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J P Wagner

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Everything posted by J P Wagner

  1. Thanks for the info Bill, and perhaps it is simply an illusion based on limited screenshots, but I thought that I was seeing less area of the map due to the angle....
  2. Any chance in having a toggle option for a top down 2D display?
  3. As far as I know, population size has no bearing on gameplay...
  4. I'm sure this has been answered already but will there be an option for a top down view?
  5. By the way, what is the release date for: STRATEGIC COMMAND 3 - GLOBAL CONFLICT
  6. Rest assured, SC2 will not come to nothing... however, a megaload of new screenshots would certainly quell the fears of the doubters...
  7. Thanks for the clarification..as long as one can change the Attack, Defense, and Movement values, that will help....
  8. So Bill, if I wanted to have Armored Cars in the Russian Civil War, I could change #Army= Army to #ARMY= Armored Cars and adjust the values accordingly. The final touch would be to change the unit counters to show some type of Armor Car, though my skills in that area will probably have it look like a road kill squid. In the game then, there would be no Army groups just Corps, since I changed the slot. If research is in the scenario, then the unit might change from Armored Cars to Light Tanks to Armored Trains... Is this basically how it could be done?
  9. "Will oceans have different depths so subs cant dive so deep everywhere? That would make them more vunerable to asw. If not sc2 will be unrealistic. Patroling salty water should make subs more rusty and more prone to damage." Lest we forget, this was the first post which started all of this....simply amazing!
  10. Thanks Retributar, and you are right, it is a tough nut to translate the chaos and lack of organization of the White Army. Admiral Kolchak, for example, was basically setting up his own Dictatorship rather than work effectively with other White Armies, but when he did, they put a serious hurt on the Red Army, but they never maintained these cooperative maneuvers....the game, as I understand it, will only have a limited number of major and minor country slots available, so whether I can actually divide the White Army into different factions, or keep them under one banner, will depend on the availability of these slots. But your idea of breaking up the White Army is an interesting one that deserves consideration...
  11. Still planning on a Russian Civil War scenario: Major Sides: 1. Reds 2. Whites 2a. Germany Freikorps 2b. Allies...I will need to create a couple of provinces in Northern, Central, and Eastern Russia which will be occuppied by US, UK, French, Czech and Japanese forces. If I can have them frozen at the start and triggered enrty by various conditions (similar to USA, Russia war readiness in SC 1) then that will be better. 2c. Poland...also frozen but activated as a White ally if invaded by Reds or certain conditions met. 2d. Finland... frozen at start.. 2e. Ukrainians...frozen at start The Independent Cossack/Peasant forces which allied themselves to both sides will be treated as neutrals. I envision having these provinces act as minor nations, so that if the Reds invade, they will join the Whites. I will probably need to dump valuable resources into these neutral provinces (Imperial Gold reserves?) in order to entice both sides to covet them. Invasions will also be necessary just to reach objectives. Headquarter units will include: Lenin...low value Trotsky Yegorov Tukhachevski Wrangel Krasnov Deniken Kolchak Yudenitch Pilsudski Makhno von der Goltz Graves Ironside Armor for the Reds will consist of some low value but plentiful armored car units and some stronger armored trains. For the Whites and Allies, they will have some stronger armor but in smaller quantities along with some armored cars and trains...there will be some light air units as well, and will prove best for recon.... Overall, the biggest problem will be with play balance so I may need to inflate the Red forces a bit to compensate. Historically, had all of the White and Allies forces worked together, there was an excellent chance that the Bolsheviks would have been defeated. This however was never to be as each faction basically operated independently, with only a few cooridinated moves. For example, Poland not wanting to see an independent Ukraine thus preventing some cooperation between them. In the game, I think it will be difficult to simulate this aspect of the civil war so for gameplay purposes, I will need to have a stronger Red army in order to meet all of these threats.... Any suggestions are most welcome....
  12. If you just make a bigger SC2 map, wont you need to change the movement values of all the units as well since the original scale will be askew?
  13. I'm wondering how much of a pain, if at all, it will be to transfer a hex grid boardgame map to a tile based one. I am not trying to rekindle the hex v. tile debate here, but it would have been simple to do a direct copy of the hex grid board onto the map editor, one hex at a time. With the need to port a six sided hex, with all of the border, river, coast configurations that accompany it, to a four sided tile, well, I just do not know if this presents any problems or not. Bill?
  14. There are too many good games out there to worry or wonder about SC2 anymore....I'll buy it whenever it is ready....
  15. I know this has been mentioned many times before, but if Headquarter units could stack, that would reduce the clutter on the map...besides, it makes sense that some stacking ability should be included in the game, Headquarters, Rockets, and Air Units being the three primary candidates...
  16. Six or Seven months?....I don't know JJ, if SC2 comes out within that mystical "soon" period, you might shave a few months off that estimate...furthermore, if I coax you into multiple classical music threads, perhaps six or seven WEEKS would be more accurate!....
  17. Well, I'll be dammed!...I do not know how you found out, but I was indeed gay (aka happy) at 6:56 am when you edited and thus softened your post....let gayness (aka happiness) reign supreme!...
  18. Do Paratroops need an independent air unit for the drop, or is it similar to SC1 land units which auto-convert to transports during sea movement?
  19. I guess Tallinn could be edited into the game if it is not included....
  20. Yes indeed, and I understand that it has a turn based option if you do not want to go down the RTS road which apparanty is to be the preferred method of play....
  21. Are you at least to a point where an AAR could be provided?....any crumbs thrown our way will be pecked at to death!....
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