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Everything posted by Liam

  1. You get up to 150-175% Morale increase if you take down 2 Minors at once? hmmmmm, I wonder if Germany after conqouring Petty Norway and Denmark would've had troops that were 50% higher morale than is possible? The equation makes no sense on a Strength 10 unit and is a flaw within the game engine that should be altered to reflect reality... No Morale would ever be lifted for something of that magnitude, now conquor the USSR-UK, France... sure... But Tunisia? LOL Denmark? Did that even require German Infantry? Or did they just politely ask for an unconditional surrender? Besides ever seen what 150% morale does to an enemy unit? Jesus! And how would this hurt Allied Morale, I would think they'd be more determined to fight back, increasing their own morale, depending on which nation... The whole system is backwards, needs revamping, then again this could be already addressed?
  2. Edwin, I get the idea that this adds variables and realism as you say men like Ribbentrop or Canaris would've probably not convinced the USA much Maybe would've increased our War Readiness by attempting to decrease it you agree? I like the direction for Minors would make it a but more of a tech rather than a tool used for exploitation?
  3. Dear Hubert and Community, it's come to my attention after playing about 25-35 games of Strategic Command 2 and watching the better players we have two MAJOR issues that need discussion and fixing: First let me purpose that Neutrals are predictable! When you DOW you know exactly be it Allied or Axis where to move and how easiest to take it down. This is not history. In history, troops were constantly moved due to Leadership, Politics, or generally where they could afford to. I say take the Predictability out of Attacking Minors, forcing Recon on them before a Power takes them down. Every time you DOW a Minor, you should have to really guess where they might place their troops, especially for nations with large quantities of troops and armed forces! --This would fix some of the humdrum, Neutral Grabbing, perhaps even placing in a corps or two here or there, making it random, as Majors did not know this information ahead of time. Those that did, had what? Wonderful Intel and Recon, which is uneccessary in SC2 which is Ahistorical and makes the game plain straight sort of Boring and Predictable, whose with me? Hubert I hope you get catch my drift and folks? Agreed? Not trying to ruin anything just enhance Secondly: Diplomacy, it's gamey by now, I'm buying the USA as UK, I'm buying Minors, I'm using a gamey exploit more or less to squeeze the Axis dry. There is no Sub raiding-strategic bombing-espionage, there is thousands of MPPs being thrown into Neutrals and Majors with a predictable result. Historical Politics was not so predictable!!! Franco, FDR, etc.. were a lot tougher cookies than 500 MPPs of spending. 100 MPPs may have worked, an Allied DOW on Vichy Algeria may have.. Noone knows.. Though a slightly different system should be implemented. I'm not sure which, I need some smarter minds to decide upon a less gamey approach to politics, not to do away with it, but DO NOT RELY ON IT LIKE A CRUTCH to win games and to force the opponent spend-counterspend. It's not Aircraft design, it's not a Science Diplomacy. LOL, though you could take that in College Lastly, Just trying to enhance gameplay, and despite my odd ideas, I welcome other more experienced players to add their two cents and ideas PLEASE Help our game get better BTW: Espionage, could be an interesting treat with increased Intel Tech, since it's a pretty useless tech. Say a random Destruction of a MPP resource when you reach a certian level, or a few Points in damage, make a few more good reasons to invest aye ? and I could think a few more ideas for Intel too
  4. Agreed, diplomacy is more an exploit than a tool at the moment.. It's overpowered and historically diplomacy wasn't what it is this game, despite our desire to change things the truth be told, there is only so much These Powers could've done.
  5. Yes, Tao, the newer moves since the last patch allow for a Parisian take down real early because weather will not hold frozen as it did in 1.0-1.2 patches
  6. Defending France is a trick now, Scook gave some good tips and insight, Weather as far as Frozen landscapes has been phazed back slightly, there is a lot more mud. During Mud, movement is hindered but you're still able to inflict and take massive damage. Air is pretty useless unless close up... I find that France falls in Spring with good luck with weather, and with bad luck in 1939 depending on how the Axis player approaches the situation
  7. The French High Command had a funny nickname for the Frenchie? Someone can recall for me? Make it so when youliberate France you can purchase a rating 7 General with his name on it that way Quebecers and French folk will not feel left out!
  8. 4th test, odd, only the DCR tank group survived, most units were far as I could get them b4 ice sunk in.. I will try center them between Canada and Greenland now 5th Test: Everything West of tile 16-10 Cruiser centered between Greenland and Icey Islands of Canada's NorthWest Territory, let's see how this comes out. Everything surrendered. I suppose my initial findings were luck. 3 to 4 outta of five times my Paris Battleship survived in the Artic Region Hunts Subs. Secondly when I initially tested the results were staggering. And floating French Units are treated like Boats apparently? Does this apply if they're on land? Maybe this is the only bug I've found, other than that being incredibly lucky... One may wish to take the risk of launch the entire French Army and Navy out to get a percentage chance to perserve some of it considering how quickly it folds these days Excuse me for screwing up
  9. 2nd test: Alright, 1 time without Poland surrending all Free French surrendered and it took 2 turns after Paris to have a French surrender, they weren't as far West as they could be however. 1 Battleship in Mid-Atlantic, 1 cruiser on the same gride off Canada's Coast 3rd test: Poland surrendered I pushed all units further West including DCR Tank and Gamelin, all the Boats surrendered by not the Land units... Afterall I may be wrong, but consider retesting, see how far west I drive these units and how many surrender with all Free French as far West as the maps will permit [ September 14, 2006, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. Okay, Dear friends. I tested the Free French Bug follow up... all units surrendered except 17, 14 tile and 17 13. Guess what, one of those Units was the tourville crusier and the other gameline HQ! Okay, next test, to push my Free French Further into the Northern Artic and see how many survive, on test two! will post in a minute from hotseat
  11. So far preliminary tests I've done, which aren't extensive, show that put them past St John's Wort, every boat I put there stayed Alive, I tried a Cruiser and Battleship in the MidAtlantic the two from the Med, the Cruiser remained he was on line with Iceland... Every time I have put a Battleship in the Artic Waters it has remained Free... At first I thought I was lucky after the third or fourth time I knew it a bug... So apparently that is the Free French Zone, I wonder if you move the entire French military there and sail it back to england after the surrender? And they do return home there is no bug in that aspect P.S. this is just a premilinary observation, go ahead and test it further if not I shall later this evening to confirm this is a Free French Zone
  12. I don't know if the rest of you noticed but if you put your French fleet far far West, it goes free no matter what Bug reported By: Liam
  13. Mr. Dozer, Winter effects combat values. It is agreeable to me to have Winter when I'm fighting entrenched units. Say for intance hitting Paris, that way that Armor entrenched there doesn't harm me too bad and after 3 or 4 corps whack him with a maximum damage intake of strength 2 I detrench him fast. Fighters would be better but I want him poised to fall the minute the weather breaks. Ice is okay for movement too.. You can iceskate.. Mud slows things down dramatically, but combat values increase. Mud limits the range of fighters... In Winter Fighters do not move, and have a limited range. All over it is best to do a true offensive in Summer, Positioning is okay in Winter and good for the Russians because the German's are hit by a Winter Effect the first Winter that cuts down supply to 1 MPP for all German resources in the USSR that were captured, a real supply nightmare
  14. Do not knock the Little Green Man, Rambo preparing his stance for combat with Yoda and the Bunta Siths:
  15. Halving Diplomacy effect would have a desired effect for the USA and USSR, reason being: It would increase the cost, though the Germans with more MPPs early may take advantage of this fact As I mentioned before the UK couldn't buy the USA if she wanted. Similarly Germany wouldn't have achieved much on her own, she had a bad reputation. As I purposed and heard and I like the idea.. Taking out Majors altogether of the diplomatic game might be favorable, and leave the diplos to minors would be a sound strategy. That would take the focus off this topic.
  16. Connors was training on the level of a 1960s and 1970s player in the 80s and 90s. He was over the hill and a groundstroker, he was not in condition because his tennis wasn't built around coniditioning. He was overdo after 3 decades of pro tennis to retire... It wouldn't really had made him a better player. Though he still won five set matches quite often... He did retire from many matches due to heat exhaustion. Though I believe all of those were after the age of 30... Men's tennis by Sampras era, you spent 12 hours a day working out. Connors conditioned himself by just "hitting balls," and for his era: he had the hardest serve, saw the ball better than any other.. by our era, I served harder LOL, a Amatuer! Agassa was supposedly his succesor and did not fulfill that till later in his 20s.. Mostly due to dedication. Which Connors had mentally throughout his career, I do not recall him throwing a match due to a lack of mental toughness. Sampras had mental issues early, but soon overcame them. Just as Federer, then he Dominated for much of the 90s... He was Men's tennis for that era. Since 2000 the Gears have shifted... Now Federer dominates. I watch his tennis, noone has his talent. Woman are not comparable.. They are not required to play five setters and they are not working as the Men do! They are more than ever in history getting closer. Men's tennis is highly competitive, women's tennis leaves gaps for Dominatryx's like Steffi. I was a big fan of hers, she was very powerful hitter for her day. She dethroned Martina, however she quit rather early in my opinion due to wanting a Life.. You do no have one when so dedicated to "one thing," why perhaps Sampras starting laying up. After wife and a decision probably to want to live... Agassi was more so dedicated in my opinion as he lacks the talent that Sampras possesses and he lacks the Build to be a #1 Player. However with work and dedication achieved it for as long as Sampras if not longer... However as I said of Federer Sampras was a perfectionist Hitter, his talent outweighed his weaknesses.. Federer has both that's what will make him deadly. He was in the final's of the French Open took a GREAT claycourter to a five setter. Few Can boast such who're more hard and grass specialists.. he will set the records for our era Strategic Command 2 is Mental Sport. Much like Chess, Poker, etc... You can be 230 lbs 5ft3 and still be great. Terif could be 85 and the best He's good with Math, he's good with tactics, and he's good with predicting his opponents moves.. He watches, takes notes.. he's as close as we have you're right to a Perfectionist of our Sport but ummmm, he has been beaten. DH and Avatar. Even Rambo has beat him. Not consistently
  17. Bio, all good suggestions, I find one plus though, it seems sometimes interceptions are less costly. I.E. I've never had a fighter shot down in SC2 yet Setting all your fighters to a setting such as Escort only that you do not want to intercept is wise Operational costs that is bad bad bad... Morale is a pain to get back up and you need it to goto into action... Those trains and trucks are a pain on a soldiers back I'm sure Also I really think that Invisible spotting bug is annoying I'm glad they're going to fix it, it's impossible to try 'some' sneak manuevers. It's best to not and try a few moves that you might assume would give away position. Rather just do very linear moves with your subs and fleets... I find I keep most things secret so long as I do not pass too closely to the enemy and it isn't it dependant on where? I've found a new juicy bug I will not admit to yet until I've tried it in Hotseat.. Something that the BF crew would want to see
  18. Blashy, You're partially correct, at a time in his life Sampras did have such an ethic, but you're mistaken to believe that a man in Great Athletic Condition was eating, and working the same way as the other athletes and having issues in 5 set matches. I've known a lot of Tennis Pros to Lay Up, because they've already Done the Undoable. Sampras was laying up, it was obvious he had no energy for those Five Setters anymore. A man either mentally or otherwise just loses his edge, and he did. Much like Agassi, all this injury crap I do not want to hear. These guys have Laser Surgery performed on their tendons that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars and can afford personal trainers to get back in the gig, they are common excuses the public hears.. I knew an ole dog who use to Play Stan Smith, could never take a Game from him, but took him to Deuce a few times. The Old Guard, I suppose I deflated his ego that I'd never had a proffessional tennis lesson but I beat every single one of his students including a 35 year old mailman who was 6ft2, 165lbs and a very competent hitter At 11 years old... The only time I layed up personally was against his secret weapon, a so so cute 12 year old... Oh Lordy! Lendle did bring a discipline to the sport, he biked 25 miles a day. He worked as a Triathlete more so than a tennis player. I saw in Tennis magazine an image what he had for breakfeast lordy, It would fill you and me for a day, 2 thousand calories worth of all the right foods. As Woods brought to Golf, Martina brought to Women's Tennis as did Lendle to Men's Tennis. Federer had a weak mind early in his career he needed to toughen up, he did. No man ever had the drive the "Fire" that say Connors had and he never layed up throughout his career, from the early 70s one of the few I could mention so you're wrong there too... As for Terif, he brings to Strategic Command 2 a dedication unrivaled, this man runs the Hotseat, he runs the strategies and tactics we do not, he tests all the contigencies, he both mentally focused and mentally tough. He brings a discipline to this game that is something else, I'm proud to say I can take him to 1944 or 1945 in SC2 without losing.. I copy his moves, boy do they ever work. Already up 8 and 0 vs anyone but Terif in my last 8 matches
  19. Better yet how about increasing the political consequence. i.e. Vichy must be attacked in order for Spain to join, along with Vichy Algeria...
  20. I was born during the revolution between wood and graphite, I upgraded but I tell you this that tiny wood face racquet taught me, the strings were busted and it was from the 70s.. Without it I would've never learned. My Dad bought me a Kiddie racquet because the Men Racquets were messing up my wrist, I broke it on purpose because I was not going to be a Little Man, I was going to be a Big Man. 80 LBS 4ft10-5ft I served 100 MPH then the evolution was I watched men like Boris Becker, and copied his serve, I watched men like Matts Wilander(sp) been 17 years..... and I copied his consitency. I watched Lendle's running forehand.. Agassi's ripping ground strokes.. I hit the ball like a 6ft2 180 lbs man Size, Power, 25 Miles of biking a day... Super Diets, sports psychiatrists, proffessional schools, new and improved technology in gear ( only the metals have really changed) that's not what has done it, they work harder than they did back then. Mac was lazy, Connors had a work ethic and was winning at 36... At 29 you're an ole man in Tennis.. Very different in other Sports, you can play Golf at 45 and win consitently... Meanwhile something like Strategic Command is more of a "hobby," until it becomes adopted like chess, though wargames live throughout history and sadly we do not get paid to PLAY THEM !!! ::pouts!!!:: But the Nazis did, and it was an evolution in Warfare Wargames, to understand the full sprectrum of possibilities before going into combat.. Interesting aye?
  21. Hubert, Yes, in a game vs Terif, he managed to keep my Allies out for several turns, I think 2 successful hits. I had put 5 full chits in, I had 3 successful, so I still felt payed off, plus the amount of time I had increased Readiness gave me mega-bonuses... Also vs a Game with him, I managed to keep the USSR out till NEARLY Summer of 1942 with counter chits to the opposite side, however it didn't pay off well. Gave the USSR time to build up armed forces, get Siberians and ultimately kick my butt. I suppose played the game on the all poorly though, but managing to keep USSR Neutral till Summer of '42 could work in your favor if you planned properly with an expansion strategy. Thing is too, you're taking big risks, 150 I believe for Germany to hit USSR, 100 for UK to hit USA... Really an unfair equation considering USSR has strong triggers to attack before '42 with any sort of Axis Action. I will say the truth is that the USA had many sympathizers for the Nazis, and the U-Boat warfare and Pearl Harbor which all was inevitable was going to up her Readiness for War and bring in the psychopathic minds of the Axis into play one way or the other. Though purchasing the United States? No Diplomatic chit would've succeeded, Churchill raved on FDR far more than Franco, and FDR never bent to his will. He made an oath to the American Public to Remain Neutral and wouldn't send his boys to war. Even though secretly preparing for what might be the inevitable, truth is when Russia came in FDR was pleased. He found another partner to fight the war for him, I would up Lendlease through Diplomatic pressure and lessen War Readiness to realistically reflect History. The USA would've never entered without a formal declaration, I don't say that, it depended on just how far the Axis took it... As far as Purchasing the USSR's noninvolvement, I believe Stalin's ambitions were also beyond Diplomatic pressure, there SHOULD Be a healthy limit to what can be purchased on both ends. A Cap! so to speak that makeing balanced and realistic instead of bringing in the USA in 1940 with some luck which we all known would've never happened, it's a historical impossability as with the USSR. Neither nation had any interest at that time
  22. USA wouldn't have been convinced by what the UK could afford so it's Ahistorical Only aide them financially was our Motto let the brits and reds fight for us, rather than commit our men, that was the feeling of the US President and any American can you tell you of our isolated spirit?
  23. Borg would take a few games perhaps. Not now, at 25. He might take more on Clay were it was slower and if he was using modern metal raquets... Borg had a comeback during the late 80s, he didn't manage to win a single title after his comeback he quit for good... The style of tennis had changed, players became better and more althetic. They were more dedicated than him. Also he'd fallen behind the PowerCurve. And Blashy you're right in one respect at least, Talent! Sampras lacked a lot of ethic some say,was lazy or just unfortunate to be ill with lots of cramps and naseau, truth he probably he was lax on his workouts.. Though he was sooooooo talented he won near vomiting... Federer, Agassi have great talent and work ethic, one is too old now, he's lost the drive and fitness... Not the same as your 1st Wimbledon, after your 18th, much different! Federer is busy creating World Records...
  24. That was informative, I always love Ice, my soldats iceskate over rivers! What about a Crack in the ice?
  25. It is a prerequisite that you take France, that is just the beginning of the game. Then you have to prepare an Army and Airforce to defeat the endless expanses of the USSR. Really Egypt is a sideshow. Scandanavia and Spain are a resource Rich opportunity, but beware the Diplomatic consequences of every Minor you kill. Also, if you do not attack the Russians early enough beware! He may just shock you and attack you and destroy you utterly.. a Few minors doesn't equal success, though granted Germany shouldn't go in to Barbarossa without having at least secured her flanks... Against a good Allied player you will find this more and more difficult, poorer ones you do not need to worry and you will easily conquest the Whole of the USSR and game over Ultimately your #1 goal prep destroy the Russians... That or completely wipe out the British on both fronts but beware bringing the Russians and Americans in prematurely if you should not time it properly, game over against an able Ally
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