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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. GRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: It's CHEERY Waffle you non-spelling, non-sig-lining, malcontent! The Cheery is to raise false hopes in the potential newbie who might drop in all fresh and giggly. Then the real games can begin! :mad: :eek:
  2. Kuni & Oak Riveting guys! Excellent read. What's the current date? Are you into 1941 yet? Keep it up!!
  3. dusk-y: adj 1. Characterized by little or inadequate light; shadowy. 2. Rather dark in color. Good choice in bathmats there Soddy old man, the darker hue will prevent all those stains from showing, if or when you have guests.
  4. In the spirit of the above post: Gameless Updates: Soddball Finally purchased his units, I sent my initial deployment last night. He is apparently still calculating alignment, flow ratios, levels of reserves, capacity versus intake, etc. Hopefully when he's done with his Beer Analysis he'll send his deployment. Net result: 0 Turns in my in-box this morning Mike_the_teetotaller Apparently became overwhelmed by the demons of alkie-haul, as predicted by our own Saint Dave, and is reflecting on his new found sobriety. Could possibly be attending Church this morning to seek further divine intervention. Net Result: 0 Turns in my in-box this morning Dave_(Simon Templar)_H Glory Be, with the daunting task of the salvation of Mike_the_teetotaller now behind him, he is apparently too exhausted to finish our little bruhaha. Net Result:0 Turns in my in-box this morning Hey Axe do you see a trend or something? [edited, in honor of the late mike_the_wino [ July 27, 2003, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  5. I realize that you are at the most time-consuming point of our match. Purchasing units can be a challenging affair, especially with all those points you have to allocate. My, my, it could give one a headache just thinking about it. Oops, gotta go, that damn weasel is acting up again.
  6. BAH!! That was obviously too easy! Oh well, I'll be sending you two tickets to a candle party my sister is having tonite. You can make it can't you?
  7. Ah, the honor and integrity of a true Lady of the Pool is like a breeze of cool air on a hot summer day. There was of course no doubt in my mind that the Great Patron Saint of Georgia, Saint Shemp, had interceded on your behalf to spare you the grief that must now begin to flow.
  8. ANNOUNCING A NEW CONTEST!!!! NAME THAT POSTER The above post was made by someone who we all know and love. Here's a hint: He hasn't returned a turn that was sent TWO DAYS AGO!!!!! Who wants to go first?
  9. Check your bitch box, bitch. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
  10. ROFLMAO!!! Shame on you Hueristic!
  11. To that great computer guru Soddball HELP!! I go into CMBB and hit multi-player, then open E-mail and I cannot find your turn!!! Any Ideas?
  12. Kuniworth As you rise in the ranks and your fame begins to grow, you must expect the buzzing of papparazzi to attempt to annoy you. Let not this distraction hinder your rapid rise to the top. Jim Boggs Public Relations Expert Reasonable Rates Ask for our Free Brochure!
  13. My good Hiram I realize that your upkeep requires extensive allotments of time and patience which is provided so unselfishly by your dear Lady Moraine. However: If I could request that she be given just a small amount of time to send me a turn in our ever-lengthening contest, I would be most grateful.
  14. Okay, that's it! Whoever you are pretending to be Berli, what have you done with the old, dried up, humorless, cranky, one-line posting, gasping for life Olde One that we have come to revile and despise? Regardless, I would request that you keep him there and continue posting. You are a lot more interesting and funny.
  15. The AAR's are great guys, but my I make a request for dates being included in them? The date really allows perspective for the reader. Thanks
  16. Soddball Where are you? I am NOT getting up early tomorrow to open an empty e-mail inbox. GGGRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. So what was it Axe? You saw the word Gamey in the Thread title and went looking to update your collection? (maggot) Ten more minutes................
  18. I can think of a few more choice words his picture is next to. </font>
  19. My pimp has made allowances for an immediate opening just for you. Keep your eyes wide open, there will be a set-up for you to gaze at by tonight. I will give you the same advantages as requested by your Daddy Return the file when you feel capable. Beer-It's not just for breakfast anymore. [ July 25, 2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  20. As usual you are splitting hairs. How convenient you getting your system back. After this weekend, I will have a slot available for a maggoty miscreant and the time will come to battle it out. Jim from the Brewery (a man's drink) VS Mike from the Whinery (a sissy's drink). You are capable of more than one turn per night I hope? maggot :mad:
  21. We have analyzed the disagreeable buzzing noises that have been broadcast from the residence of one Master Goodale and it has been determined that the static sound is consistent with the sound patterns of a Remington LadyShave being applied to the inner thigh region. More on this as it develops.
  22. I agree that gamey is more of a personal trait than a game system trait. Even if there are potential issues, it's really the player that takes advantage or not. oh and Dave we will finish this weekend, do not worry my young friend.
  23. Baldsot Your set-up was sent last night. You remember last night? You and the_wino were discussing cheap wines? Apparently you did not realize that you were dealing with a professional. How ya feelin today? Rotten I hope. As I have given in to all your gamey and one-sided demands, I will make the following honorable proposal. As there is a time differential to deal with, I will arise early on both Saturday and Sunday this weekend in order to accomodate your schedule. This will allow for multiple turns to be exchanged prior to the start of happy hour in your part of the world (although it would appear that Happy Hour for you runs 24/7). It is my desire to move through a goodly portion of the initial turns in this way. As defender all you really need to do is stay as conscious as possible for as long as possible so that you can hit the GO button and the send button. What could be more fair?
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