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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Alright this is as it stands, Mirror Game 1 as Allies Liam, capitulates to the Might of Superior Axis FirePower... The British Isles falls like they did to William the Conquoror, I feel as bad as Harold! Well maybe I had an arrow in my eye and Didn't see what was going on as far as the second game is concerned My Axis stand strong, and we will not waver. France has fallen in early summer, though we've no fleet, a German U-Boat strikes out with a vengeance against an Allied Cruiser in the South Seas, nearly sinking it... After months of raiding Egyptian MPPs Lastly Spain is slowly being convinced, tons and tons of Euro Loot is being shipped to Franco to ask him to join the cause.. These are desperate measures as I'm certian Terif is aware, what can we do??? ::taps my fingers::
  2. taojah, sure you don't have my most recent save I resent it... Heh, I'll have to gloat on the luck I've had that game ROFL 10 malta effects in 9 turns
  3. Yes, In our Mirror Game myself As Allies, BIG ERROR... Terif makes a dash across the channel, The British make a great effort to evacaute the Island before the entire German Army Arrives, Seems Chamberlain remained in Power due to some political error, even the Italians are flying!!! Alexandria is all the Axis need to end this war and the game, this is the shortest game I've ever actually played through if Terif gets his goals in time... the other I actually defended France to the Death of Germany.. I am ashamed! As myself As Axis, Axis lose a corps, army, Paratrooper... Bad scouting and bad placement.. And their fleet, but we will strive on... Never know when luck may endure enough to replace those valuable MPPs
  4. Good observation, it absorbs those air attacks when entrenched with a lot of armies surrounding it, it is hard to kill! but ultimately the DCR at entrenchment 6 is hard to destroy and is great combined with an Army to knockoff a German Army or Tank itself... I gambled with my DCR to kill a Panzer, and I misplaced my whole fleet, shame, could've killed 2 panzers vs Taojah, I killed both of his panzers thinking ahead of time... not a big loss as he can rebuild those puppies but morally it hurts a lot.
  5. I upgraded my Video Card from an intergrated Intel to a Nividia 6200, I have a crappy Dell so I had to go lowend but still when I loaded a particular Save, I got a lot of little color dotes splotched around the map evenly.. It was a bit strange looking... Is this something that may have to do with 6.0 guys? Should I reinstall my Copy of SC2 to be on the safe side since I changed video cards?
  6. Game 1 1940: Weather is breaking, my French Forces hammer a German Paratrooper to less than half strength, Terif wisely unentrenched our HQ from the Parisien Capitol, that country will fall soon... Nothing much less to report in Game 2 there isn't much to report, I am seeing my Kriegsmarine being halved so far, and France is being assualted, hopefully in time to save the last U-Boat and Cruiser I have remaining near Lulea Port Sweden. Lost cause though I think...
  7. I think you are all right and are all wrong a bit. I said originally I see very clearly that Terif actually is calculating his opponent's moves by Action Point and by looking at the grid, down to the point I think he may use what actual true Military Tacticians use in the drawing room, one I have been fortunate to have been in one. You know the map with the marker and eraser? He Projects, as Jolly Guy say's where and when he expects you... Though he actually calculates the variables and prepares for a contigency if he feels you may throw in an oddball. As Blashy says, he knows what will happen with the game engine, most of the time, simple notes! and there you go, that 25% advantage on anyone on any terrain at any time. Unless of course they have that over him. I see those players that surpass him in a few games are very unpredictable though they are not able to keep this up for long. He finds their patterns and within a few games has them well underhand... Very Superb NoteTaking, forcasting and basic military tactics.. This guy could be ex-Officer tactician level gamer We of course, can do this too. Very simply, with about 25 bucks and a little planning and a notebook and the time, which we all devote to the game, anyway playing it... We would know what is next. I also note that Terif is very aware, vivid in game... That shows the essence of strong presence. My gut instincts show the best of the best even without the grease pen and the notes: Men like HR, men like JollyGuy rising to the occassion learning through error and myself, Iron Ranger, Rambo... Many other fellows on here have the capability, Taojah.. They get caught up in the variables and let it get them down. Quote "I have surrendered more games than I have lost," The Germans did study the scripts, most of the German Generals wanted a Treaty after France. Hitler did not.. Thus they lost Oh and did I mention that Terif raises the level of play of everyone in the SC2 Forum, he is better than anyone and we all emulate his moves. Though anyone one of the player's I've had the fortune to play above can beat you to death if you should even fall asleep at SC2 wheel for a year or two... Terif has had more time behind the wheel, I doubt as many of you devote as much time to SC2 as he does..
  8. P.S. a lot of people wonder how that Terif is such a SC2 powerhouse. I've heard rumours that he cheats, or must have hacks.. Or he's subhuman, you name it... Truth be told this man keeps a lot of Notes and he also knows math well. He probably has a MapChart he uses, very simple tools any wargamer might have. I am assuming this, and he pays very close attention to detail. From some of the things he's written, Terif strikes me as the type who could be highly rated with math... not neccessarily a 10, but definitely very good with it... All this I mention because in my previous game, it was mentioned how I shortchanged my Norway Invasion. Also there has been so much debate why he's so very good at this game. With my so so powers of observation and gut instincts, which I use rather those other tools I can tell as much. Which I think gives me the closest ability to defeat Terif Good Luck All, and Good luck Terif, I'm studying you my little green friend, we all know who the second best Is in this game, (Cackles) "hahahhaahah!" [ April 09, 2007, 11:34 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  9. Game 1: Allies get smooshed, lose that cruiser in the Baltic. My French Forces barely scratch Terif's Mighty Armored divisions... Though a german Army is reduced to half by one of the forward DeGaulle Legions... Then Winter falls, it is only righteous that this should happen, God Willed it to the French People and their righteous Fight! Game 2: Axis sit and just stagnate in bad weather, when things warm up so will our engines! Axis Fleet will be likely completely destroyed. Hopefully a few Allied vessels also die, and the entire French Fleet would've gone free!!! P.S. Bad starts yes, maybe something innovative would be nice but really the loss of a fleet for axis or alternatively for the Allies in SC is a small loss of land units won't kill the game...
  10. Yep, kiddies, do not send your amphibious fleet without escort to Norway!!! What a disaster!!! Regardless a German Panzer get pinched down to strength 2 in France, too bad could've finish her off with some battleships, everything is out of the zone... or a dead panzer would given me some sort of payback... That's them their are the breaks friends, though the loss of a mere 300 MPPs for UK is no Surrender. Even a Cruiser, another few hundred MPPs... Allies we got all the time in the World and it's likely I can rebuild those in the forcepool in 1943 when I do D-day, the Axis on the other hand, they've got a schedule and Winter just hit so France stays Blue for now In the Mirror game: Axis are slowly moving toward the West, and Yes, Kriegsmarine is getting polished off the Swede Coast.. Why aren't the damned Swedes throwing in their lot with us!!! Carrier Strikes of their coastline, you'd think they'd have some patriotic qualities! Neutral Bastages Regardless in the mirror game, no real losses, just boats. And God knows he can't hold Denmark forever, and somewhere else, there will always be something that gives Where there is no Frog, there is a Joey
  11. Liam Allies Terif Axis 1939 In typical fashion I make a great error with my RN, I send out a weak taskforce into Norway, lose 2 amphibs as the Kriegsmarine is obviously scouting and on top of that I am surrounded and will probably lose more ships!!! UK Surface vessels pound Axis Subs, and take a few shots at the RN Surface Fleet mostly missing due to poor weather, drawing a littile blood on 1 U-boat... In Poland, the whole rotten system collapses beneath Goosestepping boots! They crush us like a Grape... No resistance.. However the French show some Will, Ahistorically, drawing blood on a few Corps and Armies, nothing much to write home about but maybe enough to compensate for the weak Allied presence eslewhere. So far as Disaster but we will strive onward we will never surrender
  12. End of 1940: it's been a long and grinding war, UK Subs and Bombers based at Malta have cut Afrika Corps supply lines. There are several Hardcore Axis Units in the Egyptian Desert and they're being slowly dismembered by O'Connor's elite Desert Units! The RAF comes out in force to show both the Luftwaffe and the Italian Airforce whose boss... There is no supply and no hope for Axis forces, just half a million of them baking in the desert out of ammunition and out of food, some even dying of thirst surrending in the tens of thousands to British and New Zealanders all across the DMZ It is rumoured that Fuhrer himself is personally taking charge of the situation before it should get out of hand and will fly to North Africa to review the situation and access the need for more resources to destroy the British and their Allies. Allied Ships contend with the Italian Navy which hasn't been as deadly as it could have been.. Also Axis air has been misplaced and misused to truly damage the outnumbered British. Regardless of this, England stands alone, the USA and USSR have not entered the war and things are not easy by any means. Germany has overspent on this Egyptian Venture, we're hoping this should mean that she has no resources to do any further damage to the British Isles or It's territories, luckily their are also 2 less German Cruisers, an early German Blunder! Game must go on, despite the throws of Randomness
  13. would be kewl to have a zoom feature like Civ 4... Though I'm thinking that scale would be out of this world and a lot more hefty on programming, maybe SC3
  14. Not Just Coastal Batteries, some of those Canals I'm sure have locks of some type to prevent larger ships, if the German High Command heard of an attempt to get through, how fast are they going to move? 2 MPH less? Sitting ducks
  15. it would make the carrier unit an exploit unit on this map not to let someone kill it altogether. I.E. Corps in SC1 were great for scouting seas and even blocking possible attack routes... if you kill all the AC of a Carrier for instance and the boat is unkillable then it has a good suicidal ability to be used somewhere gamey... Other possibility is to represent the Carrier Fighters... when LR, Advanced Fighters, etc.. are achieved instead of making them better VS land fighters, or better at spotting land units, do it for Naval Units. Making Carriers actually worth a ball of spit At Midway, those American fighters were instrumental in spotting the Japanese Carriers and also in destroying them, all throughout the war the hard to kill US Units rose quickly above the Zekes.. Carrier to Carrier warfare just don't happen in the ETO, though we could make it so that a PowerfulCarrier upgraded is a great shipkiller... make it more expensive to upgrade them though otherwise they'll be DeathMachines, even a CarrierTech might make them neat and unique rather than sort of dull and boring as they are now.. Just keep them off land units, they never were Land Destroyers! Great Port Destroyers however Pearl
  16. I haven't conquored UK in awhile but usually London-Manchester along with Cairo means game up for poor English unless you specify otherwise in the Scripts, I believe there is a Script Mod that always you place the last remaining Limey Capitol in Canada, the tea just isn't as good there though!
  17. 1940: After Paris has Fallen and the Main battle has moved to Brest and Egypt... Another German Panzer pays dearly for pushing itself too far away from supply and too far away from it's lines, these new Blitzkrieg tactics are being shunned in the GHC, it survives at strength 1 outside of Brest with several Air and Naval bombardments... Lucky little Tank! In Egypt, Axis think they will take the front, but instead O'Conner leads the charge, "Charge of the Light Brigade," British Armor just a hex from Axis air, headcracks a German HQ... If there are no reserves this could be a route out of Egypt for the Axis, we're not quite sure of their force ratio quite yet. Tunisia Has Fallen! Vile Italians, Betraying their French Comrades by stealing their old Colony... all over the Front lots of Action, little skirmishes, very busy early rounds for British fighting the Mighty German Horde along with their Italian Buddies
  18. All in all, I think that luck with Dice when you're attacking or defending, weather, and getting that perfect tech advantage at the right time can make the campaign go smoother and thus the game. Not just luck with these things as Terif says, if you're tired you can make mistakes and get fed up... You need to be refreshed and not play when you're unprepared and when you feel that not so well come back later, save! I lose lots due to playing tired,, err meant not playing when your on tilt like in poker, you make hasty decisions and throw away your chances at evening the score. [ April 06, 2007, 12:36 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  19. I have to agree with Terif, I recall my first 3 or 4 games vs Rambo this was version 1.0. I wanted Axis so bad my first few games and I learned quickly. He let me have them, I researched whatever, not really checking combat values and what not. I had in the end, IW1... he researched IW3 as USSR. I built a truckload of units having Slowplayed my Axis, despite losing 2 or 3 units to his 1 unit... I managed for the most part to stay alive as I had a couple experiences vs Iron Ranger in using my units a bit more effectively than him. Our first game I believed ended in 1944 and I had just achieved IW2 for Germany, Motors2 for Italy... I just never realized the power of IW in that game and what I needed to kick his butt. Took me a few games to actually realize by getting my butt kicked!!! vs Terif, on several occassions I have had very inflexible strategies. Most of this I put to SC1 experience and history. We all want to play the game as History played out rather than to adapt to a WW2 game with a Real Map and other logistics involved. It's not WW2... I am a very inflexible player I get too used to one style, in Axis & Allies I recall that was luck now but still 2 out of 3 Xs the winner was the guy who had the best strategy. In my education vs Terif I as Allies had heavily researched IT, but it never payed off 4 chits!!!, luck!!!, I felt he had doomed me! He was in Stalingrad and I was just getting IW1, I finished the game with IW2 and never achieved much else and get this, just 1 advance in IT. If you calculated the odds over 2 or 3 years of gameplay with that many chits I think you'll find it's very very rare you get such bad dice. Actually in this game I still lasted a ways and I should've retreated further back! In several other games vs him I had gotten very lucky but found inflexible strategies just do not work in SC2, you cannot always defend a position and you cannot always take a position. In this game when you GO after your goals, you go all the way. Lots of Units lots of combination, and the right ones... You need to outnumber your opponent to win on any front not just have Tech! I just have began grasping some of this, in SC1 you could often hold a front with much less, just your airfleets and a few Minor Corps. In SC2 it is required you think way ahead and prepare to be flexible if neccessary, abandon a front even if it's ahistorical. Have 3 or 5 to 1 if you wish to take a position early. bring in the right combination of Forces, say 2 airfleet strikes, 1 battleship hit, 1 cruiser, then 3 or 4 land strikes... All this taken for granted! The Map, Recon, overall strategy is very very important. If the Axis preserve and the Allies preserve, by '43 or '44 there can be a real even fistfight and there is no luck there so long as neither side continually blundered early. Small Blunders out of boredom are the #1 cause of a decent players losses... Some dice count, if Terif was facing himself the luckier one would win, this is not Poker. Probably 5-10% once you understand the game dynamics, but playing himself he might draw quite often! I am still going to beat him, he cannot win every game, he just knows that much more strategy and counter strategy and nuances We do not play that much nor devote that much energy...
  20. Now as the World Savour I take the reigns of the battered nation of Great Britian and France to destroy the Great Continental Opressor, Germany! 1939: Poland is gone along with Denmark. Suprised, the Royal Navy is struck a deadly blow losing a Carrier and Amphibious Corps on their way to Norway. Although 2 German Cruisers are lost, a bloody opening to what shall be a very blood game? in the West, 1940 These Germans take their time, That is fine, we shall reinforce and assert our Political Dominance, something that the Germans have not mastered, Iraq leans toward the British Cause, these MPPs will replace those lost fighting in the Baltic Also Benelux is assualted in June as well as France... this is atrocity that will not go unanswered. Enhanced French Armor engages German Armor at the Border with Belgium, nearly destroying 2 Panzers! :mad: Don't mess with Us Frogs, we'll show you how to build Tanks Mr. Fritz Even despite these early exploits and some air battles over the English Channel, Nothing gained, German forces roll over the rest of the French Defenders, taking little or no damage... Paris will fall in late Summer Vive La France!!! The French were instrumental in saving the Allied Cause, inflicting heavy damage upon the Kriegsmarine and damaging and destroying U-Boats... Along with American Spies, perhaps we have a new Ally there In the Mediterreanan, Italy is seen as the Fascist Sympathizing Dictatorship, blockading the RN... We simply use the loop
  21. Retributar, A Random factor to removing this as an exploit could be doable. The Fleet Asset change should have also to do with US Readiness, not just location of Axis Units in Spain. That way, an early aggressive Allied player doesn't get rewarded he has to wait to get his toys! I love those extra boats and if I was Greedy with the UK fleet, I will need them in the comming war to dominate the seas. P.S. What the heck does Madrid and the Pacific fleet have to do with one another? :confused:
  22. JollyGuy, Rockets have the advantage longterm I'm thinking. When the Fronts are bogged down with 2-3 Forts in a row, 10-20 long. Most of your units are already built. Going into the Balkans was risky but I myself wouldn't have been as gutsy as you vs Terif. What if? He had just been misplaced enough that you took out Romania, Bulgaria-Yugo...Never know... If those Red Paras would've killed 2 LWs could swing the game. Russians need to kill a lot of Germany early, kill off her experience then rebuild and reconquor. Tough Side to play, a waiting game
  23. I screw up when facing the New Engineer Strategy sometimes, the only goal of the Allies or Axis vs this strategy is to go 'around them' best you can or focus a massive amount of air on them... The opponent wants you to bunt heads vs a good Fortified position to lose your units, you really going to have to pick your fights. I had an EXTREME edge in my last game vs Rambo and I headbunted his Russian Forts only to lose... As far as The Rocket Strategy, I'm shocked that the Russians didn't focus more cash on more HQs, Land Units and Air, isntead of Paras, AT and other such equipment. Sadly I think JollyGuy must've not seen this strategy comming or he'd of given Terif a run for his money. Terif 105% right, Rockets could've really hurt rather than helped. They're an Ify Wonder weapon
  24. Perhaps the Spaniards should join the Axis when Portugal is DOWed on the spot by the Allies... Not giving time for a buildup
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