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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. "Over there, over there, Send the word, send the word over there-- That the Yanks are coming, The Yanks are coming, The drums rum-tumming Ev'rywhere. So prepare, say a pray'r, Send the word, send the word to beware. We'll be over, we're coming over, And we won't come back till it's over Over there." Now thats more like it.
  2. Its alright Zapp, I still like you, and thats all that matters.
  3. **Update** See new E-mail and ICQ in sig.
  4. rgr that Captian, Comrade Trapp is ready to serve.
  5. Come on Moon, think of it as publicity for SC. It would raise morale on the forum to an unbelievable all time high.
  6. Yes, I've won plenty of games vs real people, just have never managed to beat you. That will soon change however, I assure you....
  7. 9. I normally don't care for the top player AARs, they are usually not as detailed as some of the others I've read. From what I've seen, its usually the average players that make the best AARs, a lot higher quality. For example, Kurt and Bill101 have a great one going over at Firebase Bastogne, very detailed and entertaining. However, I wouldn't mind seeing a match between Kuniworth and Moon.
  8. I think this fourm will continue to be very active for quite some time yet. SCII isn't going to be released until late 2004. Score? Can you elaborate?
  9. From looking at the editor screenshots, I think its definitly possible. Can't wait to try it.
  10. You know, pretty much all of the features mentioned on that website are things the SC community has suggested at one point or another since we started discussing the possibility of SCII over a year ago. I think Hubert has done a fantastic job at taking our thoughts into consideration and he has made that clear from day 1. In fact, I'll go as far as saying I think SCII is being created around what the fanbase wants. There are very few places (if any) where you see that. Comrade Trapp
  11. Platoon is so much better if we're talking about war movies in general.
  12. I nominate Edwin P. for the position of beta tester in addition of CVM and Bill. If you look at his posting history, you will quickly notice that he was the driving force behind suggestions for not only how to improve SCI, but also suggestions for SCII. He was the one that kept the topics alive by bringing up different aspects of the game and how they could be improved. I'm not saying he was the only one, but I know everyone here will agree that he was the main driving force that kept the discussions about SCII going. All I ask is that you consider him for the position by taking a look at his posting history. I'm certain that you will quickly realize that he has the potential of greatly improving SCII better then anyone else on this forum. Personally, I think he has earned it. Comrade Trapp
  13. Did you read the site at all? Ya, I agree, especially in France. But like the site says: "work in progress".
  14. **Welcome back Kuniworth!** Try not to piss off Battlefront before SCII even gets released..... Battlefront, thanks for lifting Kuni's ban, the fourm will be a better place with him. Comrade Trapp
  15. God, I love you Hubert. This combined with the diplomacy features should make the multiplayer games very interesting. Oh god, I can see the backstabbing already.
  16. Hubert This is truly a glorious day in Battlefront history, congratulations. So, when can we begin pre-ordering? Comrade Trapp
  17. And finally, we have peace. This is truly a momentous occasion........
  18. So, what do you say Terif? Personally, I think this is one hell of a step forward. Considering Zapp didn't try to make excuses for his actions, I think its a sincere apology. Why not do the same and put this all behind you guys. Besides, I'm kind of missing those Zapp vs Terif AARs....
  19. Personally, in the year and a half I've been on this forum and playing this game, I have never seen or heard of the Allies suing for peace. That would be a question to ask Hubert, but I doubt it's possible. Are you sure the game didn't just end in 1947 when its supposed to, with a Axis victory? No, the Soviets will never go Axis. What random means is that the USSR's war readiness will slowly increase until they finally enter the war on the Allied side wether the Axis likes it or not. The more minors the Axis invade, the faster Soviet readiness increases (along with the US). Also, you have to keep the German-Soviet border garrisoned with a certain number of troops as time progresses, or Soviet war readiness will increase something like 10% per turn (I could be wrong on the percentage). The more you play the game, the more you'll eventually understand what triggers Soviet war readiness to increase.
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