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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Sombra brought up a good point, armies-tanks-corps that manuever lose combat effiency when they engage finally, from their origin? Why not Airfleets the further out they engage.. that is of course more math for HC but in fact realistic. His equation would really underpower them to zilch.. noone would buy many of them
  2. don't approach the the depths of USSR, do not go into Winter of 41-42 LOL do not fight USSR LOL basically you still seem to end up with Siberians
  3. I think we should have an event to protect the English Isles a little better than they are. Germans attack across the Channel with 3 Fighters and kill the UK.. Fact is, without LR, the Germans historically did attack across the channel, but with Radar the RAF had as many fighter aircraft active as the Germans did in most cases! For they could refuel, rearm, and take off again fast fast fast.. plus the Brits bailed out over home territory more often than not and the Luftwaffe pilots were lost to prisoncamps and labor cleaning off RAF Airfields. Without LR researched I purpose that the Luftwaffe in 1940 is hampered from operations Event effect, reducing the effectiveness of the Luftwaffe attacking England. take away say 30% of their effectiveness and a boost to the English in their Morale, because it's unlikely she will get a natural one, though historically she was determined with Prime Minister Churchill and the imminent danger of Sea Lion to fight off the Attacker.. in other words I'm purposing a way to make a defense possible or at least costly to the Germans enough to think twice as it isn't now Sort of like Winter Effect in USSR?
  4. Noone buys them and the only one who uses them is the USSR? (Because the Engineer is free) I am awaiting one person to tell me they've used Engineers (I purpose all major powers recieve an Engineer free a certian deadline, especially USA who was Notorious for their superb Army Engineers, far superior to anything Europe was fielding.. Germans forfitified Normandy and N.Africa to hell, how? They deserve one...at a later date... Russians employed their citizens to dig holes, trenches, they definitely have one, France doesn't matter she falls too soon... as for Italy, I do not recall 1 case of an Italian fort being erected in WW2, The British, fortified England, with lots of pillboxes for an inevitable invasion from Germany, they should recieve one early but perhaps have it grounded to home territory so it's no an exploit till after Sea Lion) P.S. if not employing this unit, sort of like Rockets are not employed enough, perhaps we should cheapen it, turn it into a Garrison unit and remove it's special abilities??? Otherwise Russians will be the only Fort creators of this game that I can see in the immediate future
  5. Oh you Americans, we all know the correct pronunciations of Hubert to be "Huuuuewww-Burt" Get it Right now, bleedin' blimety...
  6. One advantage of leaving the Canucks independant of the Brits is that when the English surrender any real estate taken by the Canadians stays Allied. Hard to argue giving them tech when the Finns and Spanish don't get any from Germany or Italy, though I'm certian they were using US and Brit equipment in the end add up Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and any other nation convinced to join along with Finland... that's how many million soldiers in service, I'd prefer no minor units and just boost MPPs so I can buy more German ones.. or the option at least... perhaps that would be better for the UK.. the option to enlist Cheaper Units?
  7. this is a tech question, goto tech forum for sc1 and sc2 you'll find my solution as a permanent sticky, using hamachi to bypass routers, it gives a dummy ip and places you all in a network you can use
  8. They toned down the plunder, it's in the textfiles, now I am not 110%... as between patch 1.1 and 1.2 I may have lost myself.. Though I believe now you gain significantly less from plunder than before, as it was an exploit to suicide yourself as a Minor against a Major... Still worthwhile to suicide yourself unless you can hold on for valuable time... I'm up for a match, Panzerliga or PBEM league or Both! VangelofcarnageV@aol.com I await turns Liam on PBEM League, HerrLiam on PanzerLiga... and I'm half Limey Half American, I suppose I'm a Sprite
  9. What can be said of Patton, is this, he genuinely felt he was a reincarnated warlord, and his life's meaning was to fight. He loved War.. and he was never truly tested as the Germans were already busted, a little in Tunisia, but you can't say that Patton was anything less than STRONG, and POWERFUL. Though he had Numbers stacked in his favor, one of the best of the field Generals, he was disliked by his Government for his outspoken and brash attitude, too much for politicians. Just like Churchill he believed that the Russians were a threat and they should be dealt with in 1945, it's it odd how he died? hmmm, me thinks most ignore this man and his legacy
  10. Blashy, In this particular subject matter I am a layman at best my friend and you are not. You may know some aspects of WW2 I do not, though I cannot see your point. Manstein was not a man capable of toppling Hitler, he was a soldier and they followed orders. Generals are gauged not as A.Caesar, a General and a Dictator, as say Napoleon was..or many other great historical leaders.. Many during their time as close as you will come to a 10... In the subject of treason... Had he attempted it, off with his Uncle's friends sister head and everyone in his hometown with two letters "ma" in their name, as well as those born in the same year as him. I'm certian any German Officer was aware of what happened to those who opposed the regime? Just look at all conspirators even Rommel, he was executed though not directly involved in the plot, merely named? Serving it merely means he served a Regime of Evil and he knew perfectly well what he was doing. So the point is in is Service of Evil as we know it was that, was he the best there was? Or was Patton or Zhukov a better Field General? HQs represent Field Generals in this game. They operate out of Real Estate in North Africa and far away places at times.. Where the General Staff wouldn't travel, they'd send a man willing to die and our Generals do die as well at times... Rare in WW2, they kept the lead men of the armies well protected.. 10s in history, Grand Marshall Turenne of France? Nah... Nelson for an Admiral? Likely more so than Turenne. Temujin Khan? Babar? Suleyman? Hannibal? Julius may have been as good as the man who succeeded him, I think the elder was a bit too trusting of his Senators.. Failures politically have not to do with Warfare.. Ability on the battlefield is strictly business affair, afterwards you may give it all back at of foolishness
  11. Kursk was not all a bad idea, was it not Soviet Intel that revealed the German plans? In such detail that it ruined their chances. Also it was so ingrained in them and in the GHC by that point they weren't going to pull out.....fact is oddly, Hitler was quoted in saying that, "Russians couldn't function without Donetz Coal?" Actually it seemed they did quite well without it... He underestimated their resourcefulness. I do not doubt that There was GRAVE soviet resistance in Sevastapol, the Key to the Black Sea... The Crimea would've been of great importance to the Russians they wouldn't have abandoned it without a hellish fight. Then again, they were very poorly organized until late '42 and finally strong '43... that is their own weaknesses. Manstein stood up against great odds, that is indisputable, losing in '44 the Ukraine with what? Is that similar to Rommel losing in the Desert when he was out of tanks and on the run. An evacuation could've been performed, didn't happen. He was not beaten, Rommel was repulsed from a defensive line and no reimbursed with fresh reserves.. His adversary Monty was however beaten many times as were the Americans. not Bunta reading factual. Though all these German Commanders had experience and good soldiers. Americans probably an equal in their training.. though Americans better supplied. Russian Grand Strategy was Attrittion, always has been their staple in times of Great Wars. Brits, relying on their Navy, Germans..well on a great Army.. America seemed to rise to Power in all aspects, quality, quantity, navy, army and well in WW2 even Air He was thinking about an elastic defense and thought he could achieve a draw in 1943. However Manstein's outspokeness can very much be questioned, I know Guderian writes of a meeting with Hitler "Manstein had not one of his better days" meaning that he would not stand up to Hitler. Manstein was a loyal prussian officer who after the war critized Hitler for losing the war but one must remember that his troops carried out the executions and murdering without he stopping it. After war he served time for those war crimes, he was a loyal commander that would obey his orders on most occasions. He was sacked if I recall beacuse Hitler did'nt believe that he could fight without fresh divisions. </font>
  12. Was reading a novel on him at the Local Monster Bookshop. Plots out his ideas, they called the Ardenne blitz, "The Manstein Plan." Also mentioned his clever manuever to free up the Bottled up units in the Caucasus after Stalingrad, by counterattacking the Russians with a thrust and swinging back and forth. Showed some versatility and brilliance considering the wermacht's disposition.. For defensive and offensive warfare. In places where the Germans were outnumbered 7-1.. Something rarely reflected in SC They say he may have been the best General of the Germans and that he should've been put in charge, though because of his Prussian outspokeness was dismissed by Hitler.. Hitler was mentioned, couldn't keep up with his strategic-tactical brilliance. That he was thinking of withdrawls something Hitler couldn't accept, so he could move back in and retake with counterattacks what the Soviets had taken. Oddly he was constantly demoted because of his personality it seems, and not until Barbarossa did he really have a big role on the battlefield. Smashing Sevastapol... Performing superbly at Kursk. One Begs to question, if this man is not a 10, in the rating list, as I couldn't find a single error he made, even though I will admit I know little of Zhukov, I cannot compare, that may be up to specialist. I'm certian someone has read this novel a must read.. The thing that would hold his rating back would only be the GHC. I argue should Erich Von Manstein begin with a rating 10 at least and 1 or 2 bars and not be allowed to be employed till Barbarossa, deep into the conflict. mid 1942 P.S. it almost points to the fact that even Hitler wasn't entirely at fault for the lack of evacuation of the 6th Army, that there were more factors involved than we know.. The Surge of the Russians, the lack of Rails and Lack of reinforcements, the quick crumbling of the Axis Allied Armies... and partially Hitler's unwillingness to yield. Seems as though they just couldn't......Manstein nearly did accomplish the breakthrough, was he ever truly beaten?
  13. It's definitely experimental, Tiles. In a formerly Hexagon enviroment, I think that right now I'm a little concerned in places that the tiles do not add up. As in confined places, it allows many ways to flank and attack while with hexes it limits some exploits so to speak. It would be more realistic to stack units rather than Tile more into the equation? I'm thinking operationally. More so than Cosmetics. However, if one might increase the size of the Mouth of Spain and France, Italy.. some regions to allow flanking manuevers, perhaps I might change my mind. It's also easier to bottle up in these regions and in other regions, where historically and with hexes it might not be possible. Perhaps these tiles could be controlled some also? They allow for a little too much firepower to come upon certian tiles... You almost need it written down so you do not use that tile. (naval warfare) So far, it seems again you learn the hexes and you know precisely what moves to make rather than rely on intuitive feel... I sort of feel like trading in Iceland for this feature... and USSR is big enough All and all, you're not going to change the Tiles now, live with them and make them improved. I'm sure you'll learn them as you did hexagons 10-15 years ago. Didn't SSI release Tile wargames in that era, or were they with less sides?
  14. Perhaps charging an amount per tile? Every have a unit that lacks the AP to garrison a city and you end up operating it 2 tiles to a city? pain... Plus a guy who can operate the entire Wermacht from Russia in 1 week to Normandy for a few hundred MPP like it was nothing, without a loss to his morale or readiness, that is also a pain
  15. Great! Just what we need, players to add to suggestions for newer players to learn from. Taojah, I imagine that if a dedicated Axis player wants through he'll get what he wants.. With IW the French do not stand a chance... However I have noticed that placing a BEF unit there with AntiTank and IW may be wise early... Help delay it , I found that the player who opposed me bypassed it at that point and went for Benelux... Have you tried this by chance? BTW: Iron Ranger, I wasn't aware, as when Egypt-Jordan fell I lost the HQ and units they just disappeared. So well, I am learning too. Thankyou... After we're done with some good Allied strategies perhaps we can start up some Axis ones.
  16. Welcome all you beginners, I am one also. The Masters are seperating themselves now from you and your lack of dedication is costing you the value of truly enjoying this game. I'm going to help you but I want something from you in return, to listen otherwise don't waste your time reading any further. This is a posting for Beginners that want to become intermediate within a few matches. This will take about 10 matches unless you are a quick learner. Instead of training a bunch of kids how to play Axis, I'm going to give Allied tips instead, so people don't hog the side which is already favored, this way you'll play better all around and this is my weak side as well! I have lost about 3 or 4, and won about 3 or 4 Allied matches. I have learned that they're very difficult to win with and it will present a challenge for you and make you a better SC player. 1. Defense of France... best staple trick is, prevent any Maginot breakthrough, by keeping your French units there as entrenched as possible with as much strength If you must and an Axis player is rotating Armies and corps for attacks against it, plant your Armor there... Though if you do not have to move back your armor to Paris. You want to entrench your armor there to 6, and after the frontline is busted, retreat back to use the Royal Navy and French Navy to bombard and hammer any Axis that attempt a naval approach to Paris. With the UK Bomber and Fighter, along with the FAF you should be able to inflict a couple deaths on the Wermacht and a lot of pain if he attempts a frontal assualt on Paris before filtering off the units you are going to plant around it. Make certian after the frontline is busted, that's when Benelux falls and he begins killing your units, that you retreat to cover the hexes around Paris, putting the HQ and Air out of distance of an easy kill. Some transport the French Units from N.Africa and Syria to support the campaign, but you have to garrison those cities then or Italian Readiness rises. I don't bother, France will Fall... In the end, it's best to force your opponent to kill off all your French Units to get to the entrenched Tank, that way he collects less plunder and you inflict the most damage... best trade off, you will lose Paris anyways, I have held it in one game so far. Tip... run hotseat and attempt the best way to defend France, run it a few dozen times if you must, get a feel for hunting the sub and Kriegsmarine. Always best to put the French forward, so they take the initial hits and hold the British fleet back for other jobs. 2. North African Campaign. Some have gone for an all out British Control of North Africa, do not attempt this, it can be countered.. though if you want a lesson in how to perform it play a 'good player'... My belief is that you hold North Africa as long as possible, though do not let your escape get cut off, 2 ships and the only port leading to the Suez Loop will cut you off. I have lost many units this way. You can stay and at supply level 5 suicide the Germans and Italians, that way you can rebuild these units in England. Though if he is smart and uses a Bomber or the Italian Navy with Amphibious assualt on the Suez he'll cut you off and take your supply, killing all units in the MiddleEast and Egypt. That'll be a costly fight. Not worth the risk, I say best to plan to leave the region quickly, hold your HQ, Tank and Army close to Departure Port if any real Axis threat comes into Egypt. Otherwise, wait it out. tip: I have found when Egypt Surrenders your Lose your HQ Minor and it's units, I'd just fight to the death with those! I may be wrong if you transport them, though I've not attempted this, so Hotseat for you again my friends 3. The UK under threat, if you retreated from Paris.. Make sure to entrench a few units and upgrade the AntiAir. Especially if the Axis build Bombers or get Longe Range. He can knock out Liverpool and all your foreign imports right then and there. If Axis subs attempt to raid, cover the N.Sea with rotating Cruisers.. he may try to sneak through route via Scapa Flow, the southern Route is too treacherous.. usually unless you've your fleet scattered about the World. Tips: Cruisers kill subs well, so do Carrier Strikes. Though both Battleships and Carriers are SubFodder. Keep Units on Ports or around adjacent to them or to Land in Bad Weather, also for Supply . Morale and Readiness falls fast for Naval units, you want them at max. Tip #2: When Axis have the iniative, after taking a Minor, sometimes best to retreat, their Morale will be skyhigh, and multiple Minors means a deadly Axis... Wait a few turns, it'll go back down, then strike him out... 4. Diplomacy, watch it, ask yourself if you want him bringing Spain in, or other Minors in.. Save up some British cash, as there the only Power that can reverse an early Diplomatic Move by the Axis. Combined Italy and Germany will usually attempt to bring in Spain, UK hitting it early with 5 chits can stop it usually... Though the USA will recieve a Pacific Transfer a few nice boats if they achieve this... Not a bad trade off, but Gibraltar will fall and North African Domination is impossible with this move as you end up with a sort of Malta Effect except on the Brits... Tip: Do no invade Minors as the Allies early unless you've a big agenda and strategy. Best to Push the USSR and USA in, any way you can, force the Axis to invade as many minors as possible. 5. Tech Tips: USA I say Industrial all the way, she has a modifier and gains the most... production and IW lastly... USSR, some in those areas but Make certian to stay on par with German IW, Tank, AntiTank weapons.. Or you'll lose the game... The more Ready these Majors are the more income they have. 6. The Invasion of USSR, this isn't going to be very detailed.. It's a tough thing to see your Country fall, USSR will fall fast to a good Axis, and won't at all to a bad one. Though it's alright, the USSR needs to save itself if the Axis is strong on the ground in the East, she needs to hide and hit and run, her rivers, mountains, marshes, and forests are perfect. There are natural defense boundaries she can use. Use them! Employ it all.. By around Winter '42 you will recieve your Siberians, especially as the Germans penetrate her, then you can launch a counteroffensive, crush the Axis where you can, the First Winter knocks down supply for the Germans and it's an opportune time, do not attempt to stop the Germans earlier even if they're out of place... Unless you know for certian they are weak. Western Allies, build up their forces and prepare to invade Europe, her only threat is the Italian Navy with GunLaying Radar, so match it! With the Germans and good Sub Tech, I have managed to kill the entire Western Navy... Use your Air to knock down Cities and take France, Don't bother with too many Minors unless the Axis do... Then try to take your share along with them, gauge it... keep up IW, keep up GLR, maybe AntiSubWarfare if neccessary. Good air helps, but stay out of combat early and focus on disrupting the Axis whenever they have nothing there.. Use your Navy if they do not perform Sea Lion to hurt them everywhere... AND DO PREPARE FOR IMMINENT SEA LION!!! That or give up England for N.Africa.. That is a gamebreaker Good luck Now this is a very simple and basic Guide to help some beginners with Allied Strategy, add to it friends..and play a lot of matches, ask all the questions you want all will be answered and please study. if I can beat you with Allies it shows you haven't done your homework I'm not a very good study myself just watch and learn... Play the Best, John J. Rambo, Terif, Iron Ranger, HellRaiser, Avatar, etc... Get on PanzerLiga... Look up all those Germans, they are very good players very competent, play PBEM even if you don't like to, it'll better your game. Play the best do not give up and listen and ask them questions and you'll get good. I'm always open to newbs as I'm still a mediocre player myself. I just have finished 10-15 games so far
  17. Jolly if you want a rematch League game I'm up for it let me know
  18. The only reason I buy armies is I run out of cash to purchase Corps.. If is is half the strength of the other, the Army should possess heavy weapons, strong antitank weapons and strong antiair weapons. not only but defend better against coastal bombardment. That would make them worth their weight. Plus Corps should perform poorly against armies
  19. Retri: In that war the dictator's got smoked, save hitler had a peaceful sleep... Lost 2 matches, duel ones PanzerLiga to Terif.. he is the only soul since 1.2 to beat me...except Iron Ranger. I await someone with the capability to give me a game...
  20. Okay folks, the only guy to best me aside from the Jedi Master himself in the past 6 weeks is Iron Ranger and that was by a "hair"... so far: 3 wins Rambo 1-0 Axis I crushed USSR Summer '42 Funnyman lost to my Allies, crushed by USSR in 1941, this is a PanzerLiga match and I will take the Axis quite easily so that'll be 4 wins... Chironik@yahoo.com, doesn't surrender just runs with his tail between his legs, France never falls, 1940, was supposed to be a League match JollyGuy is crushed by the Germans during Barbarossa (though I do not count this as official match as it was in 1.0 Terif, with his Amazing Uber Axis and his crushing move against my Italians the only man to stop me and I haven't had time to adapt to him Come get Some PanzerLiga matches only now, I challenge anyone with real steele and ability P.S. that's going to be 4 straight wins, minus Terif
  21. It's true about Experience, I've faced 2 Axis opponents and I really destroyed them in a matter of a few minutes. One case my French did too much damage to a overambitious kid. Another PanzerLeaguer got beat by USSR, he was unprepared for IW3 and Heavy Tanks 3.. I recall a game vs Rambo I played, very first one, I walked into USSR and the difference between IW 1 and 3 was so huge it may have been the deciding factor of the game. I didn't outproduce the Allies, but I had more land and air and at the time an I was smashing through USSR and would've taken it. When those IW3 and Heavy Tanks came it was all over... Several cases of this have occurred afterwards. You almost have to have IW3 more important than IT/Production tech by 1941 as Axis and Allies... UK can be taken by 3 IW3 corps and 1 Tank...lots of fighters and bombers... I tried on Terif, as Axis, the North African manuever hurt my morale. I lost I don't know 6 ships, several land units. My units became bogged down in a war of attrittion. He used the Rock as a kill Zone. I placed my units in the wrong places and underestimated what the UK can do.. and my whole overall strategy was flawed. I surrendered more out of self loathing.. As Allies, he made every perfect Axis move. Cutting off oil in the Caucasus through Iran, Smashing my Russians. Not waiting too long for me to get Readiness and build up for a defense, very very important.. I have managed to only delay him at Moscow a little.. I doubt I have a chance so against an experienced player Allies I feel are underdogs.. Though Rambo in our recent game is proving that the Russians if fed enough MPPs are dangerous.. I am uncertian if it won't become just a bloodfest on the Eastern Front. They've got Tech and Numbers... and they're using it quite well.
  22. One catch is the startiong armies, must be outfitted and can be rebought if they were destroyed fair enough.. Indeed new units should be Corps, and Armies are extremely weak...
  23. Hmmm, Alexander, in some ways at first I have seen what you have seen. I was at first, wow! Features, Tiles, whatever... lots of Tech, lots of Expansion, and look at this MAP. Baby this Map rocks. Then I was like, wait a minute. God this is tedious, predictable, what's missing? I had a great time, aside from waiting for 15 minutes for Dialup players to finish and send a turn total between the two of us... I kinda miss the 4 minute turns or even sometimes 2 minute turns of good ole SC. HC, has updated a much needed edition he hasn't refined it. If you have dialup and a 1997 computer I can understand, stick out SC1 and use the many MODs the guys make for it. Though if you want a full gaming experience, of at least a Pentium4 with a GIG and Cable, SC2 will eventually monopolize the Market. I know HC isn't all that impressed with his sales right now, he's probably dissappointed in things. What he doesn't realize it's hard marketing this puppy the way he is, it will pick up and the popularity of the game will also. It needs the refinements as I said once those are done, get over the detail, streamlining comes with memorization. A few more minutes means a few more battles instead of a few more modifications. SC1 had a lot of little tweaks to make before you could start the other turn also, this one is somewhat more detailed and I think it's the future. I personally got bored of SC1, I got good enough to beat everyone but Terif in it. Wasn't that Complex. I still cannot beat the ChessMaster but I will eventually.. Great competition, great fun.. I will admit Tiles are a bit annoying.. at first, but I'm use to Civ3 and 4 so I will cope. You just gotta remeber there are a lot of ways in your backdoor and out of it, if you think quick... Locks the game up, no... people will flood this game with possibilities... 3 million men did not cover the entire front of Barbarossa 1 to 2 thousand miles from the Baltic to the Black Sea.. and the front was often very static, rather they carpeted sections that mattered... KeyPoints all in all, if you master this game you are a tactician of some sorts.. If you master SC1 you're a fair skilled Arm Chair Majour... I Mastered games as detailed as HOI, so I suppose I am already 1 star general, but that took a year of losing and crashing I'll never read the book Why not try some slow paced PBEM.. play the Allies as they're a challenge.. bomb German factories inside of Germany for a change. Bomb Hamburg, Invade Italy for a change.. Do Kursk for Real.. It's more possible now than before.. this game is 7 times more historical than SC1 ever could be. SC was a kick back to 10-15 years ago
  24. To help people out like me who're obviously baffled at low figures, posting a Unit on a City seems to increase readiness more so than full 10 supply to that unit. That is what I've noticed. After placing fighters on City Tiles, I recieved 20-40% boost from depleted Units... even if those units were in 10 supply. I'm baffled, Terif may enlighten us
  25. Whatever has been and will be mentioned, I know LR German Bombers were used in conjunction with subs, to what level I'm not sure. How many ships were actually sunk in the Atlantic by German bombers isn't likely to be very high a total. Fact is Goering was on bad terms with the Kriegsmarine. Therefor the full power of Air-Subs-Surface Raiders were never committed to the operation as they could've been. Hell who knows, the Bismark may have been saved and it's whole purpose was what to be a commerce raider? I think... So shouldn't Battleships and Bombers, both strategic weapons have impacts on Convoys. More so Battleships and Cruisers, German ones operated with such success they became folk heroes in both wars. From India, to the Pacific to South America... in WW2 a more limited area of operations due to the constraints of no Colonies however, German Surface Raiders reigned hell... as far as I know.. Post the figures As far as Bombing is concerned, already in Malta, Malta effect is a sort of raiding aspect, and raised by a Bomber in percentage? Yes! So naturally there should be something else given to the Allies, not Norwegian raiding... Though what is odd the Germans have no Convoys from N.Africa when there is not actual direct route to MainLand Europe though still collect! Should be Set CONVOY ROUTES for all powers.. Fact in, in WW2 Germany had no convoys outside of what was from Sweden and Switzerland. Probably USSR a little and Spain... They couldn't get it, because they were bottled of the by the British Navy. Any ship in a Convoy Route should have some percentage chance of disrupting Supply... To reflect the Real War... Historically I'm no Battle of the Atlantic Historian but I certianly am glad I could add my 2 cents
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