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Everything posted by Liam

  1. Politics is definitely a factor in Warfare. The Culture or rather the People of each opposing Nation is also... War wears on an economy... which makes that a factor and thatis how! Generally, there are cases when war is part of a culture or people and benefits it. In particular the war of 1812 was pretty painful from what I recall. Ole IronSide smooshed the Capitol ship of the Opposition? There were engagements and wasn't the White House Burnt to the ground? I do not think you can say damage is general, but rather personal. So we only lost a few thousand men in one engagement and a few hundred thousand in another... Relatively that can be a HUGE loss depending on the Nation. I.E. Napoleon could afford to lose whatever he wanted at Waterloo, the French public wouldn't cry that much over it. Meanwhile Wellington could not! A small Island Nation who was invulnerable to attack would feel this way. Meanwhile a Massive Nation like France with unmatched Manpower and a DemiGod like Boneparte makes the situations quite different. As far as Iran.. why would the USA invade? They'd pay off the Isreali's to. Who knows what's in our secret arsenal, this isn't 1944 and isn't the Luftwaffe, the American's have some things you do not even know exist! Probably Laserbeams from space! LOL Iran is our favorite trading partner, we send thousands of their boys to school here and we want their oil. They have millions of Extremists, and come on? Are you ever going to kill every Muslim Extremist? It's like Invading Japan, which my friends never happened. Japan was forced to surrender, had we invaded it would've costed Millions of Allied Lives, including British, Aussie, American, Indian, etc... Endless
  2. you could benifit by watching real pros at work. however, to beat the AI seems you're playing too safe and too predictably. It's not history channel this real war. Move you units in aggressive position, use terrain to your advantage. Use Experience with airfleets by training them on soft targets and more importantly ignore worthless fronts that may have some historical value. Concentrate on victory. With Axis or Allies you should conclude the game fairly quickly the AI lacks the fundamental ability to attack when actually has the iniative.. That is why it will never amount too much... Losing to real opponents Head to Head will train you, add your name to the ICQ list or E-mail someone for a PBEM game. PanzerLiga is rich with such individuals. My Basic strategy for Allies: Go all out with France, Kill 2 or 3 Greys... but hold till Summer of '40 Abandon Egypt Attack France as D-Day in 1942 after the Germans are preoccuppied with Russia. Use a Strong Corps defense in Russia and use it's terrain to maximize defensive lines.. Rivers and Mountains along with short supply make that feat for any opponent. you need about 6 Western Allied Fighters, or I advise it. That or a whole bunch of Land units. Crowd France, keep your navy together and supplied along with your units with HQs and slowly take 1 objective at a time. Like Brest-Paris-Benelux... Then focus on another Target penetrating the Heart of the Reich. Even if Russia is torn, you'll soon Rape the Reich in the West. With the Right Techs you cannot lose and probably can end the game by Summer of '43 As Axis you probably end the game by 1940 if you know what you're doing I have without even invading France. Just DOW Russia Turn one and storm right down the Middle, she's incapable of stopping you, you can probably kill France as the same time or wait 8 months to do that after Your near Moscow. I find that a boring Challenge BTW: learn with Axis, less Naval Manuevers and a smaller working area to begin with. PBEM me at TMSFORMS@AOL.COM with a turn when you're ready and I'll train you by smooshing you it's always fun that way, losing 10 Xs makes you a decent player fast, copy what you see
  3. INTERESTING THREAD~!!! Germany was sporting a very large military in 1939 due to her buildup and she probably wasn't going to sit on such a buildup for long without dismantling it. She had to goto war... It was Hitler's aggression that lead to it. The USA in contrast like other Western Nations and many other nations during WW2 were completely unprepared and not mobilized for war. That is what we Call War Mobilization and today it doesn't exist quite the same way. During the Cold War both sides existed in a constant state of Mobilization costing us TaxPayers on both ends very vast quantities on Money that bankrupted one side and nearly did the other! Bank in the 30s and 40s, tiny little Europeans couldn't afford this on the same scale! Even the USA with the Great Depression and still not the Major Power of the World would only be fully mobilized by European Need for her resources. The USSR similarly, the Motivation and sacrifice of it's people similar to the 5 year plans but even worse than Stalin, the German 6 month plan to eradicate their nation lead the people to build at a rate never dreamed of... THE USA would be the leader Industrially of WW2, and She only sent a small portion of resources to defeat the Mighty Japanese Empire, wasn't the USA 28 Xs more Economically Productive than the Japanaese? So what was really required to destroy that Island, California? Meanwhile, the Production Might of the NorthEast Factories, churning out thousands of Tanks in comparison with Hundreds by the Reich. This is where Blashy is right. Ultimately the Reich was Doomed and never understood Mass Production. She had to win Fast, Lightning War, the whole doctrine and Idealogy of Adolf Hitler was Correct. Hit Hard and Hit Fast and end the War by the end of 1941 then hit America! That was the only way the Reich would have succeeded with such little Manpower and Industry... USA took relatively a short time to Mobilize considering the Germans did so from 1933 to 1939, we were prepared from 1941 to 1944 to fully destroy the Opponent on Two Massive Fronts stretching Tens of Thousands of Miles. And America wasn't alone, the UK and her Minors were in the Bag as well
  4. I think for a PBEM Game that would do wonders, SC2 is almost pushing the edge of Detail. Streamlining decisionmaking for IP games is difficult... PBEM is still a very very strong market for even SC games because they take 10 to 15 hours to finish. Anyways I'd love such an extensive WW2 game, however I doubt it'll be made right without a GRAND publisher in control. HOI was never really what it was advertised as but can you blame Paradox, that is bigger than any 1 publisher.
  5. What good are fortifications in SC2? You people need to revert back to SC1 when entrenchment meant a damn! 1 hit from a IW3 experienced morale kicking Army/Corps will knock out what you think a defense is! and 1 level3 tank will finish the job
  6. Military Expenditures Dollars: $6.2 billion (2005) Percent of GDP: 1.1% (2005) Military Manpower Active troops: 545,000 (8th) Total troops: 12,285,000 (1st) That is a high conscription rate, something like Vietnam's. I bet most of them are Gun Totin' 14 year old boys like they threw up against Iraq during the 80s war... They wouldn't last 1 week vs the US Military. Why? The USA mantains the highest Vehicle to man ratio in the world. This is essentially a mobile unit, fast, powerful and state of the art. A Majority of the Non-European Adversaries probably are outdated 1960s equipment at best, and more than likely still WW2... Sort of like when SC2 Germany invades Greece.. The Greeks only can rely on the fact it's too expensive for the Axis to bother... Otherwise 6 German Units will plunder them in a game turn if they are setup right! It is quite possible Germany can conquor every Minor At the Same time in Game Terms as the US could do to the World without Nuclear Weapons..
  7. The Romanian Beast! Yeah, games vs you are entertaining. I do not sit there and think much vs you because you will launch an offensive when I get complacent and bored! Much like Rambo, on Crank! I'll be checking ICQ, You could've taken my Allies in that one game going into '44 what? 7 Red Tanks vs 6 German ones? IW3 AT3... Every Corps and Army built, Russians had Jets2... We were dogging out over Kursk, but of course, I had the MPPs to rebuild even though losing double what Germany lost! Luftflottes Smooshing me, with Italian Bomber/Para and Western Allies comming down on you with 20 Land Units and about 6 or 7 Fighters? Think Shermans actually served during D-Day for a change rather than no Allied Tanks.
  8. Eu2, formerly, hoping to move onward to EU3... Europa Universalis series in other words. I tried High Command, Clash of Steele in the day and before that Eastern Front and a few other SSI titles, most of which didn't hold my attention as much as Eastern Front. Even though that got boring AI wise which was no challenge. First WW2 Strategic game I tried was Storm Across Europe. Was simple and interesting, then I graduated to A&A boardgame, we played this particular version on-line but the players generally flaked out and we had to dump it. I then graduated again to Command HQs and this was an excellent title playable via Modem... Huge success and several air combat sims, Air Warrior I II and III... I cannot even list the others anyway that are related to the Genre Empire Building games. I look foward to EU3 SC2 is here and happy with it I would love if I had a RTS Shooter like WW2online to play, very interesting to play SC2 then step into the driver seat of a Panzer 4 or a Sherman and get the feel of real action. What is Theatre of War really?
  9. Dave, as hard as it is to find an opponent I seriously doubt it but you could be right, I just don't think so. I look out the best or I do not play the game, simple The Best Advertise, the Best play the Best and that I do... I'm not the best and I do not have the time to be the best but I can give them a game.. So well, I am not boasting I am bored of the fact none of these guys send me a Challenge and by the way the last guy who did, Quit and didn't write back. I wouldn't bet on that Liam. From what I've read, Yogi, TJ, And many others have got some, ummm, Earnest interest In learning the in & out intricacies Of SC-2 Blitzkrieg. One of these days! One of 'em will... just possibly? Even... beat - you? Well, 90 % +++ Don't go to PL, Don't know nor care what it IS, no, They sit easy like Always! Smiling Buddha (... ever wonder? WHY that is the case?) In their very own game-room, And! Have the time of their lives! :cool: Thing is... Hubert, Or ANY game company, in exacto fact, Would go broke in 17 seconds flat! Should they merely market To a few head-hunters, And not take into serious account Those who: 1) Never post on any board, 2) Never care who is #1, Nor, #18 or - next to last! Poor slob! On some arbitrary list, 3) Never say out loud - to their wife, Mistress or faithful dog, such as this: I AM THE... almost! best - at this! They're prob'ly just... havin' fun. </font>
  10. Tao, undiscovered untapped, perhaps how many millions of horses were still used in WW2 to effectiveness vs how many are today... World changes I'm certian you're right usage has as well. Regardless MidEast wil dry up, 'evetually'
  11. Yogi, the fact Rambo beat my Allies when I hadn't made too many errors or my Axis which is shifty but 'so so' shows he's a good player. You'll never accomplish this As far as Terif, Ever take him to Jan '44? Your 2nd or 3rd attempt with Allies, IW 1?! I did it!!! Your just like polishing my boots Goto Panzerliga, study for about 100 games then give advice and talk trash, it bores me these players who play mods and talk trash and never really beat even a mediocre player like me. Nobody but Iron Ranger, Rambo or Terif have ever beaten me in SC2... HellRaiser is up there and he has not either.. IR not in ages... so 2 men are on this Board that can I can Talk! You cannot, learn amatuer, I'm plus about 14 games, -18 near 10-12 of those to Terif Never been beaten in any mod, any setup any way shape or form by any other SCer and I still don't know what Soft Build are! Get in game get outta Debate Not a problem for me. Actually the whole thing is a much bigger negative reflection on the poster then it is on anyone else. Reference not adding Yodl's, I think you should keep posting. lets see, I think the current: 23W 7L 20Yodl, 2Draw gives the legend a winning percentage of about 44.2%. Of course remove Yodls and that climbs to about 72% so that does give you something to Toot your horn about. </font>
  12. Truth be told Stalingrad is Key. Caucasus is not. Leningrad and Moscow are also key. Historically speaking at least. Here a player will defend the Southern Mountains all out due to the fear of losing such a massive percentage of MPP production. Usually this is a great strategy for the Axis costing them the game. In WW2 it seems Oil wasn't as essential a resource due to it's availability. Romania-Russia-MiddleEast-USA... Today this is very different. All the majors had a source to draw upon.. The only one who did not, was perhaps Japan, which found it in Indonesia. Today Oil is much more sparse, Yes the MidEast-Russia and Indonesian region still have it... However the vast quantities are only in the Caucasus and MidEast Region. The Rest Dried up due to development of various Nations... North Sea, Alaska, North Africa which is sort of interconnected with MidEast politically due to The Fundamentalist Arab Government
  13. get Hungary and Romania in diplo and attack Spain in Summer of '40 best.. US readiness skyrockets but then it ensures you free troops for Barby if your diplos fail, you will have to judge but I think after Barby is best or at the same time
  14. I kind of noticed something, as the UK you may build them all, though rarely the armies come first. The Corps and Air would be more cost effective... As the USA, yes the Armies would be nice if you could find a front to place them. Otherwise unlimited units = German Production increase into an Unstoppable horde. So it favors Axis
  15. Yeah, it's a bit confusing, all things German are but nevertheless the league attracts the best and most dedicated players
  16. This is a German Site for PBEM and IP games to be credited score. The good thing about this site is that it has never been down as far as I can tell and Terif runs it. Good place to find good opponents, sign up folks. few guys have asked me about it in E-mail and ICQ thought I should remind a few. I finished last season 12th, or something. Should've been 3rd-4th really just not enough time http://www.panzerliga.de/en/index.php
  17. The American Revolution was one of Britian's Errors. She could've held onto the New World by reducing taxes and not mistreating her subjects Although she had wars to pay for so you can say that French Imperialism lead to early release of the Colonies... I think that it's hard to hold onto so much real-estate when you're a Nation like Britian.. You have to be real cautious. A few thousand men may all she could afford to spare! She has a lot of land to cover so one insurrection here will lead to several there..
  18. Yeah, it's my firm belief that if the American Government had a problem with the Iraqi one the solution wasn't a Ground Based Operation on that magnitude. Rather 2 thousand commandos to take destroy the leadership.. Or supply them for their Civil War against one another, instead of involving the USA Our Boys are worth more than a Puny Nation called Iraq. If you do not believe that it is because you do not realize that they're a bunch of young men with Targets on them wandering around for every Muslim Fundamentalist to take a pop shot at anyway, going in another Direction. WW2 was very neccessary on all sides to partake in. Too Major a War to forgo..
  19. Dear Battlefront Team, and HC I notice that sometimes my SC2 screen flickers heavily. I am not sure why... Usually I notice this after the game is loaded awhile, this is reflective of a low refresh rate but mine is near 85 hertz I usually only see this with really bad video cards, mine is a 128 Intel GL one which isn't great but I usually don't see the flicker... I also notice on some of the screenshots a flickerish look to them, but that could be from the quality of the capture. Is there a way to reduce the flicker of SC2? Is there an issue with certian video cards perhaps? Or is this just due to the type of graphics it possesses. I'm not sure I see this all the time, I may just be tired but I highly doubt it.. Something my sensitive eyes tend to pick up after 4 or 6 hours of gaming which is long
  20. Terif may have been close to losing due to luck, usually high rollers play quick games and often you do not have the chance to finish those games! Rambo or HR are HighRollers... However both very good too... I have lost games to Rambo due to tech, and Terif. Though only because I didn't adjust my strategy to compensate for the lack of something on the frontline. It's inflexability that destroys you, not your tech 99 outta 100 Now if I get Subs 5 with Terif in June 1940, plus IW3, AT3... and he gets 0 with Russia, I will promise you if all else is pretty much on my Usual Par he will lose. Why? Because I will conquor UK, Egypt and Russia before the USA can do anything about it! Though the chances of this all happening in one game, probably worse than 1 in 100... You still have to know how to employ your exploit
  21. Generally it works fine, there have been several games for me where luck played a factor for it. In fact my first game ever I didn't realize even the full power of Heavy Tanks and IW so I lost it but I had the superior tactics. I played poker, and the Chit investments in technology for SC isn't that bad. Thoug hit can be sometimes odd. You can flip a coin and it will land on Heads 5,000 times, there is no explanation for this... And the next 5,000 times says Tails, odds & probilities It's gory in a wargame where you feel you've done everything right but it's quite juicy when you've done everything wrong and get rewarded Unlike A coin, in 1 game we don't neccessarily have 5000 more chances to win so no, My Vote is Tech should be more hardwired and I always thought so. If you invest you should recieve based on Historical momentum. Strategies and Tactics shouldn't be based on Luck. As in Combats modifiers there should be a certian amount of luck to certian TECHS Like ABombs or mystery techs like Rockets. You research Heavier Tanks, you'll get them. It's not Rocket Science and SC2 isn't Poker, but God do I feel the DiceGods in it... Do not toy with the Odds system, invest your Chits early or you'll reget it!
  22. This aggressive strategy that Jolly spoke of rarely works. The Russians need 2 years to build up enough to destroy a 'competent' Germany. The only time the Russians can destroy the Wehrmacht is when they're numerical superior to begin with. Plus the tech to match The Germans have 5 or 6 air, generally 2 bars at least per. By the middle of Barby this experience excels to nearly 3 or 4 bars making their Fighters damageproof. On top of it, if the Axis know how, an Army bigger than the Russians! What does the USSR have to contend with? Very little aside from wise withdrawls and traps which over time build her strength, eventually surpassing that of Germany with IT
  23. Taojah, actually you're right Stalingrad is an excellent place to fortify North and South. Though I was trying to fortify Kharkov and further West rather than expend my Engineer on something he couldn't finish. Terif launched Barbarossa rather early too, so there wasn't much time for it... I did have IW investments a little longer, I sold off my intel, rockets, advanced air, production tech to invest in IW and AT at some point or another. I believe I had a year or so of no luck with 2 chits. I will not repeat this error, 4 to 5 chits in IT and never recieving a return on the investment! As you can see, it was a steamroll, I should've relocated to Iraq Sorta like the Gulf War
  24. Starting the game tough, gave him a slow Poland to conquor and nearly forced it past 4 turns. Went on to give him a Tough French Campaign. No real engagements afterward. Terif managed to get Spain by Diplo... British moved through North Africa. I do not think there were major losses until 1941. Only Major battle other than the openings was the Battle of the Rock. Where Germany was held in check and so was Britian, losing Gibraltar but holding the Med. The British took Libya, leaving Tobruk, kept Egypt. The Axis focused on USSR, which didn't manage to acquire much tech due to some bad luck. The British however were maxed out in Units and Tech nearly, which wasn't much good, Fortified France was unwelcoming and the only thing the Brits could do was Stomp the MidEast. MPPs in favor of the Allies, and though in the end the Reds got tech for Summer of '42 battle of Stalingrad was the end of the Allies... overcommitted and foolish, throwing what few precious units they could muster into Superior Firing Lines so the Axis could make short order of them. This was the last and only Major Battle of the Game. Had tech swung a little the other way, and had I had a bit more foresight in my tactics perhaps could've made a very interesting Battle for Terif. Though we traded blows, he may have lost 3 or 4 units, I lost double or triple that. Despite inflicting massive casualties on Axis ground troops and moving British Fighters into Interception mode for the Caucasus, the Superior Luftwaffe spelt the doom for the Reds, they couldn't follow up their Hard won Ground battles with destructive Air Combos like the Germans to finish off their foe nor outflank them in mud or difficult terrain without Motors... I suppose next game I will have to rethink my poor Allied Long Game. Beware of forgetting these techs! Cost me this game
  25. Terif: In our game I took Kharkov, for a few turns, you crushed me shortly after. Seems a lot of players get that far not much further
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