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J P Wagner

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Everything posted by J P Wagner

  1. So what is the verdict?...Is SC1 a complicated or uncomplicated program?....
  2. I always thought that a program had to also be installed in the registery for it to run, so that simply copying a folder to another HD would not work....I learned something new today.....
  3. The Criterion Collection have both Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible (Pts 1 & 2) available together in a set.... though the DVD set is not cheap, Prokoviev's music has never sounded better in these films, as previous editions sounded like the orchestra was enveloped in cray paper... I know we have veered a tad off topic, but I have been twiddling my thumbs around here, waiting for some more official news!....
  4. One of the things I like about HOI was that you can mod the music to suit your tastes...while there was no Nationality specific music, you could at least have your own playlists.... World at War has dedicated music for each playable nation which you can replace with your own mp3 files...that would be the ideal for SC2, though I would settle for the HOI playlist method if need be...... My playlists for these type of games gravitate towards soundtracks such as Patton, Is Paris Burning?, Battle of the Bulge, Longest Day, ect. and a little Wagner never hurts....
  5. Bill, thanks for that, and it raises the question I have had ever since the editor was first introduced...how do you create new coastlines, river confluences, and boundaries?....it seems that some type of freehand drawing capability is needed to create, let's say Japan, Continental USA, or a Russia that is larger in scale than the SC2 map... how to create newly defined coastal tiles, river configurations, and boundaries, for an original map is what is vague to me...
  6. Yes, new screenshots would indeed be good to see, perhaps in conjunction with how a turn or two plays out....even visual examples of the editor at work would be inticing....
  7. You are preaching to the choir Bill...the novelty of it will wear thin, but for some of us, it will never reach that point...Personally, I turned it off right after I took those few screen shots....but then again, there might be someone out there who really likes it and it may attract a new gamer or two....guess it's time to lock this puppy up!....hmmm....never had a thread I started locked before...
  8. Actually, it was Bill's recent passionate Forum plea against such fluff, that prompted this post.... Again, my apologies for going "biforumexual" on everyone! [ February 05, 2005, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]
  9. Bill...this game begs for frivilous combat animation eye candy!..... ..... . . . . . I apologize in advance as I could not resist.....
  10. I saw this posted in the General Forum some time ago....I almost went out and bought myself a Palm Pilot just so I could try this game out...a cooler head prevailed however once I realized that my use of a Palm Pilot would be limited to that!....
  11. Thanks Sea Monkey for sending me the scenario as I'm sure I'll enjoy it....by the way, my heart is with SC2 and that great editor too!..
  12. Where can I download the scenario from SM?
  13. It will be kind of tough to be a playtester for a boardgame when you are constantly forced to play with yourself!
  14. When the weather warms up a bit, I think I'll take a trip to THE COMPLETE STRATEGIST in Manhattan....It will be interesting to see what boardgames are being sold in a good old fashion brick and mortar store....it will be a nostalgic trip....
  15. I did not like HOI1 but am finding HOI2 a better experience....mind you, the continuous time gameplay is still not my thing, but I find the game more managable than in its' previous incarnation.... you can now assign naval and air missions, thereby reducing this tedious micromanagment...land attacks occur immediately at the border which quickens and eases combat resolutions, the research tree has been simplified as you now have 5 teams conducting research on a broader scope instead of the piecemeal design of HOI1....one of the best improvements is the inclusion of scenarios, which, along with the tutorials, are a good way to get into the game and learn the mechanics without the need for playing a Grand Campaign...I still will never truly enjoy the "RTS" like aspects of the game, but I play it at a slow rate and pause frequently, which helps....all in all I'm not sorry I purchased it like I was with HOI 1
  16. It's like building a house. Developing the Editor first took most of last year, and that established a very solid foundation to build on. Not just for SC2, but for players to create custom games as well! Over the past few months we have seen some alpha builds of the new game engine which progressively implement more features. So that's like putting up walls and the roof and such. There's enough in place now to walk through the house, so to speak, but things like electrical and plumbing systems still need to be installed. Then the drywall, ceilings, flooring, etc. Then the fixtures and paint and other details. It's coming along. I can't say exactly where we are in the process, or speculate how much longer it will be before we see a beta version. But I will mention we're far enough along that I was playing the 1939 campaign through France this past weekend. It's still a rough cut, but more or less playable. As for an AAR one of these days, we'll see. As soon as Hubert decides to cry 'Havoc' let slip the dogs of war... </font>
  17. Hentzau, the designer does downplay the AI and states that the game is better served as PBEM so he is basically in agreement with you but it's not bad game to have on your notebook and noddle with it while at work.. ... You are welcome JJ and have a Happy New Year!!
  18. I hijacked this link from the General Forum.... FIELD OF STRATEGY is an Operational/Grand Tactical game with Napoleonic and WWII scenarios...when I started up the Barbarossa scenario, the first thing I noticed, when I activated the grid icon on the tool bar, is that the game is tile based! Now we can fool around with a tile based game and see how some of the elements that we have been discussing work... while Field of Strategy will not have the same movement/combat system of SC2, there are some things that can be checked, such as a continuous front, encirclements ect...anyway, it's free, so I hope some of you give it a try and see if some opinions can be formed...oh, and there is an editor which I plan to use for working on my Russian Civil War map, just to get an idea how it will look before SC2 comes along.... Hey, this game also has a timer for players moves!...that will make some people very happy indeed.... http://tpgames.free.fr/FoS/index.html [ December 29, 2004, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: J P Wagner ]
  19. One of the aspects of Editor that I am still cloudy about concerns whether it is possible to implement the AI into these scenarios or whether they will be strictly PBEM play...for example, the AI will need to know what to do with all of the other countries, including newly created Japan and China, while you go about playing Germany, in a Global scenario...it seems like a daunting task to script these actions, if indeed it is possible to do this at all...I hope an extensive editor tutorial will be included for fuzzy brained people such as I...
  20. Happy Holidays to everyone...Uh, Slapaho...did you get your screen name from the NEW YORK CITY DATING HANDBOOK?....
  21. Geez Zap, what were you doing?...Having a flame war with yourself?....
  22. Hey JJ!...Happy Holidays in Central Jersey Land!..Have a Happy and Healthy New Year for you, your Family, your Friends, and even Les!....
  23. I hope everyone has a Happy and Safe Holiday Season!
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