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Everything posted by Liam

  1. vs AI if you know MP strategy you will probably have 50 and 0 unless you play 1944 D-day strategy as Axis and even then it shouldn't be that hard to figure out what to do to win...
  2. Axis are definitely weaker but not if you know what you're doing, then they are possibly as strong
  3. I disagree with all these assumptions. Noone really knows Franco's character unless you've read a book on him. He had Power over Spain, that we do know. How the rest of Europe and the World acted up until WW2 is why he was neither here or there.. He was looking after his own lot. Italy and Germany contributed Supplies and such to Spanish Fascists however, their military though okay would not have contained an armor, air and an HQ... I have no clue about cruisers in the Spanish Navy and I do not really care. I think 4 corps and a couple of Half strength armies would do just fine for Spain as her Fighter gets turned into a SuperFighter if she goes Axis and gets used Ahistorically... As far as her stance politically, why would Germany invade a Friendly? Foolish, it should cost heavily for her to do it and there should be no MPP plunder and perhaps better partisans, it represents her stance pre-WW2. As for the Allies attempting to invade Spain, similarly, there should be strong partisans. It should be a very very difficult feat.. I almost suggest a small scale scorthed earth policy, but let us call it a boobytrap Policy instead, knocking down Spanish resources to 1 or 2 MPP strength, making it more difficult to use as a launching pad to do something gamey! All in all Spain is only good for getting Gibraltar and getting extra income. It's a pain to defend as it's a Second France and it's really not that many MPPs for Germany. I rarely see it contended for after it is taken by Germany. I rarely see it used once the Axis or Allies after it has fallen. Only Gibraltar is a focal point... It is like Northern Italy in Game terms, rarely noticed just there. Really it's just too easy to take Gibraltar and Spain... There isn't much of a Socialist Backlash for it either.
  4. The Axis have it hard, if the Allies know what they're doing. Terif in particular is one of those players that knows best how to use the British to suckout the early German MPPs with sideshows. Not the only though! The Germans by 1942-43 are unreasonably powerful, however any wise Allied player with level 3-4 IT and perhaps Production Tech with some luck can match them and exceed them. It's just that the Axis have those excellent Airfleets with lots of experience, all that time to get lucky with tech and as mentioned the inner line... However if they do not push that early advantage they may find themselves in a heap of trouble early! It's not rare for me to execute a D-day in '42 with a lucky diplochit with the USA or two... With the new fortifications it may not be in France but it will be a pain for the Axis most definitely. Historically the US and UK were no threat to the Axis on Main European soil until 1943... So whose ahistorically overpowered? Also Russians were a disorganized ramble constantly being raped by more Organized and disciplined Germans until '43 themselves... Historically you can match things, PUSH HARDER. If you push the opponent so hard with sooooo many early offensives and just say heck with tech and longterm strategies it'll be hard for him to dig in and build 20 thousand units, forts, unattainable techs... By the time say Germany Reaches the Urals she'll be waiting on that supply to hit 3 in those border cities to step any further... However this is not neccessarily a winning strategy, then again the Russians will be awfully weak vs the Germans so it's a tradoff, plus D-day will be awhile off due to the parameters set up in the game. All and all I would say Allies have the upperhand longterm, Axis short term. Plus how each are played. Most of my games if I take the Allies into '44 or beyond game is usually over for the Axis, they're outnumbered and usually, not always that's that.. Russia is not quite the supply nightmare of history but it's quite a wasteland with a lot of defensive capabilities. I lost a game recently just because I overgarrisoned the wrong positions! So every Allied advantage counts and must be exploited, similary with Axis. That's the difference between various players and their skill level also.. Not just their tactical saavy on the Map, which all comes into play which makes SC2 a very very intense, enjoyable and mind boggling experience, not really historical. Just a abstract piece of work, with a historical feel
  5. End Game: British and American Paras drop behind the lines with a secret weapon kept from the GHC for the last 2 years of the War. Longe Range commandos take both Munich and Berlin. Didn't see this LR and was cleverly concealed until they were used! Even had Russian Partisans scouting and drawing the Berlin Garrison The war was pretty much a seesaw, I'd say honestly the Axis had a great advantage early in tech but the Allies caught up. The Russians were pretty stagnate and not used properly. Though the USA and UK were both well used sacrificially until the end where they opened up... Both sides were prettye even going into 1944.
  6. Russian's penetrate into Iraq and Iran, heavy armored columns unstoppable by the weak Mountain Trained Garrisons In the West, Bordeux fallen, great loss for the defenders there. Although France is still only partially Liberated. That is one plus In the East, Russians lose an armor and retake 2 mines.. Moving in position to threaten the German advance. They'd abandoned their positions around Kharkov but do not attempt to hold rather to rally forces elsewhere for offensive and defensive OPs. Germans violently strike out Finland take the Capitol and now threaten of all of Scandanavia...
  7. "There are Nazi's in the bathroom just below the stairs... Everybody's smoking but nobody's getting high, everybody's making love and nobody really cares. Strange Days indeed most peculiar Momma, roll...Nobody told me there would be days like these, strange days indeed!" Modern Times, more dangerous than any worn out 1890 Ideology
  8. Major Battle around Kharkov! several Russian Fighters of the Advanced Super Red Fighter Wing are encountered by German Land Forces, in just the nick of time, level4. Though only a few hundred could be killed on the ground, the newly captured aircraft will be taken back to the Reich and studied. As far as Red Reinforcements we're not certian where they may be located, afraid perhaps 25 Red units attempt another suicidal liberation of Poland! Regardless, Level3 Russian Tanks sit behind Kharkov guarding it closely and the GHC isn't certian how many others lurketh about the Steppe, so Germans manuever very very slowly... in The West it's a Disaster, there are more Western Airfleets than land units and they're using Surrendered German FORTS! What an exploit German units have just exchanged themselves for Americans, no real great achievements yet aside from Paris As far as Italy, constant Struggle with Brit Commandos and in the Caucasus a Ruskie Corps is close to meeting his doom So far as I can tell there is about to be a hole about as wide as France through Southern Front in Russia without some expert Red Defense!
  9. this is one instance when memorabilia is not a bad idea, to be quite frank as bad as it sounds I'd like Hitler's Friggin' Doggy Collar right now for Blonde, Goebbels favorite Microphone, Herman's favorite Teacup. You know why? It's worth something but what do you think Rommel's Hat Cost today? What about Patton's Horse Stick? Honestly it is a bit pathetic, and a Picture of Aces including signatures or true artist renderings have Historical meaning and Uniform's could be actually used constructively in a Museum P.S. http://cgi.ebay.com/5-WWII-Rare-German-Nazi-Luftwaffe-Uniform-Bag-Coins_W0QQitemZ270103352932QQcategoryZ4078QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem These Are Nazi Coins for Sell, oddly enough they cannot be owned Germany or Austria their place of origin??? Ebay doesn't allow for the sale of KKK or Nazi items...either wonder how these puppies got on there [ March 29, 2007, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  10. ::evil cackle:: Not lies merely the inevitable predicted word for word over a matter of time. When one performs a feat over several turns in one swift action withlittle or no losses to themselves it is a point of view. Which is quite accurate. A Russian Armor Bites the Dust near Kharkov by Stuka Tank Killers...along with 2 elite German Corps Russian Fighters attempt to prevent this with their latest and greatest Lavochin Super Fighters but they're no match for the FW190D It is a pity not all 8 Axis Fighters could engage you, for this little war in the East would be over already ::smirks:: mud is all you've got however, mud has also turned your American French Liberation into a slow grinding painful Campaign. That's quite alright it'll give us time to add our 9th Axis Fighter and upgrade them beyond you We too have been busy beez and have replaced all of our losses and built every Army, Corp and by next Summer we hope to add every Fighter available Lies or yet again another prophetic prediction?
  11. 1 corps in the Donetz, 5-6 Russian Units and an HQ in the Danzig Pocket. 3-4 UK units in the Danzig Pocket with HQ... Plus 1 US Army in France... I think my estimates were a bit too modest, but that is alright... Prepare to meet you creator, my superior powers are beyond your puny abilities
  12. Rockets must have found an edge the way they're deployed here, in mass I played a game vs Rambo here employed 5-7 Russian Rockets but didn't have luck with tech and if I hadn't been dumb enough to give away Rome the game would've been lost for the Allies... It's more than likely with good LR capabilities, experience Rockets are unstoppable wonder weapons for the Axis also due to the fact that the Axis have great experienced air. It would require an aggressive counter to stop them, and a very mobile strategy since fixed positions are the set these days I could see that the morale boost-experience-Range of 5-6 Rockets would be able to unentrench and destroy a unit in any position without taking in return damage.. Very potent For the USA or UK, why? They can barely build enough land units by '43-'44 to crush the Axis. The important thing is to have a solid 10 land units each for UK and USA by '43 to do D-Day preferably earlier... Plus 2 or 3 Fighters each... Now going Rocket instead of Bomber is kinda of waste since neither side is born with them and as said how many are in the build limit? You get two free bombers so naturally you'll likely pursue LR and HB with Allies... Now the Russians can employ the strategy but without luck I was blowing them to bits with Rambo. 6 Rockets cost him the Eastern Front, he never counterattacked much vs me... When with 2 or 3 formidable heavy tanks he could've probably hurt me or 2 or 3 upgraded fighters prevented my constant hammer of his forces. Luckily though he had great fortifications and a lot of Units. so it wasn't a great blunder just minor one... I'll take 6 LR Fighters over Rockets!!! If those Fighters are also Level 3 and have 4 bars of exp.
  13. Minister of Propaganda is just that However the stories of Fatherland's Heroic Feats will not be undersold by these pathetic puny halftruths! A Russian HQ is lost in the Baltic due to our superb Stuka divebombers and the sole remaining German Battleship! It will not be sesurfacing, I suppose Stalin did that on purpose! The Goal was Warsaw and his Imminence would not be rejected without total victory.. How can you win when your leaders are so cold and cruel. Come to the Righteous Side. 2 UK Units and 1 American will be removed from the 'rebuild' list for all eternity as Brave German soldats on all fronts counterattack! Now the entire Invasion Army that entered Konsiberg are completely and utterly destroyed with both Allied HQs...Regardless of not reaching our goals in Moscow if that truly is our goal? Perhaps there is 10 Level 5 subs awaiting The British in Vichy, perhaps you'll soon see the Power of the Dark Side Last turn -10 Allied Units -1 or 2 Axis These stats are not inflation, they're fact.
  14. I find Jolly Guys' strategy with using Allied Airpower to reduce Mines and even sacrifice a Para can be a very powerful choice. You have to do the math if your strategy is overall more bang for your buck, it will only add to your winning abilities, plus if the enemy is weak in defense your experienced units can be used later to do more damage. On the alternative Strategic Attacks are usually easy to counter in SC2. U-Boats can be hunted down too easily and it's rare that the Allied Navy's are too weak to destroy them. Despite their great recon ability they're just not worth it most of the time. Plus strategic bombing can be very painful if your intercepted and the enemy has good AA tech. Not just but you don't get much experience for these missions and the overall damage can be compensated for. Early on if your opponent sees your strategy he'll invest heavily in AA and negate your ability to crush his cities and factories. So I find that Bombers more often than not are great for recon and for special missions and that raiding should only be normally used to make them more experienced. Heavy Bomber Tech should make them more elusive to AA and harder to shoot down by Fighters so they still get used for more variety of missions. lastly in my last Strategy VS Rambo I used a Russian Bomber against Iraq. I sent it on 100 Missions... Keeping the OilWell at close to 0 for 50-60 turns. Just a little test, it forced Germany to research AA tech, as I also built level4 US Bombers to level Germany from Sweden. Ultimately EXPENSIVE!!! Though the fear factor alone may be worth it... still losing 4 or 5 strength points of those Behemoth Bomber Units is very demoralizing... P.S. Never counterattack Stalingrad when you're weak!!! It's an awful spot to attempt to retake as USSR with a few units, I have Kamikazed myself there vs Terif on more than one ocassion. And against other players... Better to hit the Germans in the Caucasus deeper South or near the Urals, it's difficult when they must guess where you're at or worse, attacking Mountains only.. He may have a surplus of MPPs or Units behind those Puppies and can come out and retake Russia! Done it and have had it done to me Hardest thing to judge as Axis, is when to go West Young man? When to remove the threat there before it becomes so imbedded like an ingrown toenail and you may never remove it! USA-UK can defeat Germany alone, especially if killing the USSR took everything out of the Germans. There is not Navy they can build in 1945 or '46 really that is capable of taking out the English Isles so the game will be essentially over if too much of the West has fallen by then. [ March 27, 2007, 01:25 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  15. The failed invasion of Poland Stalin is seen publicly denouncing the invasion and there will executions to follow, nearly every Soviet Soldier involved in the campaign is dead. The Soviet leadership will soon escape with their tails between their legs to be evacuated to the Goulag. The British have retreated further West trying to link up with their American friends! Cowards! Just as Chancellor Liam predicted the war shall end shortly and abruptly no matter how long the Western Allies attempt to continue this Unjust Fight. The Soviergn nations of Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Finland all seek to rejoin the patriotic cause against Tyranny and evil. Soon there will be no place for these Vile Allied Democracies with their corrupt ideals and their Communist Thugs to Hide!
  16. News Flash: Russian Invasion of Poland!!! Straight from Goebbels HQ, Live BroadCast Along with their infidel British CommunistLover Ally Britian, nearly a million Russian and British Troops land in Konisberg in order to push into Warsaw. Linking up through the Baltic States, some units were operated in and some were transported in by Danzig! This grand scale invasion is greater than that in Normandy, they end up killing the German garrison there An Army... and quickly the GHC answers with re deployment of the entire German Army to answer this threat before it becomes out of hand. While this occurs Americans and Russians attack vigorously on two fronts, creating a three front confrontation.. Russians kill a German HQ!!! Miracle, Motors2!!! They've stolen our technology with those Russian Lady Spies via Switzerland, Our Chancellor informs Germany that all German Leadership caught with ties to the Lucy Spy Ring shall be summarily executed! Regardless of these setbacks, the Hardened German Soldat proves his worth. Firing away at Russians and British, Panzers moving to crush newly landed units before they can establish supply lines, and get their tank motors running. The German Airforce volleying thousands of bombs on these new invaders to prevent them from gaining ground and the morale to fight. We're uncertian if this is enough, but this is the Greatest Battle of the War 5-6 Russian Land Units, Several British, 2 HQs, vs the Might of the German Army... Of which we shall not reveal!!! Soon We shall show them the double-edged sword of our Brave Soldats!
  17. Game finally up after getting my license and a reinstall lordy the pitfalls of working on machines! Tao, you just are peed that my troops kick butt with their awesome motors and their long range fighters. No need for top secret I can read you like a book, you are avoiding the meatgrinder! The Russians make amphibious landings and take Danzig and Odessa and in the West the American's kill off a few Axis Land Units but that's about it. Currently, N.Africa, MidEast and all of Europe is Axis. The Allies have Scandanavia altogether but Denmark. The Line in Russia is from Leningrad, through Moscow, past the Mines and Axis troops are poised to push to the Volga. There are very powerful Russian Units but they're behind some minor fortifications and there is plenty of Axis Air to pound the hell outta of anything that stick's it's ugly head out. There are more Axis Land Units than Russian at this time! So the Axis High Command is confidant of an Axis victory in 6 months to a year... In the West, the other concern is that Brest has fallen to the Infidels, but German forts are holding out against the puny and impotent attacks made by the Western Allies and their massive Air Fleets. Of course the sacrifice of the Axis Navy was neccessary and it's not needed now... We dominate all land and have every tech there is for Armies and Corps, Tanks are level2, Fighters level3 and LR4. Allies are trailing, they just have a lot of bombers and tanks that will not stop my Juggernaut as of now, the Axis launched a counteroffensive, killing a Russian Tank behind a river in Russia, re-established dominance of Odessa slowly removing the defenders in Konisburg... And dug in the West waiting for the real Allied attempt to break loose! Good game so far didn't know tao was pretty good
  18. Yes, and the fact it works on lowergrade systems is a plus, a lot new strategy games are requiring too much stuff like new graphics cards and Ram, plus high end processors. What we really do not need for strategy games, they're supposed to be relatively 2-d and low end on graphics and sounds but high end on detail and such which SC2... I have been trying to play Europa Unversalis 3 but cannot because it requires a GEforce6200 at least or a ATIX plus card... SC2 prob run on a 5 year old video card even older and look nice...
  19. Very interesting AAR Seems like JollyGuy has improved a great deal. When I first played him he was quite beatable. Looks like I'll have to watch out now.. He's taking Lessons from the Grand Master of SC2 and drawing blood at the same time!
  20. Yes, that could of been the picture of the White House Lawn. Think of the Statue of Liberty being replaced by the Statue of Goebbels. Minister of the New Territories of the Americas? The Re-Education Camps in America, as we re-educated Germans they could of re-educated us to in a more radical and violent method. Our Minorities purged, Mexico next. Parts of Central and South America. repopulated and made into slave labour for the AmeriReich? LOL Frighteningly possible It is possible to believe white American's could have partaken in such a past time. It's in their blood... There are also many rebellious elements here and in Europe. God knows what this would have meant? What if the Germans had won, but we had not invested in Great Britian, but rather in a massive Nuclear Program. The Germans were a decade behind! Super StratoFortresses, flying 5 or 6 Xs the range of any WW2 Bomber in 1944? Not a couple of Nuclear Weapons, but 50-100 in 1944? What would have happened to what we considered a hostile European Continent completely enthralled by Germany? Every Major Industrial Center Leveled? New and Improved Targeting equipment with radar flying too high for Fighters to intercept. On top of this, envious Japan and the United States cooperating together, both fearing the Power of the SuperContinent dominated by Goosesteppers? New Technologies in U-Boat Warfare shared and with cooperation preventing any ability for the Germans to ever have a Naval Fleet... The Germans may have conquored Europe though it is possible in 5 or so years had they not come up with radical weapons to counter the new threat for the West they could have lost it all! The World could've literally had a WW3 Scenario of Sorts smaller scale in 1945?
  21. P.S. for more advanced players, Long Range Fighters are essential and placing them close to entrenched cities during Winter like Leningrad smart to knockout Entrenchment for the clearer weather. Also to build experience at no cost to yourself for your Luftflottes. Also if you see an obstruction or defensive line, ist is sometimes best to go the other route, avoid that line altogether also hit AT3 and IW3... If you see that your opponent has invested heavily in Tanks you might want to hyper tech AT tech. Also use more Fighters... Infantry units take major damage attacking Tanks, though Fighters and AT with Tank combos really smash through enemy armor. Really Corps are the StapleDiet for a good Barby, they fill in holes, they block counterattacks against your Harder Units that are vulnerable right after an offensive to a counteroffensive. I would suggest having 3-4 corps per Power Unit. Army or Tank. To Fill in the Holes of attack after it kills the enemy. Also the LR keeps your Fighters safe and allows you to attack without constantly moving them and operating them. HQs need to be at Supply 10... So they have to be in the proximity of a city to mantain this, watch when you move them not to move them too far away from supply.. If you intend to deliver a knockout punch deep into enemy territory make sure that you can relink with your Supply Lines and do not be afraid to lose, Scout with those LR fighters to know whether or not you can be cut off...
  22. Tuna, looks like you loaded '41 Barby Scenario... Better to build your own. That scenario shows off the Axis weak rather than as capable as they can be. You should have a lot more tech advancements and what not... It doesn't really matter what you do when you attack, just don't get your units cut off, too far out of supply. All the points represented by other players are well. Some real good points. Just drive your units, deep and with HQ support and with supply... Make sure Russian Cities support those HQs with at least 30% effectiveness so that you aren't at below Supply 5. Check your units for Readiness and Morale, make sure those levels along with supply are sufficient to continue your attacks... Reinforce, stop, plan and attack... Surround and Crush entrenched positions without Air, with Air pound and take objectives. Within 1.6 years gametime you should be at the Gates of Stalingrad. There is no wrong or right way to start off a campaign, just make sure you have realistic goals
  23. Say that when that last carrier strike kills off a Panzer sitting near the coast of Brest. Carrier's are still quite powerful for hitting a unit that is encircled at sea which cannot be destroyed by Cruiser or Battleships alone... However all this is more realistic. WW2 Carriers didn't kill land units, they shouldn't be able to even now.
  24. Well, I have grossly underestimated Taojah, roughly 10 Allied, 15 Axis...take part in a great Battle over Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Only 2 Luftflottes put the Allies in their place... Turning the tide, Rommel personally in command of the forward units. During the Battle of France and the Low Countries, 2 Allied Fighters were shot down by Superior Luftwaffe Aces. An American Carrier nearly sunk, flaming so bad that it's crewmen were watched by Divebombing aces jumping over board, it will have to be tugged back to port. The Italian navy along with the Bismark Flame the entirety of the British Admiralty, 2/3rds of the Allied Surface fleet is gone. Crossing Gibraltar and sneaking up from Brest the Channel collision of Massive Surface Firepower ended in hundreds of thousands of tonnage at the bottom of the North Sea. Superior Gun Radar of the Axis Fleets made it impossible for the British Mini BattleCruisers to Resist the Italian and German Salvos hammering their decks. The Bismark set into Port and is the only surviving Axis Surface Boat, showing the Pride of the German Navy and it's unwillingness to yield to the Oppressive British and American Will upon High Seas.. The Operations on Land were not much better for the Allies, they managed to kill off two panzers and a corps but for nothing. In the end their were so many Axis units pushing that our vehicles virtually drove them into the Marshes of the Lowlands and into the Canals... Until it no less than a second Dunkirk. This is very good as things were looking bleak after the liberation of Paris by British Commandos. Though shortlived, As Paris fell back into the Axis of their Rightful Owners just a few turns later. Overinvestment in Bombers and in Aircraft...plus poor naval planning has left the Allies with one arm in the West, we fill there shall be no significant threat there. However all's quiet on the Eastern Front, and this disturbs the Axis High Command a great deal. What Monsterous invasion shall cometh from the East? What Barbaric Horde will attempt to Sack the new Rome of Europe? [ March 11, 2007, 09:07 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
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