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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. I was just screwing around with Fall Weiss 1939 when what do I see? "Allies declare war on the Low Countries". Now like I said, I was just screwing around to kill some time. All Polish units were dead on turn 3 so I said "what the hell" and declared war on the USSR before Poland surrendered. About 2 turns into my invasion of Russia, the Allies declare war on the Low Countries and invade. Has the Allied AI ever done this to anyone else? Comrade Trapp
  2. Jersey, saw this and thought of you. ........ Chair-Force.com Not trying to bashing the airforce here, I'm sure theres alot of this in the other branches as well. Comrade Trapp
  3. Themasterofall (aka mindeater?) Personally, I think your a ****ing idiot, nuff said. Comrade Trapp
  4. That little bastard made me miss the last part of "Law & Order", ban him Moon! :mad:
  5. mindeater [ December 17, 2003, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  6. Comrade Trapp signs up to beat your punk ass down.
  7. civilwarsearchcom You don't have to worry about playing all day, the demo ends soon after the Fall of France (I forget the exact date). Also, if you do end up buying the game (something I highly recommend), you will soon learn that you haven't really played SC until you've played against a human player. After you've played the AI a few times, it starts to get predictable and really is only good for practice once you start playing other people. Hope you buy the game so I can play you sometime. Comrade Trapp
  8. Themasterofall is probably just some 13 year old troll who gets off to starting fights on the internet, it's best if everyone just ignores the little bastard. Comrade Trapp
  9. Jersey I never said anything against you for aceppting Les's offer for you to become a moderator at his site so why bring it up. I responded to your e-mail, don't bother replying. I have already stated here and in the e-mail that I just want to drop the whole thing. So please, quit trying to argue I have nothing to be disappointed over, we not going to agree on it so there is nothing to talk about. Comrade Trapp
  10. So was SCHQ, but like I said, I'm not turning this into a pissing contest, whats done is done. I'm done talking about it. Edited to add: I never wanted it to be considered my site and you know that. Comrade Trapp [ December 09, 2003, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  11. No need, I'm stopping work on SCHQ and having it deleted. The whole point for it was so we could not only talk about SC and other wargames, but where we could also have off-topic discussions, a board that would be run by it's members. That seems to be the goal of your board as well and I see no point in turing this into a pissing contest, therefore SCHQ will be deleted. All I'm going to say is that I'm disappointed in this whole thing, and thats an understatement. Comrade Trapp
  12. Not the point, theres no thunder to steal. The point is that I put over 24 hours of work into just finding the hosting service (wasn't easy to do), not to mention the 4 more days it took in planning and setting up the board. Also, all the time Jersey, Shaka, and myself put into it when we were still getting the hang of moderating it. Thats the point, it has nothing to do with control. Comrade Trapp
  13. I wish you would have checked with me Les, I have been putting a lot of hard work into SCHQ over the last week and a half. Not to mention all the work that went into it before that. To tell you the truth, I'm kinda pissed about this, but whatever. Comrade Trapp
  14. My god, this thread made it to two pages? You guys need to get a life.
  15. Evermind, Les came through for me, I don't need you anymore. Go back to whatever it is you do. Comrade Trapp
  16. Jersey Since you seem to have a lot of time on your hands, I am going to challenge you to a TCP/IP game (really it's because it's nearly impossible to find a game of SC in the opponent finder forum these days). I find it hard to believe that you have no free time on your hands. Come on Jersey, in the year that I've known you I have never played you in a standerd game of SC. Do it for me......... See you at 1:30pm forum time? Comrade Trapp [ December 08, 2003, 12:03 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  17. I have to agree with Blashy and SeaMonkey, this is getting pretty ridiculous. All 10 of these so called "Superbout (Best of 5)" games ended before France fell, give me a break, there is no excuse for it. People a lot less experienced then you guys have gotten past the Fall of France in the same situations or worse. And please, don't create another thread about how the gameplay sucks because the dice rolls went against you or because things don't go exactly the way you want them to go. I thought it was a good thing for a game to be unpredictable. And "***** surrenders, lack of interest in SC" is a ****ty excuse too, at least have the backbone to admit you got your ass kicked. Many people (including me) are beginning to question your "legend" status. Either get your **** together or retire. And please, no more threads trashing the game, they don't solve anything. Comrade Trapp
  18. Les Speaking of impatient, I'm getting impatient looking for a game of SC, how 'bout we start one. Comrade Trapp
  19. I can't believe I have to go through all of this to get a game (I have been looking for one for the past week). Leave a message on my thread in the opponent finder forum if you can play. Comrade Trapp
  20. You HAD to add that little detail in there, didn't you. You think that becuase you can speak "university grade level english" and I can only speak lousy "public high school level english" makes you better then me?
  21. I'm working on it, it took me about 3 days of constent working (some sleep in between) to get SCHQ up and running the first time. I haven't had the kind of time available that it takes to restore all of the settings to where they were. I will hopefully will find time later this week or the latest this weekend. I don't really consider this a disaster, it more like a new beginning. Now that we know what to expect and how to run it, I think we will be a lot better off. Comrade Trapp
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