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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. While watching a show about Landings at Gaudalcanal, without decent protection the US did some serious damage upon Japanese Amphibious Transports. I'm not sure the exact extent of this, I am pretty certian it gives a prime example of the weakness of amphibous/transport craft vs able surface ships.. sittind ducks in a barrel in other words, too slow, no armor, no guns really... Also remeber it took the Bismark what 1 salvo to kill the Hood? That is not represented in the same exact way in SC2, however.. a Battlefleet would do Major Damage to a transport. It would be also worthwhile for the UK and US to buy subs, to post around coastlines and suspected Axis landing zones.. They should be virtually invisible and deadly On top of all this, I'd also like to see Axis or Allied bombers who occuppy a certian amount Tiles within a landing zone to a have a percentage chance of inflicting more damage upon Landing Amphibious Craft..> Meaning air supremacy matters < especially those unescorted by fighters and without air supremacy, Divebombers, Naval Bombers took a toll on and Carrier born aircraft upon amphibious craft crossing their paths.. Hard to believe a Amphib moving in the Fighter, fighterbomber range of a CV takes no damage from it. Hell, those boys would be, "GUYS GET AIRBORNE even if you haven't slept in 48 HOURS! Kill those Floating Infantry!" [ August 21, 2006, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  2. I had issues with this in SC2, slow regaining of morale after a long weary battle that or low strength units being introduced that need time to max out minor hopping is a good compensator
  3. Not bad, it's estimating what is built true, many figures. Though let us understand something at the outbreak of war, the Germans were geared up for War enough to beat everyone they fought until 1942. Why? They had the Tactics, the weapons, the training, the leadership, the right sort of Military Warmongering Ambitious Ideology. They were short on resources, both ManPower and Raw Materials after a certian time period. Well, when you fight a lot of wars and you're not a Massive Nation like the USSR or USA you will run dry faster you better fight to gain more resources and stabilize your Nation or have enough punch to knock out the West in a few blows. France fell, England was an Island, the USSR didn't fall. The USSR didn't fall because she had enough space to give up and then regroup and then fight back. We all know this.. Germany should not have attacked the USSR! It was gamble and even Hitler knew it.. He couldn't afford, the USA entering shows me that Hitler was blinded by his victories and an incompetent leader doomed to fail. Even if Germany had not made the Major errors she made, the War would've very very tough for her. Unlike SC, realistically she would've likely taken France, they were not prepared for this type of war.....but she would of likely been outproduced no matter how many Minors she sacked, and no matter how much she geared her nation for war. the USA and USSR alone are what during that time period 300 million combined? draw on that Manpower. The Germans merely conquored nations she had to garrison.. she was too ambitious She needed to win the war in 1941 before Winter, something she couldn't do, Moscow wasn't enough, she couldn't move fast enough, a race against time, and it was over
  4. Terif has more than just dedication, he's a very skilled person to figure out what his enemies will do next. He has an intuitive feel for each move of his opponent, I have noticed most times he will anticipate my moves and counter them. Rarely being wrong. In my last Axis game vs him, in SC1 I gave him a tough match but he still won because of his patterns. They were unpredictable and all based in MPPs. Every move was done with a gain just about with little error. I gave him a few 7 Round fight but I couldn't go beyond. Guys like HellRaiser, Avatar, DragonHeart or Rambo all have bested him. So they must study his artform a bit too. I am not that anal about Strategic Command perfection. I just like to play a good game, throw in my two cents and have a good show, even if it's dead even with a 5-15% winning difference. I don't mind.. It's the battle not the victory that counts, it's not real life... Learn though, play guys like Terif, lose to him 50 times and you'll be 10 xs better though he is annoyed with players who never learn I noticed. ::smiles::
  5. Blashy, you're correct, though Konigs is also correct. Neither are wrong, Sea Lion was not at first apparent to the Germans British...thoughs soon both nations realized it was not practical. The British had Naval and Air Superiority over the Channel and that was due to the failure of Air Marshall Goering, not due to the Germans. They were beaten on the Ground, the RAF had a great commander a few brilliant strokes of luck! The Royal Navy on the other hand could've been the victim of the Luftwaffe for months if not even half a year, god knows what would've occurred? Letting the BEF and Free French Units depart, was so foolish! GHC Should've let Guderian cut them to cheese shreds! Without that Proffessional Army the British would've been hard pressed themselves for Manpower. Feesibly, enough Gliders, enough Paratroopers, capturing British Ports, and letting in whatever Craft the Axis could muster, would've been if nothing else the threat to push the British out, however it is unlikely without severe losses this would've been the outcome and Hitler wasn't likely to Gamble after France, only after his arrogance began to boost by well into Barbarossa did he become utterly incompetent with egojuice. The MiddleEast was overlooked. There was value in seizing the Jugular of the British Empire. Cutting her off from Australia, New Zealand, India and basically adding to what the U-Boats were doing in the Atlantic. Axis Conquest through India was a Grand Plan for World Conquest of the Eurasia, Possible, much more so than a Bomber driving the US out of the War. The only Nation to Bomb US Soil was Japan, and she suffered dearly for it.
  6. I have seen a similar show, the likelyhood of reaching the USA with enough bombers to impact things is very unlikely. They had troubles keeping of quotas of conventional Fighters let alone such am amibitious project. Only the USA managed such a thing vs Japan and only after some time...and money Think if America mobilized true air defense, how would the Axis of defended Iceland without a Navy? Without a UK, it's possible long term, otherwise I highly doubt bombing New York would've made any difference, besides a majority of our industry was further inland.
  7. Yes the 1.2 to 1.3 will kill about 4 games I have currently running a real annoyance but I guess all in the name of progress. I know I will all 4 matches
  8. Absolutely! Canada and the US Navy will not save the Day if the Brits fall! The US Fleet needs to be transfered from the Pacific in say 1944 or 1945 after the defeat of the Japanese Navy in Full, 4-5 Aircraft Carriers, dozens of Battleships and Cruisers, several heavy bombers with an insane Range, perhaps operating out of Iceland? All the Americans would need in the Pacific is Subs
  9. I'll be honest with you, I wouldn't bother with Spain period as Axis, unless it can be had easy. The combined expense for Italy and Germany is not good if the UK counters chances are it'll be a tough cookie! Besides, Tech changes so quickly those Spanish Units are nothing but garrison units.. Later in the game, Spain is good to take, or MPPs if you can get it easy, not always possible. IW2 and IW3 units will smash through Spain and if the UK Spent money to lower it's readiness they threw away cash. I've had many do that, I just let them throw it away, better to have IW3 or Heavy Armor by barbarossa then to have Spain... Especially for Italy, who must counter the West on Land and invade Minors... Germany has a hard time getting Sweden, however! What Terif didn't mention is if Allies start hogging Minors, diplomacy efforts with her could pay off. I'd go in Early as a warning and prepare to Send German reinforcements to prevent the Allies from gaining Scandanavia...Depending on your overall strategy of course. If you doubt your opponent will make a move or your move is a passive one, only interested in Keeping the Allies out of Norway and Sweden then forgetting it altogether is smart 20% is a longshot. I got up to around 55% all in with Italy and Germany over 2 years, I do not think my Ally was countering. Naval Manuevers can also Trigger Swedish Readiness so look them up and find out what will pee off the Swedes so you can use it against your opponent. However if he's good, it's unlikely you'll get Sweden. Minors are better hacked up, Germany has lots of Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians and Italians to garrison with.. Spain's only value is in Gibraltar if the Ally is good and you want to cut his supply
  10. HQs are Supply Supply Supply They are the backbone of all fighting Units, if you want an offensive, bring a good HQ, the more experience the better. HQs, take Supply from Ports and cities, they translate that into Power for the Units under their command. The Manual describes the formulas for HQ and Supply. Without a good HQ and good Supply, your units are Fodder against an able Foe, with it they're dangerous.. You need to know the distance the HQ supports, which HQ is charge of what, and if you goto a region like N.Africa which Rating you'll need in order to progress quickly with your campaign. Not as important as it was in SC1 however, still very important.. Rating 9 or 8 is great for those far off conflicts or for the most vital Offensives
  11. Defensive measures are possible in all game versions if you have terrain, You're right though futile to deeply penetrate and encircle an able opponent with the forces to counter you. I will only run around a Foe to kill his HQ, Air or to capture something that is worth losing a unit over. That or to deliver a death blow and open up the front a little. 1.3 probably cannot change this due to the scale of the map. It's very open, as it should be, the Germans didn't possess a very tight grip on such a vast front with so few soldiers. The Russians maybe could have... I think that the one Warped aspect of this game I can see are these things, Western Tech suchs too bad because they're too poor too late... They should have a tech boost, meanwhile Russian tech is too good and they don't have enough units, warped in that in historically Russians should be more numerous with lagging tech.. They had good equipment but a lack of organization and behind the Germans in many aspects far too long which together lead to their perile. Of course little or no Officers didn't help either due to purges the West was stuck in WW1 tactics and outdated equipment themselves, just beginning to upgrade.. Upgrades should be more expensive for them, perhaps, timing it, but the ability to tech up fast should be there for them so they aren't stuck with IW1 or IW2 and no heavy tanks walking into Germans with IW3, and Heavy Tanks 3 or 4 by 1942 or '43... The Russians did later catch up! The Western Allies had Numerical superiority as did the Russians, something that SC doesn't grasp, as the outlined goals don't lead to the Allies ever bringing their resources to bare, since SC is a Marathon type game....It's time to make it more difficult to penetrate USSR, and not make it into a killing field, perhaps all Non-Russian Cities shouldn't have Scorthed Earth or 5 Supply but the deeper you go, the Scorthed Earth and rebuilding is not at half but say at 4 or 3... And less, forcing the supply and logistic issues the Germans faced, not initially though later, similarly in North Africa Out there Ideas? Realistic
  12. Rommel was beaten, if Montgomery would've pursued him with only 10 tanks. Though British Tradition is keep the 'casualties low'. You can say that Monty is an overrated general, but I imagine his men not to be.. The British Officers have a rich History and a great sense of duty. The Fatale flaws of the German leadership is less in it's Field Commanders, more in it's High Command. I think that these overrated German Generals, as some call them out of spite should be high rated 10s and 9s, but should get regular Experience Reduction Events... Due to being sacked and removed, that or take and replace Good Competent Generals with more Loyal Rated 6s ones regularly to reflect the upheaval in the German High Command. Something the Western Allies did not suffer from..
  13. This sounds almost like a solution, How about ordering a construction of a Fortification in a Tile or hex that cannot be undone unless an enemy is attacking it, that will cost a set amount and that contructs itself invisibly or even visibly, and isn't done till say whatever, 30 days, 90 days.. Just like constructing Fortifications now.. The Engineer Unit is very superflous.. I'd take the Engineer and make something useful out of him personally like a Medium Bomber unit that is more cost efficient, and more interesting.. That or numerous Land units... The way fortifications act this is still debated
  14. I like the idea of a true Atlantic Wall, so long as the Allies have something to develop and break it with.. Make the Allies have to pound the Wall to land... Shorten Amphib OPs and make Calais and Normandy forceful landing zones, force it by reducing the morale of units travelling out of their zone of Amphibious operations severely with a huge penalty so that people do not launch amphibious craft from 3 thousand miles away... Realistic Though boost the Allied power to make it realistic as well that they were building up, more things in their Production as the war progresses... If you think on it, Sicily, Normandy were the two largest Amphibious operations of WW2, along with Torch... Most were launched from a few miles of coastline away.. Fortifications, and Engineers could be vital in this way by making the landing zones very very treacherous... make it difficult for Navies to unentrench units and bombers and fighters to kill them in entrenchments, give a AA bonus to them perhaps? That would become quite deadly!
  15. Mr. Kuniworth an insult indeed! A francine, NEINE! Hubert is an Ontarion, we all know they're all English
  16. I was playing a game vs Terif where I knew I could have drawn it out till '45 but I doubt longer. It would have been an incentive to draw that match even I knew I only had to hold, and would be an incentive for him to attack to take Rome at some point.. Which if the Germans reserve up could be difficult Having the UK beefed up certianly doesn't hurt, as her ships get wounded she often loses them for the War. Not ahistorical, a wounded ship took awhile to repair historically... Forcing the Axis to spend to take England is the whole idea, it did cost them historically in airpower, enough that they were very short of planes for the invasion of Russia.
  17. is this like WW2Online Interface? Or is this is more like RTS at close visual
  18. you guys should of announced the convention earlier, I live close to Myrtle by the way watch the trailer for this game, it's nutz! best ww2 trailer of seen so far! [ August 11, 2006, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  19. Nothing is more asesome than sniping a man in the forehead
  20. then perhaps it's time to make Blashy's mod the Staple start scenario? Or at least consider it
  21. May of 1940: Germans show off there Assualt Rifles for WW2 a bit early! IW3
  22. Winter of 1940 German tech is skyrocketing IW2, revealed
  23. November 19th 1939: Warsaw Throws in the Towel Royal Navy close to Axis Ports in Libya, Benelux and France still not attacked will be a long war
  24. long polish campaign after several turns, western transfer
  25. I am Axis this time, and I cannot wait till there are GooseSteppers on the White House Lawn, I will not rest till the Swatika stands over the Urals, and over Big Ben! Standard Rules, fewest Exploits possible, this will be tough for him, noone has beat my Axis but Rambo and Terif
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