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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. For those of us who don't speak German, I found a free online translator. You can translate entire web pages, so it should work on Panzerliga. http://www.systransoft.com/
  2. Moon, can you lock this before it turns into another pissing match. Comrade Trapp
  3. **Bump** Moon, could you make this a sticky thread by any chance? Comrade Trapp
  4. It's for all Battlefront games. Like I said though, it is a lot easier to find a opponent using ICQ.
  5. READ: FAQ/Strategy & Tips/Suggestions: NEW PLAYERS PLEASE READ Also, using ICQ instant messenger is a good way to find opponents for a game of SC: ICQ numbers of SC forum members. Comrade Trapp
  6. Jersey, your so silly. Those weren't B-52s you were refueling, those were B-17s . And remember, it wasn't the USAF, it was the USAAF.....
  7. Jersey, your so silly. Those weren't B-52s you were refueling, those were B-17s . And remember, it wasn't the USAF, it was the USAAF.....
  8. Silence, I don't remember giving you permission to speak. Never question my authority in front of the others again, you understand me?!? [ February 23, 2004, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  9. Silence, I don't remember giving you permission to speak. Never question my authority in front of the others again, you understand me?!? [ February 23, 2004, 02:52 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  10. Cheesehead (aka John Hammond) A few things: 1) My post was in no way directed at you personally. 2) The whole newbie thing was not the point of my post, I was explaining the facts that supported my conspiracy theory about SC 2. 3) There is nothing wrong with being a newbie, everyone is a newbie when they first start posting here (I was one Dec 2002). Contrary to what Jersey said, I consider anyone who hasn't been here for more then a month a newbie and even then only after they become a full member (ie not a "Junior Member") do I no longer consider them a newbie. For example, take a look at Curry, one of our fellow members. Not only have I been here 8 months longer then him, but I have over twice as many posts as well. Does that mean I am "higher up" then him or that I am in some way better then him? No, it means nothing, I show him as much respect as I would show someone like JerseyJohn who has been here 3 months longer then me and who has a hell of a lot more posts then I do. It will be the same way with you. Now, some would say I am a bit hard on newbies, and they're probably right. But it comes from many years of experience from posting on this board and a few others like it (although this is my main one). There have been times when new members have come on here and immediately started disrespecting members who have been here for quite a long time, it is for that reason and others like it, that I am less tolerant of newbies then I would be of others. Is it fair? Probably not, but its life, everybody has to deal with being a newbie when they first starting posting here or on any forum for that matter. I don't disrespect anyone for being a newbie, but I am less tolerant. If you think I'm disrespectful to all newbies regardless of how well they behave, just ask Jim Boggs, he'll tell you I have a good side . Comrade Trapp
  11. Cheesehead (aka John Hammond) A few things: 1) My post was in no way directed at you personally. 2) The whole newbie thing was not the point of my post, I was explaining the facts that supported my conspiracy theory about SC 2. 3) There is nothing wrong with being a newbie, everyone is a newbie when they first start posting here (I was one Dec 2002). Contrary to what Jersey said, I consider anyone who hasn't been here for more then a month a newbie and even then only after they become a full member (ie not a "Junior Member") do I no longer consider them a newbie. For example, take a look at Curry, one of our fellow members. Not only have I been here 8 months longer then him, but I have over twice as many posts as well. Does that mean I am "higher up" then him or that I am in some way better then him? No, it means nothing, I show him as much respect as I would show someone like JerseyJohn who has been here 3 months longer then me and who has a hell of a lot more posts then I do. It will be the same way with you. Now, some would say I am a bit hard on newbies, and they're probably right. But it comes from many years of experience from posting on this board and a few others like it (although this is my main one). There have been times when new members have come on here and immediately started disrespecting members who have been here for quite a long time, it is for that reason and others like it, that I am less tolerant of newbies then I would be of others. Is it fair? Probably not, but its life, everybody has to deal with being a newbie when they first starting posting here or on any forum for that matter. I don't disrespect anyone for being a newbie, but I am less tolerant. If you think I'm disrespectful to all newbies regardless of how well they behave, just ask Jim Boggs, he'll tell you I have a good side . Comrade Trapp
  12. Less then a week ago it was at 0 in Strategic Command Beta Forum .
  13. Packaging what? That little bastard sent you beer didn't he. What about me, I would be old enough to drink if I lived in Belgium. But no..... I have to be stuck in the United States. I'm old enough to go off to war to die in some Middle East hell hole but I'm not old enough to drink. There is something seriously wrong with that. :mad:
  14. Packaging what? That little bastard sent you beer didn't he. What about me, I would be old enough to drink if I lived in Belgium. But no..... I have to be stuck in the United States. I'm old enough to go off to war to die in some Middle East hell hole but I'm not old enough to drink. There is something seriously wrong with that. :mad:
  15. Traitor! You wouldn't say that unless..... you were really Moon in disguise, thats it! I always knew there was somthing not right about you SeaMonkey, but now I know for sure, your one of them. [ February 20, 2004, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. Traitor! You wouldn't say that unless..... you were really Moon in disguise, thats it! I always knew there was somthing not right about you SeaMonkey, but now I know for sure, your one of them. [ February 20, 2004, 05:51 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. It's taken awhile, but it's all becoming very clear to me now. I ask my fellow forum members (only the ones who have been here for awhile) to look around you on the forum, what do you see that wasn't there before? For those of you who are more slow then others, I'll point it out for you. Newbies, their all over the place. I mean ya, every so often we would get 1 or 2 of them, but nothing like this. Just look at the 15 latest threads, at least half of them were started by junior members (aka newbs). Now this got me thinking, I think the reason why we don't see any information on SC 2 (no release date, ect) is because they are waiting for all these poor bastards to finish up buying SC 1 and then, after sales go back down, they will release SC 2. Battlefront knows that if they started giving hints about the release of SC 2, that potential SC 1 buyers would just wait until SC 2 was released. But if they just sit back and say nothing, no buyer will think to wait until SC 2 is out and will buy SC 1. Only to find SC 2 released shortly after, and since everyone else would be playing SC 2, they would have no choice but to go out and buy SC 2 as well. So Battlefront profits from 2 purchases (1 completely unnecessary) from the same buyer. No wonder all we get from Hubert is " ". Of course he's happy, all he's doing is sitting back and letting the money flow in from SC 1. Meanwhile, SC 2 has probably been completed for over 4 months now. I always knew Hubert was greedy bastard, always acting all nice, but I knew......... Comrade Trapp
  18. It's taken awhile, but it's all becoming very clear to me now. I ask my fellow forum members (only the ones who have been here for awhile) to look around you on the forum, what do you see that wasn't there before? For those of you who are more slow then others, I'll point it out for you. Newbies, their all over the place. I mean ya, every so often we would get 1 or 2 of them, but nothing like this. Just look at the 15 latest threads, at least half of them were started by junior members (aka newbs). Now this got me thinking, I think the reason why we don't see any information on SC 2 (no release date, ect) is because they are waiting for all these poor bastards to finish up buying SC 1 and then, after sales go back down, they will release SC 2. Battlefront knows that if they started giving hints about the release of SC 2, that potential SC 1 buyers would just wait until SC 2 was released. But if they just sit back and say nothing, no buyer will think to wait until SC 2 is out and will buy SC 1. Only to find SC 2 released shortly after, and since everyone else would be playing SC 2, they would have no choice but to go out and buy SC 2 as well. So Battlefront profits from 2 purchases (1 completely unnecessary) from the same buyer. No wonder all we get from Hubert is " ". Of course he's happy, all he's doing is sitting back and letting the money flow in from SC 1. Meanwhile, SC 2 has probably been completed for over 4 months now. I always knew Hubert was greedy bastard, always acting all nice, but I knew......... Comrade Trapp
  19. Alright, now we're getting somewhere. Ok, I leave for boot camp August 2nd. Will SC 2 be out by then? for "no". for "yes".
  20. Wow moon, thanks for the informative post, glad to know we only have to wait until "the time comes".
  21. Panzer, The Prinz Eugen actually survived 2 atomic bombs (1 airburst and 1 under water) only to sink as she was being towed out to deeper water. Pity really, would have made a great museum if it hadn't been hit by 2 nuclear bombs.
  22. Take the time to find that thread where you talked about it if your going to make the accusation. Otherwise it isn't fact, its a empty claim.
  23. It adds to the experience when you live in the area where it was filmed (south-western PA), especially when the newscaster in the movie is talking about the areas that are effected and you think: "damn, thats right down the road". Although I did have one problem with both movies, especially the newer version. Why did they make us look like rednecks with guns through the entire movie? Though it did hit the nail on the head with some of the people around here, I personally took offence to it. Not all Pennsylvanians are rednecks, we just believe in the right to bear arms.
  24. Ah, I know Hubert doesn't post often but he takes the time to let us know that he's still interested in that we have to say and lets us know constantly that his work on SC2 continues. And it hasn't been no 12 months since he last posted, 1 or 2 at the most, but not 12. Comrade Trapp
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