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Everything posted by Liam

  1. The Year of Our King, 1942 and a few pence: The Germans Assualt the Neutrality of Sweden, Greece and Syria into the Axis Empire. Iran is freed from such a fate by peaceloving Russian freedom Fighters in the Mountains after a long march. The Great Battle of the Baltic States has begun. Dozens of Frontline Armies and corps on both sides clash, there seems to be no real winner, however, several more German Casualties and a strategic Withdrawl by the Soviet armed forces show things will go on... The Germans are not dead in the water yet not sure what they may have left in their arsenal, but this will make or break this game... 10-15 Armies and Tanks on either side probably in the fighting zone within the next several turns, and within the Summer/Fall the decision of Winner
  2. I hear what some say about the Chess-Predictability factor. None of us want a ChessGame or a Poker game. Strategy Wargames are not supposed to be either. Do not be diluted by all this talk about Infantry Weapons 3, and getting it by the Spring of 1940... or That Turkey Joins and the game is over. I tricked Terif in a game, in one battle and that is Grand Strategy, that is the Map. And what we come for, this is a thousand times more elaborate than chess. You can finish a Chess match in a few minutes... SC2 should take 10-20 hours If properly utilized the proper Tactics and investments seem to be unstoppable.. Though it's true, refinement of the perfect strategy makes for a tough opponent, that is the vanilla game. There are many routes and avenues to a perfect strategy for you. None have to be indentical, you can learn to make the Perfect Moves for you and win. Though in this game, certian things must be... You must be smart about not offending certian nations by certian moves, you must invest properly, you cannot pursue a deadend or weak strategy in 39 Fall Weiss, it'll be the death of you. You can pursue all sorts of Variables, but the first 2 years of the game are usually predictable and sort of boring but the last 2 or 3 are soooo very joyous and have a trillion possibilities. And HEY for a 50 dollar strategy wargame, it's about as close as you'll get to a decent WW2 recreation for an Armchair General... I.E. In my game vs Rambo right now IP... and PBEM.. I have Tigers in 1942, FW190Ds, and he's attacking through Spain and Portugal. France is too fortified for his tastes. The USSR has an extensive Rocket Program that is Blasting Away tens of thousands of German Ground Troops on the Eastern Front, and millions mixed Axis/Allied troops are clashing across the Continent from Iberia, to Iran, to the Ukraine. The Kriegsmarine may be actually more powerful than the Royal Navy!!! Partially due to luck and a lot of investment... We're only in 1942, I wonder by 1944 what King Tigers, Level5 Subs, Jets, etc.......will do? If neither side surrenders there will be IMMENSE technology on both ends... And Russian Rockets5, almost a little too high tech
  3. I think that adding luck in is really awful. I think rewarding a player for making good and innovative decisions is positive. How do you do this effectively? That is hard to say... And since we're modding history I think that what historically would be wise should be wise. Fact is the USA doesn't care 2 pennies about Syria, never did. The Scripts might benefit with more variables within a historical context or a reasonable context that is less predictable but not Earth Shattering. Just as 4 attacks on the Paris tank, that 9-10 Xs should kill it may not kill it... and can change say 500 MPPs, what is a few percent here or there... Combat Rolls when it counts can really change a game, but if you planned for any possibility shouldn't break the game. Though I'm sure 1 in a 100 might... We're not talking about some Major rehaul just enough randomness in regions to take away from the same exact Manuevers every game... rewarding an invasion of the Balkans By Germany? By having no real dreadful outcome, then perhaps the Allies can invade Scandanavia with the same... P.S. Greece is a forgotton subject, some smaller alterations that could be made, Yugoslavia and Greece should give Germany something juicy. Instead of a pure focal point on Mediterreanan supply on Gibraltar and Malta, how about Eastern Med supply from Crete??? It was bitterly fought over for that purpose, and could abstractly make the Mediterreanan war a little more intrigueing... I could look at some alterations for the Atlantic War too, it's a little lacking. The Royal Navy is only used for Land support attacks, and U-boats are never used for Raiding We could use Cheaper U-boats that do diddly vs surface ships that are harder to find-detect-destroy... So many non-random goodies I can imagine and I did imagine the Cheaper Rockets and Paras? Everyone has embraced those Also purposed Engineers being cheaper or converted to Garrison Units instead, Forts now replace Corps and Garrison hording... Now, onto the Atlantic War and the Battle of Crete? let's all join in adding some variety to our vanilla and worry less about luck Poker over 500,000 games, doesn't have as much luck... SC over 150 turns doesn't have much either... So you have to look at the "bigger picture" Chess "0% luck"
  4. The situation isn't so bleak now, Axis have good tech and now are finally taking Egypt on the verge of 1942. They have Norway and still have Swedish Ore... Once the MiddleEast falls to the Axis they should have the iniative for awhile at least
  5. 1941 Barbarossa kicks off but instead of seeing 3 million Germans kill USSR, they repell a puny corps of Germans and aside from losing Riga, the entirety of the Red Bear is in tact! In Egypt, the Germans bring in the heavy artillery, as mentioned earlier the Fuhrer took personal control of the situation in North Afrika, due to this, 100,000 Germans will go home in body bags. All of The 4 Axis Fighters or so in N.Afrika with several armies... All repelled at Al Alemein. The Fort has been impenetrable thus far by all Axis attempts including Spies! Hundreds of thousands of Axis troops are in a do or die struggle there to take the Impenetrable Fortress Egypt! The RAF, battles it out with the Superior Luftwaffe wreaking havoc on everything sent at them. Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, "never has so many owed so much to so few!" Egypt Will Remain Free, as a Commonwealth of the Greater Good Prosperity of England! In Iran, Russian Armor moves in for the kill.. In Spain, Axis forces angry due to their losses in Egypt go on the offensive, Transfered British Troops attempt to help the Besieged Capitol of Madrid and a new found Ally, Franco... Yugoslavia is DOWed and falls to Axis forces It's starting to heat up
  6. a little tip to get a little more bang for your buck... be more aggressive with the Axis, in the early versions of SC2 you would slowly carefully not offend Majors and Minors by DOWs. Now Certian DOWs, liked Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, Vichy, Denmark, Norway-Sweden... These are not bad choices if you do them cheaply and quickly... You may not want to push with Sweden and Spain, unless the UK Threatens it from Norway... Liberating Norway is very easy and will get you your Convoys Back... Big thing is be cautious of losing a lot mpps in Egypt and in desperate battles at sea with the UK. Wasting air strength points and attempting to dominate the seas, as it's a waste of time against a very good Allied player. You should be able to have 4 HQs, by July or Sept of 41... Along with every Corps in the build If you include 2 or 3 new armies and a tank that's a good starting army... I would likely not bother with adding another fighter just utilize the 2 free ones you get from Italy and Romania and perhaps use Italy to build a 2nd fighter... Big thing is do not Operate unless you have to. And you do not have to send 10 units to Egypt if you do not want to, but you do have to make up for it elsewhere... perhaps best for you if the Allies are too strong there or you aren't as adept as some at taking it from them. In this game Rambo retreated out of my way and that is why I'm so heavy on the ground and in the air. I have 1 Luftflotte left to build before I reach the limit, BUT since he did retreat so much he is also similarly very Strong on the ground. Usually when you exchange a lot of early battles you are bother weaker, so take it all into account... Beware of being drawn into Attrittion warfare with Axis. Good Luck
  7. in my game 5 as of now, depending on the scale of combat, meaning if it's a highly offensive or defensive game all of them may be built... and I had all 5 built by Summer of '42
  8. P.S. I surrender, GG, and I look forward to another Mirror immediately. thanks for the lessons
  9. The last Final Straw is here. The Third or fourth Battle around Kiev is just too much, and the largest Russian presence of the war, 4 tanks, 5-6 Armies, and a lot more Corps then I can count. This is nearly as large as the entirety of what remains of the German and Axis Armies combined. There is no Russian air, but being that our air is divided and our forces, too many men will die in this great Crusade. In Spain Axis forces fought valiantly but the fact is regardless if the Allies never Take it, we cannot hold out nor push on without more "units" this my friends is a lack of production due to petty mistakes early and when you're outnumbered 2 to 1 on every front no super weapon or advanced air can save you... It just looks pretty. A sure sign of Terif's theory of Numbers verses Quality.. Plus by this point since the game is engineered to "catch-up" tech, it favors the Allies to have stalled my offensives so long. Had I gotten Moscow and then moved toward Stalingrad I may have had a chance but Terif cleverly used a dying situation to his advantage, instead of trying to save his units he sacrificed them to buy him a season and he bought back the lost 2000 MPPs or so... As Germany you can not fool with Russia she is a Big Time Player if she has time and knows how to build, there is no luck in this game. There is only patience and who has the Iniative, I took it for a minute but I couldn't hold it, I just stayed on to see if Terif had weaknesses and he does, even he errors.. just less than some of us I'll get him next time, now I've had practice and brushed up my game, next time you can expect Double those Units Terif By the way people, Join PanzerLiga Kewl Place to get competition, PBEM and IP
  10. Yes! That little pesky commando raid on Spain turned into the Entire British Army. Though transfered German good from the East have held the line thus far and inflicted heavy casualties, were vastly outnumbered. Though faith in The Fatherland shall prevail, the Allies want every Neutral they can get! "We Told the American's they were evil!" Axis Navy is setup! Regardless, Things move on, Vichy falls... German Armies in Finland headcrack the oncoming hordes of Red Corps... The Center is however a little weak, we sense that will require a little pressure to fall. So onward to the next offensive!!! In Germany, British Commandos are surrounded and near surrending, but British Bombers have leveled 1 of 3 Natural resources of the Reich, Limeys must be sporting Heavy Bombers with Long Range!
  11. Malta is abstract to represent the long supply lines of North African Axis advances... It's not meant literally as a true base of operations unless of course the Axis leave an opening and you can scout a place to attack! then it's quite useable Historically it was bombed to hell until The Germans called it off... it is meant to slow down the German advance in N.Africa in game terms. It doesn't really work unless it strikes repeatedly... So it's a little game balancer Axis can take it if they bombard it to hell, that is at least historical
  12. Russians must retreat deeper into their homeland, real estate lost to the Southern Russian offensive are kicked back and retaken, Odessa is the only city left unconquored. Russians are thinned out in the South, Axis air comming to rescue soon to Smash them all up! In Spain, there are exagerrated claims of a great British Offensive, but the German High Command Contests this a mere Commando raid or two... a few elite Canadians awaiting their doom when the Wehrmacht moves in for the kill. We do not worry over this and a Spanish Cruiser nearly kills a British Battleship. The sounds of those British Fighters over Gibraltar were actually test flights of new Elite German Jet Fighters says ReichsMinister of Propaganda Vicco von Bülow... "Yes, we thought it well that The British Citizens of Gibraltar hear their doom from above!!! Winston will choke on his cigars and spit brandy up when he gets a look at the latest German Fighters. Welcome to No Man's Land you bloody British! Hope you brought your Tea and Ciggerates it's gonna be a long war! " a captured Image of one of Germany's Super Weapons, the American's must be delaying War Entry out of Fear, understandable
  13. In our latest Saga, I'm now Axis... Last time I was Axis, Rome fell to Rambo as I didn't properly reinforce it and I lost the game. Though in this one, there shall be no such error! 1939-1941 Steamrolled the Minors neccessary to win, added Vichy and ignored Spain however for a particular reason. Egypt came late, as did Syria but could not convince Iraq to join, so we invaded them with Iran... That is the overall world map... As far as the Royal Navy and early British Encounters, none aside the liberation of Norway! France was turned into a Fortress, lots of Forts, 10 or so... some now in stretch into Germany and the Low Countries 1941 Late: No real early losses or issues... SO now onto the Real Deal, Barbarossa. Smashed through Leningrad, Moscow without so much as a scratch, Rambo was a little bit of a pain in the butt, had to bring in a lot of air! I have avoided the South due to the extensive Forts there, 20 or so... After Linking Finland, and at the same time kicking the British out of North Africa, except for Casablanca... Also kicking the Russians with their Rockets, and Fighters out of Iraq with superior Fighters and more land units... Onward. 1942 This is where the game gets interesting... First Real Battle, is over the Kievan Pocket, well fortified, but sticking out into Axis Lines, we do not attempt to assualt it from the South or Center, but rather from where we came, Moscow, just polished off the Russians defending there... Luftwaffe support and Level4 German Tanks roll down, the Steppe and Crush through Kiev, capturing it, but the Russians show that their Katusha's are deadly along with their numerous armies and corps...along with Fortifications all along Southern Ukraine, they make it a costly endeavor, it is in the bag regardless though, there is near 8 or so Axis Fighters.... And a lot of Land Units... Regardless of this, we have a problem, in the West USA and UK invade Portugal-Spain we must prevent this! Elite German Tigers transfer West, and setup a Puppet Regime right after Franco Surrenders, the Fascist Dictator is glorified to learn he will remain in Power as a Servant of his Grand Master... 10 or So allied Land Units, 6-7 Air Units with 4-5 HQs attempt to take Spain, a handful of Axis units with 2 Tiger Armies just retake Madrid and hold a stalemate in the mountains... Meanwhile the Russians launch a counteroffensive in Fall '42 in the East.. It is semi-successful, but without Fighter support those Rockets really cannot go that far... They kill a few units but we retreat and fortifty behind the Prippets and Tigers repell the offensive before it gets much steam. Meanwhile, at sea, most of the Italian Navy has been destroyed, but in the North, the Kriegsmarine Rules, boasting the Most Powerful Navy in the World, highly upgraded, the Allies will not come near it!!! US Subs were caught Raiding of the Coast of Norway and were smooshed and one managed to retreat. Some of our ships even camped of the British Isles to Fire Salvos on British Villagers, much like a Viking Invasion, however the Village is well entrenched so we will not attempt to take 'em... This game is approaching '43 I'm certian almost every unit is built on every side except some of the goody units and things are only heating up... Up until now, the Germans have been bashing the Allies in every competition, but the Allies have #s and money... SO they may do some bashing now of their own. We'll see...
  14. Terif is good to listen to when it comes to SC2, I have won Roughly 17 out of 20 Allied Sided Games due to his advice and improved my Axis chances as well. I doubt this is luck! VS Terif now, I have never won with Allies but playing him showed me that they can really concede a lot and win. I just haven't learnt the conversion chart for the other way around for Axis. It's tough to play the Axis in SC2 in the patches, you really must be innovative and know your scripts. Little puny mistakes means the game longterm, even if only psychological defeat. Allies can usually afford a lot of losses. Rambo, Iron Ranger, HellRaiser all great teachers and fellow students!
  15. I think that all these sources may be valid, to some degree, but Come on Folks!!! The Bismark was top of the line and all it takes is 1 hit on a lightly armoured ship to kill it, it just has to hit the right place! Those Monster Salvos would do in ships of today if they hit right on the BullsEye... 1 little torpedo did in the Mighty Bismark and it didn't even kill anyone did it? The Bismark would've better served the German Navy in a 20-30 U-Boat version conversion... Surface Fleets were for Fear Factor alone, not practical to send out a huge floating turd for the British Navy and Air, which was superior at that point. Oh, and on the point of the Italian Lack of coordination with their Navy and Air, Germans had a particular issue with the same... Perhaps the Bismark would've been better served with Air Coverage? I heard Goering didn't really cooperate well with the Kriegsmarine, selfish little infights...
  16. As far as Axis Armor, I'd Think the Panzer I as a training tank and probably not present at all on the battlefield for serious frontline service. Panzer II a Infantry Support Tank... or for use against soft targets... it only had a 20mm gun, and paperthin armor, you had to open a hatch to see out while driving it. It would be a motorized coffin in comparison with the heavier tanks of the day. Panzer III??? Great Tank, but it was outclassed fast, and lacked Firepower and Armor...and Panzer IV in that order... Was a great tank, with a longer Barrel, still not the most powerful out there... The T38 which is the Level1 Tank now was a very very capable tank, very resemblant of the PanzerIII anyway... The Level2 German Panzer is a Mark IV series... as far as the Tigers, Panthers and King Tigers I do not see them comming into sufficient #s to be even modded here... Maybe Panthers, but the idea is abstract, including tactics, Tank Destroyers, Motorized Kill Units? Like the 88s on Halftracks? This all confusing really, but I guess a toy for us to play with, eyecandy... I'd like to see IW represented or AntiTank Guns, with the Infantry Sprites The Char1Bis was the heaviest tank of the French used in 1940, the Somua-S35 the best Tank of 1940...Slopped armor, great firepower, a truly efficient Weapon.
  17. Heh, Play Poker, that is the only place where I lose it! YOU must becareful with the Malta Effect, and in my game vs Terif, 2 chits in 1939, 4 in 1940, all throughout, wasn't till Fall of '40 that I recall getting a hit!!!!!! We all get luck, but by Barby in June of '41 I was IW3 Good to research Intel, and leech of your opponent!!! On top of it, do not go into N.Africa with such crappy supply, use Syria!!! It's worth the Readiness hit... Either that or use the Center city of Italian North Africa for Air Supply and research LR early to kill units deep in Egypt, then Amphib the Coast and kamikaze the Italian Navy all over the Coastal Cities and Ports that or Forgo the North African Invasion and take Scandanavia, you've got a direct supply, add up the MPPs it costed to get into Egypt! Add up what you'd make in 150 turns! Also, don't research IW only, research Heavy Tanks and if one favors first, buy Tanks and not Infantry! Also Research with Italy, so you get a second chance there, research Intel and watch and see if the opponent is researching Land Techs, if not, maybe back off and wait till you go all in... Research Air Techs or some other wonder weapon, Germany can win with IW2 and that is very doable if Russia, USA and UK all have it and she has intel and only 1 chit in IW...but a crapload of units [ April 13, 2007, 10:18 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  18. P.S. Losses for the War... 8 UK Units, we assume all these to be Minor Losses, the UK has hidden their MainLine BattleForces 15 Italian and German Land Losses, whoa!!! This is the figure that will probably really really spell the difference between victory and defeat... Real Poor Early Game 14 combined Axis Fleet losses 6 Allied Fleet Losses The War at Sea, though the overall damage to the British Navy may be something like 50%, most of it still floats... No air losses for either side except The Polish AF and Red Air Force in Finland... Nothing of importance... Terif's reserving attitude and conservative attitude stands for a "long game!" My style this game will not likely prevail less than a 20% chance of victory but we shall try P.S.S. Terif's point on Quality vs Quantity, of course in certian situations thet more you got you'll overrun the enemy but in other situations lacking certian things will limit you greatly. 40 Units can ceil a front, but 10 level 5 tanks can drive through a Position!!! With air.. it's just not practical however, vs England, with all that Open Clear Terrain, You better watch out!!! Real easy place to stomp!!!
  19. It has certianly been expensive, the Finland Offensive Initially started by the Russians in the Winter War, continued on throughout 1941 and now will spread into 1942 where it will end. Ultimate Demise of 9 Russian Units! Possible 10 We shall call it the FinnMark Pocket, where nearly 500,000 thousand Russians will Helsinki home, Finnish Women and Children donates clothes and butter to the starving Refugees, Stalin doesn't much care and their own HQ will sign an agreement to Join the Axis cause before the First SnowFall. Great Moral victory, but not much else. Even with these heavy losses the great Red Bear has good production, and though we must assume They've swung some of those IT and Production Chits into IW and AT to catch up with our superior land weapons, which was expensive regardless, it is still going to be a very grinding war for the Axis on the ground. --It is sad in this game, that killing a whole bunch of enemy units doesn't really mean much. Like what the British did in North Africa should've brought a National Morale of the whole on Italy down to 50% less than normal. Losing 400,000 Men would've been catastrophic for some Nations! Even on a Strategic Level...-- With Counteroffensives in the Prippet Marshes, and British on the move in Africa, the MPP swing will count a lot because a Majority of those MPPs are now going directly into Russian Pockets and going right to the front, rather into US and UK pockets which must find a point of entry that is usually not fully supplied unless through France! Well, I can gloat now on my victories while I have them, The West is insecure to Allied Invasion, but there still is No USA though the East is All Axis, but when the Siberians come the tide shall turn and #s will favor the Allies... Axis will surely have their work cut out for them to survive another year! We put our faith in a WonderWeapons and Leadership to drag us through the Mud and Ices of the steppe, we shall prevail [ April 13, 2007, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]
  20. Alright Taojah, You have been caught up in my famous Egyptian Defense... So far I think that Germany has lost the game morally and literally in Egypt and I do not think their will be a recovery, am I right? Al Alemein has held pretty much in a historical sense, however no senseless British offensives have been necessary. With that Fortress and the 3 entrenchment rule it makes it impossible for a Land Invasion without Massive air to take it out! I have absorbed 4 or 5 land attacks, KO's most of the Italian Fleet and I notice Tao is fixated on getting his objective, much like I use to be with Egypt like it's a timetable. With the Malta Effect he is getting really really dreadful supply so the only alternative here is Long Range Fighters or an alternate path in. Syria... possibly just forgoing the whole bloody affair... German forces can turn to Tunisia Algeria, and pocket those MPPs if a Egypt Invasion Fails, making their trip not a fruitless one then turn around and take Egypt when the Supply goes back up... Just naming some suggestions as one of my first games I had 0 supply for some time with the Malta effect, real fun! A little ahistorical.. Forgot to mention, with the cost in USSR and USA readiness is Egypt even worth it? It's not like Iraq has a full Supply Oil Field! Perhaps your energy would be better spent elsewhere!
  21. 1941 Late Summer On The Eastern Front, much action as reported by The Communist Herald, do not believe those Dogmatic Portraits of Victory!!! Valiant Fascists paint the Town of Leningrad with a beautiful Iron Cross, Von Bock makes a Summer home there. We intend to stay a long time And Von Mannerheim is kissing the Chancellor's boots for saving his butt! Now how to encircle these Reds if they got reinforcements comming from Vologda, I certianly do not hope that Communist Propaganda is portraying the truth.. It could spell a disaster for the Axis Liberators in those areas of Rightfully Finnish Territories! It is true, the Tirptiz, takes it's last breath, everyone mourn her and her great sacrifice, with crew of 1800.. LR British Bombers, those Communist Sympathizers!!! See USA, you shouldn't throw your lot in with them, kill helpless Axis sailors only attempting to prevent the circulation of Communist Propaganda throughout the Baltic!!! We move onward, Rest of the Front is quiet and yes like Ants these Reds are growing, an Army of Ants that wish to pick our pride... Stealing the Faithful Fascists in Iraq! What GodFearing Nation is this? The Highly Elite, though few, Wehrmacht is an unstoppable force, it shall parade in the streets of Moscow, Stalingrad and onward into the hinterland.. heh! They need better tractors anyways to get around this bloody huge mess of a country Backward Soviets! P.S. It is true, what Terif says, what you've no iniative, do not attack! In SC1 the Land Techs and size of the map made it a bit of a different affair. You have really re-evaluate your strategy if you don't get IW, Heavy Tanks, Advanced Fighters...etc... Even ASW vs Advanced Sub... Very tough cat and mouse game, you can't headbutt like you use to in SC1, it was rare to see AntiTank 5 in that game but IW3 is standard by '41... I do disagree though, Germany and Britian MUST HAVE Tech, heck with the goodies, fundamentally
  22. Terif's talk is of course factual, Fundemantals are why the Axis are now falling behind. Never post your Airfleets adjacent to a coastal hex whithout adaquete reason! Never leave Denmark when the French Fleet is still alive and likely in adjacent waters! Never assualt a Capitol with just an Army and Corps and nothing else really as entrenchment 6 is impossible to undo without a very high attack bonus! All these factors combined with the rather suicidal aspect of my Navy and Lands Units aside... The British have had to pay a lot and USA readiness didn't rise much. Leningrad has fallen into Axis hands and Moscow probably will too... So I'm not argueing... There is also about 4 Red Armies and a Tank along with HQ in danger of being cut off and destroyed beyond supply!!! Right now as we speak, so never throw the towel in Girls and Boys until you at least try to suckout the other guy... "Poker Terminology there!" Anyone who says luck isn't a factor, I have played on a 1-10 scale of what I'm capable a 6 1/2... and Motors 2, IW3, AT3 makes a lot possible and on top of it A Workable Spain!
  23. actually from what I heard you're wrong... In WW1 when the Hood was designed our understanding of physics didn't take into account precisely how a salvo might land on a BattleShip.. I believe it has something to do with the gravity and the Deck Armor itself, which was I believe highly inadaquete by WW2 standards, so when 1 salvo hit the Deck of the Hood, "Bam!" went right through it like butter... It really shouldn't have been in frontline surface, it should've been a support ship hunting U-Boats! You'd of course have to research this better than myself but had the Hood been properly armored it would have survived the battle I'm sure and not much to do with side armor... The bismark itself was way too high tech and it's AA guns couldn't keep up with the slowflying Swordfish, making them able to knockout it's rudder destroying it dead in the water. So I guess High Tech killed one and Low Tech killed the other. Oversights and blunders on both ends the opposing sides
  24. 1940 is a slow year Denmark is a hell of a place to take, all those German Paratroopers who converted to British are fighting against their own side, we manage to take it regardless... Traders, the Fuhrer has each one individualy executed! Meanwhile in North Africa, Il Duce decides to send near half a million men on a suicide mission against French West Africa along with his entire Fleet! All that achieves is the death of every Italian and a lot of British Wounded... However the Italian Navy fights bravely grinding up some UK Ships, it's a fruitless endeavor... At least the Italians fought bravely instead of surrended in Mass 1941 Brest is finally taken, it's an impossible feat, every angle possible is used to hurt the Luftwaffe attempting to help German Land Elements take forward positions in the city and port, the English are much more agile with their tactical moves... Barbarossa: Kicks off, Motors 2 and IW2 vs not as good, most Russian Frontline cities are fallen and Finland is being invaded by the Red Bear... Russians have fallen behind their rivers for sancturies...Cowards!!! So far the game is entertaining, Spain being in the game and some good tech make it interesting but the Axis side has blundered extensively.. Not sure I can manage to do much here, we'll see...
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