaged the farm to get valuable computer time and I end up spending it posting on the Forum My shoulders hurt. Depression Looms. Life Sucks. How was YOUR day?
  3. MrSpkr Perspective my good man, Perspective! Let's examine some facts: 1) You're not Boo_Radley 2) If ignorance is bliss (see how happy Joe is), then depression must be the sign of a great intellect. 3) You're not Boo_Radley 4) You're suffering an identity crisis ( I know I'm confused-are you a Texan, living in Oklahoma, that works in Dallas?) 5) You still got Stoopes and we still got Zook 6) My shoulder is hurting now from the length of this response. But hey, if I don't got turns to send, this is the price you pay. 7) Did I mention that you're not Boo_Radley? So think it over, it certainly could be a lot worse, you could have been Mama Roo.
  4. Nice! Low quality, as in lots of conscripts that can't advance or assault? Sure why not? I'll allow you that equalizer June 1941, rural, moderate trees, gentle elevation I will send it tonite. [edit to add] You wine drinking sot! You better not pass out. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ July 24, 2003, 04:20 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  5. My verbeage pales in the glow of your brilliance. So how about a set-up nong? 500 point QB, Probe, me German/attacker, you Russian/Loser, 50 turns, combined arms? I'll be online at the gaming puter by 8PM tonite. WELL?????
  6. If you only knew what she calls me when she's mad. Whew!!!! [edited to annoy Boo] [ July 24, 2003, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. Alas, my turn-sending ability is certainly not on par with the Axes and Daves of the world, but if you desire a bout of a smaller variety: BRING IT ON MAGGOT!!!! [ July 24, 2003, 02:01 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  8. The irony of life is sometimes amazing. Without my bifocals I had posted nitwit instead of dimwit. Funny how you would come along shortly thereafter.
  9. Without doubt, your most brilliant post. But can you maintain this level of verbosity?
  10. Let me share a pleasant memory from my service days in the Army. I can still hear the sweet sounds of the Lieutenant's voice: Dumbass! I read my magazine, I copy a piece of paper. When I am on the radio I either transmit or receive. Report to me at 0500 tomorrow for remedial training. OUT! Ah the glory days. [ July 24, 2003, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  11. I don't get it! You spend all this time building a reputation of being self-centered, egotistical, and obnoxious and then you post this Rambo-Giving Credit Where Credit is Due! The Legend shows humility. Sometimes you make it really hard to hate you.
  12. Before Seanachai comes to his senses, I will offer a piece that has been in progress for sometime. If you do not like it you are free to: SOD OFF!!! Thank You! Ahem.... lenakonrad He stands aloof, both proud and tall He brings us art, both large and small He sometimes speaks, it seems unclear If you listen, then you will hear Of pain and angst and things of joy Sometime's he's old, sometime's a boy A stoic face with eyes that see a world apart from you and me And when he posts, he bares his soul To those that see this noble Pole The Ladies know and share his sight Their vision clear in darkest night So now I close, but there's no doubt Of Konrad's soul, I sing and shout Go forth young man, your destiny To see the things we cannot see
  13. Well ... couldn't have found a better word had I known what it meant could I? </font>
  14. gggrrrGGGRRRGGGRRRGGGRRR Oh how the anger grows :mad: . Playing chess with Axe KP to KP4...**BOOOOOOOM!!!** pawns hits minefield I am noticing a trend here. But then again utilizing an inert, subterranian, explosive device, pretty much describes this Thread anyway. Now I remember why I like playing Probes! :mad: :mad: :mad: ANGRY OUT LOUD!!!! Dave_H shall feel the wrath of Hun!! for his transgressions. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  15. A Mother's Love, if I could sell Would eliminate the need for hell A dose for pain, a dose for sad A healthy dose when you've been bad No matter what you say or do A Mother's Love is there for you So Steven now, in your time of joy To Her you're still Her little boy The above versification is feeble at best. There is really no way to ever explain a Mother's Love. We can only rejoice in it's existence. All the Best
  16. Uncle Samovich? [edit]-Hey, why don't one of you Aussies start a new Thread for a change? Are you exempt? Inept? [ July 22, 2003, 09:27 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  17. As the central Cess Pool Board meets, in what they think is a private meeting, unbeknownst to them, the intercom button has been left open. Let's listen in: Lars NO WAY, I started the last one and I am sick and tired of always having to start a new thread!" Boo I'd do it, but that Boggs guy will just make fun of me again, and frankly I have enough problems dealing with my hardware issues Mace *Burp* Zzzzzzzzzz MrSpkr There's a conspiracy I tell you. Every time I try to get that Website up and running, I forget what it's supposed to be about. So I certainly don't have the time to.....what was it we were discussing? Seanachai There you go again, always going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on........ Persephone Enough, Gnome, we haven't got weeks you know. I have new pictures to post. dalem Well I like to garden and burn weeds. Joe Shaw My Coalition of the Swilling was the best ever Thread title, if I do say so myself. Berli Idiot! Hiram Hey guys, I think the intercom is on! All in unison OH NO! People will think we're clueless!! *CLICK*
  18. I heard that. One of the biggest dilemnas in playing is when to fire your indirect weapons, cause they burn up the ammo so fast!. It would be nice to have choices in regards the volume/rate of fire of indirect weapons including off-board arty. [ July 22, 2003, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  19. Gamey Update The 50 turn marathon that Axe and I have been struggling with has finally concluded in a draw, with Axe (maggot) winning a 53-47 points victory. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: One :mad: for each point of separation. GRRR!!!! [serious]-DAMN, it was a blast and it's good to be playing again!!!![/serious]
  20. Sorry to hear this Mike Can you clarify that last line. Are you referring to your computer or Goodale?
  21. Boggs smiled to himself, the deed was done and soon his quest would be complete. It had taken precise planning and split-second timing to pull it off, but everything had gone like clockwork. Vinnie and Guido, two hired thugs that had been more than willing to take on this job for a mere $20, were on their way back with The Prize. Boggs laughed out loud as he thought back to how he had tricked Seanachai into going downtown to await a phone call at the payphone on 1st and Main. Boggs had called the number and was delighted to hear his victim answer. Then came the sound of a struggle, a couple of shouts, then silence. Vinnie and Guido had been waiting in a van opposite the phone and had precise instructions to move at exactly midnight. Now they were pulling up outside the motel room. Boggs walked out and waited impatiently as the two oafs unlocked the back of the van. Opening the door Boggs peered inside and received quite a shock. Inside the van was the payphone and no sign of Seanachai. He looked again with the same result. Stunned he faced Vinnie, the intelligent one, "What happened?" "Well boss, it went just like you said, except there was this old guy using it so we had to toss him into the bushes" Boggs was enraged, "YOU IDIOTS, I said Grab the Gnome!!!"
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