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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Liam

  1. my arrogance is only exceeded by my ability, you have defeated my Allies Once, never again!
  2. Started a new game myself as Allies. A boring side to play for me. Still version 1.5a... Rambo took his objectives early on in this game and took the aggressive approach in Spain and Vichy. Although he made some major errors with Algeria as I held out there, and in Egypt way way too long. Similarly I made my own errors misplacing UK Units though I maulled the German and Italian Navy early in the game, making it a one sided game in that regard. There was never any great Naval battles with Rambo here, and Barbarossa started off a little late and was not spectacular. Nothing really achieved! Though through '42 and '43 the German Army tore into the Russian heartland, few defenses could be erected in time to stop him and tech came a little late in IW and Mobility to outflank him when neccessary. Lots of Lost Units, Moscow smashed and Leningrad isolated. Finally Stalingrad fell and with that the Russians retreated behind the Volga.. This is the Green Light for Rambo to move in on me, so I waited with 7 or so tanks, as that's where I hit tech and a few armies and literally delivered a 6th army at Stalingrad historical type situations, cutting off the Axis and killing them in Mass. First successful Major Battle for the Russians of the War after 2 years very neccessary for her survival without a connection to the Caucasus. Meanwhile with great investment in Buildingup the USA I bring in the Giant in Historical Form, possibly what allowed my Volga victory, was Allied Airfleets and Armies flooding Norway-Sweden-Finland-Denmark, a Scando_liberation movement.. around 10 Airfleets with massive tech and massive American Money just crush anything inside of Germany, LR makes any target viable. France Ignored... Anything that Rambo does not have pinned down in a fort, pretty much is dead and what is left of his navy is smooshed. Rambo has built upwards of 40-50 forts in responce we merely go around these, no stress to our Units! It's a match of attrittion now, though Axis have taken many Minors, only Turkey Remains neutral. The Allies have tech and a lot of Numbers comming on the scene. The German Army will nolonger be numerically superior and their air units are now inferior in tech and soon experience... This game will end in '45 with the Loss of the entire German Army MPPs are about even, Allies have taken a route of Sapping German MPPS via Norway-Sweden-Finland-bombing Iraqi Oil with Russian Bombers... and raiding in North Africa. Also bombing a lot with Western Allies. I believe this combination economically as forced the Axis to overly invest in AA, Engineers, etc... They have no offensive power left aside from some experienced air. game is soon over, German HQ was nearly lost in Russia, German must hold a MASSIVE front, she will surely collapse under the foot of FDR, who approached Henry Ford Company as his Advisor for Military production. USA has IT 5 Produciton 5, equivelant to Germany ALONE! UK and Russia merely pin the grey beat while the Green One comes to smash 'em up! This is all about Money and there is enough land to concede to destroy the enemy
  3. Operational movement isn't accurate but it's really hard to tactically improve upon it. The game level just doesn't support Rails properly nor does it support the many cities and limited transport areas represented in game... For instance, I highly doubt some of the Regions would support 200,000 to 1 million soldiers... Mountains would've killed off half of them due to attrittion regardless of Rail Supply in certian regions, especially during Winter. None of this is properly represented.. It is likely as many men would've died in the way we arrange our troops due to exposure as in combat!!! Even through much of Europe was urban and developed much of what is fought over isn't! Especially in Scandanavia and Russia. I suggest that Opertional movement be a ton more expensive for regions outside of a Mother Country or it's Zones... Break it down that way, 200,000 from Berlin to Paris is pretty easy. Though from the Urals to Portugal in a few weeks, hmmmmm. Maybe half the men would have arrived and 1/5th their equipment. Perhaps charging extra for distance would solve this and extra for the outside of Control Zone or Major Transport Zone! HEY and what about SEAPOWER? How could Russia Transport 2 million men to London in 5 weeks? I'd honestly like ot know
  4. SeaMonkey, noone buys bombers but to hammer Supply of the enemy, it doesn't serve a true Strategic Purpose... Historically, game is out of whack due to the limited attack ability, spotting ability and versatility of the Bomber. Iceland and Canada Bomber is worthless! And there is no Bomber in UK to follow up, even though with the amount of UK Naval Fleets would make the North Atlantic worthless to Raid anyway with such upgrades, but perhaps better diving capabilities vs Ships would increase the Sub-Bomber-Atlantic Conflicts as of now,,, noone cares You can simplify all your Roles, but there should be a few upgrades for Bombers, to make them viable for both Axis and Allies. I simply do not purchase them, only to hammer supply, is it worth it if you Bomber gets intercepted to kill off 50 MPPs? You can lose half the Bomber or more
  5. From what I understand before Barbarossa Malta was under siege, so I do not see it serving much use as a base to attack supply. I've already suggested Bombers have a duel role in interdicting supplies but that was obviously never taken seriously.
  6. depends on how aggressive the Axis are if you must disband anything or operate around in France. If he's slow, you can be. I do not suggest leaving Paris open to being surrounded before Winter strikes. Most likely it'll fall quickly. I have had it fall in 1939 more than a few times due to poor planning
  7. France is elementary, reload a Hotseat and see with a decent taskforce how hard it is for the Germans to take Paris. The Strongest Units up front, disband air and reinforce and attack! This is what you do against a Grade A Opponent. Now if the Axis are splitting forces this leaves them vulnerable, you may get lucky with dice and hold Poland longer than expected. Also if dice favor you in France you may do the same. Either way it doesn't matter too much. The Early French Forces are merely there as a speedbump...if you hold on past April you're doing well You need to learn the art of the rest of strategy the opener can be done in your sleep after 10 Allied PBEM-IP games
  8. 1944: - Germany captures- Kharkov the -Southern front Falls to Germany - Allies move into Swiss and Italian Alps - In the North Allied Assualt on the Siegfried Line fails, and is repulsed ROMMEL VS PATTON in the West in the East Manstien vs Zukov Rommel's Elite Panzer Armies Assualt a hole in Allied lines, with the break of weather, the Luftwaffe comes out in Force and strikes out at any Aircraft, smashing them on the ground! There are however a lot of Western Troops, as predicted, 2 million BodyBags sit in New York Harbour! The Germans will not surrender Fortress Europe. Though the Allies fortify France now for the impending Axis Assualt... In the East, After heavy losses, Russian Forces push forward, timely retreat by the Chief of Staff behind the Dnieper in the South, the North Front is Stable. No Significant Losses but a few dead Red Units... Super Tanks rolling out, Powerful Fighters engaging, Massive Longe Range and Immense Tech in every other regard. Now mid-44, Depending, on the strength of one side or the other things can change a great deal in the Clear Months, we shall see who is master of europe by Summer of '45, Until Friends [ February 01, 2007, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  9. Doable, but why? Wait a year and build 2 Xs more units, in fact 3xs.. What is Russian Readiness producing between June '40 and July '41 really? Ask yourself that and what German readiness is producing! Brits can go on the offensive early with this tactic as HR says
  10. Stalin's Organist, perhaps perhaps. Noone really know's, or maybe they do but you'd have to be greater than an average human to know, which you're not aspiring for so you'll never know. All life has is precious. Also very rare as far as I can tell we're 1 in how many Orbs? Odds are, hard to say and we're are Earth. We're Stardust so we're part of this Earth in form of a Rodent as much as any other, we have Right to this World. Since when we return to it we'll be part of it until Eternity or a Comet crashes in and spreads us out to another world? We are Energy and Energy Never dies merely changes
  11. Faithless also can lead to a downfall. Belief in nothing. Atheism is a perfect drug to say, When I die it really doesn't matter, who cares, I'm not going to pay for it. When it is possible you will pay for what you do in this world. Whatever Divine Creator placed you here, it wasn't to be critical or negative and self-defeatist. Be Positive and Helpful to other lost human creatures, you'll not destroy the Earth with such talk or such desire. it's Human and it's Pure A basic down to earth philosphy and a basic goodness to all will find you a way out of the Dark that is inevitably in command of our species. We're self destructive, we have the capability to end the world and we have nearly done it many times in the past century. Becoming lost in Rhetoric, or Science or selfishness will lose you. You'll use up Earth and she'll Genocide your Race and Soul. As with the Dinasours, Master's of the Planet and now us, shortlived with our Dominion. Love her and she'll give you a bounty and possibly a way to survive for as long as the Universe what is truly Godsounding in that ? I think it's basic, down to earth and hits home with all
  12. One begs to differ Stalin, When that young Black Male is considering using a gun and his Father walks in and tells him his Sister missed him Church Today. Or that Devoted Catholic Woman has faith and though she suffers from A Liver Disease she continues to care for 6 kids well past what is humanly possible. On the Reverse side of the coin a lot of death and Mayhem was caused in the name of religion. However, look at the Atomic Bomb, more death will be caused in the name of Science and in the end people 50 or 70 years ago had less God then people 1,000 years ago. Who was more likely to cause an end to Earth? Or Civilization as we know it... The godless Folk we've become As far as Scientific Debate you've got me, I'm a laymen with religious and political debate but a C Student in Science
  13. Stalin, Assumption is a large part of what Science is when the field still has a large field to go out into and study to prove what is unproven. Axiom a flowery statement to mean a Logical Guess isn't that what a Huge Portion of Science is, but we take for granted and we read mind's that have learned in institutions and via logical mathematical equation what is so called fact... We had Greek Philospher's saying we came from Fish in the Ancient World, we had medicine we probably do not have today from those times. Probably antibiotics and painkillers today's society cannot replicate. A lot of good old knowledge was supressed by Religion and smallmindedness. I will not add ot it and Mathematicians and Scientists that are basically in the same field today will shrink your mind and Shrinks, who claim still do not understand the Complexity of the Brain let alone do Scientists understand the Complexity of the Universe One day men will move objects with their minds, perhaps already do! One day we will Teleport to the Stars we see by thought, we will transcend the Heavens much like We Imagine Gods because we Believe and we Will it to Happen. Those select few that make it there are those who are truly openminded and Vision is Unparalleled.. Except it's far more likely to be evolutinoary rather than trevolutionary, and to be more general, showing the previous one to be correct for a limited set of conditions rather than obsolete. What a load of drivel. There is a definite difference between theory and axiom. Bzzztt......nope. There are axioms, and methods too - hence "the scientific method"..... one of the unknowns that we know we don't know anything about.... </font>
  14. Terif just picked something I'm shocked with and didn't think of ! Partisans are good training missions for untrained LW though! So you can acquire 2 or 3 bars on them in the off season for those newly built Luftflottes and Axis Minor AFs
  15. LOL I remeber BOP I recall too the damned AI never stood down, It was like Defcon 5 24.7
  16. Rambo-Patton vs Liam-VonRundstedt 1939: Poland, Denmark and Benelux fall to the Grey Horde onslaught, not a possibility of resistance. Fierce German reprisals to minors that attempt to resist. German U-Boats escape out of the Atlantic successfully! Also the only offensive action on the other end, Allies take Norway. 1940: France Falls, Germany and Italy now both in the war. Vichy Falls, North Africa abandoned! Few losses to speak of, French cannot hold, Oslo is liberated by Axis Forces 1941: USSR is Invaded Vast tracts of the interior are liberated for the Axis, German luftflottes reign terror down on invasion force into Finland. Finland is held under the Iron Cross, there will be no Reds in the Scandanavia region for the rest of the game! Leningrad falls, as do all territories West of the Dnieper River! Allies do nothing but invade petty minors in the MiddleEast, assisting the Russian Supremacy in the region, obvious concessions by Mr. Churchill 1942: Greatest Battle in History, Battle of Moscow Over 2 Million Russians in defensive Barrieres all the way from the border of Stalingrad to 50 miles south of Red Capitol fortified with Fighter coverage and Massive Armor formations attempt to blockade a formidable force of 1.5 million Axis Troops. Pouring through the Pocket and taking heavy losses German troops do not retreat nor do they surrender. Heavy armed Clashes, and reinforcements totallying over 500,000 brought it to secure our gains, the Russians simply do not have the reserves, they abandon their Dneiper fortifications to come to the aide and defense of Mother Russia's Key Rail Center but fail. Though at a high cost, Over a million lost or wounded Axis troops, though in retaliation a million dead Russians, the rest evacuated to interior Russia. That and hundreds of Damaged fighters, luckily our superior Leadership and Aces trained over France now come into their own. German drop tanks allow for deep strike missions, the Russians simply are crippled, any movements they make are shadowed overhead by Superior Luftwaffe smooshing the level0 Russian AirForce before they even step off the runways. Meanwhile during all this action in the West, D-Day is embarked upon, Patton is on German Soil. Rommel comes up to Meet him, and Paris falls, however though France is lost Most of the German Army stays behind the Siegfried line! Several units are lost but no major battles, RAF is attempting to gain experience on Axis Minor Garrisons... And Germans awaiting the time to crush and mail back to England these pesky invaders... That and New York Harbour will be filled with over 2 million American DoughBoys to be reshaped into Coffins... 1943: In the East the Germans still stand strong, North Front for Russia has fallen, and South Front is now being assaulted, few minor skirmishes cost the Russian's a tank and army but mostly just a rocket exchange. Battle of the Atlantic: A new Snorkel device and Japanese torpedoes are introduced in early 1940, fullscale U-Boat warfare cripples the Atlantic. Chancellor Liam orders all forces evaucated from N.Africa to take place in the Greatest Battle at sea in History. A dozen Capitol Ships of HMS,, Majestys Royal Service,, meet deadon with hundreds of U-boats in a Wolf Pack in the North Sea. End result is death to our valiant wolf Packs and several Allied Vessels! Superior #s Cost thousands of MPPs! Destiny and Victory Achieved, Several Axis ships still floating in both the Baltic and Med.. Neither region is fully Axis or Allied.. LandPower is still Key! 1944 is upon us, Will the Allies free Enslaved Europe? Or Will Tyranny Prevail, we hope of course Tyranny prevails [ January 22, 2007, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  17. This is correct, Malta Effect is a timey factor for the Axis. You never know when or if you'll be locked up in Africa if you go there. How far you can advance and what you'll be able to actually do. Plus Since North Africa isn't very deep, it's very vulnerable place to be bombarded by sea. It's not really worth the trade off. What do you get for Algeria-Casablanca? Plus is Iraq, 1 oil field really worth all the dedication of units. an entire Army Group or more that could capture Stalingrad in 1942!
  18. What Terif states is correct, if Axis are willing to attack, you can pretty much take the territory early. You will however pay the premium. Main problem with Axis is that most players use the wrong terrain, weather and arrangement of forces. Mostly shortchange their attacks in places like Africa... You really need to bring A LOT of units and have exit points if the RN wishes to corner them in... Also to have good recon to prevent being intercepted by the RN.. Good move by the Axis is Bomber West Africa Then after that, Move in from East to West slowly picking off the Allies and LR1 or 2 would really be effective... Of course this is if you're lucky, biggest factor is doing it early and with firepower... I will tell you, when you're done it'll cost 750 MPPs and you could've bought Manny with a tank and army, that could've steamrolled across Russia a few months earlier... So is it worth it? Hanging onto those Vital Areas might be it's a juggling game and I'm not sure what to say. I'd honestly let the Allies take North Africa if determined you'll never stop the RN in the hands of a determined and able opponent.
  19. What is the latest and greatest match to Battlefront Europe? Anyone know... World War II online in other words, the whole title is starting to stale
  20. I remeber a 1980s Nuclear game, about Islands with Nuclear Buildup. Whole goal was to build up massive amount of Nukes and destroy everyone before they could destroy you. High Tech for it's day and still would be cute... You had Ronald Raygun, Marget Hatchet, Mao the Pun and then some real kewl and though you might level a massive city, didn't mean you won! Once you used nukes, everyone retaliated. Of course only France, Great Britian, Isreal, USA and Russia today are currently Great Nuclear Powers... Several Minor ones... Kill more people then they do It's a bit overwhelming but fun. I play it during classes at gamedev uni. For "educational" purposes ofcourse </font>
  21. One thing Rambo has right, you have the audacity to believe Darwin or Newton, even though by tomorrow a revolutionary theory will make their's obsolete. There is no for definites even in Science.. Just Theory! As far as that 1% of where do really come from, why are we here and what is the meaning of life! and for the Dark Matter, what the hell is it?
  22. Axis on my Side: Poland-France-Benelux taken early and relatively fast. A few more losses than normal but objectives were on time. Germany was aggressive and invaded Vichy and then Spain. The Battle of the Rock was fast along with Brest and England was expelled from the European Continent entirely. North Africa was basically abandoned to the Allies. Meanwhile Germans researched and built up for an early attack in the East. Paying not much mind to anything else. All German Corps were built, with some Armies.. Techs were so so but we persisted. AirPower was brought in From Italy, with their famous Aces we started off crushing the Russians. In August of '41 Op Barbarossa was unleashed by the High Command: Germans poured across the Northern Flank no Resistance. Reaching Leningrad and destroying very little there only holding. In the Center German forces pressed onward stopping at Smolensk, not even protected by the Russians due to civilian fear of German reprisals for such firm resistance! In the South, extensive Fortifications and Advanced Soviet infantry weapons make it impossible to penetrate where would like with the forces available, the line is held at the River Dnieper by a determined foe. 7 Axis Fighter Units sit over Russia on mixed fronts, delivering a hail of bullets and bombs, destroying a lot but not achieving a grand objective. Finally the Order is given in 1942, "ATTACK!" after the Russians launched an offensive in the MiddleEast with the aide of Great Britian capturing and securing the entirety of it. Finland was too assaulted but at great costs on both sides: In The End Germany pushed through the Center toward Moscow tasting the objective, obviously like a Pitbull Jaw Locks, the Russians countered and from both North and South Crush the Offensive with overwhelming Force! Of course on both sides losses were horrorific but the Russians still had plenty of bite! Onward: In the West, The Rock was liberated by the British and the Battle for Spain took place. Seeing his grim fate Chancellor Liam surrendered the Losses were in the ballpark after France of around couple of corps losses to England. Roughly 10 Russian units... 20 or so German ones, mostly replaceable but not in time to destroy Russia We delayed Barbarossa with our High Command's decisions buried in WW1 Doctrine.
  23. Iran is a really boring campaign with Nukes, I have a huge preference to remove that aspect, say a Treaty? You could have a limited campaign with the Sunni Iraqi SoCalled Democracy backed by the USA. The Kurdish People's Republic, Independant and threatened by Turkey...backed by the USA as well as the USSR Fighting against the Shi'ite Majority Southern State fully armed by Iranians and much like the Koreas! I do not see it much differently, perhaps a limited campaign with a similar outcome? Limited Fighting within Iraqi borders.. That or a Major World War Erupting with Russia and MidEast Tensions sizzling. Meanwhile to add in some spice you could use Isreal as a base and the Opposition could use Syria/Jordan and Egypt Kuwait of course along with the Saudis would be Puppets for the USA, they serve their true King, Bush As far as American Fundamentalists, I know just one thing. We have yet to start a World War we just threatened to... The Hippie movement started here and I think many American's want Peace not War, they don't really want their boys dying on the other side of the Earth, despite the ability to create a war there. They'd more than likely use the CIA to incite a rebellion, I think that more feesible and Likely. Right now majority of us are looking for an exit strategy, remeber folks that the Russians are still in the Caucasus as bad as we're in the MidEast and over OIL killing children! and selling their daughters to pay for it! And JUSTIFYING IT Publicly
  24. The best way to deal with Terrorist States is to fund insurgent OPs, Commando Precision Strikes, Air strikes. Direct Ground Intervention in a situation like Iran is just not going to do any good longterm. Iraq was a similar case! 3000 Commandos or mercenaries would do more damage than hundreds of thousands of American Targets. Iran has it's Fundamentalists, as does many Foreign nations, if you want to destroy you must hunt them, and not alienate the locals. That is the problem with the Bush Campaign, it's lack of Intel and at the same point, Intelligence Though, besides the point, done already. If you want to clean up a mess you'll have to stick around killing Martyrs for 20 years until they run out, which at the rate these Arabs produce them will never happen so inevitably unless you intend to sterilize and Evacuate the MiddleEast of Muslims you will be eternally occuppying the whole of it. France and Great Britian did a portion and the Ottoman Empire, never succeeding. Even our Earlier Ancestors with the Crusader Knights attempted it Jews will stay in Isreal I think from what I can tell they feel it more a home than Palestinians and will fight harder to keep it! So as far as that's concerned we really aren't going to change much. The only longterm goal of the Wars produced by the USA in the MidEast was to kill off the Terrorists, but it's only splintered their Cells, and created more of them due to the Murder of Innocent Muslims. The Governments there are Corrupt and the People are Self Righteous, much like the People here but to a greater degree, as we were behind them in the Crusades, they're behind us in current times. What can I say, fact is you must kill those responsible for inciting terror in your nation as best you can and if you cannot then do not bother... as far as I can say of the Bush Administration. There are more jobs than ever for Middle and Upper Class. The Economy is Bankrupt but the poor are getting Social Security. Also on top of it all Saddam, Osama and the Taliban are all gone. The only objective I can say that has been achieved is making life a little easier for a few MiddleEastern Nations that really don't mean diddly squat to us, but our Gas Tank! 36 bucks for a full tank sucks, screw Iraqi Freedom and hell with saving you Euros who're closer to Missile Striking Range than North America Let the Fundamentalists take it on you when they get Tacticals with Range! I'm tired of European Indifference, I wonder what would've happened had we turned our nose up at them during World War II. Sprecken Sie Deutsch? Euros fight like Girls, I can only say the Russians, Germans and British had any spring in their step! Low Grade Nuclear Weapons that'll take 25 years to be at the level able to reach the USA are hardly a pressing matter. Who cares if they Nuke Isreal, then MiddleEastern Genocide will be achieved with a Miniature WW3 in the MidEast Who really cares when Isreal lauches 300 Nukes and the Arabs launch their 30 Nukes? 250 Million Dead, and all the Oil gone. Thank the Lord Quite personally there goes the problem, and that Lifeless Desert will nolonger be discussed I will be happy to remain in the West, where My Government is stable...and probably has learned it's lesson. Russia and the USA will never fire nukes on one another, neither with China or India. Let's just hope those Allahfearing folk in the MidEast are not all as psycho as Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler, we destroyed those DemiDevils. P.S. Not pointing fingers at people, I just notice how some tend to be overly self righteous. Hmmm, Looks at self, I know noone is Completely right, but I do not like this new Snooty attitude amongst people who claim they know it all or their Country is Holier than Now. It's the Responsible Worlds responsability to do the right thing, and to figure it out. Leave that to the Intellectuals though now George Bush or Vladimir Putin or anyone else self proclaimed Leaders. They lack the ability to Govern a City! [ January 18, 2007, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
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