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Comrade Trapp

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Everything posted by Comrade Trapp

  1. Turn 1 Axis: September 3, 1939 Germany invades Poland. Great Britain and France demand an immediate withdraw of German troops, but this is ignored by Hitler. At 11:00, September 3rd, 1939, Great Britain and France declare war on Germany. Listen to British Prime Minister Chamberlain's Speech. German forces blitz through the Polish frontier and capture Warsaw. The Polish Air Force intercepts Luftwaffe fighter planes over Poland, but is soon devastated by ground forces entering Warsaw. All other Polish units, while shocked by the mobility of the German troops, stand their ground along the Polish frontier. Despite both Luftwaffe airfleets being committed to combat operations in the east, enemy troops are spotted moving west towards the German-LC border. Meanwhile, Germany shocks the world by declaring war on a unsuspecting Denmark. Two CAs of the German Kriegsmarine begin to bombard Copenhagen (defending corps reduced to 7) while German troops enter Denmark by land. In France, the Luftwaffe launches an air attack on the French mine. The French Air Force intercepts, inflicting damage on the enemy while only taking one point of damage in return. Despite this, the French mine is damaged in the attack (4 mpps lost). In the North Atlantic, German U-boats attack unsuspecting merchant ships traveling between Canada and England, compelling Canada to enter the war at the end of the turn.
  2. **Strategic Command Ryder Cup 2004** Comrade Trapp (Allies), representing the United States / North American Coalition. dev0 (Axis), representing the European Union. The Bid: 100 mpps (1:5:20) (UK:US:USSR) This will be a one man AAR since dev0 doesn't want to type all of this in English. So instead, I will be making the AAR at Battlefront and he will be making an AAR at Panzerliga . This match will be played via TCP/IP. [ April 27, 2004, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  3. Never show weakness in front of the enemy again! If you can't handle the pressure of serving your country, kill yourself and we'll have a competent player take your place.
  4. Comrade Trapp's official predictions 1. Zappsweden(euro) vs. Rambo(NA) TCP/IP Our fearless leader will score a quick win over the Euro leader, thus beginning a long and tedious defeat for the Euro dogs. Prediction: Rambo Wins. 2. Dragonheart(euro) vs. Avatar(NA) TCP/IP Dragonheart is getting into the habit of talking smack, Avatar will quickly fix that. Prediction: Avatar Wins. 3. Kuniworth(euro) vs. Liam(NA) TCP/IP This may be a tough one, Kuniworth is a veteran player, but then again so is Liam. But I’m not worried, Liam will pull though. Prediction: Liam Wins. 4. Dev0(euro) vs. Comrade Trapp(NA) TCP/IP I don’t think I have to say anything about this one, it will be a rout. Prediction: Comrade Trapp Wins. 5. Sombra(euro) vs. Some_god(NA) TCP/IP New blood against a long time member of the SC forum. Some_god isn’t quite a veteran player yet, but he definitely isn’t a newbie. Prediction: Some_god Wins. 6. Archibald(euro) vs. JerseyJohn PBEM Now this one is gonna be a good game, two veterans players going up against each other. Archibald is a sneaky little bastard, but in the end, Jersey will be victorious.Prediction: JerseyJohn Wins. 7. Wehrmacht(euro) vs. Errantrecce(NA) PBEM Errantrecce is sure to win a quick victory here. Prediction: Errantrecce Wins. 8. Rannug(euro) vs. CraigRS(NA) PBEM This one may turn to be a problem, a newbie (CraigRS) against a long time member (Rannug). But I have faith, Craig won’t let us down. Prediction: CraigRS Wins. 9. Kossuth(euro) vs. Panzer39(NA) PBEM The same as the last prediction, although this time in our favor. Panzer knows his way around SC; he will win with his knowledge of the game. Prediction: Panzer39 Wins. Overall Prediction: The North American Coalition will rout the Euro dogs in a shut out victory. [ April 26, 2004, 01:39 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  5. Archibald What is your sig line from? I want to say its from the movie "Apocalypse Now", but I don't know why.
  6. A little something for you Euros. [ April 25, 2004, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  7. Just responding to his "predictions", in all fairness, those predictions should have been posted here and not on the official thread. But your right, I will not post there again. This rule applies to both sides though.
  8. North American Coalition thus far: Team USA Rambo (Cap.) (TCP/IP) Comrade Trapp (TCP/IP) JerseyJohn (PBEM) Some_God (TCP/IP) Panzer39 (TCP/IP or PBEM) CraigRS (TCP/IP or PBEM) Liam (TCP/IP) (Still need to confirm) Canada Avatar (TCP/IP) ErrantRecce1 (TCP/IP)
  9. Any updates on when the Ryder Cup is going to start?
  10. Where did that come from....... You were watching TV with Marion again, weren't you. This is never good, history has shown that bad things happen when you watch TV with Marion, nothing good ever comes from it. [ April 24, 2004, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  11. Crushing the British at Dunkirk would have been the easiest was I believe.
  12. Vichy France was one of France's conditions for a armistice. I'm willing to bet that if Germany turned down that condition, France would've fought on. However, you are right about the condition of the French military on continental France by that point, Southern France was pretty much overrun or about to be overrun by time the armistice was signed. But if France had fought on, the Allies would still had control of ALL of the French colonies and the remainder of the French military (which was still a lot). Another reason and probably one of the main reason Hitler stopped where he did was because he still had Great Britain to worry about. It would be hard to fight the British when his military was still cleaning up in Southern France. He wanted to get in gear to attack the British from the air as soon as possible and fighting in Southern France didn't fit into those plans.
  13. CraigRS You'll soon learn that playing the AI is nothing compared to playing a real person. They are two completely diffirent types of games. I suggest you get ICQ. Its free and really the only way to find opponent to play against without too much hassel. To get everyone's ICQ numbers and e-mail addresses, check out this thread.
  14. Are you US or Canada? Your more then welcome to join the team, just try to get some practice before the matches start. I would suggest playing a game against Rambo, he will tare you apart but you'll learn a lot in the process. ICQ is the best way of finding a online game.
  15. Welcome to the team. We need more of you Canucks on our team. Remember, only together can we defeat the Euro dogs of fascism. North American Coalition thus far: Team USA Rambo (Cap.) (TCP/IP) Comrade Trapp (TCP/IP) JerseyJohn (PBEM) Some_God (TCP/IP) Panzer39 (TCP/IP or PBEM) Liam (TCP/IP) CraigRS (TCP/IP or PBEM) Canada Avatar (TCP/IP) ErrantRecce1 (TCP/IP) Still recruiting for both Team USA and Canada [ April 23, 2004, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
  16. Sorry chief, we don't play those kinky sex games here, sick bastard......
  17. You would like us to give up without a fight, wouldn't you. This is going to be my last tourney before I leave and I intend on winning it. I'll remember your comments when your team begs for our forgiveness after you lose. Stupied Euro Dogs.......
  18. For some motivation : http://www.firstworldwar.com/audio/Nora%20Bayes%20-%20Over%20There.mp3
  19. Your country needs you! Enlist in Team USA today, only together can we defeat the Euro dogs. And for you Canuks....
  20. Don't even try it boy, I am Rambo's right hand man. Kuniworth's "History of the SC Forum" website. You had best square your ass away and start ******* me Tiffany cufflinks or I will definitely **** you up! [ April 18, 2004, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]
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